Soothe Your Sinuses

Soothe Your Sinuses & Cleanse Your Mind: Meet The Dynamic Duo by John Douillard on October 23, 2014 | Leave a Comment Average Reading Time: 5 minutes, 17 seconds Most folks complain of some type of sinus problem throughout the year. Poor air quality, winter dryness and pollens in the spring and fall leave few unaffected. Some experience sinus irritation, headaches, congestion, sore throats, and breathing difficulties. Blocked sinus passages result in poor breathing, which has been traditionally linked to fatigue and mental and emotional imbalances, such as poor memory, foggy thinking and mood swings. Many people have experienced benefits from a nasal irrigation technique called Neti, which has been shown in many studies to be an effective treatment for chronic sinusitis. (1) Hardly anyone has heard of another therapy that completes the job that Neti started. In fact, it is safe to say that the Neti alone will only provide temporary relief for your sinuses requiring daily Neti. Traditionally, Neti was complete only when followed by a time-tested nasal treatment that literally takes seconds



Transcript of Soothe Your Sinuses

Page 1: Soothe Your Sinuses

Soothe Your Sinuses & Cleanse Your Mind: Meet The Dynamic Duo

by John Douillard on October 23, 2014 | Leave a Comment

Average Reading Time: 5 minutes, 17 seconds

Most folks complain of some type of sinus problem throughout the year. Poor

air quality, winter dryness and pollens in the spring and fall leave few

unaffected. Some experience sinus irritation, headaches, congestion, sore

throats, and breathing difficulties. Blocked sinus passages result in poor

breathing, which has been traditionally linked to fatigue and mental and

emotional imbalances, such as poor memory, foggy thinking and mood


Many people have experienced benefits from a nasal irrigation technique

called Neti, which has been shown in many studies to be an effective

treatment for chronic sinusitis. (1) Hardly anyone has heard of another therapy

that completes the job that Neti started. In fact, it is safe to say that the Neti

alone will only provide temporary relief for your sinuses requiring daily Neti.

Traditionally, Neti was complete only when followed by a time-tested nasal

treatment that literally takes seconds and works wonders – but these days few

people know about it!

Nasya is the sniffing of an herbalized oil into the nostrils. After Neti, it

lubricates the sinuses so that the salt water from the Neti doesn’t dry out the

sinuses. We also know that oils will feed the healthy microbiology in the sinus

and support a cleansing effect and natural immunity against foreign microbes.

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According to Ayurveda, Nasya is one of the 5 most powerful cleansing

techniques.Nasya is said to cleanse the sinuses, particularly the sagittal

sinus, where according to Ayurveda, many old emotions are stored. Cleansing

the sinus is linked to better brain focus and memory according to Ayurveda.

The upper respiratory system is lined with mucus membranes and finger like

cilia that sweep yucky pollutants and pollens through the sinuses into the

stomach or lymph vessels (immune responders) that line the respiratory

mucosa. In a healthy system, these toxins are then safely and quietly

processed by the digestive and lymphatic systems.

It doesn’t take much in our modern world to irritate the mucus membranes and

dry out or congest the cilia and therefore compromise the immune response.

Follow this Two Step process to Sinus Freedom!

Step One – Clean the Sinuses

Neti is a nasal irrigation technique that uses saline to decrease nasal

secretions (1) and rinse and de-congest the sinuses. In one study, at the

University of Michigan, Neti out performed OTC nasal sprays for the treatment

of nasal congestion resulting in 50% fewer re-occurrences of nasal symptoms.


In another study, a number of patients actually decreased or eliminated sinus

medication altogether. (3) The following technique may provide relief from

nasal and sinus congestion:

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Neti – Nasal Irrigation Procedure

Nasal irrigation is commonly done using a small, sterile vessel called a

Neti pot. Prepare a comfortable saline solution: mix 1/4 teaspoon of non-

iodized salt into one cup of sterile warm water. Mucus membranes are

sensitive and the ideal solution for nasal irrigation should be similar to

your body’s blood temperature, salinity and pH. If you experience a slight

burning sensation in your nasal passage then decrease the amount of


Stand over the bathroom sink or while in the shower, tilt your head

slightly to one side and let the saline solution flow from the Neti pot into

the upper nostril, creating a good seal. Do not swallow during the

procedure as it could cause infectious material to move from the nasal

passage into the sinuses or the ear. Breathe through your mouth.

