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Transcript of Sonnenrad

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The Wretched Hive of Scum

and Villainy

Carcossa is a wild world filled with jungles,

savannas and deserts aside from a vast fresh

water ocean. The main feature of the planet and

the only reason anyone would ever bother with

the world is a continent sized Hive known as

Circus Malefica. Circus Malefica is a roiling

madhouse of corruption, depravity and chaos

divided into seven distinctive districts due to

those who occupy them.

 Big Top

The central district of Circus Malefica thatholds all of the spaceports and warehouses aside

from the grand palace of Mountebank himself. It

acts as the central transport hub between the

other seven districts and is Mountebank's

personal fortress should rebellion or war break

out. His personal palace is a sprawling city unto

itself known as the Laughing Court as many

executions are carried out via administered

poisons that make the punished laugh

themselves to death. These executions are also

broadcast live across the entire hive as examples

to those who would cross Mountebank.

 Bazaar Bizarre

The Bazaar Bizarre is Circus Malefica's

neutral zone. No warlord reigns in the district as it

is instead overseen by a bound daemon known

only as the Coin Counter. Its is said that the Coin

Counter was summoned and bound by ten Q'sal

sorcerers to ensure the hive would always have a

safe place of commerce. All ten were then

butchered and fed to the Coin Counter to ensure

no one could ever break his binding. Since then

the Coin Counter has become the only truly

permanent fixture of the hive. He is the terrifyingand powerful enforcer of the Bazaar Bizarre's

neutrality, known to often engage in a zero

tolerance policy unless whim should hit him


Citadel of Sorrows 

The most alien district of the hive is the

Citadel of Sorrows, a vast collection of black

twisting spires and deep alleys. The Citadel of 

Sorrows is home to a large Dark Eldar colony

and some whisper they even have an active link

to Commorragh or that the Citadel itself is

technically part of their interdimensional city.

None know for sure but several Kabals call the

Citadel home, often ones that truck heavily in

piracy and slave trading. The current master of the Citadel is Vexen Lorfan, Archon of the

Thousand Daggers Kabal. For the most part the

Dark Eldar do not involve themselves in the

politics of Circus Malefica, content to murder one

another and squabble for power within their own

district so long as the others leave them alone.

The Labyrinth

 An arcane and esoteric district. It is said only

daemons, psykers and sorcerers can truly

navigate the Labyrinth without getting lost. The

district house several vast repositories of arcaneknowledge, each of whom is constantly scheming

against the others to steal information and

secrets. The laws of the universe bend here as

stairwells are known to twist upwards and even

upside down. Passage appear and disappear as

various shifts in the planet's astrological orbit

occur. The figure who rules in the Labyrinth is

simply known as Maestro. Few have ever seen

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Maestro in person or at least can ever describe

him. Many believe he is afflicted with a gift of 

Tzeentch that render his features forever 

changing. To deal with this, Maestro often wears

blue and white robes along with a golden mask

covered in arcane symbols that stabilize his form

while he wears it.


Bloodforge is a major manufacturing

district for Circus Malefica. It produces untold

amounts of weaponry and other devices or 

warfare to feed the needs of the Screaming

Vortex. While nowhere near in competition to

Dark Mechanicus forges, Bloodforge merits

something unique. It is also home to some of the

most extreme and intense gladiatorial matches

anywhere. The winners of these matches often

get sold off to serve as personal champions,

bodyguards or whatever their owners would

desire of them. The master of Bloodforge is

Baron Sanguine, a seemingly harmless fallen

noble of Malfian stock. Few could grasp how theBaron reigns in the Bloodforge until they've made

him angry. His rampages are the things of legend

and even his own men flee from him when it

starts. It is said Khorne has blessed him with a

truly unique and terrifying mutation for his


Thousand Plagues 

Thousand Plagues is a putrid district,

filled with roiling clouds of flies and stinking

refuse. Most other districts dump their garbage

here, or more precisely pay the district's master for the privilege of dumping there. More so, the

district makes many volatile and poisonous

chemicals which they sell to anyone eager to buy

them. Some believe it's also used as a breeding

ground by more twisted members of the Dark

Mechanicus for weapons testing, specifically bio-

weapons. The ruler of Thousand Plagues is

simply known as Dredger. For all his disgusting

habits and Nurgle worship, Dredger knows a

great deal about the rest of the city for his

minions pick through all the garbage dumped into

Thousand Plagues.

Domes of Delight 

Domes of Delight is basically the

pleasure district of Circus Malefica. Any pleasure

imaginable is there and if it isn't, someone will

likely be more than willing to facilitate. More so

there are countless gambling halls and other 

forms of recreation all designed to funnel money

and goods into the hands of Mistress Vira

Lazoda. Lazoda delights in the many pleasures

of the dome herself, for free, and is a devout

worshipper of Slaanesh. Being a patron of the

arts, the Domes of Delight sport many gardensfilled with artwork of all varieties. Lazoda herself 

is as clever as she is busty, using her looks and

charms to gather up valuable information or lull

someone into a false sense of security. It is well

known that many a soul has perished in the

Domes of Delight because of a well placed bribe

to Lazoda.

Population: Estimated 20,9 21,215,299+

Location: The Screaming Vortex, Gloaming Worlds

Threat Grade: Hereticus Majoris

Climate/Geography/Biosphere: Ecumenopolis

Governmental Type: Kleptocracy

Trade/Economy: ++Restricted++

Ruler: Cornelius Mountebank (de facto)