1 SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH GOLDEN AGE Foreign Languages Department Fall 2011 Professor: Dr. Germán De Patricio Meeting time: M 5:00-7:40 Room: LA 4118 Office hours: LA 4142 MWF 12:00-1:00pm E-mail: [email protected] PREREQUISITES: SPAN 301and 302 or equivalent. COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings. It is conducted in Spanish. This course will introduce students to the most important texts and authors in the history of Spanish literature. We will cover the most important authors of the Classical Spanish Literature: Cervantes, Quevedo, Lope de Vega, and Calderón. The objective of this course is to emphasize the relationship between the historical, political, ideological, social, and aesthetic contexts and the creation of literary expressions. Students will analyze a variety of literary genres from poetry, prose, essays, and theater. This course may be repeated only once without the prior permission of the Academic Standards Committee. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students are expected to achieve a panoramic view of the history of Spanish literature with particular emphasis placed on approaching a literary work with an understanding of the context in which it was created. Students will have actively contributed to class discussions and participated in class activities, synthesized and expressed their understandings of course material in exams, and applied critical reading, analytical, research and writing skills in different assignments. All of these activities will have served to improve students’ Spanish comprehension and expression, both orally and in writing. In this course you will expand your knowledge of Spanish culture and literature by reading Golden Age Spanish literature. Reading and analyzing these texts, you will achieve a deep understanding of Spanish cultural complexity and rich diversity. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to: read Spanish literature from Golden Age period; identify contributions made by Spanish literature and culture to the world; analyze poetry, narrative and drama using specific terminology; explain and interpret Spanish literature in relation to its context; justify interpretations integrating information from various sources (the text, the context, the author, previous texts, literary articles, specialized books…) ATTENDANCE POLICY: In order to meet these objectives it will be necessary for you to attend and actively participate in class discussions and activities. Students are responsible for making up all work missed during absences. Students may not make up graded work for unexcused absences. Excuses for absences must be submitted and appointments for make-up work made within 1 week of the time of return. Excused absences are the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or doctor’s note required); or a death in the immediate family. Each unexcused absence after the first two (2) will reduce the final grade number by 2 percentage points. EXPECTATIONS: Students should plan to spend at least half an hour a day reading and preparing for class. Due to the nature and the amount of readings students are advised to plan ahead and keep up with all readings and assignments following the course calendar. Students are expected to read carefully the texts before each class, to look up unknown vocabulary and to come prepared to discuss them. Participation in all in-class and Blackboard activities is essential. Students must be respectful and assist in the establishment and maintenance of a positive learning environment. Spanish is the language of instruction and students need to maintain its use. Students will make oral presentations and write essays in Spanish.

Transcript of SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish...

Page 1: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


SPAN 470


Foreign Languages Department Fall 2011

Professor: Dr. Germán De Patricio Meeting time: M 5:00-7:40 Room: LA 4118

Office hours: LA 4142 MWF 12:00-1:00pm E-mail: [email protected]

PREREQUISITES: SPAN 301and 302 or equivalent.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings. It is conducted in Spanish. This course will introduce students to the most important texts and authors in the history of Spanish literature. We will cover the most important authors of the Classical Spanish Literature: Cervantes, Quevedo, Lope de Vega, and Calderón. The objective of this course is to emphasize the relationship between the historical, political, ideological, social, and aesthetic contexts and the creation of literary expressions. Students will analyze a variety of literary genres from poetry, prose, essays, and theater. This course may be repeated only once without the prior permission of the Academic Standards Committee. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students are expected to achieve a panoramic view of the history of Spanish literature with particular emphasis placed on approaching a literary work with an understanding of the context in which it was created. Students will have actively contributed to class discussions and participated in class activities, synthesized and expressed their understandings of course material in exams, and applied critical reading, analytical, research and writing skills in different assignments. All of these activities will have served to improve students’ Spanish comprehension and expression, both orally and in writing. In this course you will expand your knowledge of Spanish culture and literature by reading Golden Age Spanish literature. Reading and analyzing these texts, you will achieve a deep understanding of Spanish cultural complexity and rich diversity. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

read Spanish literature from Golden Age period;

identify contributions made by Spanish literature and culture to the world;

analyze poetry, narrative and drama using specific terminology;

explain and interpret Spanish literature in relation to its context;

justify interpretations integrating information from various sources (the text, the context, the author, previous texts, literary articles, specialized books…)

ATTENDANCE POLICY: In order to meet these objectives it will be necessary for you to attend and actively participate in class discussions and activities. Students are responsible for making up all work missed during absences. Students may not make up graded work for unexcused absences. Excuses for absences must be submitted and appointments for make-up work made within 1 week of the time of return. Excused absences are the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or doctor’s note required); or a death in the immediate family.

Each unexcused absence after the first two (2) will reduce the final grade number by 2 percentage points.

EXPECTATIONS: Students should plan to spend at least half an hour a day reading and preparing for class. Due to the nature and the amount of readings students are advised to plan ahead and keep up with all readings and assignments following the course calendar. Students are expected to read carefully the texts before each class, to look up unknown vocabulary and to come prepared to discuss them. Participation in all in-class and Blackboard activities is essential. Students must be respectful and assist in the establishment and maintenance of a positive learning environment. Spanish is the language of instruction and students need to maintain its use. Students will make oral presentations and write essays in Spanish.

Page 2: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


BLACKBOARD: The course Blackboard site contains the syllabus with the course calendar and assignments, alternative readings, grading methods, reviews and discussions. You will be contributing your own work to the class via the Blackboard site using the discussion board (Forum) as well as communicating by e-mail with your classmates. Check this site daily for announcements, reviews or extra practice.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you need accommodation due to a disability you need to provide the professor with a statement from Disability Support Services authorizing your accommodations. Disability Support Services is located in the Administration Building, 7720 York Road, Room 232. Website: Phone: 410-704-2638.

EVALUATION: In order to get credit for your work you must turn it in by the due date. You must also take exams and give oral presentations on the scheduled dates in order to get credit for them. Be sure to check the syllabus and Blackboard for specific dates and instructions. Feel free to contact the professor ahead of time if you need any clarifications. A passing grade for a major in Spanish is a C (73-76) or better. As of fall 2004, the plus/minus grading system is mandatory in all classes.


94-100 A 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D+

90-93 A- 84-86 B 73-76 C 64-66 D

80-83 B- 70-72 C- 60-63 D-

0-59 F

CLASS PARTICIPATION: Will be evaluated daily in class according to the following criteria:

SUPERIOR (5) -Spoke exclusively in Spanish during whole class and group discussions -Contributed thoughtful ideas, initiated interesting debates, responded to classmates' and instructor’s questions. -Was listening attentively when others spoke -Showed respect and a positive attitude toward professor, peers and subject -Actively participated in all activities - Completed all the homework and came to class prepared

GOOD (4) -Spoke Spanish during whole group discussions, and rarely used English during small group activities - Contributed some ideas in whole class discussion, participation is sometimes limited to answering questions. -Was usually an active listener. Never interrupted. -Generally contributed actively to getting the task done in group work -Completed all the homework and came to class rather prepared.

AVERAGE (2) -Spoke mainly Spanish but used some English during small group activities. -In whole class discussion, sometimes did not answer instructor’s or peers’ questions

-Was frequently an active listener but sometimes didn’t listen while others talked. Never interrupted. -Contributed some work to getting the task done in group work -Completed all the homework. UNSATISFACTORY (1) -Used as much English as Spanish -Barely spoke during classroom discussions or group work -Didn’t contribute much to getting the task done in group

work -Passively participated in activities and discussions,

responding very minimally -Completed all the homework but was unprepared for

class. FAILURE (0) -Used more English than Spanish -Did not speak during classroom discussions or group work -Engaged in conversations in English during small group

work -Did not complete the homework. Unprepared for class. -Slept, read newspaper, talked about unrelated subjects -Did not bring materials required for class -Absent

HOMEWORK: Before you start reading the assigned texts, read the Preguntas de comprensión that your Professor will provide. They will help you focus on the important information while reading the text and will provide a good basis for discussion during class. Make sure that you have at least half an hour without distractions to read. Read everyday even if you get ahead in the syllabus because we will cover all the readings assigned. Complete all the questions that your Professor will provide -Preguntas de comprensión- because partial completion of the questions will result in no credit since it would imply you are not prepared for class discussions. Should any doubts arise while you are answering the questions, write them down together with what you think the answer can be and what makes you doubt in order to bring the question up in class for discussion. Always underline where you found your answer in the text to facilitate referring others during your explanations in class discussions. Not writing anything will be perceived as lack of preparation and no credit for that day’s homework will be received. You will need to turn in your questions each day of class.

