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  • 8/3/2019 SOSBooklet


  • 8/3/2019 SOSBooklet


    T H E C H R I S T I A N B R O A D C A S T I N G N E T W O R K

    From the Best-Selling Book, The Secret Kingdom

    by Pat Robertson

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  • 8/3/2019 SOSBooklet


    The Invisible World

    hroughout His earthly ministry, Jesus

    Christ preached the Good News of thekingdom. He said, The time is ulflled, and the

    kingdom o God is at hand. Repent, and believe inthe Gospel (Mark 1:15 NKJV). That was Hiscentral message. He instructed His followers

    to go out and teach the people and to tellthem that The kingdom o heaven is at hand(Matthew 10:7).

    Jesus brought the kingdom with Him,and He left tangible and very real evidence of

    the kingdom in our hands when He was takenup into heaven. When Christ went ahead toprepare a place for us, He fully expected us toclaim the rights and privileges of ourcitizenship from that moment on.

    Jesus taught that the kingdom has twodimensions: the immediate and visible, whichwe see; and the invisible kingdom, which wedo not see now but which will be fully revealedat the close of this age. From beginning to

    end, the Bible teaches that these twodimensions are real and very powerful.


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    Jesus taught that these principles were tobe understood by anyone who would truly

    listen to what He was saying:For there isnothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor hasanything been kept secret but that it should come tolight. I anyone has ears to hear, let him hear(Mark 4:22-23 NKJV).

    The principles of the invisible kingdomin our midst do not change. They apply to allpeople in all situations, everywhere, equally.These principles have applications in everysituation. And even while the world seems to

    be in constant change around us, theprinciples are faithful and true.

    I rmly believe that the principles of thekingdom are Gods answer for the world inwhich we live. Their insights into the workings

    of the kingdom can offer powerful solutions tothe problems of this or any other time.


    The Law of Miracles

    It is this point of reaching into the invisibleand seeing its effects manifest in the visiblethat we should examine more closely. There isa law of miracles. It governs the questions ofGods willingness to disrupt His natural order

    to accomplish His purpose. When He doesdisrupt that natural order, the result is a

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    miracle, a contravention of the natural lawsthrough which He usually works moment by

    moment. He overrides the way in whichthings normally operate. Since God is almighty, the only absolutelyfree person in the universe, not bound evenby His own creation, He is perfectly able at

    any time to change the way things are done.He can heal a body instantly, or still a storm,or move a mountain. Those are miracles.Even then, however, He works withinprinciples, and they frame the law of miracles.

    Because of the desperate condition ofour world, we still need miracles today. Thatmeans we need to understand the law ofmiracles and act on it, for Jesus introduced anew order of normality at the day of

    Pentecost. With the power of the Holy Spirit,miracles were to be normal. He expected Hisfollowers to do even greater things than Hedid (see John 14:12). After all, during Hisincarnation He rebuked them for failing to do

    miracles like walking on water and casting outdemons. And He praised an outsider, aRoman centurion, who perceived Christsspiritual authority and discerned therelationship between the spiritual and the

    natural. Just say the word and my servant willbe healed, the centurion declared. Jesus

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    marveled at the Romans understanding.Ihave not ound such great aith with anyone in

    Israel, He said (Matthew 8:10). That is what wemust recover.


    The Necessity of Faith

    o understand how the kingdom works,we have to begin with these four words:

    Have aith in God (Mark 11:22).Through the process of rebirth by

    grace through faith we are to see and enterinto the kingdom of heaven, where themiraculous power resides. As the Lordexplained to Nicodemus, this is the world ofthe Spirit, which is like the wind: invisible, yetfrequently revealing its effects. We cannot seethe wind itself, but we can see the things itmoves. With the kingdom, we too observe itseffects. Furthermore, we gain access to itspower through our faith in Jesus Christ,through our rebirth.

    We might think of ourselves as a peopledying of thirst. But off in a distance there is apool of water, a reservoir with a dam andbeautiful pebble-lined banks. We can see thegreen trees and lush grass in its vicinity, but

    we cant see the reservoir itself. We desperatelyneed to get to it.


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    By accepting Jesus, all that He is, all thatHe has done by being born again we

    gain access to this marvelous reservoir, thisthirst-quenching pool of water, the kingdomof God. We are given access to an entirely newworld, a heretofore invisible world thesecret kingdom.

