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Transcript of SPANISH MARKET

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    Spain occupies an area of 500,000 square kilometers, is the third largest country in

    the European Union, the most characteristic feature of the country is the variety of

    geographical and cultural regions of coverage, which makes it difficult to describe

    the weather or customs, as they differ completely from one area to another. In

    general, Spain is a mountainous country with an average altitude of 600 meters

    and it has four seasons: the Atlantic, with cool winters, mild summers and

    abundant rainfall, the Mediterranean, with mild winters, dry summers and lowrainfall, and continental, with cold winters and dry summers.

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    Since this moment our purpose will be the most important exporter of Mango to

    Spain and position as a leading producer of this delicious fruit. Through this activity

    we hope to further promote successfully the name of our country and make known

    all over the world especially in Spain.

    Specifically we want to benefit and encourage the Spaniards to consume natural

    juices as it is scientifically proven that these reduce the risk of obesity, including

    heart attack, but also help create healthy habits to improve the quality of life.

    Through this study we intend to meet market expectations of the public from ourproduct, the habits of that country, customs, potential and current consumers of our

    product, what they like to take other important aspects to define a productive

    viability plan that allows us to know if a good or bad decision to export frozen

    mango pulp to Spain.To achieve this objective we will look at some statistics and

    references on the consumption of mango in the European Union, discussed the

    economy and the volume of imports of the said product to perform these countries.

    Analysis of the current situation

    Internal situation:

    Thinking of locating our production, packaging and packing near one of the most

    important crops of mango in Colombia and finally near the largest port of our

    country, we have decided to locate in the city of Cali, near the port of

    Buenaventura.Thanks to this decision, our plant of production has the capacity to

    produce enough frozen mango pulp in a week to supply the demand for a whole

    month from Spain. But obviously this ability is never completely over-used because

    as is well known that the Mango life cycle is relatively short handle and its

    maintenance after the harvest would be very sensitive to the very high costs forwhich the price of the product competitive and would be unworkable export.

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    16 %






    sin Oro



    Prendas de


    Is important to observe how he has behaved macro sector the agribusiness and

    the fruit has had on our country, thus to meet higher production capacity features

    of our national competitors.

    As we can see the agribusiness sector has the second largest percentage ofColombian exports to be exceeded only by the manufacturing sector, this analysis

    allows us to foresee that the government may be interested in progress and morelikely to invest a percentage of their spending improve public ports, airports andother infrastructure and technologies to create a better country's competitiveness inthis important sector, this is a very positive aspect revealed by our analysis of themarket.

    However, despite always having a positive mind cannot forget that the planet isgoing through at this moment one of the worst economic crises in the history of theproduct that mismanagement of bank loans (NINJA) and interest rates so thegovernment the United States, without going into this topic already so well known,we must say that although the country has managed to defend the crisis and has

    managed the best we are not an isolated country and the reduced purchasingpower of developed countries a of the sectors that is most affected is that ofimports in these countries, especially the import of luxury goods, this in turn meansthat in developing countries like Colombia the export sector by reducing demanddrops major countries, as in the case of Spain

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    Foreign sales of canned fruit in Colombia between 2005 and 2006 fell 7% (U.S. $ 1

    million) to U.S. $ 14.4 million in 2007; this decline was reversed, with a growth of $

    4.2 million, for a total of $ 18.6 million.

    2007 Main destinations:

    United States is the destination of 51% of the exports of dried fruits is

    the value negotiated in 2007, $ 9.6 million.

    Spain: Colombian fruit second buyer, the value exported in that

    country in 2007 was $ 1.9 million, i.e. 10% of foreign sales in Colombia.

    Although as we can see in the above chart one of the products have more

    involvement in the agribusiness macro sector are the dried fruit, the share of

    canned fruit or fresh fruit pulp, which is our product also has a significant impact as

    exports are concerned.

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    Another important aspect of the production of mango is that unlike many other

    products, this is a constant harvest and followed for 9 months and it is noteworthy

    that in the three months which can be a shortage of mango, one of they can be

    supported with the harvest in September and although in the months of Novemberand December will increase the price of mango, this increase is reasonable and

    since that time parties urged to consume other products handled by demand from

    the Spanish is not as pronounced.