Page 3: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


Looking up vocabulary: Read and understand the Preguntas de comprensión before you begin to read the actual text. They will serve as indicators of what you need to pay attention to in your reading. Then read the first whole page without stopping. If you do not understand what is happening and cannot answer the questions, underline unknown vocabulary and look it up. Then read the whole page again. Proceed this way with all the text. Looking up vocabulary as it comes up will slow you down, interrupt your reading process and difficult your understanding of the text. THE FINAL GRADE in this course will be determined from the following components: -Cultural activities -10% of Final Grade Each student will participate in two cultural activities. Your Professor will provide a list of them. -Participation -15 % -Literary Terms -15% There will be 3 quizzes on the list of literary terms (5% each). One on Theater, one on Narrative and one on Poetry. -Exams 60% For each author there will be a written exam (Cervantes 12% - Quevedo 12% - Lope 12% - Calderón 12%). Students will turn in a written essay of 3 pages (12%). This paper must approach a text that has not been analyzed in class, and your Professor must approve your choice before you start writing. It is required to follow this procedure. No papers will be accepted without the Professor’s approval beforehand.

ESSAY: Along the semester you will select any peninsular Spanish author that we have not studied this semester, then find a text by this author and write a three page essay with your analysis of that text. Also find at least 2 journal articles and 2 books about the text and the author. Then write you own original analysis: First briefly introduce the author, the literary period and the text. Then analyze the text explaining the main idea, include the literary devices used and how they support that idea. Finally, justify how well this text fits within the characteristics of its literary period and its socio-political and cultural context.

EXAMS: Will contain activities to match the authors with their texts and their literary periods, identification of short passages, short answer questions and two essay questions.

Please be aware of the fact that these rules are “flexible” and it may be necessary to modify them during the course of the semester.



The Academic Integrity Policy of Towson University is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student’s own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community (like plagiarism) which will result in failure of the assignment or the course, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. Students are expected to uphold the Academic Integrity Policy published on-line at:

By staying in this class students agree to uphold The Academic Integrity Policy of Towson University, acknowledge to have read and thoroughly understand this syllabus and accept accountability for compliance with it.


September 9 (Friday): Last day to drop a course with no grade posted to academic record.

November 9 (Wednesday): Last day to withdraw from a semester course with a grade of W and to change to pass/fail or audit.

Page 4: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.




5 sept Labor Day

12 sept Introducción Análisis de poesía y figuras estilísticas. Contexto del Siglo de Oro (Bb)

RENACIMIENTO Las novelas ejemplares de Cervantes The Golden Age (Bb)

19 sept Quiz1 El licenciado Vidriera, de Cervantes Rinconete y Cortadillo, de Cervantes Quiz1: Términos literarios (Narrativa)

Cervantes (Bb) Preguntas de comprensión (Bb) Términos literarios (Narrativa)

26 sept Examen 1 “El retablo de las maravillas” de Cervantes Examen 1

Preguntas de comprensión (Bb) Análisis del Retablo (Bb)


Conceptismo y culteranismo Quevedo y Góngora Soneto de Quevedo (Cerrar podrá mis ojos) Letrilla de Quevedo (Madre, yo al oro)

Quevedo (Bb) Términos literarios (Poesía) Artículo de J. H. Elliott (Bb) Preguntas de comprensión

10 oct Quiz2

Soneto de Quevedo (Miré los muros) Sueño del infierno, de Quevedo Quiz2: Términos literarios (Poesía)

Quevedo (Bb) Sueño del infierno (Bb) Artículo de H. Sieber (Bb) Preguntas de comprensión

17 oct Examen 2 Repaso Examen 2

24 oct Fuenteovejuna, de Lope de Vega Lope de Vega (Bb) Preguntas de comprensión

31 oct Quiz3 Fuenteovejuna, de Lope de Vega Quiz3: Términos literarios (Teatro)

Términos literarios (Teatro) Artículo de W. Blue (Bb) Intro de M. Wyszynski (Bb)

7 nov Examen 3 Repaso Examen 3

Traer el tema del ENSAYO FINAL Lope de vega –Preguntas de análisis

14 nov La vida es sueño, de Calderón Calderón (Bb)

21 nov La vida es sueño, de Calderón

28 nov Repaso

5 dic Ensayo Presentación oral del ensayo final

12 dic Presentación oral del ensayo final

19 dic Examen final Entrega del ensayo final

Page 5: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


SPAN 311


Spring 2011

Professor Germán De Patricio Meeting time: TR 2:00-3:15 Room: LI 311 Office hours: LA 4142, MW 2-3:30 and by appointment E-mail: [email protected]

PREREQUISITE: SPAN 301-302 or its equivalent.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 311, Culture and Civilization I, is dedicated to studying the value-system and way of life of Spaniards as embodied in their language, history, arts and customs. This class will be conducted only in Spanish.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: In this course you will expand your knowledge on the different cultures that have inhabited Spain and their various contributions to the current rich and diverse culture of Spain. By the semester’s end you will be able to:

identify current and past contributions made by the different cultures that have inhabited Spain

compare and contrast those contributions in the realms of culture, art, science, politics, etc.

relate content learnt to present situations both in Spain and in the United States

explain information about Spanish culture using specific terminology

justify ideas with facts and examples

recognize and explain current cultural diversity in Spain


Imágenes de España de Ramón Tamames y Sebastián Quesada. Ed. Edelsa.

Imágenes de España. Material de prácticas de Sebastián Quesada. Ed. Edelsa.

A good Spanish-Engish dictionary. When selecting a dictionary, look up the words “time” and “work.” A good dictionary will give situational contexts for the various entries. Avoid pocket dictionaries.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is obligatory for Spanish 311. In order for students to progress in their understanding and speaking of Spanish, they must be exposed to hearing and speaking it on a regular basis. In order to meet these objectives it will be necessary for you to attend and actively participate in class discussions and activities. Students may not make up graded work for unexcused absences. Excuses for absences must be submitted and appointments for make-up work made within 1 week of the time of return. Excused absences are the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or doctor’s note required); or a death in the immediate family. You are allowed two (2) free absences. Beyond that, for each additional absence, two percentage points will be deducted from your final grade. An excess of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, will result in a withdrawal from or failure in the course. Students are expected to arrive to class on time. If you are late to class, that counts as half an absence. EXPECTATIONS: This course will assume a hands-on approach in which students will be expected to prepare carefully before each class and come prepared to participate in all activities and, in the process, to be respectful to their peers and assist in the establishment and maintenance of a positive learning environment. Spanish is the language of instruction and students need to maintain its use. Students will make oral presentations; write essays and converse in Spanish. You will lose points for speaking in English during class. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you need accommodation due to a disability, please make an appointment to see me during the first two weeks of classes, and bring a statement from Disability Support Services (410-704-2638) authorizing your accommodation.

EVALUATION: In order to get credit for your work you must turn it in by the due date. Students who will not be in class due to

excused absences must complete their assignments. Feel free to contact your professor ahead of time if you need any clarifications. A passing grade is a C (73-76) or better. As of fall 2004, the plus/minus grading system is mandatory in all classes. The final grade in this course will be determined from the following components:


Exams (4 exams, 1 Final) 50%

Participation and homework 20% 94-100 A 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 60-69 D

Spanish films tests 20% 90-93 A- 84-86 B 70-76 C 00-60 F

Oral presentations 10% 80-83 B- Please be aware that the professor may need to change this syllabus during the course of the semester.

Page 6: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


Tests and final cumulative exam. There will be four (4) chapter tests and a final exam. There are no make-up exams. Department policy dictates that exams be rescheduled only if the student has an official university excuse (academic business, athletic team travel, religious holiday, death in family) and has made arrangements prior to the exam. Failure to attend the final exam results in an F for the course. Participation criteria Your participation will be evaluated daily in class according to the following criteria:

SUPERIOR (9-10) -Spoke exclusively in Spanish during whole class and group discussions -Often initiated interactions by responding to classmates' comments and instructor’s questions. -Was listening attentively when others spoke -Showed respect and a positive attitude toward professor, peers and subject -Actively participated in all activities - Completed all the homework and came to class well prepared GOOD (8-8.9) -Spoke Spanish during whole class and rarely used English during small group activities -In whole class discussion, participation is sometimes limited to answering instructor’s questions -Was usually an active listener and never interrupted. -Generally contributed actively to getting the task done in group work -Completed all the homework and came to class prepared. AVERAGE (7-7.9) -Spoke mainly Spanish but used some English during small group activities. -In whole class discussion, sometimes did not answer instructor’s questions

-Was frequently an active listener, only rarely didn’t listen while others talked. Never interrupted. -Contributed some work to getting the task done in group work -Completed all the homework and came to class rather prepared. UNSATISFACTORY (6-6.9) -Used as much English as Spanish -Barely spoke during classroom discussions or group work -Didn’t contribute much to getting the task done in group work -Passively participated in activities and discussions, responding very minimally -Completed all the homework but was unprepared for class. FAILURE (0) -Used more English than Spanish -Did not speak during classroom discussions or group work -Engaged in conversations in English during small group work -Did not complete the homework. Unprepared for class. -Slept, read newspaper, talked about unrelated subjects -Did not bring materials required for class -Absent

Page 7: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


HOMEWORK. A regular assignment will be vocabulary:

Vocabulary: Before we discuss each chapter in class, each student is responsible for scanning it and looking up unfamiliar words. Then you are expected to keep a list of words with their corresponding definitions in Spanish, a picture or a drawing of the meaning (avoid English completely). Vocabulary will be checked the day we read the text in class. After doing this you will be better prepared to discuss your ideas in class in an informed way. This vocabulary list will also help you prepare for exams, compositions and oral presentations.

