Sophia, Year 3, No.1 (September, 2014)

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Released on Teacher's Day Function at PGGCG-11 Chandigarh

Transcript of Sophia, Year 3, No.1 (September, 2014)

  • Sophia, Year 03, Issue 01 (September, 2014)

    1 | P a g e h t t p : / / p h i l g c g 1 1 c h d . w e b s . c o m

  • Sophia, Year 03, Issue 01 (September, 2014)

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    Teachers Day (5th September)

    Teachers Day is celebrated as a tribute to the valuable contribution made by teachers to the society by imparting knowledge and enlightening and shaping the career of students. Celebration of teacher's Day is fairly popular in many countries across the world. In India, Teacher's Day is celebrated on 5th of September every year as it is the birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, a prominent thinker, philosopher and an educator. Dr. Radhakrishanan believed that "Teachers should be the best minds in the country". Most of the schools and colleges and institutions celebrated this event by various activities. The ceremony followed by a range of colourful programs, feast and other activities which make the event special and memorable. Celebration of Teacher's Day is a wonderful opportunity especially for all students to show our gratitude and appreciation to our teachers. The Positive Philosophy Society celebrates Teachers Day every year via a student programme and release the Sophia: Student Magazine on this occasion.

    Nidhi (Editor, [email protected])

    Why Study Philosophy ?

    The chief practical reason to study philosophy is to acquire a very valuable set of skills. In philosophy the student becomes the active inquirer, thinker, and solver of problems and not just a passive learner who memorizes ideas only. Philosophy develops skills of critical and moral thinking, argumentation, information management, research, communication, abstract reasoning, and analytic and synthetic thinking. Students of philosophy also learn to identify important fundamental questions about themselves and their world through the process of clear, critical thinking and argumentation. Philosophy is about watching, interpreting, and understanding the world and the people living in it. Recent scandals and problems in business and government have highlighted the important role of ethics in corporate and public life. Advances in medical practice and research have created a growing need for medical and research ethicists who might work directly with genetic researchers, or assist patients and care-givers in morally difficult situations. Philosophy could make significant contribution, particularly in relation to children's moral development, because the Indian curriculum currently neglects this aim. Philosophy needs to be included in the curriculum because it has demonstrated cognitive and social gains in students who were exposed to philosophy in their academics.

    Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal

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    MAGIC Magic the five letters word, interesting yet mysterious. What is MAGIC? For kids, it is

    happiness; for adults, it is illusion; and for old people, it is stupidity. People often say, the magic is to show some kind of tricks and befool people's eyes. But, nobody pays attention towards the world's greatest magic i.e. the SMILE on faces of children after watching those tricks. Though, the tricks are to betray human eyes but, still this is the biggest magic.

    Everything is magic in the world.... even our existence itself is the nature's most amazing magic. People don't believe in magic because they do not have time to see and think it. No one thinks, a woman puts her life in danger to bring a young one in this beautiful world. Isn't that amazing? How a tiny body grows into an adult like us! We get many bodies in the same birth. Nobody dies with his same body which he got immediately after birth in his old age!

    A kid when tossed in air laughs instead of crying because he believes that the person who is tossing him, will never let him fall. His faith itself is magic. Magic is in the flying of birds fragrance of flowers falling of rain and smiles of children.... Voice of rhymes roars of ocean songs of air magic exists everywhere....

    And I exist in the world because there ONE MAGIC which can be done only by me. Every person is here to do that MAGIC which he only can do. Believe and see that magic makes the world so beautiful. -MANJU CHAUHAN, MA Philosophy

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    This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; The Philosophy Is Kindness. -Dalai Lama

    The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.- Abraham Lincoln

    Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.- C.S. Lewis

    Ordinary people seen not to realize that those who really apply themselves in the right way to philosophy are directly and of their own accord preparing themselves for dying and death.- Socrates

    Wonder is the feeling of the philosopher and philosophy begins in wonder.- Plato

    Man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but when separated from law and justice, he is the worst of all.- Aristotle

    There is only one good, knowledge', and one evil, "Ignorance".- Socrates

    There is only a one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers. - William James

    You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.- Plato

    Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of imagination.- Immanuel Kant

    Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but of how we make ourselves worthy of happiness.- Immanuel Kant

