

Transcript of Sound



The main soundtrack we decided to use was a instrumental horror composition that we found on YouTube, we decided on this soundtrack after narrowing down our research to three different soundtracks, we finally decided on the ambient suspense soundtrack as we wanted a subtle sound that would compliment our footage, also the soundtrack has many layers to it and when adding it to our footage we realised that near the end of the sound the composer had added piano notes that created a very creepy air and after editing it we fit it to the change near the end of our movie opening. The music is subtle but still creates the sense of fear and an air of foreboding, and paired with the rest of the sound in the opening the effect works really well

There wasnt many other sounds that we used apart from our main sound track, as we decided to of course not use speech and we also removed the audio in the footage that was captured whilst filming, we did this because we wanted there to be a lack of sound to further emphasise the weirdness of what was happening and also to create this tense atmosphere, linking the audience only to the music helped a lot. The other sounds that we decided to use were subtle, we decided to use a breathing sound effect in the first scene where there is a tracking shot of the stairs, we decided to do this because we had already questioned the idea of making it seem as though it was someone walking up the stairs and this is why we decided to film by hand, so it was only a matter of coming across a breathing sound effect that began the full idea of someone being there. I had to edit the sound quite heavily as it was too fast paced and too loud to be used straight away so I slowed it down by around 25% and then gradually decreased the volume until it was obvious that you could hear it but also quiet enough to make the audience query it. I also found another sound effect of the breathing that I used at the end of the movie opening, whilst the title is coming up, this sound was a deep sigh that I began to think of as the monster in our movie, as I believe that this sound does complete the idea that the audience may have when first hearing the breathing as the sound is one of relief again creating a bit more ambiguity the final sound effect that was used was the sound of Alice falling down that stairs, we question whether to use this or not but in the end we decided to keep it as it is first of all a very large shock but also because we didnt want to leave any impression that Alice did not fall down the stairs.