    Despite this important advantage over other mango fruit mango production basedon regional varieties, with little grip area improved, resulting in the high seasonalityof production and the consequent difficulty of marketing. However developingcountries are the main supplier of mangos, which are not produced in the EU.

    The origins are diverse as the supply of mangos is seasonal, so when the demandfrom Spain is not enough to buy our crop can offer the product in the local market

    and even in neighboring countries.

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    Majormango producingareas

    Although most of the country mango crop is located in Barranquilla, we have

    chosen to crop quality due to its proximity to the major container port of

    Buenaventura and taking advantage of the Panama Canal important to gain more

    value by exporting our product from that port. Besides Cali mango harvest is the

    second most important part of the country.

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    External situation

    Economic environment

    El transporte de la fruta desde la cosecha hasta el puerto de embarque se requiere rpido y

    eficiente. A travs de la red de contenedores y una bien constituda cadena de fro este problema

    pasa a un segundo plano.

    Es recomendable bajar la temperatura de la fruta en un mximo de 24 horas despus de la

    cosecha. "Cualquier falla en estos tiempos, detona en un reclamo inmediato (...) un problema para

    gran parte de los productores del trpico es la falta de infraestructura que alarga estos tiempos y

    movimientos", destac el Ing. Leiva.

    2) Oxgeno: la velocidad de reaccin es mayor a medida que hay ms oxgeno, por lo que hay que

    bajar la cantidad del mismo. El nivel de oxgeno en atmsfera controlada y/o modificada es 2%

    como mnimo y 4,5% como mximo. Los nveles extremadamente bajos de oxgeno aumentan la

    pudricin de las coronas durante el almacenamiento.

    3) Etileno: este es un factor multiplicador. Al haber mayor etileno, hay mayor glucosa y por tanto

    una multiplicacin del proceso de maduracin incluso con cantidades minsculas. Para lograr una

    maduracin uniforme se requiere 0,2 mg/kg/da.

    4) CO2: la concentracin normal de CO2 es 0,3%, al no controlar el CO2, los estomas se pueden

    cerrar y suavizar lo que va en detrimento de la calidad de la fruta. Para este problema, la mejor

    solucin est en el empaque para proteger la fruta no slo del CO2 (ambiental) sino tambin del

    dao mecnico. El empaque puede ser un factor que "deteriore o mantenga la calidad", enfatiz el

    Ing. Leiva.

    En cuanto a empaques se propendera por la estandarizacin, pero se ha visto que ante frutas

    estndar, tan slo el empaque puede hacer las veces de factor diferenciador entre los productos.

    Eso si, se han de tener en cuenta en el empaque varios factores:

    - Reciclabilidad y biodegradabilidad

    - Variedad: la tendencia es hacer paquetes grandes para los mayoristas

    - Presentacin: la calidad de las impresiones llama la atencin del consumidor final.

    - Vida en estante

    - Trazabilidad que incluso debera llegar hasta el consumidor final

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    Como sugerencias de control a la maduracin, el Ing. Leiva explic una serie de procedimientos

    (ac slo enumeradas):

    - Plsticos

    - Permanganato de potasio para reaccionar al etileno

    - Purafil: permanganato de potasio en medio de silicato

    - Ceras: con la excepcin del banano donde todava no se ha usado comercialmente, por el

    problema de cierre de estomas y apariencia externa

    - Fitohormonas

    - Xtrafreshplus

    - Atmsfera modificada: cambia el O2

    - Atmsfera controlada: cambia el O2 y el CO2

    os concentrados y pulpa de frutas no ofrecen riesgos de

    transmisin de clera siempre y cuando el pH de estos pro-ductos sea menor de 4,5.

    Sanitizarlos camiones todos los

    das. Verificarelcorrectofuncionamiento del

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    sistema derefrigeracin.

    nichos de microorganismos, bacterias enareas deembasado

    Transporte mecnico degrmenespatgenos hastalos alimentos, lassuperficies decontacto conellos(contaminacinconheces, orina,pelos, etc.) y contaminacin delpersonal quelaboraenla planta

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