Songs From a Quest to Peace Volume 2

1 Songs from a Quest to Peace Volume 2 Copyright © 2014 by Kings of Peace, written by Goss Lindsey All rights reserve d. No part of this publication ma y be sold for profit. This publication may be freely distributed in electro nic format only. For permission o r other requests, write to the publisher, [email protected]. Website: 

Transcript of Songs From a Quest to Peace Volume 2

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Songs from aQuest to PeaceVolume 2

Copyright © 2014 by Kings of Peace, written by Goss Lindsey

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be sold for profit. This publication maybe freely distributed in electronic format only. For permission or other requests, write tothe publisher, [email protected] . Website:

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blink .................................................................................................................................... 3

and with the blows ........................................................................................................... 5

to know another ............................................................................................................... 7

nothing here ...................................................................................................................... 8

fighter and a lover........................................................................................................... 10

that beneath my feet....................................................................................................... 12

institutions and rivers..................................................................................................... 14

to move the earth ........................................................................................................... 16

the Living Word .............................................................................................................. 17

the mirror of truth .......................................................................................................... 18

beautiful blossom ........................................................................................................... 20

the captive ........................................................................................................................ 21

may we speak ................................................................................................................... 22

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a small breath and short blinkgreen grass passes

another pair of footprints indentedin the soft dew

a small blink and time itself shakesas the earth I stand upon todayhas merged finally into our sun

measuring time in mere orbits makesa year seem so longbut in a blink of consciousnessit stoops to a mere moment

remembering things and peopleI once lived with in argumentgiving power away in drovesadhering to laws determining what they may and may not ingestor what weapons they were allowed to keep to defend our home

war begins in the mindfor it sees another as differentand the rest will follow suit

as too, does peace begin in the mindfor it sees another as the sameand in a blink the merging of all unfoldingin sure time occurs

even the thriving oak beside me, in moments will be fodder for the earth anewI wish not to be the judge of momentsas long or short

nor do I wish to war with liesfor perception makes them seem true if we wishand the governing perception is allowedto not see past a moment

the notion that Peace could be changed

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or that which bore me did notis simply incorrect thus insane

the words and truth may be enoughas until enough see what would be truethe evolution of peace and freedom hereis not possible without a quick blink

another step and a mother duck with three ducklingscome to see if I have food

wishing I did, I can only smile and walk on

blinking I walk hereremembering time beyond and beforefor to me it is not a dream but true

In moments,I will lose all of these things I walk withand all the things I return home tosome may even be taken from meby a cold world in a way that opposes

what I would not want to do to another

I blink and I am smiling when insanity finally made no sense

and though today I seem to have many thingsas my legs take another small step

I remember what is really mineand it is enough

I stand against all violations of freedomnot because I wish to warbut they naturally invade my rightto walk freely on this soft grass

even still I choose not to war but to smilefor losing that is the loss of the memorythat all I have is who I amgifted by that which no wordscould do justice


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and with the blowsand with the blowsof a sometimes harsh worldcoupled with the blows

from our sometimes harsh selvessometimes we are struckfrom all sides

the worst ones always seem to comefrom our own fistsand these we cannot explain

it is a ten round fightsome of us will last only oneand some will go into overtime

if we have not been on the canvasdizzy and bleeding

we have not known this world

if we have not heard the crowdsome shouting encouragementand the silence of those who bet against us

we have not known our brothers

and through the pain I have carriedand all the punches I have thrown backthere is only one thing that I would ever askto return to

only one thing

It is me smiling in the center of this ringI find myself thrust intoin the center of this earth, this life, this existencenot understanding often what is happening around mebut I am still smiling

suddenly I remembered myself againand these hard punches only hurt my bodythe cannot make me forget

who I am

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"hit me if you must", I thinkfor it is just what the world tends to doand for just a day may I let my own selfbe in peace without my own self battle

sometimes it takes these punches to wake me upI wish that was not the case

but we are still here and I know thisbecause we can see these words

the bell has not rungand with the truth of what we areand Who we represent may we remember

this world can take nothing we would keepand with the blows

we will find the strength that rests beneaththe strength of our body alone

we are still smiling we are still lovingand in this I say Amen

All is safe All is protectedforeverof the things we can keep.

