South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the...

South Asia Practice Questions 1 Base your answer to the following question on on the passage below. . . . He who, being of weak faculties [abilities], develops the wisdom of the first path with a dull insight is reborn seven times at most; after seven rebirths in states of bliss he will make an end of misery: he who develops it with medium faculties and insight is a roamer; after two or three rebirths he will make an end of misery: he who develops it with keen faculties and insight takes root but once, only one human birth will he pass through and make an end of misery. . . . — Charles W. Eliot, ed., Sacred Writings, Vol II, P.F. Collier Son, 1910 (1) Buddhism (2) Christianity (3) Islam (4) Confucianism Which belief system is described in this passage? (1) effects of European involvement in India (2) India's Golden Age (3) effects of isolationism (4) Islamic achievements in India 2 Art and literature flourished during the Gupta Empire. Indian scholars developed the concept of zero. Indian provinces were united after 200 years of civil war. The information in these statements refers to Base your answers to questions 3 through 5 on the photograph below. (1) Sepoy Mutiny (2) Salt March (3) formation of the Muslim League (4) partition of India 3 This photograph shows events immediately following which development? (1) India's nonalignment during the Cold War (2) discrimination based on India's caste system (3) conflict with Pakistan over control of Kashmir (4) an increase in Indian manufacturing 4 Which later development is most closely related to the events shown in this photograph? (1) tensions between religious groups in India (2) migration from rural areas to urban areas in following industrialization in India (3) the beliefs of Mohandas Gandhi about India's future (4) a massive flood of the Ganges river 5 The events shown in this photograph most clearly show the influence of which of the following? (1) Age of Discovery (2) Age of Imperialism (3) World War II (4) Cold War Era 6 Which period of European history do the phrases "White Man's Burden" and "Scramble for Africa" refer to?

Transcript of South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the...

Page 1: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

1 Base your answer to the following question on on thepassage below.

. . . He who, being of weak faculties [abilities], developsthe wisdom of the first path with a dull insight is rebornseven times at most; after seven rebirths in states of blisshe will make an end of misery: he who develops it withmedium faculties and insight is a roamer; after two orthree rebirths he will make an end of misery: he whodevelops it with keen faculties and insight takes root butonce, only one human birth will he pass through andmake an end of misery. . . .— Charles W. Eliot, ed., Sacred Writings, Vol II, P.F.Collier Son, 1910

(1) Buddhism (2) Christianity(3) Islam (4) Confucianism

Which belief system is described in this passage?

(1) effects of European involvement in India(2) India's Golden Age(3) effects of isolationism(4) Islamic achievements in India

2 • Art and literature flourished during the Gupta Empire.• Indian scholars developed the concept of zero.• Indian provinces were united after 200 years of civilwar.

The information in these statements refers to

Base your answers to questions 3 through 5 on thephotograph below.

(1) Sepoy Mutiny(2) Salt March(3) formation of the Muslim League(4) partition of India

3 This photograph shows events immediately followingwhich development?

(1) India's nonalignment during the Cold War(2) discrimination based on India's caste system(3) conflict with Pakistan over control of Kashmir(4) an increase in Indian manufacturing

4 Which later development is most closely related to theevents shown in this photograph?

(1) tensions between religious groups in India(2) migration from rural areas to urban areas in

following industrialization in India(3) the beliefs of Mohandas Gandhi about India's

future(4) a massive flood of the Ganges river

5 The events shown in this photograph most clearly showthe influence of which of the following?

(1) Age of Discovery(2) Age of Imperialism(3) World War II(4) Cold War Era

6 Which period of European history do the phrases"White Man's Burden" and "Scramble for Africa" referto?

Page 2: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

(1) People are born into a specific caste.(2) Believers must follow the Ten Commandments.(3) Followers must fast during Ramadan.(4) People can overcome their desires by following

the Eight-Fold Path.

