Southern Vermont College Chronicle Fall 2008

1 chronicle the B A inside this issue 2 Interview with Provost 3 President’s Column 4 Artist-in-Residence 4 WBTN Sold 4 Healthcare Division Grows 5 Sports 6 Hunter Hall 7 Class Notes 8 Alumni Profile 9 Honor Roll of Donors editor & photographer: David Scribner contributors: Patrick Buckley, Karen Gross, Marion Whiteford designer: Leslie Noyes Creative Consulting, Inc. September 2008 news and information from the Southern Vermont-St. Joseph College Community PROFILE OF A PROVOST: College names Albert DeCiccio as Chief Academic Officer fter a nine-month search, the College has appointed Albert DeCiccio, former Academic Dean of Rivier College in Nashua, N.H., to the newly created post of Provost. e position enlarges the role and responsibilities of Academic Dean. DeCiccio began his tenure in July. DeCiccio earned his undergraduate degree at Merrimack College in 1974, his master’s degree in English from SUNY Albany, and his doctorate in English, Rhetoric and Composition from Arizona State University. “In Al DeCiccio, we have found a person with a remarkably wide range of talents,” SVC President Karen Gross said. “In addition to being a true scholar, he is deeply engaged in thinking about pedagogy and creative and thoughtful programmatic development. He is adept at helping others grow and learn, and he believes in small colleges and their capacity to change lives. e search committee, chaired by Professor Tom Redden, is to be com- mended for its efforts.” e College replaced the position of Academic Dean with that of Provost in order to emphasize that “academic life is an institution’s primary asset—an asset that must be nurtured and fostered each and every day,” observed President Gross. “e chief academic officer must be an institution’s compelling and inspirational voice about the power and capacity of education, and must effectively engage students, faculty and the wider com- munity in the enterprise of education—expressed through a vision for the essential value of liberal arts colleges in the 21st century.” (Continued on page 2) Provost Al DeCiccio in his Everett Mansion office, decorated with treasured Red Sox mementoes. Hunter Hall construction project Transforming lower campus into a beautiful living/learning center efore an overflow audience of staff, faculty, trustees, alumni and community members, Southern Vermont College officially broke ground on the morning of June 6 on the $6.5 million, Hunter Hall residential complex, slated for completion in January of 2009. e 30,000-square-foot structure will house 110 students in its three wings, provide a commu- nal space for events, and add classrooms and computer and science labs. Originally planned to take place on the site to the south edge of the lower pond and overlooking the Green Mountains to the east, the ceremony was moved instead to Everett eatre because of inclement weather. ere, Wallace Altes, Chair of the Board of Trustees, presided and introduced Mrs. James Hunter. It was her $1 million gift that was key to making the project feasible. Altes then welcomed SVC Trustee Norman Greenberg and his wife Selma, whose $500,000 gift will be forever acknowledged as the name of the atrium and community center in the residence hall. To commemorate the groundbreaking Mrs. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg were presented with ceremonial shovels whose blades were hand-painted by Greg Winterhalter, SVC Professor of Visual Arts. “Mrs. James Hunter provided us with a significant gift which led us to dream about the building we celebrate today, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenberg’s extraordinary generosity moved our dream closer to reality,” he noted. (Continued on page 6)


News and information from the Southern Vermont-St. Joseph College Community

Transcript of Southern Vermont College Chronicle Fall 2008





inside this issue

2 Interview with Provost 3 President’s Column 4 Artist-in-Residence 4 WBTN Sold 4 Healthcare Division Grows 5 Sports 6 Hunter Hall 7 Class Notes 8 Alumni Profi le 9 Honor Roll of Donors

editor & photographer: David Scribner

contributors: Patrick Buckley, Karen Gross, Marion Whiteford

designer: Leslie Noyes Creative Consulting, Inc.

September 2008

news and information from the Southern Vermont-St. Joseph College Community


College names Albert DeCiccio as Chief Academic Offi cer

fter a nine-month search, the College has appointed Albert DeCiccio, former Academic Dean of Rivier College in Nashua, N.H., to the newly created post of Provost. Th e position enlarges the role and responsibilities of Academic Dean. DeCiccio began his tenure in July.

DeCiccio earned his undergraduate degree at Merrimack College in 1974, his master’s degree in English from SUNY Albany, and his doctorate in English, Rhetoric and Composition from Arizona State University.

“In Al DeCiccio, we have found a person with a remarkably wide range of talents,” SVC President Karen Gross said. “In addition to being a true scholar, he is deeply engaged in thinking about pedagogy and creative and thoughtful programmatic development. He is adept at helping others grow and learn, and he believes in small colleges and their capacity to change lives. Th e search committee, chaired by Professor Tom Redden, is to be com-mended for its eff orts.”

Th e College replaced the position of Academic Dean with that of Provost in order to emphasize that “academic life is an institution’s primary asset—an asset that must be nurtured and fostered each and every day,” observed President Gross. “Th e chief academic offi cer must be an institution’s compelling and inspirational voice about the power and capacity of education, and must eff ectively engage students, faculty and the wider com-munity in the enterprise of education—expressed through a vision for the essential value of liberal arts colleges in the 21st century.” (Continued on page 2)

Provost Al DeCiccio in his Everett Mansion offi ce, decorated with treasured Red Sox mementoes.

Hunter Hall construction project Transforming lower campus into a beautiful living/learning center

efore an overfl ow audience of staff , faculty, trustees, alumni and community members, Southern Vermont College offi cially broke ground on the morning of June 6 on the $6.5 million, Hunter Hall residential complex, slated for completion in January of 2009. Th e 30,000-square-foot structure will house 110 students in its three wings, provide a commu-nal space for events, and add classrooms and computer and science labs.

Originally planned to take place on the site to the south edge of the lower pond and overlooking the Green Mountains to the east, the ceremony was moved instead to Everett Th eatre because of inclement weather. Th ere, Wallace Altes, Chair of the Board of Trustees, presided and introduced Mrs. James Hunter. It was her $1 million gift that was key to making the project feasible. Altes then welcomed SVC Trustee Norman Greenberg and his wife Selma, whose $500,000 gift will be forever acknowledged as the name of the atrium and community center in the residence hall.

To commemorate the groundbreaking Mrs. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg were presented with ceremonial shovels whose blades were hand-painted by Greg Winterhalter, SVC Professor of Visual Arts.

“Mrs. James Hunter provided us with a signifi cant gift which led us to dream about the building we celebrate today, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenberg’s extraordinary generosity moved our dream closer to reality,” he noted. (Continued on page 6)


As Academic Dean for the past seven years, DeCic-cio has been responsible for the development of all graduate and undergraduate liberal arts, sciences and professional studies programs at the 2,070-student Rivier College.

DeCiccio noted that he is looking forward to com-ing to a small, liberal arts college, an environment where, as the fi rst in his family to earn a college degree, he discovered the value of education.

“I am a product of the small college, and I have thrived in that environment,” he said. “Small, liberal arts colleges are staff ed by faculty who love the class-room and the students in it from the fi rst year through the last year. I am so pleased to have the chance to work with faculty who will take their roles seriously in the formation of their students.”

In his spare time, the new Provost enjoys reading, live music, traveling and delving into the history of a place, but he’s also a sports fan.

“I was thrilled with the Celtics winning the cham-pionship, but one of the great gifts of my life is to have seen the Red Sox win two World Series,” he said.

Before he arrived on campus, Th e Chronicle sub-mitted a list of questions to DeCiccio about the role of Provost and about his vision for academics at Southern Vermont College. Here are his answers:

I believe the fi rst year should lay the foundation for analytic thinking, critical inquiry, eff ective reasoning, forceful and eloquent writing and speaking.

Provost, continued from page 1

the value of a college such as SVC, which affi rms the potential and worth of all individuals.

C: Is there a future for small liberal arts colleges, given the educational landscape?

AD: Absolutely. Small, liberal arts colleges attract faculty who love the classroom and the exchange be-tween students and themselves. Furthermore, at small, liberal arts colleges, these faculty teach all classes, from the fi rst year to the senior year. In that sense, small, liberal arts colleges have an advantage over larger colleges and universities, which emphasize research and, to free scholars for undertaking research, allow well-intentioned graduate students to teach important foundational courses. At small, liberal arts colleges, credentialed faculty teach all the courses. Th us, small, liberal arts colleges can tell the story that faculty must love the classroom and the students in it from the very fi rst year through the last year.

