Southwest Sun March 2013

Cover photo courtesy of Southwest District Circle K International Volume 1 Issue 7 March 2013 In this issue! Page 2-4 District Farewells Page 5 Leadership Academy Page 6 Subregion B Trustee Page 8-9 Club Articles Page 11 Bulletin Editor’s Farewell Page 12-15 DCON Flashback Page 16 Greetings from Key Club Page 17 Governor Elect Page 18 Club Officers


The Southwest Sun is the official publication of the Southwest District Circle K International. In this issue you will find farewells from the 2012-2013 District Board, a messages from Subregion B Trustee and Southwest District Key Club Governor Brennan Benavidez. Along with information about the 2013-2014 District Board, Leadership Academy and the many resources avaliable to clubs from Circle K International.

Transcript of Southwest Sun March 2013

Cover photo courtesy of Southwest District Circle K International

Volume 1 Issue 7 March 2013

In this issue! Page 2-4 District Farewells

Page 5 Leadership Academy

Page 6 Subregion B Trustee

Page 8-9 Club Articles

Page 11 Bulletin Editor’s Farewell

Page 12-15 DCON Flashback

Page 16 Greetings from Key Club

Page 17 Governor Elect

Page 18 Club Officers


A year of service comes to an end as another begins. What an amazing year we’ve had in the Mighty

Southwest District. Between the Habitat of Humanity builds at LSSP to the election and parliamentary

procedures of ICON in New Orleans, to running for our lives at Fall Rally and the exciting and dangerous

world of spying at DCON, and all the fun we’ve had together in between, we are truly building a district to be

proud of for the coming years. I am extremely proud to have been a part of another year in which we improve

our programs and give you the member, more reasons to get involved at the district level and most

importantly more reasons to get into service.

At district convention I looked back at my year as governor and wondered whether I had made an impact in

your life as a servant. While I don’t think I have made that impact I am grateful for the impact each and every

one of you has made in mine. Together we have completed over 4,000 hours of service, gained unbelievable

exposure and accolades within CKI International, bonding never before seen at Fall Rally, and a record

amount of attendees at DCON. Now we can add to that long list, as we for the first time the SWD of CKI,

will have all four new divisions represented and even prouder to call them by their new names: Northern

Arizona is now the Kachina Division, Southern Arizona is now the Baja Division, Northern New Mexico is

now the Zia Division, and Southern New Mexico/Texas is the Rio Grande Division. Please accept these

names and boundaries with pride and help us as we now move into a new future of growth and success

within the Southwest.

Writing this article is a bitter sweet moment for me as my term as governor ends this month but with only

one regret that I was not able to be with you more often. I wish I had an opportunity to visit each school and

enjoy your company in service and friendship. While I wish I were able to be with you then I was grateful for

the opportunity to know you if only for a mere moment. The unity of our

family and district is un-wielding and stronger than ever and it is a bond that

will only strengthen with our unifying dedication to service. Thank you so

much for everything you have done for me and it is my sincere hope that all of

you continue the MIGHTY traditions and personal successes that make the


Yours in Service and Friendship,

Omar Perez, Southwest District Governor 2012-2013

Photo Courtesy of: Kathy Le

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


Dear my beloved Southwest District,

I am truly so honored to have been able to serve as your 2012-2013 Southwest

District Secretary! This past year has been a real treat as well as a great experience

to have been able to work with you all. At the beginning of it all, I didn’t know

what to expect. You guys have honestly helped me out in my community service

career as well as impacted my life greatly. You guys are the reason why people

spend so much time helping out their community, because they see diligence and

commitment like yours. This past year has been filled with many great memories that I will never forget. I want to

thank our current board, for all the help and work they have out into this year to make it possible and worth

working for. I want to thank the future board for stepping up and taking a role in our district. I have no doubt

that they will succeed and take our district to a whole other level. And lastly, thank you to all the secretaries! You

guys did an amazing job with service hours and being in contact with me. You all did an excellent job! I wish you

all nothing but success in the future. Thank you for making it easy on me.

Yours truly,

Jeanette Flores, SWD Secretary 2012-2013

Aloha CKI’ers!

It’s the end of one chapter and the beginning or a new one and I’m excited to see where our District will go this

next year. I am proud to say that I served you as your District Treasurer this past year, thank you all for your hard

work in fundraising for Eliminate, March of Dimes, STUFH, and Better World Books! With a few hiccups in the

membership update center International and District Dues were paid on time or well at least close to on time!

My year in CKI began in June when I attended the Large Scale Service Project in New Orleans and had a blast

meeting people from other districts while working on various service projects

throughout the city. CRAZY CRAWFISH!!! The summer continued with attending

the Southwest District Kiwanis Convention in Albuquerque where CKI, Key Club,

and Kiwanis began strengthening the bonds of service and fellowship. I had a blast

planning the Zombie invasion with Governor Omar and UNM CKI member,

Nicole Martinez. Fall Rally was a success! Finally, District Convention, what a great

way to celebrate a wonderful year! Thank you everyone!

Yours in Service and Fellowship,

Kelsae Pederson, SWD Treasurer 2012-2013

Photo Courtesy of: Kelsae Pederson

Photo Courtesy of: SWDCKI.ORG


Hello Mighty Southwest!

I would first off like to thank the presidents and other officers for all their hard work this

year. Many clubs went through "growing pains" and you all did a great job handling it by

working hard and doing service. You all made my job as Lt.G so much easier! Thank you

so much. I also want to show my appreciation for the board! It was an honor working,

growing, and serving with you. Good luck on your future endeavors. I really enjoyed this

year, but a new year is coming and I am so excited to serve my district again as Lt.

Governor. I am so excited for the new leadership and look forward to learning, growing,

and serving with you all! The southwest is small but mighty, and definitely a force to be

reckoned with! We have so much to be proud of! Let's continue to grow and serve. *live

to serve, love to serve*

Katie Merrill,

Lieutenant Governor, New Mexico/El Paso Division 2012-2013

Mighty Southwest!

This year has been simply amazing! I cannot express how much serving as your Lieutenant Governor was a

wonderful experience. This year’s district board, you all have made me a better leader, a better student and a

better advocate for serving my community. To next year’s board, I have no doubt that you all will be awesome and

take the Southwest District to the next level. We may be small, but we are the best. Sometimes I catch myself

being corny and calling our district the SouthBEST District just because that is how awesome we truly are as

members of CKI. To the Arizona Division, I humbly thank you all for your support, wisdom, and crazy

personalities! Also, serving as your DCON Char was a breath-taking experience and I cannot wait for next year’s

DCON in Phoenix, AZ; I have no doubt it will be a grand experience. Lastly, to everyone in our District from

Kiwanis all the way down to K-Kids, I would like to leave you with two statements that I have always carried with

me from two significant people in my life.

1) If your dreams, don't scare you, then they’re not big enough. I forgot who actually

said this, but someone special to me says it every time I see them. We all have dreams

within CKI and beyond CKI, so act on that fear to make them reality.

2) Do what you do in life so well, that on one living or yet to be born could do it better.

Kevin Wright,

Lieutenant Governor, Arizona Division 2012-2013


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

CKI Lesson

Leadership Academy

Retrieved from: CIRCLEK.ORG WHAT IS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY? CKI Leadership Academy is an investment in the members of CKI. The six-day event is intense and focuses on the E6 Framework created by Brendon Burchard, author of the Student Leadership Guide. Facilitators walk students through the steps to envision, enlist, embody, empower, evaluate, and encourage. Students learn that true leadership is based on servant leadership, which requires leaders to put the needs of others first, and to realize that no matter whether or not you have a title, there is always a need for service to one another and to the world. This program takes members of CKI through an adventure, starting with the CKI amazing race and ending with a plan in place to serve. The most unique part of the program— and what sets it apart from others— is that students and facilitators have an opportunity to do a service project during the program. WHO CAN ATTEND? The 2013 Leadership Academy is open to any student leader from a CKI club. WHEN IS THE 2013 EVENT? Tuesday, July 30, through Sunday August 4 WHERE DOES THE ACADEMY TAKE PLACE? Waycross Camp & Conference Center in Morgantown, Indiana. One of the best aspects of Leadership Academy is six days without social media interaction, but amazing human social interaction. Be prepared to live without cell phone coverage and internet for the week—-other than that, you will have access to modern conveniences and excellent food. WHY SHOULD I ATTEND? Leadership Academy is an excellent opportunity to prepare club leaders for the coming year and develop club presidents and emerging leaders within the district through participation in a life-changing leadership experience. HOW DO I APPLY? Apply HERE. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified within 14 days if you have been accepted to this year’s event. Registration closes for the Leadership Academy on Monday, July 8. Learn more about Leadership Academy at CIRCLEK.ORG

Hello Mighty Southwest!

I would first off like to thank the presidents and other officers for all their hard work this

year. Many clubs went through "growing pains" and you all did a great job handling it by

working hard and doing service. You all made my job as Lt.G so much easier! Thank you

so much. I also want to show my appreciation for the board! It was an honor working,

growing, and serving with you. Good luck on your future endeavors. I really enjoyed this

year, but a new year is coming and I am so excited to serve my district again as Lt.

Governor. I am so excited for the new leadership and look forward to learning, growing,

and serving with you all! The southwest is small but mighty, and definitely a force to be

reckoned with! We have so much to be proud of! Let's continue to grow and serve. *live

to serve, love to serve*

Katie Merrill,

Lieutenant Governor, New Mexico/El Paso Division 2012-2013

Mighty Southwest!

This year has been simply amazing! I cannot express how much serving as your Lieutenant Governor was a

wonderful experience. This year’s district board, you all have made me a better leader, a better student and a

better advocate for serving my community. To next year’s board, I have no doubt that you all will be awesome and

take the Southwest District to the next level. We may be small, but we are the best. Sometimes I catch myself

being corny and calling our district the SouthBEST District just because that is how awesome we truly are as

members of CKI. To the Arizona Division, I humbly thank you all for your support, wisdom, and crazy

personalities! Also, serving as your DCON Char was a breath-taking experience and I cannot wait for next year’s

DCON in Phoenix, AZ; I have no doubt it will be a grand experience. Lastly, to everyone in our District from

Kiwanis all the way down to K-Kids, I would like to leave you with two statements that I have always carried with

me from two significant people in my life.

1) If your dreams, don't scare you, then they’re not big enough. I forgot who actually

said this, but someone special to me says it every time I see them. We all have dreams

within CKI and beyond CKI, so act on that fear to make them reality.

2) Do what you do in life so well, that on one living or yet to be born could do it better.

Kevin Wright,

Lieutenant Governor, Arizona Division 2012-2013


Greetings from Subregion B Trustee

Secret Agents of the Southwest District: First and foremost, thank you for hosting me and my lot of companions from Las Vegas and the spy that tagged along from Subregion A. It was a pleasure attending your District Convention. I did not need any special gadgetry or honed spy skills to perceive the amount of passion and dedication you all have to this organization and our mission to serve. Last season's reconnaissance mission, infiltrating your Fall Rally, proved to be horrifically splendid, as we fought off the infection, eventually failing to resist the contagion of service. This season, at your DCON, I got to celebrate with you all as your ended your year and ushered in a new era of potential in terms of growth, development, and leadership. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished in the short but fulfilling times I have had to serve as your Sub B Trustee. Needless to say, I will have much positive remarks in my debriefing of mission "attend Southwest District Convention" to International HQ. All puns and references aside, I really am happy to see the Mighty Southwest District continue to fight on. Everybody has their conflicts and challenges, and as they came up for you all, together you rose to the occasion and showed that as leaders you can make the right choices and follow through with what's best for your district and your members. Every obstacle you overcome, from stalemates in House of Delegates to silly challenges your trustee gives you to retrieve the gavel, makes your district stronger and your unity to each other tighter. I hope you never forget what happened this weekend and that you return next year after a bigger and better term to another awesome DCON. Much thanks to Kevin Wright who set this all up. I am so glad to have met you and spent that long night chatting with you. Your leadership shines and impacts even an old CKI'er like me. To the old board led by Gov. Omar Perez, congrats on a great term and good luck on your future endeavors. As a "retiring" member myself, I hope you look back with fondness on the memories and bonds and impacts you have had in your years of service to CKI and your communities, and become motivated by all you see. Thank you. For everything. To all the new officers and especially the new D-board. SUCKERS!! Prepare yourselves for the most challenging but most rewarding responsibility I know for CKI. Your mission is to serve your members and be the role-models for all new initiates of the club. Lead with strength and integrity, create your legacy, and never forget your passions. If ever in doubt, always remember that you are not alone and you can ask for help. I believe in you, so do it. With that, I leave you one final thought: "The mission of CKI is to develop college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service." This is your mission. Do you accept? "Live to Serve, Love to Serve." ~Ryan Max Ocampo Sub B Trustee 2012-2013 P.S. I hope to see you in Vancouver!

Photo Courtesy of: Kathy Le


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

Photo Courtesy of: Kathy Le

Hello everyone! My name is Kathy Le and I am the 2012 – 2013 Subregion A Trustee. I proudly represent the Circle K Districts of Montana, Pacific Northwest, Utah-Idaho, and Western Canada. On February 22 – 24, I had the pleasure of attending Southwest’s District Convention in Flagstaff, Arizona. Although it was my first district event outside of Subregion A, it was not long before I felt at home amongst the CKI’ers and Kiwanians who attended. Upon arrival I was greeted by snow (which reminded me of home!) and of course Kevin Wright’s infectious smile. I was immediately intrigued by the ribbons available for purchase – and with the proceeds going towards The Eliminate Project, it was hard to refuse! I don’t think that anyone will ever forget how long Ryan Ocampo’s nametag was although there were a lot of notable contenders. This year’s theme was “Service is Forever” which was exactly what everyone portrayed during the service projects! I was inspired by the dedication that everyone at St. Mary’s Food Bank demonstrated by packing thousands of meals for the hungry. A few hours of hard work can result in something amazing – and I believe this drives many of us to involve ourselves in CKI. Throughout the weekend everyone couldn’t help but admire the “Little America” hotel in Flagstaff. I was pleasantly surprised because the location matched the event theme perfectly! I honestly would have guessed Omar Perez, who was dashingly dressed, to be a secret agent if we had not been at convention. I was lucky enough to attend a few workshops and learn more about the Southwest district and am thankful for the experience of being part of a truly international organization. My fondest memory would have to have been when a few of us took pictures with the bell and gavel – which was stolen by a few sneaky ladies. From the delicious food to the bonding that occurred in downtown Flagstaff, Southwest’s District Convention was definitely an unforgettable experience! I would like to congratulate the newly elected district board for I know that you will all do amazing things this upcoming year. Also, I would like to thank all of the attendees and clubs who won awards because it is all of your hard work that truly makes up the mighty Southwest district. Lastly, thank you Elissia Torres for your wonderful work with the Southwest Sun. See you all in Vancouver for International Convention and the Large Scale Service Project! Best Wishes, Kathy Le

Canada, America’s Hat


NAU Graffiti Busters

Submitted by: Becca Holub, NAU President This semester Northern Arizona University Circle K International is teaming up with the city of Flagstaff to make a difference. The city of Flagstaff is working on implementing a new program called Graffiti Busters and NAU CKI has signed up to be apart of this program. Last semester, as an addition to other service projects, NAU CKI painted over graffiti in one of the washes near campus. It was a hit! Whether they were painted or retrieving supplies, members of Circle K had a blast painting the walls around the wash. As Graffiti Busters, NAU Circle K will continue to help cover up all of the graffiti that is around Flagstaff.

Submitted by: Meghan Pearce, ENMU President Eastern New Mexico University is super excited to see what our new board has for us in the next year! The immediate past board did a good job building our club, but we are ready for a fresh start!! Our club is taking part in a number of different events at our school, including Up 'Till Dawn, which benefits the St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Relay for Life, which benefits the American Cancer Society, and Eastern in Action, which is a clean-up Portales event that Eastern has done for several years. Our club also works for the local fire department once a month by cleaning their vehicles and station, and has done this since last spring. This helps

all of our members to bond with each other and community members through service. We will write more about these upcoming events, as well as any Eliminate projects that we come up with. Until then, we wish all of the clubs a good year with their new boards. Bring on the service :)

Bring on the Service

Photo Courtesy of Becca Holub

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

V4V: Valentine for Veterans

Submitted by: Serina Pack, WNMU President WNMU CKI completed an exciting service project called “V4V”. This project was Valentine for Veterans, designed by Serina Pack, WNMU CKI President and involved working with the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 18 and area youth from the organizations of Girl Scouts from Troop 834 and the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Copper Rose and Ruth Laws Assembly. The goal of the project was to make special Valentine wall-hangings thanking veterans in the hospitals for their service, while sharing with youth values of patriotism and thankfulness to those who have helped our country be what is tis today and for us to have the freedoms we do. This project was also shared with the Kiwanis Club of Silver City, who also had the opportunity during one of their weekly luncheons to make the special origami doves and valentine heart chains. This was a great way to share with the Kiwanians some of the service work being done by CKI members. Robert Pack, Treasurer, and Serina Pack, President attended the Kiwanis meeting. A total of 200 of these special Valentines were made of which approximately 30 of them were delivered by President, Serina Pack, and Vice President, Brandon Cook, to veteran patients at Fort Bayard Medical Hospital. Lori Bonomo, Kiwanis Advisor assisted as well. The rest of the over 160 Valentines went to the VA Hospital in Truth or Consequences (T or C). Below is a photo of Serina Pack and Brandon Cook at Fort Bayard hospital where they spent part of their Valentine’s Day visiting with veterans and presenting them the special handmade Valentines made by the Girl Scouts and Rainbow girls. Additional photos are of Kiwanis Club of Silver City past Lt. Gov. Alma Carson helping with the project and area youth making special Valentines.

Photos Courtesy of: Serina Pack






Greetings Might Southwest District, This year has been amazing, we have completed over 4,000 service hours, projects included: Ronald McDonald House Charities, Adopt an Avenue, Cloud Dancers Therapeutic Horsemanship Program, Beads of Courage, Castle of Cans, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, visiting the elderly and many others. These are just some of the projects highlighted in the Southwest Sun along with information about the Kiwanis Family, Preferred Charities, and districts events. Thank you for everyone who has taken the time to read or write an article for the Southwest Sun. Without your help, we would have never reached 5,597 total views! I hope you enjoyed each and every page. As bulletin editor, it has been my honor to create the Southwest Sun and share all your amazing service projects, fundraisers, and time spent with your Kiwanis family. This opportunity has given me the chance to connect with my Kiwanis family in many different ways. I loved attending district events, introducing myself to you and at the same time telling you something about you that I read in the Southwest Sun. Completing this last issue has been a challenge. Once this issue is published, my year with CKI will end. Hopefully my years in the Kiwanis Family continue. I hear there might be a CKI Alumni group starting in the Southwest. Thank you for a great year in service! I can’t wait to see what’s next for the Southwest District.

Yours in Service and Friendship,

Elissia Julia Torres,

SWD Bulletin Editor, 2012-2013




CKI Service Week

March 31-April 6, 2013

Join other Circle K clubs around the world during CKI Service Week, beginning March 31 and culminating on Kiwanis One Day on April 6, 2013.

CKI Service Week exists to increase awareness of CKI, the Kiwanis family and CKI’s preferred charities March of Dimes, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger and UNICEF on college campuses.

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

DCON 2013

Photos Courtesy of: SWDCKI


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

“Service is Forever”


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

Flagstaff, AZ

Photos Courtesy of: SWDCKI


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

February 22-24

Click to view a slide show made by WNMU CKI


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

Greetings from Key Club

Hello CKI family members, Key Club Governor Brennan, here to give you an update on Key Club. First, I am sorry I was not able

to attend your DCON due to prior obligations. This is upsetting because between CKI and Key Club,

there has not been much communication or interaction this past year. I do hope that CKI and Key

Club can work together with events in the future. Governor Omar, and a couple of your CKI board

and committee members and I became more acquainted at the Kiwanis Mid-year Conference in Santa

Fe, New Mexico. It was a pleasure to get to know all of them. Spending time with them at the burning

of Tio Coco and the awesome firework show, I am now more excited for college and CKI than ever

before. I am very happy to announce that Key Club along with our fellow Kiwanians had another successful

Key Leader Camp this past weekend at Kamp Kiwanis. Key Leader is an event open to all students ages

14-18, including those currently in Key Club and students who have not yet been a part of the Kiwanis

family programs. Key Club District Convention is April 12-14 in El Paso, Texas. Our DCON theme is, “Service Happily

Ever After,” and there we hope to raise $15,000 towards the Eliminate Project. I do hope to have CKI

representatives there to talk to Key Clubbers about CKI and general questions surrounding college. I

hope that the next time we meet; I will be at a future CKI event as a

member. Until then!

Key Club Governor Brennan Benavidez at Kiwanis DCON, trying to steal the Kiwanis Governor’s bell. August 2012 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Photo Courtesy of: Brennan’s Facebook page

Burning of Tio Coco, Zozobra’s Uncle/2nd Cousin Photo Courtesy of: Elissia Torres


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

Hello Southwest District of CKI!

My name is Andrew Lee and I am your 2013-2014 District Governor-Elect! First, please let me say how excited I am

to serve and help all of you in your various service projects, fundraisers, and other endeavors. I look forward to

meeting each of you and plan to visit each of your clubs throughout the year!

My biggest goal is to strengthen your existing clubs, in numbers and the amount of service we perform! One way I

plan to do this is by organizing an Executive Board training retreat for the newly elected, 2013-2014 boards as well

as the 2012-2013 board, in order to facilitate the transition between leaders. In this program, I plan to focus on

specific, job-related aspects that will truly be effective for the new year, rather than arbitrary leadership skills. This

program is projected to happen this April, so please be aware of the future announcements.

Lastly, here are a few facts about me! I attended Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University, and am

studying Aerospace Engineering. I received my Eagle Scout award in February 2012 and am still somewhat active as

an adult leader in Boy Scouts. I do saber fencing, acrylic and oil painting, guitar (electric

and acoustic, I can sing a little, too), ukulele and I play video games on my PS3 (mostly

Nazi Zombies). I like to listen to “scremo” music as well as Matchbox Twenty. I am

Chinese and can speak Cantonese as well as a little Spanish (AP Spanish 4 and I visited

Madrid). Last, one of my favorite foods is spam musubi (it’s Hawaiian).

Again, I am very excited for the 2013-2014 year and to work with the 2013-2014 SWD

Executive Board, which consists of: Alex Martinez (Secretary), Kelsae Pederson

(Bulletin Editor), Miles Glick (Baja Lt. Gov.), Perla de los Angeles (Kachina Lt. Gov.),

Serina Pack Rio Grande Lt. Gov.) and Katie Merrill (Zia/Northern New Mexico Lt.

Gov.). If you have any questions concerns, comments, or just wanna chat, do not

hesitate to contact me. Let’s make the most of this year!

Yours in service, leadership, and fellowship,

Andrew Lee

2013-2014 CKI Southwest District Governor-Elect

Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University ‘16

(602) 828-9218

[email protected]

2013-2014 SWD Governor Elect Andrew Lee


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

2013-2014 Club Officers

Are you a new club officer? Don’t know what to expect? Below are some of the roles and responsibilities of your new office. Info retrieved from the CKI Club Officer Guide President: As your club’s chief executive officer, the president is responsible for overall club management. The president does not actually complete the monthly reports, processes the dues, or organizes the projects. However, it is under the president’s leadership that other are enabled to do the tasks assigned. Ultimately, the president is responsible for all club activity. Vice President: The vice-president is responsible for the club in the absence of the club president and should assist the president and other officers with their duties. In order to be able to step in for the president, the vice-president must be current on everything that is occurring in the club as well as the duties of the president. Secretary: The secretary is responsible for the management of all cub records. The secretary must be ready to document the details important to running a smooth club operation. Included in the management of club records is keeping minutes and attendance at all club board meetings. Treasurer: The treasure works closely with the club secretary to coordinate the collection and disbursement of money. Accurate record keeping is imperative to this position. In many cases, the college or university will require the club to process all transactions through the college or university business office. The treasurer will need to learn about the college or university’s procedure for the collection and disbursement of club monies. Bulletin Editor: If your club elects or appoints a bulletin editor, it is the editor’s responsibility to develop a monthly bulletin or newsletter to inform your club members of club activities, deadlines, important dates, and board actions. A good newsletter will motivate members who have not been attending club meetings to participate in club projects. ******Propose of a club bulletin: The purpose of the club bulletin is to briefly remind members of the club’s activities. Topics that should be included in the bulletin include: service projects, social activities, Kiwanis activities, deadlines, important dates, District and International events and accomplishments. You may also want to include: special interest articles, CKI education, career development topics, and on campus activities. Committees: In consultation with the board of officers, the club president should design a committee structure that will enable the club to achieve the goals set. All activities of the club should move the club closer to goal achievement. The Standard Form for Club Bylaws recommends some standing committees; however, each club needs to specify committees unique to the club’s interests and goals. For the list of standing committees, refer to the Standard Form for Club Bylaws Faculty Advisor: The most critical role of faculty advisor is to be a liaison between the school and the club. Kiwanis Advisor: The most critical role of the Kiwanis advisor is to be a liaison between the sponsoring Kiwanis club and the club.


How have you Eliminated


Congratulations Omar for receiving Distinguished Sec-retary at ICON



4,462 Total district service hours completed since April Total district hours completed for February 495 hours Congratulations ASU for the most service hours for the month of February (117 hours)! Great Job WNMU, 95 hours for the month of February! Way to Go ENMU for the most K-Family Relations hours for the month of February (23 hours)! Congratulations UNM for the most inter-club hours (16 hours)!

Miss an issue of the Southwest Sun?

Don’t worry every issue is available at

Governor, Andrew Lee– ASU Secretary, Alex Martinez– ASU Bulletin Editor, Kelsae Pederson— UNM Baja Division Lieutenant Governor, Miles Gilck— U of A Kachina Division Lieutenant Governor, Perla de Los Angeles— NAU Rio Grand Division Lieutenant Governor, Serina Pack— WNMU Zia Division Lieutenant Governor, Katie Merrill— ENMU Congratulations to all the award recipients at DCON. *******SPECIAL NOTE: Applications for the office of District Treasurer and District Committee Chairs are now available. Please contact your 2012-2013 club president or Governor-Elect Andrew Lee for application. Applications are due March 31st. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to be apart of the 2013-2014 District Board. Don’t forget to fill out the DCON Survey and give us your feedback to make next years DCON even better! Please click [HERE] to access the survey.

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

Congratulations! 2013-2014 Southwest District Board


CKI <Southwest

District> Southwest Sun

Through the Eliminate Project: The Kiwanis Family is eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus, we will change the world. We will help raise $110 million to save and protect millions of babies from MNT – and protect the connection between mother and child that this deadly disease destroys. To make this happen, we need to engage people in valuable service and fundraising efforts. You CKI can be the leader in this effort. We need to share stories, news and inspirations – about The Eliminate Project and about our own efforts. We need to interact with friends, family members and people throughout our communities. That’s where social media comes in. It’s fast, it’s free and it’s everywhere. And this is where you CKI excel. Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the perfect way you can generate interest. I want to thank all of the outgoing members, who are graduating and all of the officers who are leaving office for your support of the Eliminate Project. And I want to challenge those of you who are coming in as new officers to grab a hold of this project, embrace it and let it get a hold of you. I promise that if you do, not only are taking action to change the world . . . but it will CHANGE you. Yours in service to the Children Around the World Ron (Smith) SWD Assistant CKI Administrator SWD Eliminate Coordinator

Photo Courtesy of: Ron Smith




CKI Resources

With April quickly approaching, it means another CKI year is coming to an end. Officers are retiring as new officers take their place. As your club makes the transition, please don’t forget that Circle K International have many resources that are available to Circle K members just like you. Please click [HERE] to access the many different resources available from Circle K International

Be a Hero, Eliminate MNT


Dear outgoing district and club officers,

You have all done a terrific job this year. Service, fellowship, fun; you've done it all. Over 4,000

service hours in a single year is truly outstanding! And this is just the beginning of your fantastic

Kiwanis journey. As you continue in school, or graduate and move into the full-time work, or be

a dedicated homemaker, here are a few points to ponder:

1) Believe in yourself and others will. how you view yourself is how others see you. What do you


2) R&R. Make time to Regroup and Recharge. Your mental acuity and physical energy will

benefit from slowing down on occasion.

3) Character vs. reputation. Character is your core. Reputation is what others think of

you. Concentrate on building character. Reputation is fleeting.

4) Humility. It's not thinking less of yourself. It's thinking less about yourself.

5) A wise child. "Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, stronger

than you seem, and smarter than you think." -- Christopher Robin to Pooh, A.A. Milne,

"Winnie the Pooh"

Bob Carson

Administrator SWD CKI

Last Words...

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


Southwest District Administrators &Associate Administrators

Bob Carson CKI Administrator [email protected] Rose Anne Dodson District Executive Director [email protected] Ron Smith Assistant Administrator [email protected]

C.K. Liu Arizona State [email protected] Jim Lee Eastern New Mexico [email protected] Bert Benedick New Mexico State [email protected]

Michael Iafrato Northern Arizona [email protected] Betty Misch University of Arizona [email protected] Lori Ann Bonomo Western New Mexico [email protected]

Southwest District Board Omar Perez [email protected] Governor Jeanette Flores [email protected] Secretary Kelsae Pederson [email protected] Treasurer Elissia Torres [email protected] Bulletin Editor Katie Merrill [email protected] Lieutenant Governor New Mexico/Texas Kevin Wright [email protected] Lieutenant Governor Arizona

SWD CKI Presidents

John McMullen University of Arizona [email protected]

Erin Lin Arizona State University [email protected] Inactive Cochise Community College Meghan Pearce Eastern New Mexico University [email protected]

Vonia Adams University of New Mexico [email protected] Varayini Pankayatselvan New Mexico State University [email protected] Rebecca Holub Northern Arizona University [email protected] Inactive University of Texas at El Paso Serina Lee Pack Western New Mexico University [email protected]