7 Which belief is most closely associated with theteachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)?

(1) believe the Vedas are sacred(2) worship in a synagogue(3) pray facing Mecca(4) make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem

8 A person who practices Hinduism would most likely

(1) large foreign trade surplus(2) rigid social class system(3) central control of population growth(4) parliamentary system of government

9 Which feature of present-day Indian society wasintroduced by the British during colonial times?

(1) volcanoes (2) permafrost(3) monsoons (4) island location

10 Which geographic factor affected the development ofthe Gupta Empire?

Page 3: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

11 Base your answer to the following question on the photograph below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

(1) stop buying British goods (2) reject Muslim rule(3) join the Indian army (4) expand British textile manufacturing

During the Indian independence movement, the activity shown in this photograph inspired the Indianpeople to

(1) ancestor worship (2) the Eightfold Path(3) reincarnation (4) nirvana

12 "Your words are wise, Arjuna, but your sorrow is fornothing. The truly wise mourn neither for the livingnor for the dead. There never was a time when I didnot exist, nor you, nor any of these kings. Nor is thereany future in which we shall cease to be ...."

This passage best reflects a belief in

Page 4: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

Base your answers to questions 13 and 14 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) straits (2) island harbors(3) smooth coastlines (4) monsoons

13 Based on this map, which geographic factor directly affected the timing and direction of travel and tradeon the Indian Ocean?

(1) hindered the growth of African coastal cities(2) prevented cultural contact between Africa and Persia(3) connected India to the Middle East and to East Africa(4) promoted migration between the west African interior and east Africa

14 Using the information provided by this map, a valid conclusion that can be drawn about Indian Oceantrade networks is that they

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South Asia Practice Questions

(1) Leaders often use religion to unify an empire.(2) Many political leaders encourage religious

toleration.(3) Leaders sometimes use religion as a reason to

wage war.(4) Political leaders usually become the head of the

church in their country.

15 • Asoka incorporated Buddhist ideas into the laws hehad carved on rocks and pillars placed throughout theMauryan Empire.• Constantine made Christianity the official religionof the Roman Empire.• Prince Vladimir required all Russians to becomeEastern Orthodox Christians.

Which generalization can be made based on thesestatements?

Base your answers to questions 16 and 17 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) I (2) II (3) V (4) VI

16 Based on this map of 13th-century world systems, which of these circuits was limited to one continent?

(1) militaristic (2) interdependent(3) isolationist (4) ethnocentric

17 The information on this map implies that trade made these regions

(1) divide their country(2) establish theocratic governments(3) oppose nationalist movements(4) end foreign control

18 A goal of the Sepoy Rebellion in India and of the ZuluResistance in South Africa was to

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South Asia Practice Questions

(1) organized governments(2) subsistence-based economies(3) polytheistic beliefs(4) rigid social classes

19 Discovery of streets arranged in a grid-like pattern anda system of pipes for moving water in Harappa andMohenjo-Daro suggest that these ancient river valleycities in South Asia had

(1) Persia (2) the Roman Empire(3) Japan (4) India

20 Base your answer to the following question on thepassage below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

. . . Trade along the Silk Road enriched China inmany ways. The Chinese sent silk, herbalmedicines, ceramics, and other local productswestward by caravan, and received exotic things inreturn. From Persia (modern-day Iran) and theMiddle East, they received new kinds of musicalinstruments, and musicians to play them, as well asgold and silver cups, bowls, and vases. From Indiathey imported cotton cloth. From Byzantium (theeastern capital of the Roman Empire, today the cityof Istanbul in Turkey) came glassware and jewelry.Chinese merchants also traded some of theseimported goods eastward to Korea and Japan ....-Des Forges and Major, The Asian World: 600-1500

Based on this passage, the Silk Road made it possiblefor the Chinese to import cotton cloth from

(1) reinforcing Hindu beliefs(2) encouraging native arts and crafts(3) weakening the traditional caste system(4) increasing the number of farmers

21 In India, urbanization affected society by

Page 7: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

22 Base your answer to the following question on on the map below.

(1) By 260 B.C., the Mauryan Empire extended north into Central China.(2) The Mauryan Empire controlled more of the Indian subcontinent than the Gupta Empire did.(3) Most of the Gupta Empire was located on the Deccan Plateau.(4) The economies of India's early empires were based on trade.

Which statement can best be supported by the information shown on this map?