C: Regarding student engagement in the process of learning and in the subjects they are studying—two distinct and parallel processes—how do you think SVC can help get students engaged, and what are the strat-egies you plan to implement?

AD: Th is is about success in the classroom and learning about how to succeed outside the classroom. I think the reason why these seem distinct and separate is because they have been defi ned that way institu-tionally. I think that may be one reason why students do not take advantage of the strategies that academic success centers off er. Th ey see those centers as adjunct, auxiliary, separate. Th ey do not see them as central. I think that the classroom is the center of all learning at the college, but I believe that what happens outside the classroom should complement and extend what occurs inside the classroom. Th erefore, I believe that both faculty and those who operate success centers will need to enter a conversation that will ensure that students see as relevant both enterprises. I look for-ward to arranging those conversations to sustain learn-ing in the classroom and outside the classroom.

I think that a faculty member is a mentor inher-ently. Students will look up to the faculty member as a role model for a variety of matters that are outside the faculty member’s area of disciplinary expertise. Teach-ing at the college level is leadership personifi ed, in the sense that a faculty member gets to tease tender minds into the kind of thought that will bring about positive actions in the future. All faculty members should try to elicit engagement in their classes. Th ey can do this by constantly engendering conversation—about the subject matter and about how the students will use

that content to better themselves and others. When students see their learning as relevant, they will be engaged and will prepare themselves for the dialogue that will take place in the classroom.

C: How do you see your relationship with the faculty?

AD: I see my role as creating the time and the space for the faculty to develop as professionals. If I am suc-cessful in accomplishing this goal for faculty, then I expect the faculty to provide their expertise to ensure ongoing excellence in the classroom and outside the classroom. I will treat the faculty with all the respect they have earned, and I will expect that they will af-ford me the same respect. We will be colleagues whose mutual goal will be to prepare citizens who will help to make our democratic society a healthy and happy one for our children and their children.

C: Do you believe in a required core curriculum for all fi rst-year students—an expansion of the required Quest for Success approach to other areas—as a way of providing a commonly shared academic experience and a directed introduction to college-level learning?

AD: Yes, I do. I believe the fi rst year should lay the foundation for analytic thinking, critical inquiry, eff ective reasoning, forceful and eloquent writing and speaking. Th e fi rst year should also demonstrate to students that engagement is the key to learning and to eff ecting change inside and outside the classroom; in-deed, engagement is mandatory for leadership, which I hope we are preparing our students to undertake. I also believe that the fi rst year should help students to understand the responsibility inherent in being an individual in a community of others, an understand-ing that will be crucial as ours becomes an increasingly more global world.

C: Will you be teaching any classes? AD: As I believe that the classroom is the center of

the academic enterprise and as I truly love interacting with students, I do plan to teach after I establish myself in the position and in consultation with the President and the faculty. I love to teach writing, fi ction, approaches to understanding literature, classi-cal rhetoric, contemporary rhetoric, and writing center theory and administration. But, I will be happy to teach whatever I am asked to teach so long as my background is aligned to the course. I would love, for example, to work with fi rst-year students either in a QFS class or a writing class.

C: What advice would you give to students enter-ing college?

AD: Enjoy the gift of learning, but learn how to manage freedom. Th e diff erence between high school and college is freedom, and to the extent that stu-dents can negotiate that freedom, they will succeed in college. Another diff erence between high school and college may be stated like this: in high school, one learns how to fi nd answers; in college one learns how to ask questions. When college students learn how to formulate questions that will begin a dialogue, they will be empowered.

C: How would you characterize your management style?

AD: I believe that education, like literature, is an ongoing conversation. In that sense I believe that most things involving human beings are social and collab-orative. So, in my entire academic career—whether in the classroom or in administrative settings—I have attempted to be relational, collaborative, and collegial. I understand that my offi ce will aff ord me the oppor-tunity to present data that others might not readily access. At the same time, I believe that those to whom I present these data must enter a dialogue with one another and with me in order to reach consensus about which actions to take.

Provost Al DeCiccio talks with students Liz Ward (left) and Kerry Gagniere, on the balcony outside his offi ce.

C: What role does a Provost play in the life of the college, and how is it diff erent from that of an Aca-demic Dean?

AD: Th e Provost should establish the academic vi-sion of the College for all constituencies and constitu-ents. Th e Provost should establish systems necessary for acquiring the participation of those in the College’s community who will then help to clarify the academic vision. Also, the Provost should, with the President, broadcast the academic vision in the local civic com-munity and, more nationally, in the higher education community. In the sense that the Provost should seek to work with all of the College’s constituencies all the time, the Provost is very diff erent from the Academic Dean, who is chiefl y concerned with academic aff airs and matters involving the faculty.

C: How has your career, as it developed, shaped your vision of higher education and what it can mean and what diff erence it can make? In short, why do you want to be a Provost at a small liberal arts college?

AD: I have always worked at what you might call small, liberal arts colleges with strong professional programs, not unlike SVC. Except for my advanced degrees, which were taken at large universities, I am a product of the small college and I have thrived in that environment. Now, in each situation, I learned some-thing new that has expanded my vision and prepared me for the responsibilities inherent in a Provost’s position. As Academic Dean at Rivier College, for example, I developed a more comprehensive perspec-tive, learning about professional Nursing programs and about Continuing Education programs. I believe that I have been prepared very well for the rigors of the Provost’s position and I am anxious to work with SVC’s visionary and energetic President as well as with SVC’s dedicated and knowledgeable faculty, staff and students. With them, I hope to tell the world about


Wonderful and amazing things are happening on the SVC campus right now. We are truly a college on the move.

Construction has begun on Hunter Hall through the generosity of many people, most particularly Mrs. Irene Hunter and Norman and Selma Greenberg. A new soccer fi eld—which a newspaper reporter called a Field of Dreams—opened in August, and it has, without equivocation, the best view of any athletic fi eld in New England. (Just walk up the hill behind the gym and gaze out—it will take your breath away.)

Th e current residential halls are being renovated, with new carpeting and improved facilities.

We have hired several wonderful new administra-tors as detailed in this issue of Th e Chronicle. We have also attracted dynamic new faculty to join us, some of whom are also mentioned in this issue of Th e Chronicle. We are launching several new academic programs, in-cluding Build the Enterprise where students design and run businesses while they are with us and Healthcare Management and Advocacy, a program where students learn to help individuals and families navigate the healthcare system when confronting chronic disease, childhood illness or long-term care. Our students and

faculty have received national and regional recogni-tion for their successes. In short, the Academic Year 2007–2008 has by all measures been extraordinary.

Our successes this year signal real progress for SVC, and they should be cause for celebration. But, with our success, we need to ask the truly important question: What are we trying to accomplish with new build-ings and renovations, new hires within the faculty and administration, and new academic programs?

And the answer to that important question is found in the term “door openers.” Yes, really. Let me explain.

In referencing “door openers,” I do not mean those electromechanical devices that open garage doors. Instead, I mean the more informal defi nition of door openers: We are people who help others gain success and seize opportunity.

Th e reason for our new buildings, new hires and new programs is that all these changes enable us to open more doors for everyone across our campus, most particularly our students. We are creating opportunity, we are creating an environment for true living and learning, we are working to give people the skills they need to lead thoughtful and productive lives and make the world a better place.

When I picture our campus, I see our remarkable physical beauty, and to this day, I am still inspired when I partake of our magnifi cent setting. But, what inspires me even more is witnessing how we foster op-portunity, fi nding ways for our students to fl ourish, to realize their potential, to become lifelong learners and contributors.

I see people on this campus opening doors for our students each and every day—fi nding a way for students to pay for their education, admitting a stu-dent because we recognize his/her capacity to grow, conducting an in-class discussion that ignites some-one’s passion, extending a hand to help or displaying a needed smile or a laugh.

Our physical achievements are wonderful. So are our new programs and our new personnel. What is truly wonderful is what these changes enable us to do: open doors for literally hundreds and hundreds of cur-rent and prospective students.

Everyone who works on this campus is a door opener. So, when next you visit, in addition to seeing all of our amazing physical improvements, keep your eyes out for door openers. We are everywhere—literally and fi guratively—opening doors every hour of every day.