    Have faith in God, Jesus said. Believethat God exists, trust Him, expect Him toenter into communion with you, to show youHis will and purpose. Use the water in thereservoir. Remember that faith is the title

    deed to that pool of power.It is all ours, if we know the rules

    of miracles.


    Rules of Miracles

    First, we are to take our eyes off thecircumstances and the impossibilities andto look upon God and the possibilities. Wehave good examples from the history of Gods

    people for this. Remember Joshua and Caleb(see Numbers 13-14). Remembering thetwelve tribes of Israel, they and ten otherswere sent as spies to determine if the peopleshould enter the land promised to them by

    God. They stayed forty days and returned withreports of a marvelous land of milk and

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    honey, but it was peopled with giants living infortied cities.

    They are too strong for us, ten of thespies said.

    But Caleb and Joshua, who were togure prominently in Israels future, wereenthusiastic and eager to move ahead. It

    doesnt matter how many giants there are.The Lord is with us, they said. They lookedat God and not at the circumstances, reectingthe attitude He expected of His people.


    Have Faith, Never Doubting

    Second, we are not to doubt in our hearts.We have seen that spirit controls matter,that lesser authority yields to greater authority,and that the mind and the voice are theinstruments by which the will of the HolySpirit is transmitted to the environment.

    For miracles to happen through us,Gods will must rst be transmitted by the

    Holy Spirit to our spirits. Then, Jesusdeclared, we must not doubt in our hearts.The inmost center of our beings which theBible alternately terms the heart or thespirit must be focused on the objective.

    Our hearts must be fully persuaded, withoutany doubt. We must be like Abraham, who

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    against all hope believed God would granthim a son by his wife Sarah.He staggered not at

    the promise o God through unbelie; but was strongin aith, giving glory to God; and being ullypersuaded that, what he had promised, he was ablealso to perorm (Romans 4:20-21 KJV).

    In fact, the persuasion in our spirits

    must be so strong that it seems to us thedesired result has already taken place. As Jesusput it, Believe that you have received it, andit will be yours (see Mark 11:24).

    I experienced this extraordinary present

    possession of a future miracle before I acquiredCBNs rst television station. Although myavailable capital was only $70 and I waswithout a job, and although I did not own atelevision set and was without any knowledge

    of broadcasting, motion pictures, or theater,the purchase of a station became for me apresent reality. Even now it is hard to describemy inner experience at that time. Thepersuasion in my spirit was so real that

    purchasing a station with $70 seemed asplausible as buying a bag of groceries atthe supermarket.

    God had given me a measure of faith,and my spirit counted Gods resources as part

    of my reality. As Jesus said,For people this isimpossible, but or God all things are possible(Mark 10:27 NCV).

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    The tentative, the hesitant, the fearful,the overly cautious, the halfhearted, and the

    half-persuaded will never know miracle power.They will never experience success or victoryin the visible or the invisible worlds. Never, atleast, until they understand that their dividedminds and spirits are actually injecting the

    seeds of failure into every situation.


    The Time to Speak

    hen Mark told in his gospel of thecursing of the g tree, he was careful to

    include the voice. Jesus spoke to the g tree,and He told the disciples to command themountain, which would do what they said ifthey didnt doubt in their hearts. Scripture tells us further that Jesus stilleda storm by speaking to it (see Mark 4:39),raised three dead people by speaking to them(see Matthew 9:23-25, Luke 7:14-16, and John11:43), cast out demons by speaking to them

    (see Mark 9:25), cleansed a leper by speakingto him (see Matthew 8:3), and healed aRoman ofcers servant by speaking a wordfrom a remote location (see Matthew 8:13).

    So we see that miracles begin with the

    certainty that God is present and that He hasa purpose. Then we, His people, translate that


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    purpose into the physical world by invokingHis unlimited power. We do it with our

    mouths, speaking the word of the Lord to themountain, to the disease, to the storm, to thedemons, to the nances that God wants tosend to us.

    Prayer is extremely important, and we

    are never to neglect it. Jesus gave manyexamples, going off by Himself to pray, oftenfor hours. And the Scripture writers arerelentless in their admonitions to pray. Paulwent so far as to tell us to pray without ceasing

    (1 Thessalonians 5:17).But once Gods will is disclosed, then is

    the time to shift to speaking. Because of thegreat power the Lord has given to speech, it isterribly important that we Christians not use

    our mouths to speak slander, profanity, lust,or foolishness. We have in our mouths thepower to kill or to make alive. We must nottake it lightly.

