South East Central Success Stories

South East Central Success Stories December 5, 2013


South East Central Success Stories. December 5, 2013. South East Central eTeam. Team Effort Meet quarterly Usually at Lakeland Look at high speed Internet access and Internet adoption needs of region and how to address Input appreciated. Internet Adoption. Promoted - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of South East Central Success Stories

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South East

Central Success Stories

December 5, 2013

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South East Central eTeam

Team Effort Meet quarterly Usually at Lakeland Look at high speed

Internet access and Internet adoption needs of region and how to address

Input appreciated04/21/23 2

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Internet Adoption


•Basic Computer Training at Libraries, Schools, Colleges, etc.•Free Training from Private Providers – Cellular One•Connected Generations•Web Page Development for Businesses – Cooperatives, Google/Illinois Partnership

Helped People and Businesses Find


•Dozens of personal contacts•Dozens through

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Internet Adoption

December 2013Zabrina Cattrell – Lakeland College GIS Student

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Internet Adoption Broadband breakout topic at State

Farm Bureau Meeting Lakeland College, Farm Bureau,

and eTeam members performed pilot computer training sessions

Presentations at health department, county, chamber, rotary, and others

Posted news and events to web page, Facebook, and newsletters.

Several provider spotlights

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Internet Adoption(Advanced)

New Web Page Businesses – Crawford County CEO ClassTelemeetings –, Skype, GoogleTelemedicine – Jasper CountyData Centers – Researched Coles CountyeGovernment Sites – Crawford CountyDigital Manufacturing – DMDI/UI Labs “Outreach Partner”

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Frontier, Cellular One, Joink, ICN and other providers have service in new locations and we have assisted in telling communities

Cooperatives are expanding fiber and wireless

Hutsonville School worked with Metro Communications build to improve their access

(Note: School PARCC Testing)

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Access - Help Communities Find Out What They Have

Who are Internet providers? Do you have good access at

industrial park and other businesses?

Do you have good access to library, school, and hospital?

Are there things community could do to help providers – right of way, information, land, communications, etc.

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Adoption – Help Communities Find out What They Have

Who does computer training in your region?

Do your businesses know how to develop a web site or a FB presence?

Who are tech companies in region?

Do you have a good egovt site that helps both your constituents and your staff?

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Grants and Funding

Local Grants •Foundation - Crawford County eGovt

Federal and State Grants •DCEO Digital Divide – Early next year•Community Connect•UI Labs Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation (DMDI)

Other••eRate changes

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Ultimate Result

Impact Economic Development, Education, and Quality of Life in Our Region

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Barbara Webster, Regional eTeam [email protected]

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