We are opening doors to opportunitiesby Karen Gross, President

Southern Vermont College’s Build the Enterprise initiative, an innovative program to immerse students in the practice of entrepreneurship, gets under way this academic year under the leadership of Charles E. Crowell of Williamstown, Mass., an entrepreneur and educational program developer.

Interdisciplinary in scope, Build the Enterprise engages students in developing, testing and imple-menting entrepreneurial business ventures, with instruction by proven entrepreneurs and advisors and off ers students the opportunity to tap into a venture capital fund to underwrite promising proposals.

Crowell is a graduate of the University of Pitts-burgh with an M.A. from Goddard College. He is a doctoral candidate in Critical Management at Lan-caster University in the United Kingdom. A former CEO and CFO of several corporations, he has been an economic advisor to two governors and oper-ated seven diff erent successful businesses. His prior academic experience includes 10 years as associate professor of Management and four years as chair of the Graduate Program in Organizational Management at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vt. Crowell has been on the faculty at Antioch Uni-versity New England and several Vermont colleges. He is president of the Institute for Virtual Inquiry, which conducts research on Web-based learning.

Crowell describes himself as a “faculty-practi-tioner,” who draws upon his professional expertise to shape the content of his classes. “What I have done and learned from being a professional and a consul-tant, goes into the curricula I design. Programs like the Build the Enterprise are therefore infused with current

College picks entrepreneurship director for Build the Enterprise program

professional organizational management practices.”Affi liated with Th e McCormick Division of Busi-

ness, Build the Enterprise will begin its course off erings in the spring. For more information about the program or to inquire about becoming an alumni mentor, con-tact Crowell at 802-447-6386 or [email protected].

Charles E. Crowell, Director of Entrepreneurship

Southern Vermont

College off ers a transformative living

and learning experience that cultivates lifelong

learners in a personalized setting, emphasizes active learning and

exploration, and encourages empowered

citizenship and environmental sensibility.

www. svc. edu


Celebrated photographer and SVC Artist-in- Residence, Alan Nyiri.

A Bennington-based nonprofi t consortium, Shires Media Partnership, has acquired the College’s commercial AM radio station, WBTN, in a transac-tion that relieves the College of the station’s fi nancial losses while main-taining local ownership of a signifi cant media resource.

Part of the sales agreement assures continued College access to the station as an educational resource for its students and the SVC Communica-tions program. Th e sale was ratifi ed by the Board of Trustees on June 30.

Th e Shires Media Partnership is made up of local business leaders, in-cluding the publisher of the Benning-ton Banner and the director of Cata-mount TV, the public access station in Bennington. Th e organization will acquire the property, station equip-ment and broadcast license.

“We are pleased, truly pleased, that such a wonderful local group has come forward to become stewards of this important and long-standing community media resource,” com-mented President Karen Gross. “Our criteria for the sale were that the radio station remain the voice of the area community and that students—from SVC and elsewhere—be able to participate at the station to enrich their educational experience. Th e Shires

Poultney, Vermont-based photo- grapher Alan Nyiri, nationally known for his architectural studies of college campuses and books recording the land-scapes of national parks, has been named Artist-in-Residence at Southern Vermont College for the 2008-2009 academic year.

“It is fair to say that I am thrilled for our students, faculty, staff and commu-nity that Alan will be SVC’s Artist-in-Residence,” observed President Karen Gross. “What a wonderful partnership.”

Photographer Alan Nyiri appointed Artist-in-Residence

During the academic year, Nyiri will off er a course in digital photojournalism that will, among other projects, have stu-dents document the construction of the College’s new residence complex, Hunter Hall. Th e result will be a book document-ing the creation of the building.

Nyiri is best known for his images of American colleges and universities. He has published documentation of the cam-puses of Stanford, Cornell, Georgetown, UCLA and USC. He was commissioned by University of California President Rich-ard C. Atkinson to create a photographic survey of the 10-campus University of California system in order to portray what Atkinson described as the UC system’s “extraordinary architecture.” For the collection, Nyiri produced 500 large-format images from the ground, and another 500 aerial shots. Th e survey adds to the university’s photographic archive begun in the 1960s that was shot by Ansel Adams.

In addition, Nyiri has published fi ve books of large-format digital im-ages featuring New England landscapes, including Acadia National Park, the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Maine Coast and Cape Cod. His most recent book is Acadia Panorama.

College agrees to sell WBTNto Shires Media Partnership

Partnership shares our commitment to these important goals, and this sale is demonstrable evidence of the ways local organizations can work together to reach mutually satisfactory results.”

Joann Erenhouse, director of the Bennington Area Chamber of Com-merce and spokesperson for the Shires Partnership, expressed gratitude to the College for making sure the station remained in local hands.

“We’d like to thank the College for agreeing to our off er,” she said. “We appreciate that the College kept the station alive and available to the community and students for the past six years. SVC deserves credit for shouldering the costs of this eff ort.”

In February, the College an-nounced that it would refocus its resources on the primary mission of developing academic initiatives. Th e College put the station up for sale but insisted that the buyer maintain WBTN as a community media outlet.

As if dealing with the vicissitudes of illness were not enough, many patients and their families fi nd navigating the healthcare network itself to be a painful experience with an impenetrable bureau-cratic maze.

Because this environment aff ects healthcare providers as well as their cli-ents, SVC is introducing a third prong of its Healthcare Division, a course of study to train professionals in how to help individuals, families and organizations to navigate the healthcare system.

Management program added to Healthcare Division

Th e Healthcare Management and Advocacy Program will prepare students for work in hospitals, doctors’ offi ces, clinics, insurance companies, businesses, nursing homes, pharmaceutical com-panies and governmental organizations. In addition to learning the basics of the healthcare system and disease manage-ment, students will also study associated healthcare issues, such as psychology, economics, management, pharmacy law, dispute resolution and communications.

Courses in this program will include Interviewing and Counseling, Medical Ethics, Special Issues in the Law, Psychology of Adulthood and Aging and Health and Stress. Students will also address insurance alternatives, such as Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance programs.

Th e Healthcare Management and Advocacy Program will begin in the spring semester.

Grant Th atcher named SVC Director of Admissions

Grant L. Th atcher, Associate Direc -tor of Undergrad-uate Admission at Northwestern University for the past four years, has been named the College’s

Director of Admissions. Th atcher will be guiding the admissions campaign as the College seeks to expand its student body from its current 500 students to around 800.

“We are anticipating signifi cant growth in the entering fi rst-year class this year—about 50 more students than last year—but the biggest chal-lenge facing the College is its visibility,” he said in an interview in his second-fl oor offi ce in Birchwood. “SVC is an undiscovered gem, and the more people fi nd out about us, the more popular we’ll become. We have good facilities and a terrifi c faculty—and we’re in Vermont. What more can you ask for?”

He suggested that alumni can play an active role in recruiting new stu-

dents. “We need alumni to talk to their friends who have kids, and make sure they know about SVC and encourage them to visit the campus,” he noted. “If each alum talked just one student into applying, we’d easily fi ll our fresh-man class—and more.”

“My main goal,” Th atcher added, “is to expand the awareness of the Col-lege among high school and community college counselors and to build relation-ships with those counselors.”

While earning an M.Ed. and an M.A. in counseling and human development from St. Lawrence University in Canton, N.Y., Th atcher found himself attracted to the work that the Admissions Offi ce undertakes.

“I was a tour guide at St. Lawrence, and I loved it,” he recalled. “All through graduate school, I worked in the admis-sions offi ce as my work-study job.”

Th atcher has been in the admissions fi eld for more than 20 years. Prior to his position at Northwestern, he worked in the admissions and fi nancial aid offi ces of Syracuse University, Hobart and Wil-liam Smith Colleges in Geneva, N.Y., and Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y.



Field House sports a new look

Th e Mountaineer sports teams have a new logo, affi xed to the basketball court and highlighted on the masthead of the Athletics Web page. Over the summer, the surface of the Field House gym was refi nished, adding logos for the New England Collegiate Conference and the new Mountaineer insignia.Th e Southern Vermont College Field

House will have a new look next time you set foot in the gym. Th e fl oor has been entirely refi nished and painted and the new SVC Mountaineer logo covers the fl oor as does the school’s New Eng-land Collegiate Conference (NECC) logo.

