SONGS IN THE BORDERLANDS “The Dream of God” Revelation 21 & 22.

SONGS IN THE BORDERLANDS “The Dream of God” Revelation 21 & 22

Transcript of SONGS IN THE BORDERLANDS “The Dream of God” Revelation 21 & 22.


“The Dream of God”Revelation 21 & 22

God clearly shows us his intentions for humanity. He tells us what his dream for us is, what his goal is for our lives and

for his creation and then he invites us to participate in bringing it about.

“The Dream of God”

“for all have sinned and (continually) fall short of the glory (standard) of God”

Romans 3:23

“the wages (consequences, results) of sin is death

Romans 6:23

“The Dream of God”

but the gift (promise, song) of God (free for all who ask) is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Where is it all going? – the answer is


“the act of causing something that has ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again, to be used again,

to be remade or restored.”

“The Dream of God”

What has God put there?

What has God removed?

“The Dream of God”Revelation 21 & 22

Revelation 21 and 22 is

“the dream of God for humanity.”

“The Dream of God”

The resurrection of Jesus began the

process of declaring what God had in store for us. It was and is a foretaste of

what is to come.

The Dream of God

3. A new light: everything is illuminated. The darkness people experience is dispelled.

2. A new access: there is no longer any temple because now we have total access to God – no restrictions.

1. A new city: a place where all God’s people can find a home and an identity.

The Dream of God

6. A new responsibility: all of God’s people will see and serve God face to face

5. A new life: the river represents eternal life and healing that is there for all people.

4. A new security: the doors are unlocked. There is no need for human security. God is our security.

When you look at our city:

What needs what need to be removed?

What needs to be established?

How can we as the people of God help bring that about?

“The Dream of God”


“The Dream of God”Revelation 21 & 22