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to know anotherto know a manis to know a womanas the dark with no light

would be negated by both

yet a man makes a womanno more than midnightis birthed by the sun

for both they once dancedand still remain safelyin a song words

will never touch

who would separate the moon from the sun would take the push from the pulland knows not of the breath

were both are pulled from

to know another is not to know onenor even bothnot the man or the womanbut the rock and the starthe rise and the fall

nothing can be threatenednothing can be takenfor we are the ones whoremember


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nothing hereif I had sad eyesI could look in the mirror sometimes and say with honestythere is nothing more I seek

the period comes harsh and fiercelike a mine exploding in my heart for a momentif you could tell me in truthyou have never wondered the sameno, I would not believe you

my father walked a hard milebefore he left I remember stillmany things

these are not words of a heavy coat of sorrowor a glisten of small hope from one we once thoughtcould define what hope was

but these are words of life and the earlymorning sun

moments pass not for a tomorrownot for a future of differencebut to the memory

tonight I do not writeto coddle sweetly any manhiding in the air wherethe net seeks those willing to dwellin the depths of ocean

the vein some seek is deepso deep some would shudder

while others would laugh at thepossibility

no, we know it all asthere is nothing here in front of usfor it was behind

with, and too,yes in front

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let me smile upon these keyslet me smash one more key unto the boneof winter when it chills my fingers untilI cannot even press

one more

my two children you will read thissomeday somewhereand you will smile


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fighter and a loverno matter. no matter. read on my friend.

what do we love what do we fight

we love all that isand fight nonethose who deny what the sum would remain forever to becall us opposition


we fight nonethey fight usthey kill usthey ridicule usthey govern against us

yet they cannot take one thingfrom us

life is longlonger than we would know

smiles are broad and love shinesnot for days but foralways

hate can only scare for so long who would be afraidof what portions you would force society to levyof taxes. of pain. of freedom.none.

the darkness of the world fightsbut does not understand what it swings at

for what stands before it is immovableand indestructible

the lover sits and takes the blowsand sometimes becomes mad or sad

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but then light remainsand nothing is lost

amen until the end.amen until one millionone trillionone billion trillion million eyes

would open

the fighter cannot winyet the game they playmay continue

the lover has won and will winand joining

makes us smile untoour Father

In Christ Amen

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that beneath my feetpins and pikes dug deepmoved her skin to burrow men in armsfire lit and torches lit the sky above

some would cry for the dolphinsat the lost ways of mansome would feel the pain the earth itself bears

while others cry for our very kind

humans have always laughedat those who see the millions in graves overthe few thousands of years of recorded historythat they would always say"this could not happen in a modern world such as today"

does the earth tremble in fear?no.does that which bore us of the Holy Spirit tremble His throne may be taken?no.

would a man who sees beyond today and tomorrowfear whatever strange things lost children do?no.yet the man may weep from time to time todayas does the earth and Her creatures

some say we are to notice the words of truthas they are words we are not sure if we wroteor were written by another

In our Father there is no otherand this would remain sound and ring true

love would be shared and increasedlove would shine through all misguided heartseven singing to them too

that beneath my feetthat above my head

would be the same as all men

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She beckons us to healHe beckons us to love

If these were my final words of this life would I pass smilingmy only wish would be I shookthese walls harderno matter how hard I shake themI will want for more

one more lock undoneso truth may shine through

yet may I remember the blessing of freedomas our Father allows for insanity

in a dark strange place that does not invite Him oftenas he loves our sovereignty as his children

But I as an equal not to Him but to my brotherI who cannot give or take your will, nor would wantto do such a thing

I who invite all as I have been invitedyou can see us because you are usyou can read us because our words are yours

this world cannot bind you because you recognizeyou are unboundand that alone may bethe first gift

beneath my feet, that which bore mecarry me and make me strongsend me to all and increase their strength as minemay we sing as many

In Christ and Amen

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institutions and rivers where men herd menlike neither friends or brothersand animals are bred and led to slaughter

when my heart is sad because we say we loveboth animals and peoplemean only the ones we know well

when I have tears I hidebecause I am a proud warriormy heart has sometimes bled enoughbut I will not break or point a finger

when injustice strikes me and my heart wants to hate

of men and wallscold stares and hallsmind trained from the beginningconditioned until the end

without even knowing what cannot be seen

for one who would laugh at the poetand claim we could judgeno, gravity is the judge of how high you may rise todaybut tomorrow it will not bind youbut your perspective will

of the rivers to youI singthe first word was always the lastand the cool breeze remainsmy friend

all things made by man can try and lie to meyet the river would only tell me

what it is true

let our heart melt this world by loveand most of all let it not be frozenand turned into what we are notby our institutionsfor none can institutionalize the truth of love

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that which we are and are from,the body of Christ in which we remain safe,or the way of the river