(1) Everyone should have the same social status.(2) People should pray five times a day.(3) The soul can be reincarnated.(4) Material wealth is a sign of the blessing of the


23 Which belief is shared by Hindus and Buddhists?

(1) Abbassid dynasty (2) Han dynasty(3) Gupta Empire (4) Roman Empire

24 The use of the decimal system, advancements inmedicine, and construction of Hindu temples are mostclosely associated with the golden age of the

(1) causes for the decline of the Mayan Empire(2) role of geography in the development of early

civilizations(3) reasons that ancient empires were based on

nomadic civilizations(4) rise in power of the Muslim empire

25 A study of the Indus, Nile, Hwang Ho, Tigris, andEuphrates rivers would be most important inunderstanding the

(1) Judaism (2) Islam(3) Hinduism (4) animism

26 The terms Brahma, dharma, and moksha are mostclosely associated with which religion?

(1) Nile (2) Yellow(3) Tigris (4) Ganges

27 Which river is most closely associated with Hinduism?

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(1) Thar Desert (2) Deccan Plateau(3) Himalaya Mountains (4) Bay of Bengal

28 Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Which geographic feature would have most likely hindered the expansion of the Guptas into what ismodern-day China?

(1) independence movement in India(2) secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan(3) establishment of French colonies in India(4) creation of the Mughal Empire by Muslims

29 The Sepoy Rebellion is considered an important eventin Indian history because it was one cause of the

Base your answers to questions 30 and 31 on thenewspaper headlines below.

"Indian National Congress Refuses To SupportBritish War Effort""Indians Answer Call for the Production ofHomespun Cloth""Indians Call for Boycott of Imported British Cloth"

(1) The Indian Independence Movementemployed civil disobedience as a tactic.

(2) The Indian National Congress supported thepartition of India.

(3) British imperialism had the support of manyIndians.

(4) The Indian National Congress's primary goal wasthe industrialization of India.

30 Which claim is supported by these headlines?

(1) Jomo Kenyatta(2) Mohandas Gandhi(3) Muhammad Ali Jinnah(4) Ho Chi Minh

31 Which leader is most likely to be associated with theseheadlines?

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South Asia Practice Questions

Base your answers to questions 32 and 33 on the map below.

(1) II (2) III (3) V (4) VI

32 Which circuit shown on this map includes a majority of the Silk Road?

(1) Golden Age of the Gupta Empire (2) development of feudalism in Europe(3) isolation of Russia from Western Europe (4) Black Death in Europe

33 Which later development was influenced most directly by the main idea of this map?

(1) the Muslims welcomed the introduction of awestern-style political system

(2) differences in language and religion preventedunity among the people of India

(3) Indian villagers favored British rule(4) most Indians believed that France was a greater

threat than Great Britain was

34 Great Britain was able to dominate India for almost200 years because

(1) national Muslim leaders have supported the castesystem

(2) the government is unwilling to end the castesystem

(3) continued religious conflict prevents changes inthe caste system

(4) the Hindu beliefs of karma and dharmareinforce the caste system

35 In India, the people have resisted changing theirattitudes toward the caste system because

(1) development of gunpowder(2) sea trade routes to Europe(3) acceptance of Christianity as an official religion(4) advancements in mathematics and medicine

36 The Golden Age of India's Gupta Empire is known forits

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(1) borders and elevations that were easy to defend(2) rich deposits of coal and iron ores(3) the means for irrigation and transportation(4) locations in regions of moderate climate and

abundant rainfall

37 One reason the Euphrates, Indus, Nile, and Tigrisvalleys became centers of early civilization is thatthese valleys had

(1) commitment to parliamentary democracy(2) continuation of the caste system(3) development of a policy of nonalignment(4) establishment of a command economy

38 A lasting influence of British colonialism on India ismost evident in India's

(1) Buddhism (2) Hinduism(3) Judaism (4) Christianity

39 Which religion includes the Four Noble Truths, theEightfold Path, and nirvana?

(1) limiting social and economic progress(2) promoting political instability(3) reducing the power of landowners(4) contributing to greater social mobility