Allow the solution to drain from your nose out the opposite lower nostril.

As the solution runs out of your nostril, you can blow gently to help

remove any mucus and waste materials that are in your nasal


Repeat 2 – 3 times for each nostril.

When finished, bend at the waist and forcefully exhale through both

nostrils for a final cleanse.

Repeat daily for 2 weeks until sinus congestion resolves. Then use as


Be sure to thoroughly clean your Neti pot before using.

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Step Two – Protect the Sinuses

While the Neti offers support for sinuses, the therapy wasn’t considered

complete until Nasya was also performed. As described briefly above, Nasya

is the administration of herbalized nasal drops into the nostrils to cleanse,

lubricate, purify and repair the sinuses. Nasya is considered one of the most

powerful therapies in Ayurvedic medicine as it is reported to also have

beneficial effects on memory, mind and emotional health.

In one study, 53% of the subjects experienced significant benefits from sinus

and respiratory irritation with Nasya Therapy. (4)

(Please Note: Nasya is not indicated for children under age 13 and is best

performed during the daytime on an empty stomach.)

Traditionally, a saline or salt water solution was used during Neti to decongest

and flush the sinuses. Salt water is very drying to the skin and thus will

dehydrate the delicate nasal mucosa if not followed with lubricating Nasya. No

doubt it flushes the sinuses but it can also leave the sinuses parched. Dry

sinuses are easily irritated by pollutants, pollens and dry air resulting in

excess reactive mucus production and an endless cycle of congestion and

post nasal drip.

Excessive mucus production can congest the cilia causing sinus issues, a

sore throat, swollen glands and a respiratory infection. This reactive mucus is

often thin and silent in the form of post nasal drip and can trickle into the

bronchials and causes irritation or a cough. For post nasal drip related

symptoms, such as a cough, I have yet to find a more supportive therapy than


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Nasya is a simple procedure where 2-4 drops of an herbalized Nasya Oil is

applied into the nostrils and sniffed into the sinuses. Herbalized oils are used

because plain vegetable oil molecules are too large to penetrate the lipid layer

of the skin and are not moisturizing. Properly herbalized oils are purified and

carry medicinal herbs across the lipid layer of the sinuses and deeply

moisturize the mucus membranes. This lubricates the nasal mucosa and

sinuses leaving them cleansed by the Neti and healed, protected and

lubricated by the Nasya Oil.

Most sinus problems originate with dry and irritated sinuses. Administering

Nasya is aimed at lubricating the sinuses so they are less reactive to dryness

and airborne irritants. The result is a more complete therapy for the sinuses

that won’t create a dependency on either therapy. The two sinus therapies are

a powerful one-two punch for most sinus conditions.

Nasya Procedure

1. Nasya is best done immediately after Neti.

2. Use a properly prepared Nasya Oil which is made by slowly cooking

lubricating, sinus healing herbs into the oil.

3. Warm the Nasya Oil by putting oil in the dropper and holding it under hot

water until it is just above body temperature (test temperature on

forearm). You can also warm the whole bottle in a cup of hot water.

4. Tip head back as far as possible and exhale fully. If you like, you can lay

on the edge of a bed or sofa. Drop 2-4 four drops of oil in each nostril

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and sniff the oil into the sinuses. Start with 2 drops and increase if


5. Use daily for two weeks after Neti for sinus congestion and as needed


6. Important Notes:

-Best done on an empty stomach.

-Best not to do before bed to prevent dripping into the larynx.

-It’s normal to taste the oil in the back of the mouth or to have some oil drip

out of your nose for a minute or two after wards.

-Nasya is not indicated for children under 13. Children do not have a fully

developed glottis and a small amount of oil can drip into the larynx.