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to move the eartha friend is simplyone who rises another up

to all that which lifts we toast

to the memory stashed away deep insidethat would fly

would try we smile

we shall move the earthnot with our handsbut with our hearts

and the earth will yieldas it is of usand knows of our compassion

we shall move one mindand then we will awaken two

we will storm the seeds of darknessnot with the gloves of a gardenerbut with the sunshine of love

what has been writtenis still written todayas the Word is aliveand the truth of what we arecannot be altered


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the Living Wordfor a man who is deaf and muteor a man chained in a dark prisonon an island with no influences

and most of all

to all men in all placeshustling across the hard streetsseeking for another dollarand next thing to do

not one has been abandonedby the Living Word within

words written by those who carry lovesing, paint, speak, and writeall of the same Word

its only difference is the tintin language, personality, and rhythmand every word offered was to be but a reminderfor one to find that which Lives within

memorization is not neededfor it will speak to you alwaysyet when we read and know the Word withinit amplifies the soundsand brightens the colorsin a most beautiful song as it rings trueto the Living Word within

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the mirror of truthmany do not like the possibility thatone way may be correctyet these wishes do not change

the Law of God

some would defend strange illusionsin fear they would be known

be not afraidas a human there is one thing we all knowthere is one feeling we all share

we know the feeling of trying to hidein a dark corner shaking aloneas we believed we are guiltyand deserve punishmentin this strange dream

we will remember deep down the feelingof leaving our Home one distant day ago

some say karmasome say the golden rulebut for those who think they can escapethe mirror that will appear

where all is seen and knownI know only thisonly one of us is right

I have shuddered before the mirrortrembled and have memory of almost forgetting

where I was fromas the truth of what occurred was not forgottenlo with tears did I bearand wish I had loved more

yet the mirror is not the gavel of manthough our mind is the judge and jurythat cannot stand before our misgivingsand if not again we will breakand we will try to hide

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not knowing we are loved

the Lord cannot changethe laws of peace remainfear not when the day comes

we stand witnessto the mirror of all pastand things that once occurred

forgive nowas then

with love do we walkand those little people in dark circlesmy eyes see you

and my tears fall for youfor the mirror of truth

will not escape what you do

and as much pain as you commityours shall bemuch greater


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beautiful blossomonce standing as blades of green grassdid we await our synthesis

that we would feel ashamed when in the beginning does our heart openand our colors begin to shineunder the afternoon sun

not as a weeddid we thrive upon the rootsof anotherfor our story was of the lightand of it we would not takebut freely give

yet still when we saw our own blossomsometimes so alonedid we feel

no longer solid greenbut unique as a reef fishladen upon the gray corals below

one day we stepped into the colorsboring through our heartthe next only to find a shadowin which we could hideour blossoming

our beauty was grown not by usbut by the very lightinsideexpressing its ownbeautiful blossomof Love


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the captiveand every night the man

walked with his shackleslain upon his arms and ankles

to the rich man who called him a slave

"would you remove my binds" he askedas he had asked for so many nights for years

this night the rich man decidedindeed, his slave could be freedand as his heart opened the gift was given

the rich man reached into his pocket for a keyand stopped in aweas the man he thought was his slave

was not bound

"why did you come to me for your freedomif you could have freed yourself all of this time?"the rich man said

"it has been written", the man said"I have come to set the captives free,I was already free but you who thought my captor

was but a captive to your error"

He who came said"God is for Jews and Gentiles alike"did not only mean only these people,but all beingsas God's Law can be brokenbut not changed

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may we speak

may we todayfor an instant look into the memories of man

the systems of power and control we have seen over timeand acknowledge the systems do not, nor havefound a simple answer

some have wandered to the sweet shoresby the spring of Peacefor which they have yearned

and we return again into the world we slowly walk among

may we stand fornothing other than the truthand in our stand may we be preparedto not be understood

that reason is not proprietarybut shared by all unlike an earthly resourceand Love is only intensified

when it is offered

when sending men overseas we can see our past as we have takenthis land we live upon and many othersas too we sent boats to net other menand bring them back to usas slaves

peace is not difficult to seebut the willingness to open our eyesis necessary

for systems of power do not send any man with weapons to another landto benefit anyone buttheir own vaults of gold

may we be willing to speak

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for to them our silence is goldenin both literal and figurative meaning

someday when my children read thisno matter where I will be at that timelet their hearts be encouragedof the Spring from whichone small voice stoodand spoke

funding warselecting heartless leadersborrowing money from men who would indebt my childrenand one day will leave us with almost nothingand lend no more

when we need the gold even for food

may I speakand the multitude of mouths that may soon followbe our blessing together

I fight no manI fight no systemand would let another brother enter into a system of painand suffering gladly as the will of our Creator

would give them that right

I only ask we know what we chooseand we may speakfor that which we honor