Oral presentations. There are two kinds of oral presentations: 1. Daily short presentations. Each student will sign up on a list to give a five-minute presentation one day of his/her choice. It will take place at the beginning of the class that day, and it will deal with the topic covered that day in class. 2. Final oral presentation: a. Groups of 2 people. b. Tema: “Visita virtual por una región de España” c. Each group selects a Spanish region and each student selects 3 important places to visit (6 places total) d. Each group prepares ppt/pictures with 8 slides (4 per student). Each slide should have 1 or 2 images and bullets with words (no

sentences), or write on blackboard. Each student explains the importance of each place. Spanish Films Tests. Most days we will watch a short fragment of a film or TV show made in Spain, related to the historical period we are studying. Students will choose one of those films or tv-show episodes per exam, watch it alone or in a group, and fill a survey provided in Blackboard on their content and their cultural characteristics. The films or videos are either available at Cooks Library or provided by the professor. Tests are due the day of the exam, but the movies can be watched any time.

Behavior. Cell phones, beepers, ephones, laptops, etc.: Please turn them off before coming to class. No food in class; however, you may have water, coffee, soda, etc. You can email me at whatever time you like, but if you contact me after 6pm or during weekends I cannot guarantee that I will be able to respond before class.

Your responsibility: For each credit hour, it is expected that you spend an average of 2 hours at home on homework and class preparation. You are expected to come to class having prepared the material on the syllabus for that day and ready to participate actively in class. Class will be conducted only in Spanish. It is your responsibility to let your instructor know if you do not understand and to consult him during office hours with any questions or concerns.


Fecha Para estudiar Tarea Cine/TV

1 de febrero Introducción al curso

Capítulo I (p. 6-9) Tierras y gentes

3 de febrero Capítulo I (p. 9-13) Tierras y gentes Vocabulario, Material de prácticas p. 6-7 “Mar adentro”

8 de febrero Capítulo II Marco jurídico-constitucional Vocabulario, Material p. 12-13 “Hable con ella”

Last day to drop course with no grade posted to academic record / Last day to add a course

10 de febrero Capítulo III Cultura contemporánea Vocabulario, M. p. 18-19 “La pelota vasca”

15 de febrero Repaso M. p. 8-9, 14-15, 20-21

17 de febrero Examen 1 Test de cine 1

22 de febrero Capítulo IV Orígenes a Edad Media Vocabulario, M. 24-25 “Hispania: la leyenda” TV-episodio 1

24 de febrero Capítulo V Siglos VIII-XV Vocabulario, M. 30-31 “El Cid” (dibujos animados)

1 de marzo Capítulo VI Reyes Católicos Vocabulario, M. 36-37 “Juana la loca”/”Mad love”

3 de marzo Repaso M. 26-27, 32-33, 38-39

8 de marzo Examen 2 Test de cine 2

10 de marzo Capítulo VII Siglo XVI-Renacimiento Vocab, 42-43 “La Celestina”

Page 8: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


15 de marzo Capítulo VIII Siglo XVII-Barroco Vocab, 48-49 “Alatriste”

17 de marzo Capítulo IX SIglo XVIII-La Ilustración Vocab, 54-55 “Goya en Bordeaux”

22 de marzo VACACIONES

24 de marzo VACACIONES

29 de marzo Repaso M. 44-45, 50-51, 56-57

31 de marzo Examen 3 Test de cine 3

5 de abril Capítulo X Siglo XIX-Romanticismo Vocab, M. 60-61 “La Regenta” TV-episodio 1

7 de abril Capítulo XI 1874-1931 Restauración Vocab, M. 66-67 “Fortunata y Jacinta” TV-episodio 1

(NOTA: 11 de abril. Last day to withdraw from a semester course with a grade of “W.)



19 de abril Capítulo XII 1931-1975 Guerra Civil Vocab, M.72-73

21 de abril Guerra Civil y Dictadura M. 74-75, videos en Blackboard “La lengua de las mariposas”

26 de abril Capítulo XIII La transición democrática Vocab, M. 78-79 “Historias del Kronen”

28 de abril Repaso M. 62-63, 68-69, esquema de Blackboard “Lucía y el sexo”

3 de mayo Examen 4 Test de cine 4

5 de mayo Presentación oral: Viaje virtual por una Comunidad Autónoma 1

10 de mayo Presentación oral: Viaje virtual por una Comunidad Autónoma 2

12 de mayo Repaso general

17 de mayo Repaso general

EXAMEN FINAL: 23 de mayo 12:30-2:30 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: The Academic Integrity Policy of Towson University is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student’s own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community (like plagiarism) which will result in failure of the assignment or the course, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. Students are expected to uphold the Academic Integrity Policy published on the Towson University Catalog.

By staying in this class students agree to uphold The Academic Integrity Policy of Towson University, acknowledge to have read and thoroughly understand this syllabus and accept accountability for compliance with it.

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Department of Foreign Languages

Professor Germán De Patricio Meeting time: TR 12:30-1:45/3:30-4:45 Room: LI 311

Office hours: LA 4142, MW 2-3:30 and by appointment E-mail: [email protected]

COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 202, Intermediate Spanish II, is dedicated to reviewing grammar, practicing pronunciation,

conversation and composition, as well as to reading cultural texts accompanied by oral and written exercises in language lab. This class is conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or equivalent. GenEd II.C.3


Identidades de Liskin-Gasparro, Lapuerta, Guzman y Castells. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2nd Edition. 2009.

Manual de Actividades de Liskin-Gasparro, Lapuerta, Guzman y Castells. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2nd Edition. 2009.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course emphasizes communication, reading and culture while it provides a review of the

Spanish grammar covered in the first two semesters. Students will improve their vocabulary and review grammar principles by means of a communicative method. Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to do the following:

Initiate, sustain and close general conversations by creating language combining the vocabulary and structures learned.

Understand utterances consisting on recombination of learned vocabulary and structures.

Read and understand texts dealing with culture, history and customs of the Spanish speaking peoples.

Take notes in some detail, narrate past events using paragraphs and recombining the elements learned in class. Express opinions, wishes and recommendations.

Identify contributions made by Hispanics and relate Spanish cultural events in the community.

Compare and contrast the cultures, histories and customs of Spanish speaking countries.

Recognize the cultural diversity of Spanish speaking peoples.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is obligatory for Spanish 202. In order for students to progress in their understanding and

speaking of Spanish, they must be exposed to hearing and speaking it on a regular basis. In order to meet these objectives it will be necessary for you to attend and actively participate in class discussions and activities. Students may not make up graded work for unexcused absences. Excuses for absences must be submitted and appointments for make-up work made within 1 week of the time of return. Excused absences are the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or doctor’s note required); or a death in the immediate family. No exceptions. You are allowed two (2) free absences. Beyond that, for each additional absence, two percentage points will be deducted from your final grade. An excess of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, will result in a withdrawal from or failure in the course. Students are expected to arrive to class on time. If you are late to class, that counts as half an absence.

EXPECTATIONS: This course will assume a hands-on approach in which students will be expected to prepare carefully before

each class and come prepared to participate in all activities and, in the process, to be respectful to their peers and assist in the establishment and maintenance of a positive learning environment. Spanish is the language of instruction and students need to maintain its use. Students will make oral presentations; write essays and converse in Spanish. You will lose points for speaking in English during class. Reiteration in speaking English during class will lower your participation grade to zero (0).

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you need accommodation due to a disability, please make an appointment to see me

during the first two weeks of classes, and bring a statement from Disability Support Services (410-704-2638) authorizing your accommodation.

EVALUATION: In order to get credit for your work you must turn it in by the due date. Students who will not be in class due to

excused absences must complete their assignments. Feel free to contact your professor ahead of time if you need any clarifications. A passing grade is a C (73-76) or better. As of fall 2004, the plus/minus grading system is mandatory in all classes. The final grade in this course will be determined from the following components:


Exams (4 exams, 1 oral, 1 Final) 60%

Participation and homework 20% 94-100 A 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 60-69 D

Spanish films tests 15% 90-93 A- 84-86 B 70-76 C 00-60 F

Oral presentation 5% 80-83 B-

Page 10: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

Please be aware of the fact that these rules are “flexible” and it may be necessary to modify them during the course of the semester.