40 The caste system influenced traditional rural Indiansociety by

(1) sets of written legal principles that spell out therights of citizens

(2) stories that are tied to monotheistic religiousbeliefs

(3) paintings that depict heroes and cultural values(4) works of literature that give historians

information about early civilizations

41 One way in which The Epic of Gilgamesh, TheOdyssey, and The Mahabharata are similar is that theyare

(1) British imperialism in India(2) India's involvement in World War II(3) the exploitation of the proletariat by the

bourgeoisie(4) the British endorsement of apartheid in South


42 "It has impoverished the dumb millions by a system ofprogressive exploitation. . . . It has reduced uspolitically to serfdom. It has sapped the foundation ofour culture . . . and degraded us spiritually."— Mohandas Gandhi, 1930

In the statement, the "It" referred to by Gandhi is

(1) Africa (2) Asia(3) Europe (4) South America

43 Which region was the birthplace of Confucianism,Buddhism, and Hinduism?

(1) have no control over events(2) can influence events by following moral

guidelines(3) must use violence to influence events(4) can influence events by using military force

44 ". . . Passive resistance is a method of securing rightsby personal suffering, it is the reverse of resistance byarms. When I refuse to do a thing that is repugnant[objectionable] to my conscience, I use soul-force. Forinstance, the Government of the day has passed a lawwhich is applicable to me. I do not like it. If by usingviolence I force the Government to repeal the law, I amemploying what may be termed body force. If I do notobey the law and accept the penalty for its breach, Iuse soul-force. It involves sacrifice of self. . . ."Source: M.K.Gandhi, Indian Home Rule,Navajivan Publishing

This statement reflects the belief that individuals

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South Asia Practice Questions

Base your answers to questions 45 through 47 on thepassage below.

"We believe in nonaggression andnoninterference by one country in the affairs ofanother and the growth of tolerance between themand the capacity for peaceful coexistence. We,therefore, endeavor to maintain friendly relationswith all countries, even though we may disagreewith them in their policies."

— Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India

(1) Indian involvement in World War I on the side ofthe Allied Powers

(2) British imperialism of India(3) India's refusal to join the United Nations(4) aid to India from both the United States and

Soviet Union

45 The main idea of this passage led most directly towhich of the following

(1) India's membership in the United Nations(2) migration of Indians from rural to urban regions(3) disputes over the India-Pakistan border(4) religious conflicts between Hindus and Muslims

in India

46 Which of the following developments could beconsidered an obstacle to a point of view expressed inthis quote?

(1) nonalignment during the Cold War(2) appeasement before World War II(3) World War I alliances(4) isolationism before the Age of Imperialism

47 A historian could best use this passage to study whichof the following?

(1) nonalignment (2) isolationism(3) appeasement (4) nonviolence

48 "Ghandi Calls for Boycott of British Textiles""Ghandi and Followers Complete March to the Sea""Ghandi Begins Hunger Fast"

These headlines reflect Gandhi's belief in

(1) visiting a site sacred to Hindus(2) following the teachings of Jesus(3) preparing to enter a Shinto shrine(4) offering prayers at the birthplace of Siddhartha


49 Which action is most closely associated with pilgrimsbathing in the Ganges River at Varanasi?

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South Asia Practice Questions

50 Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) overseas trade routes (2) early belief systems(3) river valley civilizations (4) burial sites of ancient rulers

The main purpose of this map is to illustrate the location of

(1) Buddhism (2) Christianity(3) Judaism (4) Shinto

51 Which belief system is most closely associated withthe terms Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, and nirvana?

(1) Members of different castes often intermarried.(2) Caste membership determined a person's

occupation.(3) The highest caste was composed of untouchables.(4) The caste system had little effect on daily village


52 Which statement was true of the caste system intraditional India?

(1) prepare India for independence(2) strengthen its political and economic control in

India(3) secure favorable trading arrangements with

different Indian leaders(4) help India maintain its traditional cultural


53 The government of Great Britain built railroads,schools, and irrigation systems in colonial Indiaprimarily to

Base your answers to questions 54 and 55 on thespeakers' statements below and on your knowledge ofsocial studies.

Speaker A: "The eightfold noble path and four nobletruths as expressed by Siddhartha Gautama are thefoundations of our faith."

Speaker B: "There is one God and his name is Allahand his truth has been revealed to us through hisprophet Mohammed."

Speaker C: "The Ten Commandments and theteachings of the Gospels guide us in our quest for afulfilling spiritual life."

