Tokyo, 19.05.2016 COSMOS2020-Jeupiste Workshop on SPACE in H2020 SPACE CALLS in HORIZON 2020 Piotr Świerczyński SPACE NCP for H2020 National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences This presentation is based on materials from EC and/or Ministries and Agendas of RP

Transcript of SPACE CALLS in HORIZON 2020 -...

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Tokyo, 19.05.2016 COSMOS2020-Jeupiste Workshop on SPACE in



Piotr Świerczyński SPACE NCP for H2020 National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences

This presentation is based on materials from EC and/or Ministries and Agendas of RP

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1. Space Call and space related calls 2016-2017

2. European Space Strategy and preparations of Space Calls

2018 - 2020

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1. Space Call and space related calls 2016-2017

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Horizon 2020 Space 2016-17 WP structure


EGNSS Galileo & EGNOS applications and


EO Earth Observation

applications and services

COMPET Competitiveness of the European

Space sector: Tecnology and Science

(incl. Space Weather)

SST Space Surveillance and

Tracking support framework

Calls for proposals:

• EGNSS applications

Calls for proposals:

• EO downstream applications • Evolution of Copernicus

services • EO "big data" shift

Calls for proposals:

• Critical space technologies • EO & SatCom technologies • Science and Exploration • Space Weather • Space Portal • Technology transfer

Other actions:

• Contribution to the SST support framework

• Improving the performance of SST at European level

Other actions:

• Evolution of EGNSS infrastucture, mission and services

Other actions:

• ESA Engineering support • Horizon prize on low-cost access to space

SME Instrument Fast Track to

Innovation 'pilot'

Space Calls 2016 - 2017

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26.30 27.37 5.10

EGNSS EO COMPET SST SME Inst. & FTI Miscellaneous

LEIT-Space 2016-2017 WP indicative budget (figures in M€) Calls for proposals + "Other actions"

Total budget

2016: 165.67 M€ 2017: 187.85 M€






43.50 9.20








39.6% 11.9% 31.5% 7.6% 7.9% 1.5%

WP 2016-2017 Indicative budget

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6 WP 2016-2017 Implementation calendar

Calls Opening dates Deadlines


COMPET-2016 10 November 2015 3 March 2016




8 November 2016 1 March 2017

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Satellite Navigation – Galileo and EGNOS

Image Credits: ESA

Deadline: 1 March 2017

2017 call topics

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8 Galileo 1 – 2017

Galileo 1 – 2017 EGNSS Transport Applications

Reccomended project size Indicative budget

Type of action

Proposals should aim at developing new innovative applications, with commercial impact and a clear market uptake perspective. Proposals may be submitted in any of the following four transport domains:

• Aviation • Road • Maritime • Rail

1 to 3 M€

14.5 M€ Innovation Actions

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EGNSS Mass Market Applications

Reccomended project size Indicative budget

Type of action

Proposals should aim at developing new innovative applications, with commercial impact and a clear market uptake perspective. Some areas which are identified as especially promising for further EGNSS applications development are: • Mobility as a service and Smart Cities • Internet of things • Commercial and social LBS

1 to 3 M€

9 M€ Innovation Actions

Galileo 2 – 2017

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EGNSS Professional Applications

Reccomended project size Indicative budget

Type of action

Proposals should aim at developing new innovative applications, building also on the combination of EGNSS with earth observation and Copernicus services, with commercial impact or with satellite communication. Proposals should have a clear market uptake perspective. Some areas which are identified as especially promising for further EGNSS application development are: • Agriculture • Surveying and Mapping • Timing and Synchronisation • Other professional applications

1 to 3 M€

8 M€ Innovation Actions

Galileo 3 – 2017

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EGNSS Awareness raising and capacity building

Reccomended project size Indicative budget

Type of action

Proposals should aim at capacity building, increasing awareness of EGNSS solutions, providing networking opportunities of centres of excellence and other relevant actors and achieving a critical mass of EGNSS applications success stories, making it an attractive option for private investors in Europe and also globally. Proposals addressing PRS (Public Regulated Service) related applications are not in the scope of this action.