Tests and final cumulative exam. There will be four (4) chapter tests and a final exam. There are no make-up exams. Department policy dictates that exams be rescheduled only if the student has an official university excuse (academic business, athletic team travel, religious holiday, death in family) and has made arrangements prior to the exam. Failure to attend the final exam results in an F for the course.

Oral Exam. There will be a graded speaking activity at the end of the semester. Students will role-play a situation in pairs. The topics will be similar to the pair and group activities practiced throughout the semester. Lateness to or absence from the oral exam on the date scheduled will result in a grade of 0.

Participation criteria Your participation will be evaluated daily in class according to the following criteria: SUPERIOR (9-10) -Spoke exclusively in Spanish during whole class and group discussions -Often initiated interactions by responding to classmates' comments and instructor’s questions. -Was listening attentively when others spoke -Showed respect and a positive attitude toward professor, peers and subject -Actively participated in all activities - Completed all the homework and came to class well prepared GOOD (8-8.9) -Spoke Spanish during whole class and rarely used English during small group activities -In whole class discussion, participation is sometimes limited to answering instructor’s questions -Was usually an active listener and never interrupted. -Generally contributed actively to getting the task done in group work -Completed all the homework and came to class prepared.

AVERAGE (7-7.9) -Spoke mainly Spanish but used some English during small group activities. -In whole class discussion, sometimes did not answer instructor’s questions -Was frequently an active listener, only rarely didn’t listen while others talked. Never interrupted. -Contributed some work to getting the task done in group work -Completed all the homework and came to class rather prepared. UNSATISFACTORY (6-6.9) -Used as much English as Spanish -Barely spoke during classroom discussions or group work -Didn’t contribute much to getting the task done in group work -Passively participated in activities and discussions, responding very minimally -Completed all the homework but was unprepared for class. FAILURE (0) -Used more English than Spanish -Did not speak during classroom discussions or group work -Engaged in conversations in English during small group work -Did not complete the homework. Unprepared for class. -Slept, read newspaper, talked about unrelated subjects -Did not bring materials required for class -Absent

Spanish Films Tests. A list of Spanish films available at Cooks Library will be offered in class at the beginning of the semester. Students will watch four of those films in different dates either alone or in a group, and will fill a survey –provided in Blackboard- on their content and their cultural characteristics.

Oral Presentation. Each student will give a five-minute presentation in pairs on a cultural topic of their choice. A brief proposal of their presentation topic must be turned in by February 8. This activity serves as practice for the oral exam.

Behavior. Cell phones, beepers, ephones, laptops, etc.: Please turn them off before coming to class. No food in class; however, you may have water, coffee, soda, etc. You can email me at whatever time you like, but if you contact me after 6pm or during weekends I cannot guarantee that I will be able to respond before class.

Your responsibility: For each credit hour, it is expected that you spend an average of 2 hours at home on homework and class preparation. You are expected to come to class having prepared the material on the syllabus for that day and ready to participate actively in class. Class will be conducted only in Spanish. It is your responsibility to let your instructor know if you do not understand and to consult him during office hours with any questions or concerns. Try using one of the expressions found inside your textbook:

No entiendo/ No comprendo. I don’t understand. No entiendo la palabra ______. I don’t understand the word ______. Repita la frase, por favor. Repeat the sentence please. No entiendo las instrucciones. I don’t understand the directions. Tengo una pregunta. I have a question


Fecha Para estudiar Tarea

1 de febrero Introducción al curso

Capítulo 6 (p. 170-175) Escanear lectura pp. 174-175

3 de febrero Capítulo 6 (p. 178-180) (p. 191) Manual 6-14 a 6-19 (p. 91-93) y 6-43 (p. 103)

Page 11: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

8 de febrero Capítulo 6 (p. 184-185) (p. 187-189) Escanear lectura 184-185. Manual 6-37 a 6-41 (p. 100-102)

Last day to drop course with no grade posted to academic record / Last day to add a course

10 de febrero Capítulo 6 (Repaso: p. 178-179, 187-189, 191) Manual p. 96-97

15 de febrero Examen del capítulo 6 Test de cine 1

17 de febrero Capítulo 7 (p. 202-205) Escanear lectura 202-205, escribir respuestas

22 de febrero Capítulo 7 (p. 207-208) Manual 7-12 a 7-15 (p. 110-112)

24 de febrero Capítulo 7 (p. 219, p. 222) Manual p. 119 a p. 121

1 de marzo Capítulo 7 (Repaso: p. 207-208, 219, 222) Manual 7-45 (p. 122), p. 113

3 de marzo Examen del capítulo 7 Test de cine 2

8 de marzo Capítulo 8 (p. 232-234) Escanear lectura 232-234, Manual p. 125 a 127

10 de marzo Capítulo 8 (p. 236-237) Manual p. 129 a 131

15 de marzo Capítulo 8 (p. 246- 247 y p. 250) Manual 8-35 a 8-39 (p. 138-139) y 8-44 (p. 140)

17 de marzo Capítulo 8 (Repaso: p. 236-237, 246-247, 250) Manual 8-24, 8-27, 8-28, 8-41

22 de marzo VACACIONES

24 de marzo VACACIONES

29 de marzo Examen del capítulo 8 Test de cine 3

31 de marzo Capítulo 9 (262-263) Escanear lectura 262-263, 9-4 (p. 264)

5 de abril Capítulo 9 (265-266) (284-285) Manual 9-37 a 9-43, 9-45

7 de abril Capítulo 9 (269-270) (280-281) Manual 9-16 a 9-19, 9-4 a 9-6

(NOTA: 11 de abril. Last day to withdraw from a semester course with a grade of “W.)



19 de abril Capítulo 9 (Repaso: 265, 269-270, 280-281, 284-285) Manual 9-11 a 9-13, 9-26, 9-28 a 9-29

21 de abril Examen del capítulo 9 Test de cine 4

26 de abril Capítulo 10 (296-297) Escanear lectura 296-297, 10-4

28 de abril Capítulo 10 (300-301) Manual 10-11 a 10-15

3 de mayo Capítulo 10 (311) Manual 10-16, 10-35 a 10-39

5 de mayo EXAMEN ORAL

10 de mayo Capítulo 10 (312-313) Manual 10-40, 10-41

12 de mayo Repaso general

17 de mayo Repaso general

EXAMEN FINAL: (clase 12:30-2:30) 18 de mayo 12:30-2:30 (clase 3:30-4:45) 19 de mayo 3-5pm


Page 12: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

The Academic Integrity Policy of Towson University is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student’s own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community (like plagiarism) which will result in failure of the assignment or the course, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. Students are expected to uphold the Academic Integrity Policy published on the Towson University Catalog.

By staying in this class students agree to uphold The Academic Integrity Policy of Towson University, acknowledge to have read and thoroughly understand this syllabus and accept accountability for compliance with it.

Page 13: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

SPAN 330: Análisis literario University of Virginia - Department of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese - Primavera 2009

MWF 10-11am

Profesor: Germán De Patricio

Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Horas de consulta: W 10.00-11.00am / R 3-4pm, o bien cita via email.

DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CURSO: Este curso intenta ayudar al estudiante a desarrollar las herramientas necesarias

para realizar una lectura analítica del texto literario; una lectura que capte el mensaje del texto como función

de las técnicas discursivas utilizadas para comunicarlo. Para conseguir este fin, se llevarán a cabo lecturas de

varios textos literarios tomados de varios géneros (narrativa, poesía, teatro), mediante discusiones en clase,

exámenes y trabajos escritos realizados por los estudiantes. Las técnicas y herramientas de escritura e

investigación que se aprenden en este curso son interdisciplinares, es decir, son útiles para otros ámbitos del

conocimiento. El estándar de estilo y redacción se basa en las guías de la MLA. SPAN 330 no es un curso de

gramática, sino de análisis literario avanzado. El idioma que se usa en clase es únicamente el español. Si un

estudiante no se ve capacitado/a para seguir el ritmo de la clase, se aconseja que hable inmediatamente con el

profesor en los primeros días del curso.

PRE-REQUISITOS: Mínimo, SPAN 311. ALTAMENTE recomendado, SPAN 312.

ASISTENCIA Y RETRASOS: La asistencia a clase es obligatoria. Se permite al estudiante faltar (estar ausente)

DOS veces en un semestre sin consecuencias para la nota final. Los retrasos se contarán como media falta.

