Spanish presentation

SPANISH Expedition Prepared By: Bognadon, Karl Floyd Rosario, Alvin Kimo P.

Transcript of Spanish presentation

Page 1: Spanish presentation

SPANISH Expedition Prepared By: Bognadon, Karl Floyd Rosario, Alvin Kimo P.

Page 2: Spanish presentation

Gil Eannes

Diogo Cam



1433 AD

1482-1486 AD

Sailed South along West coast of Africa, past Cape Bojador

Explored mouth of Congo R. and explored part of coast of West Africa

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Bartolomeu Dias

Vasco da Gama



1488 AD

1497-1498 AD

Explored Algoa and Mossel bays in South Africa, observing and naming Cape of Storms, later renamed Cape of Good Hope

Sailed around Cape of Good Hope to Malindi on East coast of Africa, and then across Indian Ocean to Calicut, India

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Alonso de Ojeda

Vicente Yáñex Pinzón



1499-1500 AD

1499-1500 AD

Explored North coast of South America

Sailed from Spain, touched coast of Brazil not far from Recife, visited mouth of Amazon R., and then proceeded North as far as Guiana.

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Pedro Álvares Cabral

Gaspar Corte-Real



1500 AD

1501 AD

Touched coast of Brazil and rounded Cape of Good Hope

Explored North East coast of New France and Newfoundland

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Rodrigo de Bastidas

Juan Ponce de León



1501 AD

1513 AD

Explored Central America.

Explored and named Florida

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Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Ferdinand Magellan



1513 AD

1519-1521 AD

Explored Isthmus of Panama and named Pacific


Explored estuary of Río de la Plata, sailed South,

proceeding through strait which bears

his name, and traversed Pacific

Ocean to Philippine Islands, where he

was killed. He was first person to sail

W around the globe to a longitude

previously reached on an East voyage

Page 8: Spanish presentation

Juan Sebastián del Cano

Spain 1519-1522 AD A commander in Magellan's expedition. After Magellan's death, del Cano, in command of Victoria, the expedition's sole surviving ship, returned to Spain by way of Moluccas and Cape of Good Hope, thus being first to circumnavigate the globe

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Hernán Cortés

Francisco Pizarro



1519-1536 AD

1523-1535 AD

Explored East coasts of Mexico and Yucatán, conquered Mexico, and explored Baja California

Explored West coast of South America and conquered Peru

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Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca

Hernando de Soto



1527-1542 AD

1539-1542 AD

Explored South West region of what is now U.S. Headed an expedition to the Río de la Plata region, and then across South Brazil to Asunción, Paraguay

Explored what is now South East United States and part of lower Mississippi Valley

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Hernando de Alarcón

Francisco Vásquez de Coronado



1540 AD

1540-1542 AD

Explored the Colorado R

Traced Colorado R. northward, and sighted Grand Canyon; explored South California, New Mexico, N orth Arizona, North Texas, Oklahoma, and East Kansas

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Pedro de Valdivia

Francisco de Orellana



1540-1542 AD

1541-1542 AD

Explored Chile

Traced Amazon R., from its upper reaches in Andes to its outlet in the Atlantic Ocea

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Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo

Pedro Fernandes de Queirós



1542-1543 AD

1596-1606 AD

Explored West coast of Mexico and landed at Point Loma, Caliph

Explored Marquesas and Solomon Islands of Pacific Ocean

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Sebastián Vizcaíno

Spain 1596-1603 AD Explored West coast of Mexico between Acapulco and Baja California; sailed to San Diego and Monterey bays