Speaker D: "To achieve union with atman, we mustpass through many births and acquire good karma bybeing obedient to moral laws and societal regulations."

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

54 Which speaker is most likely a Buddhist?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

55 Which speaker expresses a belief in reincarnation?

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(1) rejection of traditional values by most Indians(2) end of conflict between Hindus and Muslims(3) abolition of the caste system in India(4) introduction of a parliamentary form of


56 British imperialism in India led to the

(1) The Middle East was the birthplace of thesebelief systems.

(2) Water plays an important role in these beliefsystems.

(3) Pilgrimages to mountainous regions areencouraged by these belief systems.

(4) Understanding nature is a requirement of thesebelief systems

57 • The Ganges River is sacred to people practicingHinduism.• Shinto shrines are usually located near mountains orlakes.• The Jordan River is a site of many Christianbaptisms.

Which conclusion is most valid based on thesestatements related to belief systems?

(1) provide guidelines to govern the behavior ofbelievers

(2) deny the existence of a supreme being who rulesthe universe

(3) encourage strife between segments of believers(4) support political rebellions to overthrow existing


58 One way in which the Vedas, the Bible, and the Koranare similar is that these religious books

(1) doing good deeds(2) eliminating selfish desires(3) making pilgrimages to Mecca(4) relying on divine help

59 According to Buddhist principles, believers can endpersonal suffering by

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South Asia Practice Questions

60 Base your answer to the following question on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) The population of the world remained the same from A.D. 1 to A.D. 1650(2) Most of the world's population growth took place during the period from 1000 to 1500.(3) The population growth rate decreased during the period from 1650 to 1800.(4) The world's population tripled between 1930 and 2000.

Which statement can be supported by the information in the graph?

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South Asia Practice Questions

61 Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) Indian Ocean trade existed before the European Age of Exploration.(2) African cities were isolated from overseas trade.(3) The Indian Ocean trade network ended in A.D. 1000.(4) These trade routes united the Western Hemisphere.

Based on the information on this map, which statement is a valid conclusion?

(1) development of self-sufficient economies in thecolonies

(2) exploitation of the colonial peoples and theirlands

(3) rapid industrialization of Africa and Asia(4) expansion of free-trade systems throughout the


62 During the 19th century, European imperialism oftenled to the

(1) India's strongest leaders came from the GuptaEmpire.

(2) The Gupta Empire developed advancementsin the areas of mathematics and science.

(3) The achievements of the Gupta Empire surpassedthose of the Tang dynasty in China.

(4) Gupta paintings found on the walls of the Ajantacaves were superior to the art produced duringthe Mauryan Empire.

63 Which statement about the Gupta Empire is a factrather than an opinion?

(1) influenced the culture of regions under theircontrol

(2) respected the governments of the indigenouspeoples

(3) promoted Protestant religions over nativereligions

(4) studied local traditions before implementingpolicies

64 The establishment of a parliamentary democracy inIndia and the establishment of Portuguese as theofficial language of Brazil indicates that Europeancolonizers

(1) Iraq (2) India(3) China (4) Kenya

65 The Amritsar Massacre and the Salt March are bothassociated with the independence movement in

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(1) fertile soil (2) dry climate(3) oil-rich tundra (4) dense rain forests

66 Which factor influenced the development of ancientcivilizations along river valleys?

Base your answers to questions 67 and 68 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) banks of the Ganges River (2) banks of the Indus River(3) coast of the Arabian Sea (4) Bay of Bengal region

67 Based on this map, in which area did Europeans locate most of their trading bases?

(1) Cinnamon and pepper were the major products of Kashmir.(2) Most textile-related goods were produced north of the Deccan Sultanate.(3) Diamonds and gold were mined in the Bengal region.(4) Many tropical products were raised near Delhi.

68 Which conclusion about the Indian economy during the Mughal period can best be supported using theinformation shown on this map?