0.5 to 1 M€

1.5 M€ Coordination and

support action

Galileo 4 – 2017

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Activity 12: Galileo Evolution, Mission and Service related R&D activities

• Actions under this area serve to study and develop concepts for new Galileo services as well as for the evolution of the currently defined services. Following themes will be covered:

• Innovative concepts

• Commercial Service

• Signals evolutions

• All Actions to be launched as Public Procurement • Indicative timetable: Second quarter 2017 • Publication of Actions announced through the standard e-tendering

process, plus notification via email to the H2020 Space Programme Committee members and Space NCPs)

Satellite Navigation

Galileo and EGNOS

WP2017, Other Actions

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Activity 13: EGNOS, Mission and Service related R&D activities

• Actions under this area serve to study and develop of the current EGNOS Services (Open Service, Safety of Life, and EGNOS Data Access Service – EDAS), as well as the development of innovative concepts for new services

• Actions also service to ensure the alignment of EGNOS to international Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) standards

• All Actions to be launched as Public Procurement • Indicative timetable: Second quarter 2017 • Publication of Actions announced through the standard e-tendering

process, plus notification via email to the H2020 Space Programme Committee members and Space NCPs)

Satellite Navigation

Galileo and EGNOS

WP2017, Other Actions

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Activity 15 (GNSS evolution, infrastructure-related R&D activities) Implemented through a delegation agreement with ESA:

• R&D actions to be implemented through procurement, grants and prizes in the EU R&D community • EGNOS further evolution • Galileo 2nd generation phase A/B (system, satellite,

payload and ground). • GNSS general research and technology. • GNSS System Studies and Validation Activities. • EGNSS R&D Management.

• ESA Technical activities

• Management, including e.g. monitoring, road mapping, outreach

Satellite Navigation

Galileo and EGNOS

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WP 2017

Call for proposals Indicative budget


GALILEO-1-2017: EGNSS Transport applications 14.5

GALILEO-2-2017: EGNSS mass market applications 9.0

GALILEO-3-2017: EGNSS professional applications 8.0

GALILEO-4-2017: EGNSS awareness raising and capacity building 1.5

Total GALILEO-2017 33.0

Other actions Indicative budget

(€ million)

Activity 12 - GNSS Evolution, Mission and Services related R&D activities 3.2

Activity 13 - EGNOS, Mission and Service related R&D activities 0.7

Activity 15 – GNSS evolution, infrastructure-related R&D activities 48.5

Satellite Navigation – Galileo and EGNOS: summary

Satellite Navigation

Galileo and EGNOS

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2017 call topics

Image credits: ESA

Earth observation

Deadline: 1 March 2017

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17 Earth observation

EO-1-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Downstream applications

Proposals may address a wide variety of applications stemming from the use of Earth observation and its smart integration with other related technologies… The outcome of this innovation project should be a commercial service platform, sustained by a production process capable to deliver to the user a product which is validated and accepted as a marketable product… Corresponding validations and customisations are to be undertaken, and the business case for the application is to be demonstrated… The choice of EO application is left to the proposer…

1 to 2 M€

11 M€ Innovation Actions

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18 Earth observation

EO-2-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

EO Big Data Shift

Activities are expected to address the adaptation of big data technologies to Copernicus user scenarios …

Activities should include the development of tools … should address any relevant aspect of the data lifecycle which can solve EO big data challenges …(e.g. collection, processing including online processing, quality control, documentation, dissemination, cataloguing, preservation, usage tracking, integration) and usage activities (e.g. discovery, analysis (including visual), product generation, user feedback, tagging, knowledge extraction, decision making)… Participation of industry, in particular SMEs, is encouraged.

5.5 M€ Research and

Innovation Actions

Topic updated

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19 Earth observation

EO-3-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Preparation for a European capacity to monitor CO2 anthropogenic emissions

Activities will encompass the coordination of ongoing efforts, include mutual identification of research and infrastructural gaps, and facilitate a cooperation of further research and development to be undertaken to reach sufficiently mature capacities for an operational integration as a subsequent step. The areas needing attention are: 1. Reconciling Top down and bottom up estimates 2. Library of simulations for emissions and atmospheric transport 3. Uncertainty trade-off for fossil fuel emissions 4. Attributing CO2 emissions from in-situ measurements

4 M€

Coordination and support action

New Topic

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'Space' WP 2016/2017

2016 2017

Call for proposals Indicative budget

(M€) Indicative budget


EO-1-2016/2017: Downstream applications 9.85 11.0

EO-2-2016: Downstream services for public authorities 3.0 -

EO-3-2016: Evolution of Copernicus services 9.0 -

EO-2-2017: EO Big Data Shift - 5.5

EO-3-2017: Preparation for a European capacity to monitor CO2 anthropogenic emissions 4.0

Sub-total EO-2016/2017 21.85 20.5

COMPET-2-2017: Competitiveness in Earth observation mission technologies 7.0

Total EO related 'Space' (2016/2017) 21.85 26.5

Earth observation calls for proposals: summary


Earth observation

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Societal Challenge 2

Blue Growth – demonstrating an ocean of opportunities (H2020-BG-2016-2017):