    Whether youre in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship, and deepening it, that factor is attitude.- William James

    Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. Aristotle

    All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilee

    We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.- Same Keen

    Rajni Bala, MA Psychology

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    I KNOW THE SECRET OF THE LIFE I will keep singing, Either keep me in cages, or leave me for skies. My eyes will always shine. Either put me In devilish darkness, or under the sunshine. I will remain the very same Throughout my life !!!! Because I know The secrets of life. That makes me smile, That makes me reach to The zeniths of life! To the peaks, Where no one could reach But I have touched it, with my lucky feet. At every stage of life, I am composed and calm I thank you God for the lucky charm. Kanchan, B.A. Third Year (1179)

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    Never play with the feelings of others because you maybe win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.

    The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people.

    I am thankful all those who said No to me it's because of them I did it myself.

    You always have two choices to accept things the way they are, or to have the courage to change them.

    No matter how badly people treat you, never drop down to their level, just know you are better and walk away.

    Be careful with your words once they are said, they can only be forgiven not forgotten.

    Don't feel bad if people remember you only when they need you. Feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness.

    Never blame a day in your life. Good days give you Happiness and bad days give you Experience.

    Nidhi, BA Final Year (1234)

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    Iron Sharmila Chanu (born on 14 march 1972) also known as the" Iron Lady of Manipur" is a civil rights activist, political activist and poet from the State of Manipur. On 2nd November 2000, she began a hunger strike which is still ongoing. On International Women's Day, she was voted the top Women Icon of India by MSN Poll. On 2nd November 2000, in Malon, a town in the Imphal valley of Manipur, ten civilians were shot and killed while waiting at a bus stop. This incident came to known as "Malon Massacre" and it was allegedly committed by the Assam Rifles, one of the Indian Paramilitary Forces operating the state. Sharmila who was 28 year old at the time began to fast in protest of the killing, taking neither food nor water. Her primary demand to the Indian Government is the complete repeal of the AFSPA (Arm Forces Special Power Act) which has been blame for violence in Manipur and other parts of Northeast India. Sharmila won many awards like life- time achievement award from the Asian Human Rights Commission.

    Arnika Yumnam , B.A. Second Year (10144)


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    THINKING ON THOUGHTS Happiness Happiness does not depend On any external conditions. It is governed by our mental attitude. Possibility Where there is an open window there exists limitless opportunity. Opportunity The secret of success to be ready for opportunity when it comes. Risk Winners don't wait for chances they take them. Time There is a way to make time stop And that is by making the most of every moment. Ruby, B.A. First Year (808)

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    Events of the Session 2013-2014

    November issue of Sophia: Student

    Magazine released on the

    Occasion of

    World Philosophy Day.

    World Philosophy Day-2013 at

    Departments of Philosophy and French

    on 21st November, 2013.

    Students participated in Essay Contest and

    Symposium on Swami Vivekananda:

    Friend, Philosopher and Guide held

    on 9th February, 2014 at

    Ramakrishna Mission, Asharama,

    Sector-11, Chandigarh.

    Two-Days National Seminar on Ambedkarite Quest on

    Egalitarian Revolution in India at

    Centre for Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Studies, Kurukshetra

    University, Kurukshetra held on

    26th & 27th November, 2013.

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    President: SHAVNAM (BA-III, 1150)

    Vice-President: ARNIKA YUMNAM (BA-II, 10144)

    Secretary : MANISHA JOSHI (BA-I, 266/14)

    Associate Members:

    1. SRISHTI SHARMA (BA-III, 1704)

    2. SANDEEP KAUR (BA-II, 10023)

    3. ROSHNI (BA-I, 429/14)

    4. NIDHI SEMWAL (BA-I, 158/14)

    Editor (Sophia: Student Magazine): NIDHI (BA-III,1234)

    Class Representatives:

    Jasveer Kaur (BA-III, 1087)

    Sharandeep Kaur (BA-II, 10039)

    Kanika Mehta (BA-I, 602/14)

    Neha (BA-I, 776/14)


    The Positive Philosophy Society Department of Philosophy, P.G.Govt. College for Girls,

    Sector-11, Chandigarh Website:

    E-mail: [email protected] Contact No. 08288883993