Retraso significa llegar después de que el profesor haya pasado lista y llamado el nombre del estudiante. La

consecuencia de esto es que dos retrasos equivalen a una falta completa. Si un estudiante tiene más de dos

faltas al final del semestre, se le descontará un punto de su nota final por cada falta de más. Las únicas faltas

autorizadas por la Universidad de Virginia son: emergencia médica, fallecimiento en la familia, fiesta religiosa

y viajes atléticos oficiales. En estos casos se entrega evidencia escrita al profesor, que la conserva en su archivo,

y se habla con él para ponerse al día. La falta no autorizada es responsabilidad del estudiante, que deberá

consultar el programa (syllabus) y las notas de sus compañeros. Cualquier información que un estudiante se

pierda como consecuencia de una falta no autorizada es enteramente responsabilidad del estudiante. NO es

responsabilidad del profesor actualizar la información debido a una falta no autorizada, y esto incluye los

contenidos de la clase o cualquier cambio en el programa, anuncios que el profesor haga en clase, etc. La falta

no autorizada siempre afecta a su nota de participación: ningún estudiante con faltas no autorizadas recibirá al

final del semestre el 100% de la participación. Siete faltas no autorizadas equivalen a una nota final de F.

Notas: En esta clase no se puede comer, ni usar el teléfono móvil ni el ordenador.


Lecturas, participación

10% de la nota final




Hay que leer los textos señalados para ese día ANTES

de llegar a clase. Y hay que participar de manera

ACTIVA (y siempre en español) en las conversaciones

Page 14: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

en clase. Los estudiantes recibirán una nota de

participación estimada junto con la devolución de su

primer examen, a fin de que puedan rectificar y

mejorarla antes del fin del curso.

La participación activa y frecuente en clase se

calificará con una A. (10%)

La participación activa pero infrecuente se

calificará con una B. (8% - 9%)

La participación puramente pasiva se calificará

con una C, D o F. (7% - 6% - 0%)

Actividades culturales

10% de la nota final

Cada estudiante participará en dos actividades

culturales (5% cada una). El profesor avisará de cuáles

serán estas actividades.

Trabajos en casa

5 % de la nota final Se pedirá a los alumnos que traigan hecho a clase un

trabajo que se asignará para hacer en casa.


15% de la nota final

Habrá 3 pruebas cortas sobre la lista de términos

literarios estudiados en clase (5% c/u). Una prueba

sobre términos teatrales, otra sobre términos de

narrativa y otra sobre términos poéticos.

Exámenes y ensayos

60% de la nota final

Para las secciones de poesía, novela y teatro se hará un

examen (14% - 13% - 13%). Para la sección de

narrativa corta se entregará un trabajo escrito o ensayo

(paper) de 3 páginas. (20%)

Los ensayos se realizarán sobre textos literarios de

narrativa corta no analizados en clase. Se elegirán los

textos de una lista que proporcionará el profesor.

Se debe consultar con el profesor la aprobación del

texto elegido, y se exige al estudiante que visite al

profesor en su oficina antes de empezar a escribir. Se

aconseja leer bien un texto antes de elegirlo, ya que

una vez pasada la fecha límite no se admitirá un

cambio del mismo. No se aceptará el ensayo de un

estudiante sin haber visitado antes al profesor en su


No se puede usar bibliografía secundaria, sea impresa

o digitalizada, para estos trabajos escritos. Los ensayos

deben ser enteramente originales.

Page 15: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


1) Cinco maestros: Cuentos modernos de Hispanoamérica. Coleman, Alexander, Ed. Mason, OH:

Thomson Heinle, 2006. (UVA bookstore, pero no es obligatorio)

2) Lista de términos literarios (en toolkit)

3) Amor de madre. Almudena Grandes (en toolkit)

4) La zapatera prodigiosa de Federico García Lorca.

5) Historia del hombre que se convirtió en perro de Osvaldo Dragún (en toolkit).

6) El cartero de Neruda. Ardiente paciencia de Antonio Skármeta (UVA bookstore)

7) Historia de una escalera, de Antonio Buero Vallejo (en toolkit)

8) Los poemas elegidos se podrán encontrar en toolkit.

9) Un buen diccionario, impreso o electrónico. Entre los impresos, se recomienda un “desk dictionary,”

como el de Larousse, el de Oxford, o el de Langenscheidt. ¡Los diccionarios de bolsillo son inútiles para

este curso! Entre los digitales, se recomienda, y el Diccionario de la lengua española

de la Real Academia Española (

10) Un libro de gramática. Se recomienda John Butt and Carmen Benjamin, A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish (New York: Edward Arnold, 1994).

ESCALA DE NOTAS: Grading Scale of the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. This scale can

be found in: Please address any comment

on this scale to the Department and not to your instructor. Your instructor cannot modify this scale.

A 100-96 A- 95-90 B+ 89-87 B 86-84 B- 83-80 C+ 79-77 C 76-74 C- 73-70 D+ 69-67 D 66-64 D- 63-60 F 59-0

CÓDIGO DE HONOR: Spanish 330 students are expected to comply with the UVA Honor Code. All work

is to be pledged and completed by the student without assistance from classmates, advanced Spanish students,

native speakers or online translators unless otherwise indicated. Tutors may answer specific questions after a

student has completed their work independently, but may not edit assignments. During office hours, I may

answer questions about the organization or approach to an essay, but I cannot correct any assignment before you turn it in.

Page 16: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

Programa de lecturas:



Mes Fecha Texto

Miércoles 11 Introducción al teatro

Viernes 13

Historia del hombre que se convirtió en perro.

Osvaldo Dragún (toolkit)

Se entrega la primera prueba cultural

Mes Fecha Texto

Enero Martes 13 Introducción al curso.

Lista de términos literarios (en toolkit)

Miércoles 14 La siesta del martes. Gabriel García Márquez

Viernes 16 El monte de las ánimas. Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Miércoles 21 Don Quijote. Cap. 7 y 8 (fragmentos, en toolkit)

Viernes 23 Examen sobre términos literarios (Narrativa)

Lunes 26 El sur. Jorge Luis Borges

Miércoles 28 La salud de los enfermos. Julio Cortázar

Viernes 30 No oyes ladrar los perros. Juan Rulfo

Febrero Lunes 2 Es que somos muy pobres. Juan Rulfo

Miércoles 4 Amor de madre. Almudena Grandes

Viernes 6 Yzur. Leopoldo Lugones

Lunes 9 Narrativa corta. El ensayo.

Se entrega el título del cuento elegido para el ensayo

Page 17: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

Lunes 16 Historia de una escalera. Antonio Buero Vallejo (Acto I)

Miércoles 18 Historia de una escalera. Antonio Buero Vallejo (Acto I)

Viernes 20 Historia de una escalera. Antonio Buero Vallejo (Acto I)

Lunes 23 Historia de una escalera. (Acto II)

Se entrega el ensayo de narrativa corta

Miércoles 25 Historia de una escalera. (Acto II)

Viernes 27 Examen sobre términos literarios (Teatro)




Lunes 9 Historia de una escalera. (Acto II)

Miércoles 11 Historia de una escalera. (Acto III)

Se entrega la segunda prueba cultural

Viernes 13 Historia de una escalera. (Acto III)

Lunes 16 Historia de una escalera. (Acto III)

Miércoles 18 Examen de teatro


Mes Fecha Texto

Viernes 20

El cartero de Neruda. Antonio Skármeta

Prólogo. Págs. 9-40.

Lunes 23 El cartero de Neruda. 41-73.

Miércoles 25 El cartero de Neruda. 75-106.

Page 18: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

Viernes 27 El cartero de Neruda. 107-final.

Lunes 30 Examen de novela


Mes Fecha Texto

Abril Miércoles 1 Introducción a la métrica

Soneto V. Garcilaso de la Vega

Viernes 3 Soneto CLXVI. Luis de Góngora

Lunes 6 “Este que ves engaño colorido”

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Miércoles 8 “Tú me quieres blanca” Alfonsina Storni

Viernes 10 “Amor constante más allá de la muerte” y

“Miré los muros de la patria mía”

Francisco de Quevedo

Lunes 13 “Insomnio” Dámaso Alonso

“Vino primero pura” Juan Ramón Jiménez

Miércoles 15 “Se equivocó la paloma” Rafael Alberti

“Vita beata” Jaime Gil de Biedma

Viernes 17 Examen sobre términos literarios (Poesía)

Lunes 20 “Romance de la luna, luna” Federico García Lorca

Miércoles 22 “Cantares” Antonio Machado

Viernes 24 “Me gusta cuando callas” Pablo Neruda

Se entrega el trabajo de casa pedido por el profesor

Lunes 27 Examen de poesía.

Page 19: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.


Mes Fecha Texto

Enero Viernes 23 Examen sobre términos literarios (Narrativa)

Febrero Lunes 9 Se entrega el título del cuento elegido para el ensayo

Viernes 13 Se entrega la primera prueba cultural

Lunes 23 Se entrega el ensayo de narrativa corta

Viernes 27 Examen sobre términos literarios (Teatro)

Marzo Miércoles 11 Se entrega la segunda prueba cultural

Miércoles 18 Examen de teatro

Lunes 30 Examen de novela

Abril Viernes 17 Examen sobre términos literarios (Poesía)

Viernes 24 Se entrega el trabajo de casa pedido por el profesor

Lunes 27 Examen de poesía

Please Note:

The Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese supports an environment in which all students, regardless

of race, gender, age religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or physical disability are encouraged to learn and to

develop their skills. If you have comments, suggestions or objections in this regard please do not hesitate to

contact your instructor. If you would prefer to speak with someone other than your instructor, please call our

Department Ombudsman at 924-7159.