“Th is is a small part of what we need to do from an aesthetic standpoint,” said SVC Director of Athletics Ben Kozik. “We hope people will come in and say ‘wow, that’s nice’ and leave with a good impression.”

In addition, the school will have new sideline chairs for events in the Field House. Th ey are decorated with the Southern Vermont College seal.

“Th e chairs came in and they are sharp,” added Kozik. “It is almost like fi ne china. You want to put them under glass and not use them they look so good.”

A fi eld with a view

When the SVC men’s and women’s soccer teams returned to action on August 31, they had a brand new soccer fi eld to play, one with such spectacular views that it is sure to become the envy of the New England Collegiate Confer-ence circuit.

Everett Field was made possible in large part by a donation from the late Sarah Everett McCowan, the daughter of Edward Everett. Everett Field has been carved out of the hillside behind the Field House.

“Th is is the fi rst of several important

In the spring, work began on the new soccer playing fi eld, Everett Field, by leveling what had commonly been known as the “dirt pile” behind the Field House. By summer, Everett Field was ready for this year’s soccer competition.

SVC partners with PrestoSports to create a dazzling Web site for athletics

In collaboration with PrestoSports, a company providing athletic content management and design to educational institutions, Southern Vermont College has created a sophisticated Web site for Mountaineer athletics that will off er up-dated news reports, scores and statistics, as well as player and coach profi les. Th e innovative Web site,, was launched this summer.

“We’re excited,” said Director of Athletics Ben Kozik. “When people fi rst hear about SVC sports, they go to our Web site. Th is new site will leave a last-ing impression and increase the chance a prospective student-athlete will choose to be a Mountaineer.”

Th is view was seconded by former Director of Sports Information Tim McCaff rey, who guided the development

projects we undertook at SVC this sum-mer and fall,” said Southern Vermont College President Karen Gross. “Th e new fi eld is important to us for several reasons: it shows our deep commitment to our invigorated athletic program, it enables games to be played on campus so the SVC community can cheer the teams on, it allows our student-athletes to practice on campus, and fi nally it is a wonderful way to start our relationship with our new athletic conference, the New England Collegiate Conference.”

Finishing the fi eld was not as ardu-ous an undertaking, requiring the level-ing of the so-called “dirt pile” and blast-ing additional space out of the hillside, as it might have been. Th e College took advantage of the construction crews on campus to prepare the site for the new residence hall across Mansion Drive to also build the soccer fi eld.

“Everett Field will be a great home fi eld advantage,” said SVC Director of Athletics Ben Kozik. “Between the mountains and the sight line to the town of Bennington it will be hard for the players and fans to focus on the game.”

“Th e spectacular views from the fi eld will be a wonderful tribute to the vision of Mrs. McCowan who has passed away since the time of her gift,” said Dean of Advancement Karen Tru-bitt. “We wish she could have been with us to see students at play on the fi eld, but we will be thrilled to share news of the project’s completion with members of her family.”

of the new site. “At a small school like ours every student has a story, and those stories need to be seen. I have worked with PrestoSports before. Th e last time, we increased hits on the site, which led to increased applications and greater enrollment. Th e more people know about SVC, the increased chance more people will come and visit and see what a wonderful institution we have.”

Th e new Web site features a unique design and the latest in online tools tailored for college sports information. Th e site integrates the D3Scoreboard system for instant score updates from the New England Collegiate Conference site, another PrestoSports client. Th e staff will use the content management system to create bios, rosters, news releases, scoreboards, StatCrew pages and more.


“Last Fall, when I welcomed the class of 2011 and met their parents, I promised those incoming students that they would see dust fl y on the campus during their time here,” Altes recalled. “For the Board of Trustees, this dust is a symbol of progress, of a college on the move, of a college committed to quality education and to enriching our relationship with the community.”

In her remarks, President Karen Gross declared that “a real building is taking shape right here before our eyes, and so is a new model for educating the students of the 21st century.”

She pointed out that the project could not have occurred without a confl uence of support from the College’s alumni, students, staff and faculty. “Th e friends of this College have seen and believed in the promise and the vision of SVC —and that promise and vision are all embodied in the building project we are offi cially starting today.”

With this new building, she continued, “we are signaling what values our institution holds dear. Hunter Hall is designed to signal our commitment to a living and learning community with many gathering spaces; our commitment to educating the next generation and providing them with the realization that education happens in many spaces and places of which the classroom is but one.

“Buildings require extraordinary foundations—literally and fi guratively. Without a strong past, a remarkable present and the prospects for a glorious future, buildings do not happen,” she added. “An extraordinary group of individuals have come together to create our future.”

Representing the student body, Student Govern-ment Association Vice President Zach Garafalo de-scribed Hunter Hall as a “turning point in the College’s development and a pivotal indicator of the institution’s success. What this building represents is the College’s commitment to nurturing a community, a community for academic study as well as a community for empow-ering the human spirit.”

Th e groundbreaking festivities continued with a luncheon for guests in the Burgdorff Gallery. Th e cen-terpiece for each table was a reproduction of a historic photograph of the Everett Mansion. Th e luncheon con-cluded with the cutting of a large cake decorated with a rendering of Hunter Hall.

After lunch, in keeping with the theme of con-struction of facilities, the groundbreaking program included an architects’ roundtable discussion of “Green Ideas for Your Next Building Project.” Among the panelists were Gary Corey of Centerline Architecture in Bennington, the designer of Hunter Hall, and Joseph Cincotta of LineSync Architecture in Wilmington, Vt., who is teaching a course this fall at SVC in sustainable building practices.

Th e groundbreaking off erings ended with a tour of historic Bennington, starting with the College’s Everett Mansion.

(Top right) SVC Board Chair Wallace Altes opened the groundbreaking ceremonies.

(Top left) Associate Admissions Director Jeremy Gibbons was at a luncheon table whose cen-terpiece was a historic photograph showing an Everett Mansion bedroom that is now the Dean of Student Life and Career Development Offi ces.

(Above) Th e 14-foot high foundation walls of the West Wing of Hunter Hall were taking shape by mid-July. Th is wing alone required 80 truck loads of cement.

In July, this was the view (left) of the residence hall construction site from the existing dorms, with the pond scraped clear of cattails and the hillside between the pond and Mansion Drive cleared and seeded with grass. As the rainy fall season approaches, the springs which feed the pond will fi ll it once again.

(Left) Mrs. James Hunter, President Karen Gross, Selma Greenberg and Norman Greenberg, and Bennington Selectman and State Rep. Joseph Krawczyk (R-Bennington).

(Far left) Student Government Association Vice President Zachary Garafalo.

Hunter Hall, continued from page 1


Jane Baldwin Bernardone ’86 is teaching 8th grade at the Academy of St. Adalbert in Berea, Ohio. She lives there with her husband, David, and their two children, Talyah and Niko. She is pursuing her Master of Education degree in Elementary Adminis-tration.

Erica Saller Williams ’94 is the Environmental Man-ager for the City of Moline, Ill. Her husband, Brian, is a civil engineer, and they have a 4-year-old daugh-ter named Reese.

Eileen Ackerman Parsons ’95 and her husband, Mike, welcomed their son, Zachary Nolan Parsons, on March 4, 2008. He weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. Eileen is the Director of Admissions at Valerie Manor Health Care Center in Torrington, Conn.

Deena Smith ’95 has been performing in a duo and most recently solo in New York and Vermont. She sings folk, jazz, blues, classic rock and originals.

Scott Fruscio ’96 completed the Mooseman In-ternational Triathlon in Newfound Lake, N.H., on Saturday, June 7, in 3:55:58. He entered the race to raise money for Th e Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which supports research and aid to patients living with blood cancers.

Class NotesUpdated announcements can be found on Send your announcements to the Alumni Off ice today!

Engagements & WeddingsBeth Unser Heck ’02 worked for a law fi rm in Schenectady, N.Y., after graduation and then moved to Ithaca, N.Y., in 2003 where she is a paralegal at Th aler & Th aler. She married Adam Heck (who is a teacher and coach) on July 23, 2005, and on October 14, 2007, the couple welcomed a baby girl, Alexis Christine. Amy Moore ’02 has joined the Albany (N.Y.) All-Stars Roller Derby League. Amy and her team-mates compete at the Washington Avenue Armory in Albany. Tickets are for sale at Ticketmaster and the Armory box offi ce. For more information, visit

Jeanette Toro-Linnehan ’04 received a Master of Science degree in Nursing and a Master in Public Health from the University of Massachusetts in May 2008. She also gave a poster presentation at the New England Nurses Research Society on a project that she conducted in three schools on what the children learned in lessons taught on nutrition and physical fi tness.