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(1) the establishment of a set of rules for eachindividual in the society

(2) the rapid industrialization of the economy(3) a strong emphasis on the acquisition of wealth(4) a strong belief in the importance of education

69 In traditional India, the caste system and the Hindubeliefs in karma and dharma most directly resulted in

(1) fulfill their dharma for a favorablereincarnation

(2) complete a pilgrimage to Mecca(3) obey the Ten Commandments(4) follow the Eightfold Path to achieve


70 Believers of Hinduism are expected to

(1) has helped eliminate ethnic and religious rivalries(2) has promoted social mobility within Indian

society(3) has been a way of life as well as an element of

religion(4) has been stronger in urban areas than in rural


71 In India, the caste system determined a person'soccupation, personal associations, and marriagepartner. This situation shows that the caste system

(1) provided structure for society(2) developed concepts of natural rights(3) established totalitarian governments(4) promoted peace and prosperity

72 The caste system in India and the feudal system inEurope were similar in that both

(1) establish peace and harmony(2) provide the basis for democratic government(3) return the power of the emperors(4) promote individual artistic creativity

73 A goal common to Confucianism, Taoism, andBuddhism is to

(1) reform the Hindu religion(2) partition India between Muslims and Hindus(3) create a socialist economy(4) gain independence from Great Britain

74 The primary goal of the Indian National Congress(1885–1947) was to

(1) prosperity and artistic creativity(2) feudalism and oppression(3) war and constant invasion(4) mercantilism and industrial expansion

75 The Tang dynasty of China, the Gupta Empire of India,and the Mali Empire of Africa were similar in thateach experienced a period of

Base your answers to questions 76 and 77 on thediagram below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

(1) manorialism (2) apartheid(3) caste (4) encomienda

76 Which concept is illustrated in the diagram?

(1) Hinduism (2) Daoism(3) Catholicism (4) animism

77 Which religion or belief system is most closelyassociated with the social class system illustrated inthe diagram?

(1) contributed to famine and suffering(2) allowed local economies to prosper(3) emphasized food crops over mining(4) led to an agrarian revolution

78 One effect of the British landlord system in Ireland inthe mid-1800s and in India in the early 1900s was thatthese landlord systems

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(1) rise of the Nazi Party in Germany(2) Solidarity movement in Poland(3) Tiananmen Square uprising in China(4) Sepoy Mutiny in India

79 Which historical development showed the desire of agroup to gain independence from a colonial power?

Base your answers to questions 80 and 81 on thepassage below.

...Indeed whilst on the one hand civildisobedience authorizes disobedience of unjustlaws or unmoral laws of a state which one seeks tooverthrow, it requires meek and willing submissionto the penalty of disobedience and thereforecheerful acceptance of the jail discipline and itsattendant hardships...

-- Mohandas Gandhi

(1) The Indian Independence Movement tried to keepits leaders out of jail at all costs.

(2) Leaders of the Indian IndependenceMovement emphasized peaceful resistance toBritish rule.

(3) Mohandas Gandhi opposed the totalitariandictatorship that ruled India before IndianIndependence.

(4) Mohandas Gandhi believed that only a violentrevolution could improve conditions for mostIndians.

80 Which claim is best supported by this quote?

(1) partition of India(2) Sepoy Mutiny(3) Salt March(4) creation of the Muslim League

81 The point of view expressed by Gandhi in this quotecontributed most directly to which of the followingdevelopments?

(1) ethnocentrism (2) isolation(3) imperialism (4) cultural diffusion

82 Which term is used to describe the spread of Buddhismfrom India through Southeast Asia?

(1) Most villages are still inhabited by only onespecific caste.

(2) Although discrimination based on caste isillegal, caste remains an important factor inIndian society.

(3) The caste system is much stronger in India'surban areas than it is in rural areas.

(4) The caste system remains an important part of theMuslim religion.

83 Which statement about the caste system in present-dayIndia is most accurate?

(1) each person could choose his or her occupation(2) skilled workers were needed(3) little social or occupational mobility existed

between castes(4) some castes do better work than other castes

84 "It is better to do the work of your own caste poorlythan to do the work of another caste well."

This statement best expresses the idea that intraditional India

(1) made advances in mathematics and literature(2) gained wealth by obtaining gold from the

Americas(3) stressed the importance of dharma and karma(4) controlled territories around the Mediterranean


85 One similarity between the Gupta Empire and the Arabdynasties of the Islamic Golden Age is that they

(1) competition and financial success(2) maintaining the caste system and providing

education for all people(3) practicing nonviolence and giving up worldly

desires(4) self-determination and democracy

86 Which values are most closely associated with thefundamental principles of Buddhism?

Page 19: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

Base your answers to questions 87 and 88 on thepassage below.