Page 20: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

University of Virginia

Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese


Instructor: German De Patricio Office hours: W 11.15 – R 3.30

Office: Wilson Hall 101 E-mail: [email protected]

Prerequisites: Spanish 201, SAT II Test score of 600-640, or Placement Test score of 410-535.

Description: Spanish 202 is a three credit intermediate level course, the fourth course in a four-course sequence which

fulfills the language requirement. The goal of this course is to bridge the gap between elementary and advanced levels in the

further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

Required Texts and Materials:

1. Pasajes: Lengua. 5th ed. Bretz, et al. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

2. Online Cuaderno de práctica. McGraw-Hill, 2002. on

3. English Grammar for Students of Spanish. 5th ed. Spinelli. Olivia and Hill Press, 2003. (optional)

4. Reading packet on Toolkit.

5. SmartCardz. (optional)

Grade breakdown: Participation & Homework 10%

Tests 30%

Final exam 20%

Compositions 15%

Cultural Activities 5%

Oral exam 10%

Quizzes 10%

1. Participation and Homework (10%).

Participation. Your attendance, daily preparation, and active participation in class will not only contribute to your

learning, but are also important factors in determining your grade. Students are expected to participate in Spanish

only during each class period. The instructor will monitor student participation on a daily basis. You will lose

points for speaking in English during class.

Homework. All online assignments from the Quia workbook and Quia lab manual must be completed as indicated

on the syllabus. Homework that is incomplete or late will not be accepted.

Readings: Students are required to complete the exercises that accompany each reading posted on Toolkit, be

prepared to hand them in, and to come to class prepared to actively discuss each reading selection. There will be

reading quizzes.

2. Tests (30%) and final exam (20%). There will be five (5) chapter tests and a final exam. No make-up exams.

Department policy dictates that exams be rescheduled only if the student has an official university excuse (academic

business, athletic team travel, religious holiday, death in family) and has made arrangements prior to

the exam. Failure to attend the final exam results in an F for the course.

3. Quizzes (10%). Pop quizzes will be administered at the beginning of class. Lateness to or absence from a pop quiz

will result in a grade of 0. There will be three (3) graded listening comprehension activities, quizzes on the reading

assignments, quizzes on the cultural presentations, and various pop quizzes based on the grammar and vocabulary of

the chapters studied. There are no make-ups.

4. Compositions (15%). There will be two (2) graded compositions written in class (use of a dictionary is allowed) and

based on the readings on Toolkit and discussions in class. These will be corrected by the instructor using symbols, and

Page 21: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

then rewritten by the student guided by the symbols. Composition grades are based on the use of grammar and

vocabulary studied in the course as well as content, organization, and style. The grades for the compositions will be

based on both the first draft and the rewritten final version. There are no make-ups.

5. Cultural Activities (5%).

Cultural Event: Each student is required to attend one local event dealing with Hispanic culture and write a

typed, one-page essay on what he/she has learned. This should be completed before October 4. A list of

possible local events and essay guidelines can be found on the class Toolkit page. This activity serves as

practice for the compositions. No make-ups or late work.

Cultural Presentation: Each student will give a five-minute presentation in pairs on a cultural topic of their

choice. A brief proposal of their presentation topic must be turned in by September 8. A list of possible topics

and presentation guidelines can be found on the class Toolkit page. This activity serves as practice for the oral

exam. No make-ups or late work.

6. Oral Exam (10%). There will be a graded speaking activity at the end of the semester. Students will role-play a

situation in pairs. The topics will be similar to the pair and group activities practiced throughout the semester and may

be based on the readings done in class. Lateness to or absence from the oral exam on the date scheduled will result in a

grade of 0. No make-ups.

Course Policies:

The Honor Code. Spanish 202 students are expected to comply with the UVA Honor Code. All work is to be

pledged and completed by the student without assistance from classmates, advanced Spanish students, or native

speakers, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. Tutors may answer specific questions after a student has

completed their work independently. Any violations of the Code in or outside class will be brought to the attention

of the Honor Council for appropriate action. For any questions about the Honor Policy as it relates to SPAN 202,

please contact Ms. Diane Gigantino at [email protected].

Attendance and Tardiness. Attendance is obligatory for Spanish 202. In order for students to progress in their

understanding and speaking of Spanish, they must be exposed to hearing and speaking it on a regular basis. You are

allowed three (3) free absences. Beyond that, for each additional absence, one percentage point will be deducted

from your final grade. An excess of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, will result in a withdrawal from or

failure in the course. Students are expected to arrive to class on time. Being late to class counts as half an absence.

Assignment Deadlines. Assignments are due by the beginning of class as indicated on the syllabus. No late work

and no make-up work will be accepted. Students who will not be in class should complete their assignments ahead

of time. There are no make-ups for exams, quizzes, compositions, or the oral exam.

Your responsibility: For each credit hour, it is expected that you spend an average of 2 hours at home on

homework and class preparation. You are expected to come to class having prepared the material on the syllabus

for that day and ready to participate actively in class. Class will be conducted only in Spanish. It is your

responsibility to let your instructor know if you do not understand and to consult him/her during office hours with

any questions or concerns.

PROGRAMA Fecha Para estudiar Online Cuaderno de práctica

Práctica escrita Expresión oral

23 de agosto Introducción al curso; Bienvenidos (pp. 2-5)

25 de agosto Capítulo 7 (pp. 194-200) [vocab., 26] 7P.1-7 7E.1, 3-4, 8-9

28 de agosto Capítulo 7 (pp. 200-204) [estrat., 27] 7P.8, 23 7E.5-6, 10-13

Page 22: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

30 de agosto Capítulo 7 (pp. 204-208) [28] 7P.9-10, 12 7E.14-16

1 de septiembre Capítulo 7 (pp. 208-217) [pasaje, 29] 7P.14-17 7E.18-20

“Reading in a Foreign Lang.”; Antes de leer

4 de septiembre Capítulo 7 (pp. 217-223) [enlace, ojo] 7P.18-19 7E.22-23, 25-27

Lectura 1 y preguntas

6 de septiembre EXAMEN 1

8 de septiembre Capítulo 8 (pp. 224-234) [vocab., 30] 8P.1-7 8E.1-9

11 de septiembre Capítulo 8 (pp. 234-239) [31, pasaje] 8P.8-10 8E.10-12

prueba – comprensión auditiva

13 de septiembre Capítulo 8 (pp. 239-245) [estrat., 32] 8P.13 8E.13

15 de septiembre Capítulo 8 (pp. 245-248) [33] 8P.15 8E.17, 8E.23-24

Antes de leer – lectura 2

18 de septiembre Capítulo 8 (pp. 248-253) [enlace, ojo] 8P.16-17 8E.18-19

Lectura 2 y preguntas

20 de septiembre EXAMEN 2

22 de septiembre Composición 1 en clase

25 de septiembre Capítulo 9 (pp. 254-266) [vocab., 34] 9P.1-3, 5 9E.1-4

27 de septiembre Capítulo 9 (pp. 259-269) [34, 35] 9P.6, 8-10 9E.5-9

29 de septiembre Capítulo 9 (pp. 269-272) [estrat., 36] 9P.11-14 9E.10-13

2 de octubre Capítulo 9 (pp. 272-277) [37, pasaje] 9P.15 9E.14

Antes de leer – lectura 3

4 de octubre Capítulo 9 (pp. 277-281) [enlace, ojo] 9P.18-20 9E.15-16

Lectura 3 y preguntas

6 de octubre EXAMEN 3

READING DAY (9 de octubre)

11 de octubre Capítulo 10 (pp. 282-286) [vocab.] 10P.1-3 10E.1-3, 5, 18-19

prueba – comprensión auditiva

13 de octubre Capítulo 10 (pp. 287-292) [38, pasaje] 10P.4-8, 11 10E.6-10

16 de octubre Capítulo 10 (pp. 293-297) [39, estrat.] 10P.12-14, 16, 27 10E.11-12, 20-21

18 de octubre Capítulo 10 (pp. 298-305) [40] 10P.17-20 10E.13-15, 22-23

Antes de leer – lectura 4

20 de octubre Capítulo 10 (pp. 305-309) [enlace, ojo] 10P.21-24 10E.16

Lectura 4 y preguntas

23 de octubre EXAMEN 4

Page 23: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

25 de octubre Capítulo 11 (pp. 310-314) [vocab.] 11P.1-2 11E.1-3, 5-6

27 de octubre Composición 2 en clase

30 de octubre Práctica oral [Cabell 221]