Brett Audino ’05 graduated from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia with his master’s degree in Psychology. He is now pursuing his Ph.D.

Erica Kleckner ’05 earned her master’s degree in English from Arcadia University and is now pursuing her teaching certifi cation at Arcadia.

Andy Parr ’95 and Sue Santucci are engaged to be married on October 11, 2008. Andy is currently employed as a mas-sage therapist at the Sunday River Resort as well as the Bethel

Inn Resort in Maine. Parr is interested in introducing sports massage therapy to disabled athletes.

Denise Welch ’97 is engaged to long-time boyfriend Chad Land, and they are planning a summer 2009 wedding. Th e couple has 2 daughters, Jadyn Kelsey Land, who was born in January 2005, and Makayla Ann Land, who was born in June 2008.

Shawn McGarvin ’02 is engaged to Jennifer Morse, and they are planning a September

Bradley DeRoo ’07 and Kalen Muth-ersbaugh ’04 were married in Negril, Jamaica on January 8, 2008, with close friends and family in attendance. Th ey are planning a recep-

tion for those who could not join them in Jamaica. Bradley works for the Wilmington (Vermont) Police Department as a patrol offi cer, and Kalen is an Investment Trader at Dion Money Management, LLC, in Williamstown, Mass.

2008 wedding. Shawn is a state trooper with the Vermont State Police, and Jennifer is an of-fi cer with the St. Johnsbury Police Department.

Julie Young Poyner is engaged to Joel Nein. Th ey are planning a summer 2008 wedding. Joel works for a car dealership, and Julie owns her own daycare business. Th ey have 6 children between them.

Top row (left to right): Lucille Bostwick Cook ’51 & ’72, Edward C. Salmon ’40, Emily Kennedy ’56, Phyllis Cross Ruggles ’52. Bottom row (left to right): Mary Harris Clickner ’48, Louise Harris Gauthier ’45, Lenore Tucker Shewell ’51, Pauline Knapp Granger ’47 & ’84.


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outhern Vermont College has its origins in St.

Joseph College, which was established in down-

town Bennington by the Sisters of St. Joseph in

1926. None of SVC’s current successes would be possible

without the accomplishments of those St. Joseph

graduates, so the College invited alumni who graduated

50 or more years ago to participate in this year’s Com-

mencement ceremony.

Eight alumni accepted that invitation and joined

President Karen Gross and Wallace Altes, Chair of the

Board of Trustees, on stage where they received a medal

celebrating the anniversary of their graduation.

Th e College hopes that this recognition will become

an annual tradition; beginning in 2009, SVC will invite

members of the 50th Reunion class to participate in

Commencement exercises each spring.

Next year, members of the Class of 1959 (and any

alumni who graduated more than 50 years ago but were

not able to participate in this year’s celebration) are in-

vited to the College’s 82nd Commencement exercises on

Sunday, May 17, 2009.


Lt. Paul Doucette Jr. ’90 of the Bennington Police Department was named the 2008 Lifesaver of the Year by the Governor’s Highway Safety Program (GHSP) at its annual “Vermont Highway Heroes” luncheon in June. Doucette was singled out by the program for his sustained activity with traffi c safety, statewide impact and for going “over and above what could reasonably be expected” in his eff orts. GHSP Coordinator Jeanne Johnson, who presented the award, said Doucette was a “perfectionist who is passionate about his work.” Doucette created an innovative anti-DUI campaign where area bars receive pint glasses with the Bennington Police Department logo and anti-DUI campaign logos. It has proven to be highly successful and easily replicated by other departments.



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During this time, he realized that something was missing in his life. Since the age of six and during his days as an SVC student, Parr has been an avid skier, even though he had suff ered from loss of vision. During his last couple of seasons at Sugarloaf, he set a goal and trained hard; he wanted to become a member of the U.S. Disabled Ski Team.

During the 2000 ski season, he toured the U.S. and competed against other physically challenged ath-letes, including the USDST. At the U.S. Disabled Alpine Championships at Mount Snow, he earned the overall title by winning the Downhill and Giant Slalom and

Cecilia Davis ’33 & ’74 died on April 25, 2008, at the Vermont Veterans’ Home. Born in Bennington, she was a 1933 graduate of St. Joseph Business School and a 1974 graduate of St. Joseph College. She also attended the University of Connecticut and was a graduate of St. Mary’s Hospital School of Practical Nursing in Waterbury, Conn. She was employed as a charge nurse at Putnam Memorial Hospital (now Southwestern Vermont Medical Center) until her retirement and later returned to work at the Vermont Veterans’ Home. Prior to nursing, she was employed as a secretary and real estate agent. Ce-cilia enjoyed classical music, the theater and often attended the Metropolitan Opera. She traveled ex-tensively in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Edward A. Maynard ’47 died on April 2, 2008. Ed was born and raised in Bennington. He served in the Army during WWII in Company I. Aboard the Coolidge Ship when it sank, he was wounded later in the war in Arunda, Africa. Ed worked at Eddington’s and Th urber’s Garage, as a postman at the Bennington Post Offi ce and was also employed at the Vermont Veterans’ Home. Ed was also quite the athlete, playing professional base-ball with a Triple A team in Maryland and at one time held the course scoring record at Mt. Anthony Country Club.

Kathleen W. Harvey ’55 passed away on April 29, 2008. She was 73. Early in her career, Kathy was employed at Sprague Electric Company for nine years. Following her marriage, she worked in the executive offi ces of Yonkers Raceway in N.Y. In 1976, she was employed at Vermont District Court in Bennington, where she became manager in 1990. She became manager of the Family Court nine years later and retired from the court system in 2003. An avid reader, Kathy also enjoyed knitting, good music and socializing. She was a member of the Women of the Moose and volunteering at RSVP in Bennington.

Pastor Robert E. Lebert ’65 died Saturday, May 17, 2008, following a brief illness. Bob served in the Navy from 1957 until 1961 and attended St. Joseph College, graduating in 1965. Early in his career Bob was employed at the Pennysaver Press and then was a part owner of Star Electric. He later purchased the Southern Vermont Appliance Center in Bennington which he operated for several years. In the early 1970s, Bob and his wife Linda founded Harvest Christian Ministries and began the broad-cast of “Th is Is the Day” on the local cable channel. In 1981, both became ordained ministers by the Independent Assemblies of God International. In 1983, they opened the Harvest Christian Ministries Church and, fulfi lling a need in the community, opened two Harvest House Soup Kitchens in Ben-nington and North Adams, Mass. Bob was an avid sportsman all his life and spent several years both

IN MEMORIAMcoaching and umpiring baseball in the NorShaft Little League program. He most recently served as middle school basketball coach at Grace Christian School where he was also a member of the Board of Directors.

Susan Wolfe Sanderson ’69 passed away in May 2006 at her home in Indianapolis, Ind., after a long illness.

Jeanne Chapman ’76 died on March 31, 2008. Jeanne was born in Bennington and became a successful Realtor, working for Hoisington Realty, Perrott Realty and RT Martins Associates. Jeanne had been very active with the local Girl Scouts and served as a camp director for Girl Scouts at Wood-ford Lake. She enjoyed arts and crafts and was known for her Victorian dollhouses she handcrafted, as well as her Christmas egg miniatures.

E. Anne Hendee ’77 passed away on June 18, 2008, at age 82. She attended the former Henry Bishop Memorial School of Nursing in Pittsfi eld, Mass., where she graduated as a registered nurse. Later in life, she returned to college and received her bachelor’s degree in Nursing Administration from SVC. Anne dedicated 40 years of her life to the Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, where she was employed as Vice President of Nursing, retir-ing in 1985. Many of the nurses who cared for Anne during her fi nal months previously worked under her direction.

