Sons of Caasi (Preview)



Amo Caasi, twin brother of the prophesied Time Ruler, the "Kronos", and second son of the most powerful leader in Spatium is desperate to escape the shadow of his indomitable brother Sier, and the tragedy his birth foreshadows. Plunged into a storm of deception and political intrigue, Amo concludes that the answers he seeks must be written in the prophetic Book of Fabula and Syuzhet. Determined to unravel the Book's mysterious codes, his quest sets off a chain of events that send his life spiraling out of control. In the wake of a shocking murder that shakes Spatium to its core, and with his best friend's life hanging in the balance, Amo Caasi must face the enemy he fears most. Will he be saved by a love stronger than death, or does being the second-born of twins foreshadow his inevitable doom?

Transcript of Sons of Caasi (Preview)

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a novel





C. Grant

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Sons of Caasi

Battle for Time

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Sons of CaasiBattle for Time

Next in the Sons of Caasi Series:Reign of Deception

Alien SoilCrimson WebRise of Unicus

Sons of Caasi

Battle for Time

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Excerpted from Sons of Caasi: Battle for Time Preview : April 2013 Copyright © 2013 by C. Grant All rights reserved.

Cover Photography by Sydnèe Grant

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

SevenHorns Publishing PO Box 269Randolph MA

SevenHorns Publishing is a division of SevenHorns Entertainment, LLC. The SevenHorns name and logo are trademarks of SevenHorns Entertainment, LLC.

The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2011914095 ISBN 978-0-983-84272-9 (special ebook preview) ISBN 978-0-983-84270-5 (hc) ISBN 978-0-983-84271-2 (pbk) ISBN 978-0-9838427-6-7 (ebook)

Printed in the United States of America

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Dedicated to Paul and Secnola GrantYour love, unwavering support, and commitment to the vision surpasses any earthly parental call.

This is a fruit of your labor.∞

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The Finisher- The omniscient and omnipotent creator of Spatium and its inhabitants. He has purposed to create a new universe and has chosen the Time-Ruler, the “Kronos” from among the sons of Caasi to reign over it. Spatium (Spah-tee-um)- A vast and mysterious world of staggering heights and unfathomable depths, created by The Finisher in a dimension outside of time and space, Spatium has existed eternities before the creation of our known universe. Its inhabitants are a regal and mystical people whose attributes will determine the properties of earth itself.

Translation- In Spatium there is no death…only birth. Spatian citizens live to fulfill their life’s purpose as authored by The Finisher and revealed in the mysterious book of Fabula and Syuzhet. They are then translated, or joyfully ushered into the presence of The Finisher. Transfer is a gift to those who have completed their purpose.

Dispatchment- Equivalent to murder or manslaughter on earth; it’s when a Spatian’s life is unjustly or accidentally taken away at the hands of another, seemingly at the cost of fulfilling their life’s purpose.

The Book of Fabula and Syuzhet- Sacred revelation and voice of The Finisher. It reveals the dictates of his will and predicts the coming of the Time-Ruler, a powerful warrior-king who will reign over all of The Finisher’s new creation.

The World of Spatium

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Caasi (Kuh-zeye)- Powerful leader of the Royal Council of Spatium. Father of Sier and Amo.

Sier (Seye-eer)- Firstborn son of Caasi, who by virtue of birth order is expected to fulfill prophecy and reign as The Kronos.

Amo (Am-mo)- Second son of Caasi, he is completely left out of the FINISHER's prophecies and subsequently driven to prove his worth to his father and himself.

Riva (Ree-vah)- Outspoken wife of Caasi and mother of Sier and Amo. She has long harbored doubts about which of her sons should assume the role of The Kronos.

Spiritus (Spirit-toos)- Respected metaphysical teacher and member of the Royal Council of Spatium. Caasi’s best friend.

Rachel (Ray-chul)- Amo’s best friend and daughter of Spiritus. She unwittingly holds the key to Amo's redemption.Caduceus (Kah-due-shuz)- Seditious member of the Royal Council of Spatium.

Hittitaes (Hit-teye-teas)- Daughter of Caduceus, she is both stunningly beautiful and conniving.

Principal Citizens

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The Sons of Caasi

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Chapter 1

Th e Sons Of Caasi

C ool air prickled his skin as Amo, youngest son of Caasi, struggled under the weight of his older brother.

Rays of pure light emanated from the throne room of Th e Finisher high overhead, diff used by the cloudy expanse of the sky. Green, yellow, purple, and orange leaves of soaring kedros trees fi ltered the light from above. Beneath the boys’ feet, the ground erupted in a profusion of equally colorful foliage.

Tumbling through the lush grass, pretending to be fi erce warriors engaged in close combat was one of Sier’s favorite games. Amo played along like always, and as usual, he was losing.

“Stop!” he cried. “Th at’s enough! You’re hurting me!”Sier let go and stood, a grin of triumph began to curl

his lips. In a fl ash of inspiration, Amo saw his chance. He leg-whipped Sier and watched his eyebrows skyrocket in surprise, the boastful expression vanishing as he tumbled backward and hit the ground hard. Amo smirked, content to have once again

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tugged on the hair trigger of his brother’s temper. No doubt now, Sier would be itching for a real fight. Amo abandoned thoughts of further teasing and ran for the safety of their mother and home.

“Ugh! Let’s see if you can do that with a broken leg!” Sier shot to his feet and charged after his smaller, more agile twin.

They hadn’t run far when Amo felt Sier’s weight crashing against him, dragging them both to the ground. Sier lifted Amo to his knees, one arm catching him under the chin and pressing against his neck.