BG-9-2016: An integrated Arctic observing system

BG-12-2016: Towards an integrated Mediterranean Sea Observing System

Sustainable Food Security – resilient agri-food chains (H2020-SFS-2016-2017):

SFS-43-2017: Earth Observation services for the monitoring of agricultural

production in Africa

Societal Challenge 5

Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials – Earth Observation (H2020-SC5-2016-2017):

SC5-18-2017 - Novel in-situ observation systems

SC5-19-2017 - Coordination of citizens' observatories initiatives

SC5-20-2016 - European data hub of the GEOSS information system

SME Instrument (H2020-SMEInst-2016-2017), although not dedicated uniquely to Earth

Observation, is particularly well suited for SMEs addressing space based applications

SMEInst-04-2016-2017: Engaging SMEs in space research and development

SMEInst-12-2016-2017: Boosting the potential of small businesses in the areas and

priorities of Societal Challenge 5

Related Earth

Observation activities

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Related Earth

Observation activities

'SC2' + 'SC5' WP 2016/2017


Societal Challenge 2: Blue Growth – demonstrating an ocean of opportunities (H2020-BG-2016-2017)

Indicative budget (M€)

BG-9-2016: An integrated Arctic observing system (RIA) 15.0

BG-12-2016: Towards an integrated Mediterranean Sea Observing System (RIA) 8.0

Societal Challenge 2: Sustainable Food Security – resilient agri-food chains (H2020-SFS-2016-2017)

Indicative budget (M€)

SFS-43-2017: Earth Observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa (RIA) 10.0

Societal Challenge 5: Earth Observation (H2020-SC5-2016-2017) Indicative budget


SC5-18-2017 - Novel in-situ observation systems (RIA) 15.0

SC5-19-2017 - Coordination of citizens' observatories initiatives (CSA) 4.6*

SC5-20-2016 - European data hub of the GEOSS information system (RIA) 10.0

Total EO related in SC2 and SC5 (2016/2017) 58.0

* This amount corresponds to three topics, among which SC5-19-2017 (not included in the total).

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Competitiveness of the European Space Sector Technology and Science

Image Credits: ESA

Deadline: 1 March 2017

2017 call topics

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COMPET-1-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness

Activities shall address technologies identified on the Joint EC-ESA-EDA Task Force list of Actions 2015-17 U09 – Cost effective multi - junction solar cells for space applications. U16 – Space qualified GaN components and demonstrators. U17 – High density (up to 1000 pins and beyond) assemblies on PCB and PCBs. U21 – Very high speed serial interfaces. U23 – Development of large deployable structures for antennas. U26 – Space qualified carbon fibre and pre-impregnated material sources for launchers and satellite subsystems.

2 to 5 M€

15 M€ Research and

Innovation action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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COMPET-2-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Competitiveness in Earth observation mission technologies The aim of this topic is to demonstrate, in a relevant environment, technologies, systems and sub-systems for Earth observation. Proposals should address and demonstrate significant improvements in such areas as miniaturisation, power reduction, efficiency, versatility, and/or increased functionality and should demonstrate complementarity to activities already funded by Member States and the European Space Agency.

2 to 3 M€

7 M€ Research and

Innovation action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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COMPET-3-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

High speed data chain

Activities shall aim at providing advanced on-board data handling and transfer for Earth observation and Telecommunication systems, and its management and exploitation in mission ground segment. These activities shall address the future challenge of high data rates transmission and significant improvements in data throughput.

2 to 3 M€

10 M€ Research and

Innovation action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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COMPET-4-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Scientific data exploitation

Support the data exploitation of European missions and instruments, of all acquired and available data provided by space missions in their operative, post-operative or data exploitation phase focusing on astrophysics (including exoplanets), heliophysics and the Solar System exploration, including the Moon.

1.5 M€

6 M€ Research and

Innovation action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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COMPET-5-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Space Weather

Exploratory work studying space weather with a view to enhancing the understanding of space weather and its impact. Proposals can cover the full range of space weather phenomena from the solar cycle, flares and coronal mass ejections to the effects of the solar wind in the near-earth environment and the evolution in between. This activity shall address space weather and its effects, impacts and mitigation techniques with application to aerospace and ground systems.

1 to 1.5 M€

3 M€ Research and

Innovation action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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COMPET-6-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Space portal

The call has two main incremental goals: 1. Implementation of an effective space web portal for Europe, able to

point to relevant resources as required and depending on the type of queries.

2. Provide a repository of all relevant information regarding FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020 funded space projects (including public deliverables, data, software tools where possible).