"I believe that the civilization India has evolvedis not to be beaten in the world. Nothing can equalthe seeds sown by our ancestors. Rome went,Greece shared the same fate; the might of thePharaohs was broken; . . . but India is still,somehow or other, sound. . . . What we have testedand found true on the anvil of experience, we darenot change."

— Mohandas Gandhi, 1946

(1) militarism (2) globalization(3) imperialism (4) nationalism

87 The point of view expressed in this quote showssupport for which of the following principles?

(1) the partition of India and creation of the nationsof Pakistan and Bangladesh

(2) the continued influence of the caste system inIndian society

(3) India's mixed economy that blends socialism withfree enterprise

(4) the return to an Indian government led by anemperor

88 The main idea of this quote can be seen most directlytoday in which of the following developments?

(1) constitutional government(2) arranged marriages(3) religious tradition of Hinduism(4) caste system

89 Which aspect of life in India demonstrates theinfluence of the British colonial period?

90 Base your answer to the following question on on thepicture below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) Buddhism (2) Islam(3) Jainism (4) Christianity

This statue is most closely associated with whichreligion?

(1) increased movement of people from rural tourban areas

(2) reduction of social class mobility(3) strengthening of cottage industries(4) decline in the economic and political power of


91 During the 20th century, one effect of industrializationon the culture of India was the

(1) Gupta Empire (2) Tang dynasty(3) Mongol Empire (4) Abbasid dynasty

92 Construction of stupas, writings by Kalidasa, and thedevelopment of the concept of zero are most closelyassociated with the

(1) education(2) birth(3) geographic location(4) individual achievement

93 Which factor most influenced a person’s socialposition in early Indian societies?

Page 20: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

(1) across the Atlantic Ocean(2) from rural lands to urban areas(3) in search of additional food sources(4) for religious freedom

94 A similarity between Bantu migrations in Africa andmigrations of the ancient Aryans into South Asia isthat both moved

(1) Salt March(2) Amritsar Massacre(3) Sepoy Rebellion(4) passage of the Independence Act

95 Which event in Indian history could be considered aresult of the other three?

Page 21: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

96 Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) Most urbanization occurred in the Southern Hemisphere.(2) Most urbanization is associated with a tropical climate.(3) Most urban areas were located in Europe.(4) Most urban areas developed near waterways

Based on the information provided by this map, which statement about urban areas between 650 and1500 is accurate?

(1) high mountain ranges that protected India frominvasion

(2) great rivers that flowed through India's fertilenorthern plain

(3) Aryan gods to whom the priests prayed for rain(4) ruling dynasties that united the people of Harappa

and Mohenjo-Daro

97 The Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra were importantto ancient India because they were

(1) Empires of India(2) Latin American Civilizations(3) Empires of the Fertile Crescent(4) Dynasties of China

98 Which heading best completes the partial outlinebelow?

I. ____________________A. MauryaB. GuptaC. Delhi sultanate

Page 22: South Asia Practice Questions Key- South... · 7Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)? (1)believe the Vedas are sacred (2)worship

South Asia Practice Questions

(1) Buddhism (2) Daoism(3) Islam (4) Shinto

99 In the practice of religion, the Ten Commandments areto Christianity as the Eightfold Path is to

(1) civil war(2) economic reforms(3) religious persecution(4) colonial oppression

100 Base your answer to this question on the speakers'statements below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

Speaker A: The British East India Company does notrespect my beliefs. I cannot follow dharma andremain their soldier. I will return to my family in aTamil village.

Speaker B: My rebellious countrymen cannot acceptmy new religion and so they hate me and my "foreigndevil" friends. The missionaries leave Beijingtomorrow for England. I must join them before thechurch compound is surrounded.

Speaker C: The czar's soldiers came again today,looted our village, drove off our livestock, andtrampled anyone in their way. They even burned oursynagogue. Our way of life is gone. It is time toemigrate to Palestine.

What is the primary focus of these speakers?