“I can't breathe!” Amo gasped for air, struggling to break free. He thought of a plan just as his brother’s arm tightened about his neck, and bright spots began to swim before his eyes. Amo let his body go limp. He waited, with his arms dangling toward the ground, holding his breath and feeling the thundering of Sier’s heart against his back. His brother maintained the stranglehold.

Suddenly, Sier loosened his grip and Amo fell forward, hitting the ground with a rush of expelled air. He flopped over onto his back and peeked through slitted eyelids at Sier. He watched as Sier stood, stumbling backward; his eyes were wide and the color drained from his face.

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Sier gasped in shock as Amo flung his eyes open. Amo jumped up and charged at Sier’s legs, felling him like an ax to the base of a top-heavy tree.

“Gotcha!” Amo hurried to his feet and raced for home, not willing to risk another bout with Sier, who was now bug-eyed with rage. He couldn’t resist outwitting his brother, but enough was enough. Something in Sier’s eyes had frightened him.

Sier’s roaring filled the air, and Amo knew it wouldn’t take long for him to claw his way to his feet in pursuit. No doubt Sier was lurching wildly about, searching for something with which to beat him to a pulp.

Amo heard a loud crack and turned in time to see Sier wrench a thick, low hanging branch free from a purple kedros tree in mid-stride. Amo’s breath tore through his chest like fire, and he could feel the muscles of his legs straining with the effort to stay ahead. Sier was gaining on him. Amo could hear him grunting over the thud of his footsteps.

He swiveled his head around to look back as Sier raised the branch and swung. Heart racing, Amo ducked, just dodging a blow that he was sure would have decapitated him.

“Come on, Sier! That’s enough!”Sier lost a step trying to regain his balance and Amo

pulled away.“Sier, stop! You’re out of control!”

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“You tricked me. You cheated!”Amo heard a whistling sound and realized, too late that

Sier must have hurled the branch at him. Caught up in the churning of his legs, suddenly it was banging against his shins, then lodged between his knees. He tripped and landed in a heap, but before he could right himself Sier was upon him.

The two brothers wrestled in the rainbow of grass, tumbling down a steep incline in a tangle of flailing arms and legs. They reached the bottom with Amo pinned beneath. Sier raised a fist and readied a punch to his brother’s face.

“Sier! Sier! Stop it now! Both of you come in to eat!” His blow stalled in midair, Sier froze at the familiar

sound of their mother’s voice. Amo winced as Sier punched the ground inches from his head and leaned in close.

“Mother has saved you once again.” Sier shoved him and stood, eyes narrowed and glaring. “You’re weak. You could never be the Kronos.”

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About the Author

As kids my brother and I created stories about beings from fantastical worlds with extraordinary powers. For us, running around the house was time traveling at light speed from one dimension to another. Leaping across the space between our twin beds, we surfed intergalactic wormholes connecting planets in far off galaxies. Our made up stories were spontaneous and ongoing, like a cosmic soap opera. Each new episode absorbed us for hours, as though they were reality and the world of our New Orleans neighborhood was not.

We’d launch into an imaginary adventure anytime or anywhere—late at night after our parents prayed with us and shut off the lights thinking we were asleep, or after we’d seen a cool movie, or even during long trips in the car. Occasionally my sister would join us, but she’d always exit once the story lines called for an epic battle. She was too girly for our fight scenes.

Sometimes my parents would overhear us spinning our action-packed sci-fi tales. I just knew they thought we were insane, though they never said so or stopped us. I think they enjoyed listening to our make-believe adventures and reminiscing about when they made up their own stories as kids.

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Childlike imagination is necessarily transient, but too quickly the fantasy worlds and superhuman characters of our youth give way to the realities that come with adulthood—and fly out of our lives forever. Like most people, as I got older my mind became filled with the issues of everyday life. School, work, money, and relationships took up permanent residence in my grown-up mind. Before I knew it I was married with two kids of my own. The pretend world that I once escaped to as a child was now seldom visited except for an occasional stroll down memory lane with my brother.

I found myself—like my parents before me—eavesdropping on the imaginary journeys of my little ones. I often smiled to myself, realizing they had their own unique tales to tell, full of amazing characters and fantastic places I’d never dreamt of. Yet there was always a hero, a great love and an epic rescue that required a tremendous sacrifice. I was captivated by the idea that our youthful desire to create stories might be motivated by something or someone beyond ourselves. Like a super AUTHOR who compelled not just our stories, but maybe every tale ever told.

As I thought about the imaginary adventures of my youth, listened to my kids (now teens), and looked at the world around me, my long dormant imagination was sparked to new life.

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I had a story to tell and decided right off that I would write a novel, but with a background in the music industry and not as a writer I was feeling less than qualified to take on a project of such magnitude. Still, I struggled with an irrepressible urge to tell the tale. Thankfully my wife advised me to just start writing—and I did. Not only is she beautiful and smart, she’s my encouragement, too. It also helps that she is the ultimate bookworm! She’s passed that gene on to my daughter, who like most teenaged girls loves a good romance—featuring a drop dead gorgeous guy with excellent abs. My son is the ultimate superhero/action/fantasy buff and loves to create stories almost as much as I do. With the three of them at my side and the support of a host of family, friends, critics and advisors too vast to mention, I confidently invite you to embark on a journey through one of the most thrilling and unpredictable fantasy fiction (and romance) novels ever imagined. Welcome to the world of Sons Of Caasi.

C. Grant

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