Michael E. Flanigan ’06, aged 56, died on January 23, 2008. He received a fi re science degree from Schenectady County Community College before majoring in Environmental Studies at SVC. He started his career with the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in West Milton, N.Y., in 1973 as an Incident Prevention and Safety inspector and later became a captain of IP&S. He realized his love of the outdoors in his most recent position as a senior environmental technician. Mike also served as a part-time call man with the city of Watervliet (New York) Fire Department. He loved the Adirondacks, hunting and travel to Iceland and Canada. He was an owner of the Sterno Club in Blue Ridge, N.Y., and a member of the Hoff man Mountain Fish and Game Club in North Hudson, N.Y.

Richard F. Garant died on May 2, 2008, in Fairfi eld, California. He was 78. Born in Bennington, he at-tended St. Joseph Business College and Solano Community College and held fi ve degrees in busi-ness management. Richard retired from the Air Force in 1977 after 26 years of service. An avid sportsman, he excelled in football, basketball and baseball. He also enjoyed skiing and golf. Rich-ard was a member of the Knights of Columbus in Vermont and an usher at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Fairfi eld, California.

New alumni legacy scholarships available for children of alumni

Th e College has established a new category of scholarships to encourage the children, stepchildren and grandchildren of alumni to attend Southern Vermont College.

Alumni Legacy Scholarships off er a $5,000 schol-arship to students who will reside on campus or a $2,000 scholarship to students who will commute to campus. Both scholarships will be awarded to full-time students regardless of need each year that the student is enrolled in an associate or bachelor degree program.

In addition, the College invites alumni to identify students who would benefi t from an SVC education through its Alumni Referral Scholarship program. In return, the College will off er a $2,000 scholarship to students who will live on campus or a $1,000 scholar-ship to commuting students. Th e scholarships will be granted in the referrer’s name.

For more information or to nominate a student for either category of scholarships, contact Joel Phelps, Director of Financial Aid, at 802-447-6306 or [email protected].

In 1990, the year before his freshman year at SVC, Andy Parr was diagnosed with a rare vision impairment that left him legally blind. His four years of college were challenging, but he learned the value of self-discipline and resourcefulness.

In the spring of his senior year he spent the se-mester abroad in England as a member of the Oxford program. Th at experience opened his mind to the rest of the world and gave him a strong sense of purpose. When he returned, he graduated with a B.S. in Resort Management.

After graduation, Parr worked at Sugarloaf/USA in Maine during the winter season and the Samoset Resort in the seacoast town of Camden, Maine, during the summer season for about four and a half years.

Skiing with guide A.K. Walker in front at the 2006 Paralympic Giant Slalom in Torino, Italy. Parr fi nished 8th. He also skied the Slalom and took 9th.


Andy Parr ’95

placing second in the Super G. About a month later, he was named to the USDST.

During the next two seasons, Parr earned three World Cup podiums (one silver and two bronze).

At the 2002 Winter Paralympic Games in Salt Lake City, he podiumed twice, earning silver in the Slalom and a bronze in the Giant Slalom. At the 2006 Paralym-pic Games in Torino, Italy, he was the Paralympic male recipient of the DHL Olympic Spirit Award.

Since retiring from the USDST, he became the head coach of the New England Disabled Ski Team affi liated with White Mountain Adaptive Snow Sports at Loon Mountain, N.H. He has experienced great satisfaction in

helping physically challenged skiers of all ages realize and achieve their goals. Last season, one of his younger athletes won the overall title of the New England grass-roots race series called the Golden Cup. Th is, he says, was one of his proudest moments.

In early January 2007, Parr attended the Downeast School of Massage in Waldoboro, Maine. He completed the 10-month program and is currently working as a massage therapist at the Sunday River Resort as well as the Bethel Inn Resort in Maine. Parr’s future goals are to introduce sports massage therapy to disabled athletes, continue coaching, and eventually return to New Hampshire.


Honor Roll of DonorsSouthern Vermont College gratefully acknowledges our generous donors. Thank you again for your commitment to the mission of Southern Vermont College.

Recognition SocietiesEverett SocietyPlatinum: $10,000 and aboveGold: $5,000 - $9,999Silver: $2,500 - $4,999Bronze: $1,000 - $2,499

Keystone Society:$500 - $999Cornerstone Society:$250 - $499Mount Anthony Society:$100 - $249Mountaineer Society:Up to $99

Key✣ Th e Alan H. Morrison Society

recognizes donors who havegiven to the College consecu-tively for a minimum of fi ve years beginning in 2000.

✧ Th e Merritt S. Hewitt Societyrecognizes alumni who havegiven a gift to the College every year since 2005 or their graduation (whichever is morerecent).

If we inadvertently omitted your name or listed it incorrectly, please accept our sincere apologies and contact the Advancement Offi ce at 802-447-6357 or [email protected].

PlatinumMr. and Mrs. Richard Ader Applejack Art PartnersDon and Joan AxinnSelma and Norman Greenberg ✣Karen Gross and Stephen H. CooperBob and Cora May Howe Mrs. James H. HunterRaymond and Katherine LenoueEstate of Albert & Janet MederOlin Scott FundDeryck A. Palmer & Carmen J. LawrenceTh e Poses Family FoundationAlice Shaver FoundationMr. and Mrs. John A. Sorel ’67Tyco ElectronicsState of Vermont Department of LaborMr. and Mrs. Ira Wagner ’83Mr. James L. and Darla WainscottTh e Edwin S. Webster Foundation ✣Ms. Deborah E. Wiley

GoldJane and Wally AltesDr. and Mrs. Steven BrodyMr. W.W. Keen ButcherJon Goodrich & Jan NoyesRobert A. and Anne J. McCormick ✣Minerals Technologies Inc.RaytheonTrustco Bank Corp NY ✣State of Vermont Division of Historic Preservation

SilverMr. Peter Donavan &

Dr. Nancy Scattergood ✣LaFlamme’s Inc.John Max Miller ’82SODEXHO

BronzeAnonymous ✣Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. BuckleyMr. and Mrs. Fred FreijeDr. James GozzoMerritt S. Hewitt ’85 ✣ ✧Frances and Tim Holbrook ✣Mr. Michael MillerMr. and Mrs. David NewellDr. & Mrs. Ammon Broughton Peck ✣Mr. and Mrs. Jay SheehyMrs. Peggy SirvisMr. and Mrs. Gerald Tanenbaum, Esq.Betty TangeMr. Albert TogutMary L. Wicker ✣John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Dr. Eugene and Janet Winkelman

Keystone SocietyMr. and Mrs. James BeckwithAnne Burkhardt ✣Mr. Robert Dunn ’93Perez and Elizabeth EhrichTh e Gannett FoundationKelly Fuels

Dr. and Mrs. William KettererMrs. Fabian W. Kunzelmann ✣Dr. David and Sue MetznerPownal View BarnMs. Andrea RobareCathy RussellMr. Stephen SargentNorma & Ted Th omas ✣Michael J. Tranchida ’76Karen & Steven Trubitt

Cornerstone SocietyAnonymousBank of BenningtonBennington FurnitureJeanne Coleman ’04 ✣ ✧Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donoghue ’71 ✣ ✧Mrs. Bill Epstein ✣Mr. Daniel FacillaLana & Ben HaubenEdward and Elaine ImpMary E. Jones ’92 ✧Mr. and Mrs. Jay LeBoff Dr. and Mrs. Frank MacchiarolaRichard MatasarMr. and Mrs. Ken MoriartyMSK Engineering, Inc.Mr. Christopher Pedley ’01Mr. Lawrence Pellerin ’50Dr. and Mrs. Robert PezzulichDonald & Angelina Robertson ✣Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith ’77 ✣ ✧Wassick’s Tire ServiceGreg Winterhalter

Mount Anthony SocietyAnonymous - RT Class of 2005 ✧Virginia Baldwin ’49 ✣ ✧Ron & Kay ’00 BauerMr. Raymond Bell Jr.William & Deborah BergDr. Robert Bergman & Dr. Anna Worth ✣Ellen and Roy BerkeleyRaymond Bolton, Esq.Dr. & Mrs. Michael BradyMr. Patrick J. BuckleyMerritt Burke IIIJane BurkhardtCatherine Burns ✣Steve and Nancy BurzonCameron’s Floor CoveringJustyna M. Carlson ✣Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cestone ✣Mr. Michael Collins ’95Robert Consalvo ✣Sandi Cooper ’94 ✣ ✧Brooks CreedyMark and Suzy DonavanRichard & Bonita DundasMary Geannelis ✣Mr. Harry Gold ’92Ruth GoldstoneMr. and Mrs. Lee Grabner ’95 & ’93Mr. Richard A. Gray ’68Jewish Communal FundWarren and Barry KingMr. and Mrs. Mark Klauder ’03, ’08 ✣ ✧Ms. Maureen Koch ’81Randall & Judy KrumDr. and Mrs. John LaPenta

SVC reaches fund-raising milestoneby Patrick BuckleyDirector of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

Th is year, Southern Vermont College has achieved its greatest fund-raising success in the institution’s history. Th e College received more than $2.9 million in contribu-tions to the Southern Vermont College Fund for the year ending June 30, 2008. Th ere were 274 gifts recorded, which represent a 5 percent increase in the total number of gifts received over the previous year. Fifty-three donors made their fi rst-ever gift to the College.