0.5 M€

0.5 M€ Coordination and

support action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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COMPET-7-2017 Reccomended project size

Indicative budget Type of action

Technology transfer and business generators

Contribute to access public funding opportunities, such as the SME instrument of the European Union, as well as potentially other funding opportunities from Member States, ESA and regional authorities. This activity will not support the establishment of additional BICs, but should assist entrepreneurs and other innovation agents. overcoming financial, administrative and networking barriers to innovation.

2 M€

2 M€ Coordination and

support action

More info on the

Participant Portal


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Other Action 11 - Horizon prize for low cost access to space

Reccomended project size Indicative budget

Type of action

The launch system shall provide affordable, sustainable and innovative design-to-cost solutions towards complete launch systems dedicated to the delivery of nano- and micro-satellites, with a launcher performance of payloads up to 500 kg to LEO orbit**, operational as soon as possible and economically viable when considering mid-term (i.e. the year 2025) commercial nano- and micro- satellite launch market predictions. **Performance expressed for a 600 km LEO orbit The prize will be awarded, after closure of the contest, to a solution that best addresses the following cumulative criteria: • Technical achievements • Economic viability

4 M€ Inducement prize

More info on the

Participant Portal


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Competitiveness of the European Space Sector –Technology and Science: summary

WP 2016

Call for proposals Indicative budget


COMPET-1-2016: Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness 14.85

COMPET-2-2016: Maturing Satellite Communication technologies 7.0

COMPET-3-2016: SRC – In-Space electrical propulsion and station keeping 23.0

COMPET-4-2016: SRC – Space Robotics Technologies 18.0

COMPET-5-2017: Scientific instrumentation 3.0

Total COMPET-2016 65.85

Other actions Indicative

budget (€ million)

Activity 7 - Engineering support by ESA 1.0

WP 2017

Call for proposals Indicative budget


COMPET-1-2017: Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness


COMPET-2-2017: Competitiveness in Earth observation mission technologies


COMPET-3-2017: High speed data chain 10.0

COMPET-4-2017: Scientific data exploitation 6.0

COMPET-5-2017: Space Weather 3.0

COMPET-5-2017: Space portal 0.5

COMPET-6-2017: Technology transfer and business generators


Total COMPET-2017 41.5

Other actions Indicative

budget (€ million)

Activity 11 - Horizon Prize for low cost access to space (4M€ prize from 2020 budget)


Activity 18 - Engineering support by ESA 1.0

Competitiveness of European Space Sector

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2. European Space Strategy

and preparations of Space Calls 2018 - 2020

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"No time for business as usual"

1. New Skills Agenda for Europe

2. New start for working parents

3. Circular Economy Package

4. Review of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020

5. Next steps for a sustainable European future

6. Implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy

7. Energy Union Package

8. Labour Mobility Package

9. Follow-up to Single Market Strategy

10. European Defence Action Plan

11. Action Plan on VAT

12. Corporate Tax Package

13. A Space Strategy for Europe

14. Pillar of Social Rights

15. European Bank Deposit Insurance Scheme / Completion of the Banking Union

16. Follow-up to the Trade and Investment Strategy

17. Implementation of European Agenda on Security

18. Better Migration Management

19. Border Management Package

20. Post-Cotonou Framework

21. Capacity building in the security sector

22. Commission contribution to the Global Strategy

23. Proposal for an Inter-Institutional Agreement on a mandatory Transparency Register

Commission work programme 2016

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35 Commission work programme 2016


A Space Strategy for Europe

Non- legislative

The Strategy will coordinate the different strands of EU space activities, including a roadmap for concrete actions enabling targeted sectorial applications and further developing the EU space programmes to benefit the economy, public authorities and society as a whole.

A Deeper and Fairer Internal Market with a Strengthened Industrial Base "… In 2016 we will also look more closely at a few selected sectors either because of their growth potential or because they face specific challenges. We will present a strategy for releasing the full benefits of the European space programmes such as Galileo and Copernicus for the European economy and citizens. We will develop and implement a European action plan to ensure that our defence market is ready to meet future security needs…" Annex I: New initiatives

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CWP2016 foresees a "Space Strategy for Europe"

Roadmap published:

Internal Commission work on-going: DG GROW in the lead; inter-Service Steering Group set up, co-chaired by SG & DG GROW; Participant DGs: AGRI, BUDG, CNECT, CLIMA, DEVCO, EMPL, ENER, ENV, ESTAT, FISMA, JRC, MARE, MOVE, RTD, LS, TRADE, EE AS, EPSC

Target adoption: Autumn 2016

Setting the scene

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Implementation and market uptake of Copernicus and Galileo

Robust market and user uptake of the EU space programmes, coupled with a forward-looking reflection on the future evolution of the systems.