Capítulo 11 (pp. 315-319) [41] 11P.3-6 11E.7-8

1 de noviembre Capítulo 11 (pp. 315-323) [41, 42] 11P.7-8 11E.9-12

3 de noviembre Capítulo 11 (pp. 319-324) [42, estrat.] 11P.17 11E. 20-21

6 de noviembre Capítulo 11 (pp. 324-329) [43, pasaje] 11P.10, 12 11E.14-15

Antes de leer – lectura 5

8 de noviembre Capítulo 11 (pp. 330-335) [enlace, ojo] 11P.13-15 11E.17, 19

Lectura 5 y preguntas

10 de noviembre EXAMEN 5

13 de noviembre Capítulo 12 (pp. 336-341) [vocab.] 12P.1-3, 5 12E.1-2, 4-5

prueba – comprensión auditiva

15 de noviembre Capítulo 12 (pp. 341-345) [44] 12P.6-8, 10-11 12E.7-13

17 de noviembre Capítulo 12 (pp. 346-354) [45, estrat.] 12P.12-17 12E.14-18

THANKSGIVING (18-26 de noviembre)

27 de noviembre Capítulo 12 (pp. 354-359) [46, pasaje] 12P.18-20, 12P.28 12E.19

Antes de leer – lectura 6

29 de noviembre EXAMEN ORAL [Cabell 221]

Capítulo 12 (pp. 360-363) [enlace, ojo] 12P.22-26 12E.21-22, 24, 26

1 de diciembre Práctica Lectura 6 y preguntas

4 de diciembre Repaso y práctica

EXAMEN FINAL: martes, 12 de diciembre (7:00-10:00 de la noche)

The Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese supports an environment in which all students, regardless of race, gender, age,

religious affiliation, sexual preference, or physical disability, are encouraged to learn and develop their skills. If you have comments,

suggestions or objections in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact your instructor. If you would prefer to speak to someone

other than your instructor, please call our department Ombudsman at 924-7159.

Page 24: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

University of Virginia – Department of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese

Spanish 102 — Elementary Spanish II

Summer 2009, 3rd session (7/9/09 - 8/6/09)

Schedule: MTWThF 9:15-12:15 Classroom: Cabell 335

Instructor: Germán De Patricio

Office: Wilson Hall 101

Office hours: after class and by appointment.

E-mail: [email protected]

I. Prerequisite

This course carries a prerequisite of Spanish 101.

II. Course Description

The primary emphasis in Spanish 102 is on the continued acquisition of communicative skills in Spanish.

This means that you will learn current, everyday Spanish that will enable you to express yourself in most

common situations. The course will emphasize all language skills: listening comprehension, speaking,

reading and writing. In addition, attention is given to Hispanic cultures through readings. The course will

continue the systematic presentation of the basic structures of the Spanish language begun in Spanish 101.

It must be well understood that learning a foreign language requires much more than committing verb

conjugations to memory. It is a cumulative process that requires your active involvement. Class is

conducted primarily in Spanish and you are encouraged and expected to participate in Spanish.

III. Textbooks

Puntos de partida. 7th

ed. Knorre et al. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007.

Workbook to accompany Puntos de partida.

As a student of Spanish, you must own a copy of both textbooks. You cannot rely on "borrowing" the books

from a friend. This is especially true of the Workbook, which provides an elaborate set of written exercises

that complement the material presented in class. The exercises are keyed to the various grammar sections in

the main text; therefore, you will have no difficulty in knowing what work to do each day. Tests will contain

questions similar in form and content to the exercises in the Workbook.

IV. General Information

1. Attendance and participation policy. Your attendance, daily preparation and active participation in

Spanish not only contribute to your mastery of the language, but also are important factors in determining

your grade. The instructor will monitor student attendance, participation and homework on a daily basis.

You are allowed one "free" absence in the Summer Session; beyond that, three percentage points will be

deducted from your final grade for each absence. As the course is intensive, any absences will be

detrimental to your performance in the class.

Page 25: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

2. Tests. There will be four tests, as scheduled on the calendar. There will be no make-up tests. Spanish

department policy allows for tests to be rescheduled only if the student has an official university excuse and

has made arrangements with the instructor prior to test time. There will also be a number of quizzes.

3. Homework. You will turn in the homework from the Workbook on each day at the beginning of class.

The only way to master and prepare for tests is to practice the grammar points and for this reason you will

be required to complete all of the homework. Homework will only be counted if it is complete and corrected

in a different color ink.

4. Language Lab. Because the class periods are so long, the instructor will incorporate lab exercises into

the daily class work. We will try to maintain a lively variety of grammar drills, conversations, reading and

listening exercises. Students are not required to go the language lab outside class time. If you wish to go to

the lab (Cabell 221), it is open 9-5 M-Th and 9-3 F. It is closed on the weekends.

5. Honor Code. Students of Spanish 102 are expected to comply with the UVa. Honor Code, the pledge

implicit in each assignment and test you complete. Any violations of the Honor Code in class or outside the

class setting will be brought to the attention of the Honor Council for appropriate action.

6. ―Old Tests‖ Policy: You are not authorized to use old copies of tests to prepare for the tests in this

course. The class notes and worksheets, as well as your main text and workbook, will be sufficient to

prepare you for the tests.

7. N.B. The Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese supports an environment in which all students,

regardless of race, gender, age, religious affiliation, sexual preference or physical disability, are encouraged

to learn and develop their skills. If you have any comments, suggestions or objections in this regard, please

do not hesitate to contact your instructor. If you would prefer to speak with someone other than your

instructor, please call the Department Ombudsman at 924-7159.

V. Evaluation

Attendance and Participation 15%

Tests (4) and Quizzes 70%

Homework 15%

VI. Calendario: Español 102 — Verano 2009

(MG = Minidiálogos y gramática [the grammar sections in Puntos])

jueves 9 de julio Introducción al curso y repaso de gramática

viernes 10 de julio Capítulo 10, La salud: Vocabulario y MG 30

lunes 13 de julio Capítulo 10: MG 31 y 32

Capítulo 11, Presiones de la vida moderna: Vocabulario

Page 26: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

martes 14 de julio Capítulo 11: MG 33, 34 y 35 Un poco de todo: Caps. 10-11

miércoles 15 de julio EXAMEN 1 (Capítulos 10 y 11)

jueves 16 de julio Capítulo 12, La calidad de la vida: Vocabulario y MG 36-37

viernes 17 de julio Capítulo 12: MG 38

Capítulo 13, El arte y la cultura: Vocabulario y MG 39

lunes 20 de julio Capítulo 13, MG 40

martes 21 de julio Capítulo 13, MG 41 Un poco de todo, Caps. 12-13

miércoles 22 de julio EXAMEN 2 (Capítulos 12 y 13)

jueves 23 de julio Capítulo 14, El medio ambiente Vocabulario y MG 42-43

viernes 24 de julio Capítulo 15, La vida social y la vida afectiva:

Vocabulario y MG 44

lunes 27 de julio Capítulo 16, ¿Trabajar para vivir o vivir para trabajar?:

Vocabulario y MG 46

martes 28 de julio Capítulo 16, MG 47. Un poco de todo, Caps. 14-16

miércoles 29 de julio EXAMEN 3 (Capítulos 14, 15 y 16)

jueves 30 de julio Capítulo 17, En la actualidad: Vocabulario y MG 48-49

viernes 31 de julio Capítulo 18, En el extranjero: Vocabulario y MG 50-51

lunes 3 de agosto Capítulo 18. Repaso, capítulos 17 y 18

miércoles 5 de agosto EXAMEN FINAL

Page 27: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

De Patricio, Germán. Evaluations Summary: U of Virginia & Purdue U

SPAN 330-0001 Literary Analysis – Spring 2009. Respondents: 10 / Enrollment: 17. Results for


Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

10 5.00 0.00 10










330-1: “He's the best Spanish teacher I have had, and one of the most personable teachers that I have had in

any class.” “Germán De Patricio is one of the best teachers I've had at UVA. He knows his material, teaches

in an engaging manner, incorporates film clips and music into lecture, and has a fun sense of humor. Top

marks.” “This course was much better than I expected. I now have a deeper understanding of Spanish

language literature, and I honestly enjoyed each piece of writing we studied. This course helped solidify my

love of Spanish.” “I enjoyed the material covered in this class, its presentation, and German's enthusiasm.”

SPAN 330-0006 Literary Analysis – Spring 2009. Respondents: 6 / Enrollment: 13. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

6 4.67 0.52 4










330-6: “Class always moved quickly as I was always engaged in the lecture or activities. Incorporating

movie clips and songs were a definite bonus.” “Yes, we did a lot of discussions and interactive group work.

They were useful for analyzing the texts.” “He knows a lot and is passionate about it. Which makes things

fun.” “I enjoy how friendly Mr. Depatricio is and how he engages in conversation before class time. He

shows that he does care about his studetns and really wants to help us any way he can.” “Great course!”

-Results for Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 300-900 - Spring, 2009

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

631 4.34 0.98 368










SPAN 330-0003 Literary Analysis - Fall 2008. Respondents: 20 / Enrollment: 20. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

20 4.70 0.73 16










330-3: “The material, theory and discussion were all great for this course.” “The course was better than I

expected; we covered all genres of Spanish literature and the lectures were very engaging. I looked forward

to coming to every class.” “The course was better than I expected it to be. I was very interested in all of the

literature that we read, which was partially due to the enthusiastic teaching! I was surprised to see how

much discussion and interaction there was in the class, which I really liked, because we learned how to

argue literature verbally and in written form.” “German does a fantastic job leading discussion, painting

comprehensive historical pictures, and conducting intensive critical analysis. I truly enjoyed the class.”

Page 28: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

SPAN 330-0006 Literary Analysis - Fall 2008. Respondents: 18 / Enrollment: 19. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

18 4.83 0.38 15










330-6: “The course is better than I expected it to be because the professor is a great professor and really

helps the students learn.” “very prepared and cares a lot about each of his students. Very

responsive/communicates very well with the class.” “Great instructor, enlightening course.” “german is

demanding, and requires you to be analytical. he manages to make the class engaging and culturally

stimulating at the same time. wow.”

-Results for the Department of Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 300-900 - Fall, 2008

838 4.36 0.93 486










SPAN 102-0001 Elementary Spanish - Summer 2008. Respondents: 7 / Enrollm: 9. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

7 4.29 0.76 3










102-1: “cool class. learned a lot.” “German was fabulous, I hope he becomes a tenured professor at the

University. As it is, I am planning on recommending his class to all of my friends.”

-Results for Summer Session - Summer, 2008

3066 4.37 0.90 1787










SPAN 311-0001 Grammar Review - Spring 2008. Respondents: 10 / Enrollm: 12. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

10 4.90 0.32 9










311-1: “He was one of my favorite teachers because you can tell that he truly cares about of his students and

he took the time to get to know all of us. He knew our names by the end of the first class.” “This was

absolutely the best course I have taken thus far at UVa. Class time was valuable, grading was fair, and the

teacher was fun. I have learned the most in this class by far.” “German is one of the best Spanish teachers I

have ever had and he absolutely inspired me to continue my studies.”

SPAN 311-0002 Grammar Review - Spring 2008. Respondents: 15 / Enrollm: 18. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

15 4.73 0.46 11










311-2: “German is a wonderful and compassionate teacher. He challenged us to work hard and he made our

learning process enjoyable.” “The short stories and articles were very useful to practice comprehension and

Page 29: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

conversational skills. The movies, news clips, and other video clips were interesting, entertaining, and

helpful as well.” “He was fantastic: friendly, approachable, and enthusiastic.”

-Results for Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 300-900 - Spring, 2008

798 4.48 0.77 486










SPAN 311-0004 Grammar Review - Fall 2007. Respondents: 18 / Enrollment: 22. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

18 4.50 0.71 11










311-4: “the instructor made sure all students understood material. this is very appealing to his class

especially.” “Very passionate about what he does, and what he teaches. He loves the language and cares

about the success of his students.” “He really wants us to do well and tries really hard to make sure we do.

10 out of 10!” “Very friendly, sincerely cares about his students, is willing to help them when they need it.”

“Compared to my other Spanish teacher, this teacher is much more enthusiastic in class and seems to care

more about what he is doing and about his students.”

SPAN 311-0005 Grammar Review - Fall 2007. Respondents: 19 / Enrollment: 21. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

19 4.42 0.96 12










311-5: “My section of SPAN 311 was wonderful; I enjoyed German de Patricio's knowledge, sense of

humor, and dedication to teaching. He was very personable-- Spanish has always been my favorite class but

German only made it better. I learned a lot of things that are relevant to the Spanish language as it relates to

Spanish culture as a whole.” “Yes, German is very knowledgable, enthusiastic, and always acted in a fair

manner toward each student.” “German turned this rather mediocre subject matter into an exciting and fun

class. I enjoyed going to his class each day.” “I think he's truly caring about his students and is always

willing to compromise. I've really enjoyed working with him.” “This was a great class!!”

-Results for Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 300-900 - Fall, 2007

814 4.45 0.81 485










SPAN 202-0002 Advanced Int Spanish - Summer 2007. Respond: 8 / Enrollm: 23. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

8 4.75 0.46 6










“I think that German was a fantastic spanish teacher. He had to deal with some people who were not good

at spanish at all and others who were kind of annoying and argumentative. He often had to repeat things

multiple times to these people and I certainly would have been frustrated if I was him but he was ALWAYS

helpful to them and patient with them” “Great Class!”

Page 30: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

-Results for Summer Session - Summer, 2007

3118 4.46 0.83 1913










SPAN 202-0009 Advanced Interm Spanish - Spring 2007. Respond: 18 / Enroll: 21. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

18 4.61 0.70 13










202-9: “I thought the speaking activities were fun and German was very good at making the activities fun

and engaging” “german was one of the kindest instructors i've ever had and really encouraged me if i did

something right.” “I learned a lot!!” “German did a great job engaging everyone in class.” “he was very

helpful and enthusiastic.” “very nice and approachable.” “he was very passionate and excited about


SPAN 202-0010 Advanced Interm Spanish - Spring 2007. Respond: 18 / Enroll: 22. Results for De Patricio

Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

18 4.61 0.78 13










202-10: “German De Patricio is a WONDERFUL, very well organized and professional teacher. He is truly

kind and tries hard, even with students like myself that are not the best with the language.” “pretty much

everything German gives us. He does an amazing job of getting the entire class involved and makes an hour

and 15 minutes go by pretty fast.” “Yes, he is very helpful and encouraging. He wants all of us to do our

best and pushes us to do so.” “German does a great job of speaking spanish that the students understand. I

actually understand what he is saying! with German, I actually understand what we're doing. definitely think

that German is one of the best Spanish instructors here. I truly enjoyed his class. He adds little tid-bits about

Spanish culture and life in class that keep it interesting.”

-Results for Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 100-200 - Spring, 2007

1039 4.55 0.81 718










SPAN 202-0013 Advanced Inter Spanish - Fall 2006. Respondents: 20 / Enrollm: 20. Results for De


Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

20 4.30 1.22 13










202-13: “It was really helpful to work in pairs on original activities assigned by the professor. We worked

on both speaking and writing the language under interesting situations that made the class go by quickly and

smoothly.” “It's evident that Prof Patricio loves to teach. He's passionate about the subject and likes to see

his students succeed. My spanish has certainly improved because of his teaching.” “German was

enthusiastic and obviously really cared about his students. He was very engaging.” “Awesome teacher.”

Page 31: SPAN 470 MASTERPIECES OF THE SPANISH …...COURSE DESCRIPTION: SPAN 470, Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, is dedicated to studying Spanish literature with collateral readings.

SPAN 202-0014 Advanced Inter Spanish - Fall 2006. Respondents: 14 / Enrollm: 14. Results for De


Total Mean Std Dev Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

14 4.79 0.43 11










202-14: “he is so enthusiastic and helpful...he is empathetic towards his students, and has a great sense of

humor! He also never makes his students feel stupid when they make a mistake in Spanish, which boosts

our confidence and encourages us to keep trying to speak in Spanish.” “German is my favorite professor this

semester. He is a genuinely nice guy who really cares about his students, whic shows through his teaching.

He makes every effort to help us succeed and actually makes a 9 am class interesting.” “he made the class

want to learn how to speak spanish and enjoy it too.” “He cares very much about what he does, and is

always more than willing to help. His personality and enthusiasm made the class very enjoyable.” “i enjoyed

his enthusiasm.”

-Results for Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 100-200 - Fall, 2006

1000 4.53 0.83 676










SPAN 202 – 1002 – Fall 1997 - Purdue University -Percentile Rank: 83% -Respondents: 18 / Enrollment:

20 Results for: My instructor (SA: high, A: mod high, N: middle, D: somewhat low, SD: low)

Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

14 4 0 0 0

SPAN 102 – 0201- Summer 1997 – Purdue University -Percentile Rank: 80% -Respond: 5 / Enrollment: 5

Results for: My instructor (SA: high, A: mod high, N: middle, D: somewhat low, SD: low)

Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

4 1 0 0 0

SPAN 201 – 0103 – Spring 1997 – Purdue University -Respondents: 8 / Enrollment: 8.

Results for: My instructor (SA: high, A: mod high, N: middle, D: somewhat low, SD: low)

Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

6 2 0 0 0

SPAN 201 -0902- Fall 1996 – Purdue University -Respondents: 19 / Enrollment: 19.

Results for: My instructor (SA: high, A: mod high, N: middle, D: somewhat low, SD: low)

Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1)

8 7 3 1 0