SVC received the two largest gifts in its history— $1 million from Mrs. James H. Hunter and more than $500,000 from Norman and Selma Greenberg, both to support the construction of the new residence hall complex. It is also notable that 34 percent of all gifts were under $100, demonstrating just how important participa-tion is to the College—every gift, regardless of size, has a signifi cant impact.

Alumni giving totaled $189,000, which is more than double last year’s fi gure of $68,000. Many donors chose to contribute to the unrestricted component of the College Fund, giving $463,000, which is up from $252,000 a year ago. Th e Southern Vermont College Fund is a key compo-nent of the operating budget and supports every aspect of the College’s operations, from fi nancial aid and acquisi-tions for the library to upgrading information technology

capacity, athletic programs, and providing opportunities for faculty innovation.

Th e College received more than $400,000 by year end 2008 from the Estate of Albert and Janet Meder, which will fund a number of educational support services. In addition to private and corporate donations, several foundations and government agencies provided additional funding, including $250,000 from the Axinn Foundation to provide scholarships for fi rst-year students who have demonstrated a commitment to community service; $95,000 from the Poses Family Foundation to support the College’s new Build the Enterprise initiative; $25,000 from the Alice Shaver Foundation for the Student Ambassador program, which gives students the opportunity to accompany Presi-dent Karen Gross and faculty members to conferences and other professional development events; $36,100 from the State of Vermont Department of Labor to fund an internship coordinator; and $25,000 from the Edwin S. Webster Foundation for technology initiatives.

SVC is building for the future—literally and fi guratively —and these fund-raising records demonstrate that there is a place in today’s educational landscape for a small, aff ord-able and supportive liberal arts college like SVC.


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LatifAlice Loos ✣Dr. and Mrs. Frederick LoyMr. Stephen Marcoux ’79Heather & Hardin MarionMs. Brenda L. Marris ’82Keith Martin/Paul J. Martin, Inc.Mr. Bob MattesonMr. Todd J. McKenna ’04 ✣ ✧Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mier ’97 ✣ ✧R.K. Miles, Inc. ✣Jean Miller ✣Mr. Dennis NoelMr. George Nolan ’07 ✧Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orr ’67PangaeaMr. James Pirog ’78Ms. Dorothy O. Pizzano ✣Th e Prudential FoundationKathy Reed ’76 ✣ ✧Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reynolds ’66Mr. and Mrs. James Rigby ’94Mr. Paul RosengardDr. and Mrs. Norton RosensweigMary & Kerry RyanMr. Robert Scerbo ’94Dr. Barbara P. Sirvis ✣Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. SmithHawkin’s HouseMr. and Mrs. Robert Steckel Jr.James and Sheryl StevensonMr. and Mrs. Frank Stotz ✣Angelo Stracuzzi ’00Jay’s Art Gallery & Frame ShopTaconic PlasticsTofel JewelersC.L. White Glass, Inc. ✣Whitman’s Feed StoreJennifer S. WinkelmanMs. Henrietta WoodwardMr. and Mrs. Harvey Yorke

Mountaineer SocietyMr. Alfred E. Allard ’42 ✣ ✧Mr. and Mrs. George Allard ’34 ✣ ✧AnonymousDr. and Mrs. Steven Baranow ’82Mrs. Rosanne Tripp Beauchamp ’68 ✧Bennington Auto TechBennington BookshopTh e Beverage Den & SmokeshopEugena Bourdon ’60 ✣ ✧Carolyn G. Bratcher ’53 & ’85 ✧Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Buggee ’01 ✣ ✧Kim L. BushLarry and Nancy CallanderMr. Bruce Carnevale ’97George and Leslie CaseyGene & Betty Clark ✣Ms. Mary Clickner ’48Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cone ’60 ✣ ✧Lucille Cook ’51 & ’72 ✣ ✧Marylin Cottone ✣ Ms. Donna Marie Coyne ’74Ms. Sarah Cushman ’88Diff erent StrokesMrs. Julie-Ann DipiroLaurie ForfaMr. Mark R. Gates ’84Louise H. Gauthier ’45 ✣ ✧Mr. Jeremy GibbonsDorothy Guber ’61H. Greenberg & Sons, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Peter HechtMr. and Mrs. Neil HechtMr. Scott M. Hecht ’90Henry’s Market

Janet Hollner ’02 & ’05Ms. Paula Kautz-LaPorte ’82Kevin’s at Mike’s Place IIIBetty Klauder ✣Kathy Kwiatkowski ’79Ms. Gloria Lauzon ’85Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leach ’92 ✧Alan Leake ’73Mr. Shane LeonardMr. and Mrs. Charles Lewitt ’67Donald LeSage ’68Ms. Margaret LillieMarjorie ManningMount Anthony Country ClubEduardo Nieves Jr. ’97Larry and Sandra NotchNRG Energy, Inc.Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. OttingerRobert and Carol PalandraniMr. & Mrs. William PearsonMs. Elisabeth Perenick ’55Patricia Nash Perrotta ’44Ms. Gladys Pike ’47Bruce and Liz PutnamCharles R. and Linda C. PutneyEileen RiceMr. and Mrs. Richard Rossmeissl ’95 ✣ ✧Madeleine C. Roy ’70Mr. Peter RuvoloSarah and Scott Sanfi lippoShaff e’s Men’s ShopShaftsbury Country StoreMs. Loraine SmithMartha Noga Smith ’83Ms. Joanne Sullivan RN ’84Ryan “Sully” Sullivan ’01 ✣ ✧Dr. and Mrs. William TihenVermont Country StorePhillip ViereckEvelyn and Stanley WagnerCheryl Wehrspaun & Sue KlineMarion & Dennis Whiteford ✣Mr. and Mrs. John WilliamsMs. Katherine Williams ’95Williamstown Savings BankKenneth and Jane WiseMiss Darlene Young ’74 & ’91Your Belly’s Deli

In Kind DonationsApplejack Art PartnersMr. and Mrs. James BeckwithBennington Auto TechBennington BookshopBennington FurnitureTh e Beverage Den & SmokeshopCameron’s Floor CoveringDiff erent StrokesH. Greenberg & Son, Inc.Hawkin’s HouseHenry’s MarketJay’s Art Gallery & Frame ShopKevin’s at Mike’s Place IIILaFlamme’s Inc.Mr. Shane LeonardMr. Keith MartinMount Anthony Country ClubMr. Dennis NoelPangaeaPownal View BarnMs. Andrea RobareShaff e’s Men’s ShopShaftsbury Country StoreTofel JewelersWassick’s Tire ServiceWhitman’s Feed StoreYour Belly’s Deli

Named ScholarshipsSouthern Vermont College awards an-nually, to currently enrolled students, several named scholarships to honor or in memory of a specifi c individual. Below we acknowledge 2007-2008 donations to named scholarship funds. A complete list of these scholarships is available from the Advancement Offi ce at 802-447-6357 or [email protected].