New market opportunities for space-based applications and services

Framework conditions and industrial policy tools fostering new market opportunities for space applications and services in a competitive internal market and encouraging stronger participation of the private sector.

Governance of European space policy

A governance framework underpinning the partnership between the EU, ESA and Member States.

Other areas of action

Space and security (SST, GOVSATCOM); access to space; research and development; space for the economy and society (environment, transport, energy, climate).

Space strategy for Europe – Roadmap

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Member States: public authorities, space agencies

European Space Agency

Space industry

• Industry associations (e.g. Eurospace, SME4Space, EARSC, ESOA, Galileo Services, national associations)

• Space companies, including SMEs

European / EU agencies / bodies

• Eumetsat , GSA, EDA, EU SatCen, Frontex, EMSA, EEA, ECMWF, etc.

User communities

• Public authorities at national and regional level (e.g. NEREUS)

• Space business incubators and technology transfer brokers

Research centres active in the space domain

Academia, experts, think tanks, consultancies

Non-space industry

Interested citizens

Consultation process: Mapping stakeholders

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Online public consultation

Online survey (12 weeks)

Targeted consultation

Space Policy Expert Group

Bilateral meetings with key stakeholders (e.g. ESA)

Workshops with experts

Dialogue with space industry

Thematic meetings

Expert groups, user fora and programme committees (for very specific

elements of the strategy – e.g. Copernicus User Forum)

Input from EU institutions

Methods and activities

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Space Policy Expert Group (SPEG) 3 March, May (tbc); end June/July (tbc)

Online publication consultation Mid-April to Mid-July

European Space Policy Conference 12-13 January

Workshop on access to finance 25 January

Copernicus: online survey of EO companies 28 January to end-April

Galileo: meeting with Galileo services 16 February

Copernicus: Value chain Mid- /end-February

Munich satellite navigation summit 1-3 March

Galileo: Fundamental elements 8 March

Galileo: Meeting with chipset and receiver manufacturers 9 March

Workshop on access to finance (follow-on) 3 May

Space research strategy workshop 12 May

Competitiveness Council (Space) 26 May

European space solutions conference 30-31 May

Workshop on market conditions TBD June

Thematic workshop on H2020 Space work programme 2018-2020 Mid September

Calendar of activities

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Consultation processes implemented for previous WPs

WP 2014-15: Two technical workshops organised

• Space technology (Brussels, 30-31 Jan 2013)

• Space science and exploration (Madrid, 18-19 Feb 2013)

WP 2016-17: Online questionnaire followed by a technical workshop on Space science and technology and Earth observation

• Online questionnaire (17 July to 17 Sept 2014)

• Technical workshop (14 Oct 2014)

• Separate consultation process for EGNSS part of the WP

Policy Context

Space: alignment with Space Strategy initiative

Horizon 2020: Interim evaluation, bridging to next framework programme


Establish strategic orientations

Establish programmatic orientations

H2020 Space WP 2018-20 stakeholder consultation

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Outline of consultation steps

Targeted consultation of: Member States, ESA, Industry, research organisations (position papers)

Consultation of the SAG (report to be delivered by 1 June)

Multi-lateral consultation

Dedicated consultation exercices

JTF critical space technology

EGNSS & Copernicus expert groups

Space research strategy workshop

Three-day technical workshop

Position papers

12 May

Mid September


22 April

H2020 Space WP 2018-20 stakeholder consultation

Page 43: SPACE CALLS in HORIZON 2020 -… · SPACE CALLS in HORIZON 2020 Piotr Świerczyński SPACE NCP for H2020 ... SME


Timetable towards adoption of the H2020 WP 2018-2020

2015 - Adoption of the WPs 2016-17 (Q3)

- Foresight exercises (Q4)


- Stakeholder consultation/Advisory groups (Q1/Q2)

- Consultation Member States (Q2/Q3)

- Strategic Programming Document (Q3)

- Start of drafting of WPs (Q4)


- Consultation PC configurations on WPs drafts (Q1-Q3)

- Adoption of the WP 2018-20 (Q4) (should incorporate the results of the Horizon 2020 Interim


2018 - Adoption of financing decision for 2019 (Q2)

2019 - Adoption of financing decision for 2020 (Q2)

Process of adoption H2020 Space WP 2018-2020

Page 44: SPACE CALLS in HORIZON 2020 -… · SPACE CALLS in HORIZON 2020 Piotr Świerczyński SPACE NCP for H2020 ... SME

Useful links EU Space research websites:

ESA website:

Participant Portal:

Model Grant Agreement:

Annotated Model Grant Agreement:

Research Enquiry Service


Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE: