Southwest Iowa Squadron - Apr 2012

8/20/2019 Southwest Iowa Squadron - Apr 2012 1/6 uality Cadet nit Award pdate of March 31st we have t 5 of the 9 possible crite- ( we need a minimum of 5 earn the award). n’t forget, we ALL can work wards this goal, and here’s w... Have you achieved the Wright Brother’s Award? Have you had at least 1 front seat o-ride? Have you been to an encampment? Have you completed at least 2 DDRx activities? Have you renewed your CAP membership? Senior MembersHave you taken the Training Leaders of Cadets course? ou said no to any of these, k me how you can say yes! in this issu Squadron News P.  Awards & Promotions P. Calendar P. Cadets P. Senior Members P. Other News P. SSUE April 012 04 It’s Popcorn Time Again! That’s right boys and girls, it’s time for our annual Noble Pop- corn fundraiser again! This year our usual lineup of caramel, cheddar cheese, cinnamon, English Toffee, French Vanilla, and cranberry twist will be joined by two new flavors… ...BBQ and white cheddar cheese! The large Cedar Creek bags will be selling for $4, the 1 gallon (re-usable) containers will be selling for $10 and the 2 gallon tins will be selling for $35.  All proceeds from this fund- raiser will go towards funding our squadron and its missions. Don’t forget that the turn in day will be Tuesday May 22nd, so go sell your heart out!

Transcript of Southwest Iowa Squadron - Apr 2012

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uality Cadetnit Award—pdate

of March 31st we have

t 5  of the 9 possible crite-

( we need a minimum of 5

earn the award).

n’t forget, we ALL can work

wards this goal, and here’s


Have you achieved the

Wright Brother’s Award? 

Have you had at least 1

front seat o-ride?

Have you been to an


Have you completed at

least 2 DDRx activities?

Have you renewed your

CAP membership?

Senior Members—Have

you taken the Training

Leaders of Cadets


ou said no to any of these,

k me how you can say yes!

in this issu

Squadron News P.

 Award s & Promotions P.

Calendar P.

Cadets P.

Senior Members P.

Other News P.


A pr i l012


It’s Popcorn Time Again! That’s right boys and girls, it’s

time for our annual Noble Pop-

corn fundraiser again!

This year our usual lineup of

caramel, cheddar cheese,

cinnamon, English Toffee,

French Vanilla, and cranberry

twist will be joined by two new


...BBQ and white cheddar


The large Cedar Creek bags

will be selling for $4, the 1

gallon (re-usable) containers

will be selling for $10 and the 2

gallon tins will be selling for


 All proceeds from this fund-

raiser will go towards funding

our squadron and its missions.

Don’t forget that the turn in day

will be Tuesday May 22nd, so

go sell your heart out!

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Ranking Up— Achievementsand Levels

From cadets to senior membe

we are all given the chance to

earn promotions and succeed

prilwards &romotions

u’ve worked hard and

ve succeed, now it’s our

n to recognize your


omotion to Capt

dd Bean

st Uniform for April

det Hansen

I’ve been throwing around an idea lately and even

brought it up to a few of you. For those that I haven’t

had a chance to chat with about it here’s your oppor-

tunity to let me know what you think… 

The Officer Basic Course is a completely online

course that CAP offers and you have 3 months to

complete it at your own pace. Having already com-

pleted it myself I know much I wish I would have had

other’s to bounce ideas off of and to learn all this

great material with. So, here’s my thought—I’d like

to see if we can arrange to have all senior members

needing this course to enroll at the same time, that

way we can utilize some of our meetings to go over

the material together and help each other throug

Before I can work on the logistics of this idea I

a headcount from you senior members as to

would like to participate. Right now I’m tenta

thinking of starting this in August or September

you’re interested please shoot me an email an

me know.

Senior Members—Officer Basic Course

Cadet PT Bests— April Update

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

M a y 2 0 1 2

1 May — Cadet Meeting

Emergency Services

Red Oak, IA Airport


8 May — Cadet Meeting

CPFT & Testing

Red Oak, IA Airport


15 May — Cadet Meeting

Aerospace Education

Red Oak, IA Airport


21 March — Meeting

CANCELLED due to other activities/events

22 May — Cadet Meeting

Leadership & Character Development

Red Oak, IA Airport


29 May — Cadet Meeting

Parent’s Night 

Red Oak, IA Airport


5 May—FLM Training @ Red Oak

6 May—Red Oak Fly In

19 May—Wings Over Whiteman Air Show

19 & 20 May—SLS @ Camp Dodge

20 May—Cherokee Fly In

Howard Viner

Special Events Birthdays

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wa’s 20th Spaatz Cadet Receives Award From Congressman 

m pleased and privileged to have beene to attend the presentation of theaatz Award to C/Col Adam Waccholz

Congressman Tom Latham on April 28,2.

presentation was held at the Jordanek Town Centre during an Academy

y event and was a great chance totlight the importance of CAP’s Cadetgram to aspiring youth looking to joinmilitary.

Cadet PromotiBoards

One of the requireme

cadet promotions is a bo

review (BOR). Most

have already been throu

is and hopefully will agre

me that is a great cha

identify both strength

weaknesses to better he

prepare for the increas

sponsibilities that will

with a promotion.

It is the cadet’s responsi

request a BOR and w

that a request be made n

than one week in adRequests can be made

in person or via email o

other promotion require

have been met.

Cadet Resourc A Quick Reference

Everything Cadet

  News & Updates •  Help for New Cadets 

•  Information for Parent

•  Promotions

•  Drill & Ceremonies 

•  Upcoming Encampme

•  CAP Scholarships 

•  Orientation Flights 

•  Leadership Curriculum

•  Training Leaders of Ca

•  Cadet Special Activitie

New Squadron Handbook is READY!

y now you should have received

e new squadron handbook, but

not please let me know and I’ll

et that sent to you right away!

EW MEMBERS—Please take

pecial note of section one as theformation contained there will

elp get you started. In particu-

lar, #4—Your First Training, di-

rects you right where you need to

go in order to complete either

Level I (as a senior member) or

the majority of your achievement

1 (for cadets) requirements.

NOT SO new members—Please

note that all levels and achieve-

ments can be found towards the

back of the document in attach-

ments 2-14. Here you can chart

your progress through your pro-

gram and keep up to date with

your next promotion require-


What Are Other Squadrons Doing?heck out this link to see what

he Burlington Composite

quadron is up to.

he East Iowa Cadet Squadron,

Cedar Rapids Senior Squadron

and Burlington Composite

Squadron recently held a Squad-

ron Leadership School (SLS). 

C/Capt Felix Knutson was ac-

cepted to the Air Force Academy. 

Drew Dudley: Everyday Leadership

We have all changed someone’s

fe -- usually without even realiz-

ng it. In this funny talk from

EDxToronto, Drew Dudley calls

n all of us to celebrate leader-

hip as the everyday act of im-roving each other’s lives. 

Drew Dudley believes leadership

is not a characteristic reserved

for the extraordinary.

Click Here to watch

this great video!

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Senior Members

What keeps a good squadron

its feet and prepared at all tim

is a well trained and knowledg

ble staff.

enior Memberaining

e following is a list of

rses provided to all senior

mbers to further advance

r education and training

hin CAP. Completion of

me of these classes is

ndatory to promote and

mplete a level.

dates become available for

following courses we will

them on our calendar as

l as below.

uadron Leadership

hool (SLS)equired for the Benjamin O.

vis Jr. Award (Level II).

ilable online, sign up here. 

ficer Basic Course 

equired for the Benjamin O.

vis Jr. Award (Level II)

ilable online, sign up here. 

orporate Learning

ourse (CLC) 

equired for the Grover Loening

ospace Award (Level I II).

ilable online, sign up here. 

it Commander’sourse (UCC)

dvised for those wishing to

ve on the Command Staff.

aining Leaders of

dets (TLC)

component of the Cadet

grams Officer Specialty Track 

The 2012 Professional Development training dates

have been announced!

Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC)


Squadron Leadership School (SLS)

when: May 19-20, 2012

where: Des Moines, IA

Corporate Leadership Course (CLC)

when: June 23-24, 2012

where: Des Moines, IA

Unit Commander’s Course (UCC) 

when: September 22-23, 2012

where: Des Moines, IA

If you’d like to attend any of the training course

will need to fill out a CAPF 17 and send it to the

Wing Professional Development Officer (Capt

Wachholz)  as well as the course director (T

when we know we’ll let you know).

 All courses have billeting arranged for at C

Dodge for a VERY reasonable rate.

If more than one squadron member would like

and carpool, please see Capt Jason Erickson a

the use of the CAP vehicle

For more information on what the courses enta

what to expect, please chat with your squadron

fessional Development Officer (Capt Jessa


Forms & Regulations Updates

CAPR 50-3—CPPT Student Training 

CAPR 60.-1—CAP Flight Management 

CAPR 190-1—CAP Public Affairs Program 

CAPR 50-17—CAP Senior Member Profession-

al Development Program 

CAPR 76-1—CAP Member Movement via Mili-

tary Aircraft 

CAPR 77-1—Operation & Maintenance of CAP


CAPR 1-2—Personally Identifiable Information 

Ops Quals—Driver’s License Module Launch 

Misc Updates

Drug Demand Reduction funds are now a


Important Updates . . .

Professional Development

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Links You NEEto Know About

Squadron Links

Southwest Iowa Compo

Squadron Website 

Squadron Calendar  

Facebook  We pos

tos, notes about up

events (including meetin

cellations), important ne

etc. so be sure to “Like”

you can keep up.

Wordpress  In add

our new social med

ue, we’ve also instituted

online blog via a Wordpr


Wing Links

Iowa Wing Website 

Wordpress  Check

this site for informa

scheduled events, what

other squadrons are doi

and other cool stuff. If y

haven’t already, but sure

sign up to receive new b

posts directly via your em


Walk the Line

pcoming Subordinate Unit Inspection (SUI)

the coming months we, as a

uadron, will be preparing for a

bordinate unit inspection (SUI).

his inspection is meant to be an

ucational experience to help us

make sure that we’re running

r squadron efficiently and ac-

cording to the regs. During this

preparation time we will be going

through each duty position to

make sure we have someone

assigned and that that person is

informed and knows how to do

their job. As always, no one real-

ly ever knows their job to a “T”,

that’s why we need to work to-

gether and help each other out.

uring our 3rd Saturday meeting in March members

rticipated in the Foggy Goggles DDRx activity

here they were given the chance to put on simula-

n drunk goggles and complete tasks ranging from

alking a straight line to catching a ball that’s being

own to them. Afterwards members sat down to

scuss the vari-

s repercus-

ons of drug &

cohol use.

ark Your Calendars!

oth the squadron and Wing cal-

dars have seen some updating

ely so be sure to check them,

well as the weekly meeting

endas, out so you can stay up

date on all the fun stuff that’s

ing on this summer!

New to the calendar:

Flight Line Supervisor (FLS)

training on June 2nd—

location TBD

SAREX on June 9th @ Ankeny

SAREX on July 7th @


ver Thought About Going to an Encampment?

you’ve ever wondered what it

ould be like to go to an encamp-

ent, now’s a GREAT time to

d out!

he summer months are ripe withcampments all over the US.

urrently we have one cadet set

go to the Colorado Encamp-

ment in June and one senior

member is heading off to Ne-

braska’s Encampment at the

same time.

While it is too late to apply for theMinnesota Encampment, (basic)

cadet applications for Nebraska

are still be accepted and I en-

courage EVERY single cadet to

apply! Even if you’re brand new,

this is a great opportunity to learn

the basics and get a heads up on

your next promotion(s).If you need help getting your ap-

plication packet completed be

sure to let me know!