Michael P. Donoghue ’71 Scholarship AwardTh e Gannett Foundation

Bill Epstein Scholarship AwardGeorge and Leslie CaseyMrs. Bill Epstein

Amy Bess Williams Miller ScholarshipMr. Michael Miller

Lawrence Kelton Miller ScholarshipMr. Michael Miller

Genrik S. Sirvis Scholarship FundDr. Barbara P. SirvisMrs. Peggy Sirvis

Olin Scott FundOlin Scott Fund

Rob Smith ’98 ScholarshipAlice LoosMr. & Mrs. William PearsonMr. & Mrs. Robert P. Smith

John & Carol Sorel ScholarshipMinerals Technologies, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sorel ’67

Daniel Tange Memorial Scholarship FundBetty Tange

Memorial and Honorary GiftsLeonard Black Memorial FundMerritt Hewitt ’85

In honor of Lindsey Jory Brooks ’86Heather & Hardin Marion

In honor of Madeline BruninaAnonymous

In memory of Fred BurkhardtRichard & Bonita Dundas

In honor of Marylin CottoneKaren Trubitt

In memory of Bill EpsteinMrs. Bill Epstein

In honor of Richard FonteneauAnonymous

In honor of Karen GrossAnonymousEdward and Elaine ImpJewish Communal FundDr. Eugene and Janet WinkelmanJennifer S. Winkelman

In memory of Anne HendeeCheryl Wehrspaun & Sue Kline

In honor of Brennan HollandAnonymous

In memory of Phyllis MorseMargaret LillieLoraine SmithMr. and Mrs. John Williams

In memory of Norman RobareMs. Andrea Robare

In memory of Rob SmithMr. & Mrs. William Pearson

In memory of Violet SnowGladys Pike ’47

In honor of Ira Wagner ’83Evelyn and Stanley Wagner

WBTNCircle of 60

Platinum PlusH. Greenberg & Son, Inc.

GoldTh e Bank of BenningtonTh e PharmacyTofel Jewelers

SilverBennington Beverage OutletHenry’s MarketMartin’s ExxonPownal View BarnWills Insurance

BronzeAdvanced EyecareBarr, Sternberg, Moss & PartnersBennington FurnitureBeverage Den & SmokeshopCameron’s Floor CoveringTh e Chocolate BarnFox Hollow Restaurant

Hawkin’s HouseHertage Family Credit UnionJay’s Art Gallery & Frame ShopJelley’s AutoLeonard’s True ValueEP Mahar & SonMcDonald’s-Cough, Inc.Off the WallRehm-Brandt DesignsShaff e’s Men’s ShopShaftsbury Country StoreWhitman’s Feed StoreWilliams Financial Management, LLC

Boston Red Sox2008 Season SponsorsBennington Beverage OutletDiff erent StrokesKevin’s at Mike’s Place IIIMcDonald’s-Cough, Inc.

Program SponsorsBennington BookshopChittenden BankE-Z Way Rental CenterKevin’s at Mike’s Place IIIVillage at Fillmore Pond


Board of TrusteesWallace W. Altes, ChairExecutive Consultant Joan AxinnAxinn Foundation TrusteeCommunity Leader Steven BrodyOral & Maxillofacial SurgeonGreenwich Oral & Maxillofacial

Surgery AssociatesClinical Professor, Columbia Medical School Jon Goodrich (leave of absence until

November 2008)PresidentMace Security International James J. GozzoPresidentAlbany College of Pharmacy of Union

University Norman GreenbergPresidentH. Greenberg & Son, Inc. Karen GrossPresidentSouthern Vermont College Merritt Hewitt Jr. ’85Retired Business ExecutiveFormer Vermont State Senator Robert HoweRetired President & CEOK&H Industries Randall B. KrumFaculty Association ChairSouthern Vermont College Richard Lavariere ’08PresidentStudent Government AssociationSouthern Vermont College Raymond D. LenouePresidentEducational Resources Network, Inc. Scott McEnaney ’01Eastern DirectorOrvis Endorsed Lodge, Outfi tter,

Expedition & Guide ProgramTh e Orvis Company, Inc. Nancy ScattergoodPhysicianSouthwestern Vermont

Medical Center

Ira Wagner ’83PresidentEuropean Private FinanceAmerican Capital Mary WickerRetired Former COO,

Hospital AdministratorSouthwestern Vermont Health Care Deborah E. WileySenior Vice PresidentCorporate CommunicationsJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.

AdministrationPresidentKaren Gross, J.D.

ProvostDr. Albert DiCiccio

Dean of StudentsAnne Hopkins Gross

Chief Operating Offi cer/Chief Financial Offi cerJames Beckwith

Dean of AdvancementKaren Trubitt

Director of AdmissionsGrant Th atcher

Director of Human ResourcesSue Metzner

Faculty ChairsTh e McCormick Division

of Business Robert Consalvo (acting)

Th e Hunter Division of Humanities

Lynda Sinkiewich

Division of Nursing Patricia Wrightsman

Th e John Merck Division of Science and Technology

Anne Myrka

Th e Donald Everett Axinn Division of Social Sciences

Scott Stein

Patten ’84 named Distinguished Alumnus

Ben Patten ’84 Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

Veteran radio announcer Ben Pat-ten of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., received the Southern Vermont College Distinguished Alumni Award during the College’s 81st Commencement Exercises on Sunday, May 18. Th e Distinguished Alumni Award is given at Commencement to an alumna or alumnus of Southern Vermont College or its predecessor, St. Joseph College, in recognition of a com-bination of career, community service and personal achievements.

In 1984, Patten was the valedic-torian of his class and graduated from Southern Vermont College with a bachelor’s degree in Communications Management. During his time at SVC, Patten was a tutor; a member of the baseball, basketball and soccer teams; and a resident assistant before residence halls existed on campus.

For the past 20 years, Patten has been in the communications industry. Currently, he is the co-host of WKLI’s “Jay and Ben Magic in Th e Morning Show” on Magic 100.9 FM in Albany, N.Y.

Patten is a former member of the Village Board of Trustees in Hoosick Falls, N.Y. He has been a religious educa-tion teacher, a lector at his church and is the administrative assistant for the Executive Offi ce of Catholic Charities Central Offi ce for the Diocese of Albany. Patten currently serves as the Benning-ton Battle Day Parade emcee in August for the Bennington Fire Department and has coached local youth in soccer and girls’ softball. He also donates his time to worthy organizations including the Ronald McDonald House of Albany, Th e Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York and Vanderheyden Hall in Wynantskill, N.Y.

Patten has been a member of the SVC/SJC Alumni Association, includ-

ing four years as vice chair. He was inducted into the College’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2003 and was the “voice of the Mountaineers,” serving as PA announcer for the men’s and women’s basketball games for more than nine years.

We are now accepting nominations for the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award. Please send nominations to the Alumni Offi ce, 982 Mansion Drive, Bennington, VT 05201; e-mail them to [email protected]; or fax them to 802-447-4695. Please include a few sentences explaining why the individ-ual is deserving of this award.

Th e deadline for nominations is February 1, 2009. Th e winner will be recognized during the College’s 82nd Commencement Exercises in May 2009.

SVC partners with the PottersBennington Potters is partnering with

Southern Vermont College on a special

promotion for all SVC/SJC alumni. Order

any item from the Potters collection,

and they will donate 15 percent of the

proceeds to the College.

When David Gil founded Benning-

ton Potters in 1948, he envisioned producing handmade stoneware

pottery that was both functional and artistic. Th e Potters Yard has fulfi lled

that goal and more, becoming a destination for thousands of visitors every

year, including many generations of Southern Vermont College and St. Joseph

College students. In fact, many alumni make a point to visit the Potters every

time that they visit Bennington.

Why not treat yourself or a friend to a gift of fi ne pottery while also

supporting Southern Vermont College? Watch your mail for a Bennington

Potters catalog and a special code to use while placing your order.

Southern Vermont College is very grateful for the support of Bennington

Potters in presenting this opportunity.

SUPPORT SVCAcademics…Athletics…

Scholarships…Mansion Preservation…

Visit to make your gift today!

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Southern Vermont College

Fall Open House Saturday, October 18, 2008Prospective students and guests are invited to the College’s Fall Open House. Tour the campus, enjoy lunch, participate in information sessions, and meet our faculty, staff , coaches and students. SVC representatives will be on hand to answer your questions.

8:00 - 8:45 a.m. Registration

8:45 - 9:15 a.m. Welcome

9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Academic Sessions

11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Admissions and Financial Aid Sessions

12:30 - 1:15 p.m. Lunch

1:15 - 2:00 p.m. Student Panel

2:00 - 3:00 p.m Activities and Services Fair

Reservations are requested. Please call the Admissions Offi ce at 1-800-378-2782 ext.6304 or visit