    This signicance explains why, on the

    day of Pentecost when the power of the HolySpirit came upon the disciples, an evidence oftheir anointing was their speaking in tongues(see Acts 2:4). Their voices were empoweredby the Holy Spirit, a miracle that continues to

    be experienced by people of God todaythrough what is known as the baptism of the

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    Holy Spirit. From there, the disciples enteredinto ministry more miraculous than any they

    had ever known. They had been clothed withpower from on high (Luke 24:49). Theirspeech was a critical factor again, not to betaken lightly.


    The Major Hindrance

    Having faith, seeing, refusing to doubt,speaking all are critically importantparts of the law of miracles. But Jesus madeanother point in the episode with the g tree.Many people wish He hadnt.And whenever

    you stand praying, orgive, i you have anythingagainst anyone, so that your Father who is inheaven will also orgive you your transgressions.But i you do not orgive, neither will your Fatherwho is in heaven orgive your transgressions(Mark 11:25-26).

    With those few words, He set forth themajor hindrance to the working of miracles in

    the visible world the lack of forgiveness.Men and women, Christian and non-Christian, carry grudges. Any power of Godwithin them is eaten up by resentment.

    Our initial view of God and our entrance

    into kingdom blessings depend on being bornagain and allowing the Lord to remove the

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    cloud of sin between us and God. Thatunobstructed view must continue if we are to

    evidence the miraculous. Being born againmerely sets the process in motion; we mustthen walk step by step in a state of forgiveness.John the apostle said it this way:I we live inthe light, as God is in the light, we can share

    ellowship with each other. Then the blood o Jesus,Gods Son, [continuously] cleanses us rom every sin(1 John 1:7 NCV).

    God declares that if we want toexperience now the miraculous power, say, of

    moving mountains, it is imperative that welive in a condition of forgiveness.Unforgiveness is not a characteristicacceptable in the kingdom of God. Itcontradicts the doctrine of forgiveness itself.


    Miracles Are Available


    f we would live in the kingdom of Godtoday, by grace through faith, we would see

    far more miracles. We need only look at Paulsrelatively compact, but nonethelessilluminating, instructions to the earlyCorinthian church to discover the miracleexperiences that were considered normal (see

    1 Corinthians 12-14). He spoke of themanifestations that the unblocked presence

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    of the Holy Spirit within Gods people wouldbring forth, declaring that these were for the

    common good (1 Corinthians 12:7). Therewas nothing elitist or abnormal about them.For to one is given the word o wisdom through theSpirit, and to another the word o knowledge

    according to the same Spirit; to another aith by the

    same Spirit,and to another gits o healing by the oneSpirit, and to another the eecting o miracles, and to

    anotherprophecy, and to another the distinguishing ospirits, to another various kinds o tongues, and toanother the interpretation o tongues (1 Corinthians

    12:8-10).These are the supernatural evidences of

    Gods favor and grace. They are among theeffects of the blowing of the Spirit in our livesthat the Lord was talking about with

    Nicodemus. You cant see the Spirit, which Helikened to the wind, but you do see His effects(see John 3:8). When the wind blows, treeleaves move. When the Spirit blows, otherthings move as well.

    In my unending quest for wisdom, itturned out that the word of wisdom was amiracle of God that developed special meaningfor me. All the gifts of the Spirit are exceedinglyimportant when springing from faith, hope

    and love, but the supernatural bestowal of theword of wisdom is to be cherished.

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    The word of wisdom is a glimpse intothe future regarding a specic event or truth.

    It is an unveiling.Many people think prophecy is

    futuristic, and it often is. But not always.Prophecy specically is forth-telling speaking forth the Word of God.

    The Bible teaches that when Jesus Christcomes back to earth to rule His millennialkingdom, prophecy will cease, the gifts ofknowledge and tongues will cease, and visionswill cease because we will be in the presence of

    the living Lord.We will not need those things at that

    time because Christ will reveal all things to us.He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning andthe end. Things that are imperfect will be

    done away with, and we will see the essence ofperfection revealed in Jesus Christ Himself.

    Until that time, however, we need Hislife and His spiritual weapons. He hascharged us to occupy until He comes again,

    and He has empowered us to do just that,because we need His miracle power todaymore than ever.

    I want to encourage you to take hold ofGods miraculous power. Reach up into the

    invisible world and allow Him to performmiracles through you in the visible world. It is

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    something that God will do without limits oftime or circumstances. The Father waits for

    us to practice the principles He has set forthin Scripture.


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