Song Booklet

Winter and

Transcript of Song Booklet

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Winter and

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Song Booklet

of the “OUR VOICES ACROSS EUROPE” Comenius project (2012-2014)

This Song Booklet was created so that we would have a visual memory of the beautiful songs

we learnt in each other’s language during our Comenius Project. But it is much more than a

collection of songs and memories. It is about sharing a language, the language of music that

can so easily connect people.

Our Comenius project “OUR VOICES ACROSS EUROPE” started in 2012. The seven

participating countries: Spain, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Poland, Hungary and Greece chose

music as a topic for the project as we believe that by discovering and experiencing each

country’s music, we all will be more conscious of the diversity of cultures and at the same

time we will realise the similarities and the connections between European nations.

The two pillars of the project are folk music and pop-rock music. The teams shared their

musical heritage in both fields, but this booklet concerns the folk music part. We got

acquainted with each other’s folk music by learning songs from another country – in the

original language. We ‘sent’ a winter and a spring song from each country to a previously

chosen other country and with the song we also learnt about the context of the song or

traditions related to the song. For example, it was interesting for the Hungarian team to read

the Romanian legend of the Grey-haired Santa Claus and it was fun to learn the beautiful

song! Then we all eagerly waited to see the videos of the teams singing the songs – and it was

heart-warming to hear how the Turkish students sang our Kiskarácsony, nagykarácsony.

Thank you, again, it was a wonderful Christmas present for us – and it was a pleasure for the

other teams, too, to hear these amazing songs. The videos each team prepared appear on our

common website (

All the materials in the booklet were sent by the teams where the songs are from. We included

a description of the song, the lyrics in the original language and also in English, a link to a

video that we could use to help us learn the song and occasionally the music scores. First you

can find the winter songs then the spring songs. The compilation was done by Orsolya

Cseresnyés and Anna Márton with the help of Melinda Szőcs, Eleni Tomopulu and Éva

Meszéna from the Hungarian team.

Look, listen, sing and enjoy the songs!

Budapest, April 2014

The Hungarian Team

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“Fum, fum, fum” is maybe the most popular Christmas carol

in Catalonia. The lyrics are in Catalan, our national language,

and they tell us about that special night, the 25th December,

when baby Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.

The first two stanzas tell us about His birth and about two

little shepherds who are sleeping in the mountains with their

flocks. In the third stanza we find out that they are not alone, they are with their head shepherd, quite

of a dumb person, as we can see from his reaction when the two little shepherds tell him about the

Lord’s birth and he tells them they must hurry up to get to the stable and worship baby Jesus. In the

last stanza we beg the Lord to give us holy festivities, and we promise not to forget Him and His

teachings in order all of us to be called to Heaven.

The word “fum” means “smoke” in Catalan, and it is continuously repeated throughout the Christmas

carol. This word may refer to the smoke you can see rising up from the chimney as seen from afar on a

winter day, or even imitate the strumming of a guitar.

In the second stanza we’re told that the two little shepherds are eating eggs and “botifarres”, a kind of

traditional Catalan sausages and one the most important dishes of the Catalan cuisine. “Botifarra” is

made of pork and it is usually grilled or boiled before eating. They are traditionally served with white

beans as side dish.


El vint-i-cinc de Desembre,

fum, fum, fum;

El vint-i-cinc de desembre,

fum, fum, fum;

Ha nascut un minyonet

ros i blanquet, ros i blanquet,

fill de la Verge Maria,

n’és nat en una establia,

fum, fum, fum. (x2)

Allà dalt de la muntanya,

fum, fum, fum;

allà dalt de la muntanya,

fum, fum, fum;

si n’hi ha dos pastorets

abrigadets, abrigadets,

amb la pell i la samarra

mengen ous i botifarres,

fum, fum, fum. (x2)

Qui en dirà més gran mentida,

fum, fum, fum;

qui en dirà més gran mentida,

fum, fum, fum;

ja en respon el majoral

el gran tabal, el gran tabal:

-Jo en faré deu mil camades

en un salt totes plegades.

fum, fum fum. (x2)

Déu ens doni santes festes,

fum, fum, fum;

Déu ens doni santes festes,

fum, fum, fum;

faci fred, faci calor

serà el millor, serà el millor;

de Jesús farem memòria

perquè ens vulgui dalt la glòria,

fum, fum, fum. (x2)


On the twenty-fifth December

Smoke, smoke, smoke;

On the twenty-fifth December,

Smoke, smoke, smoke;

A little baby was born

He’s blond and white, He’s

blond and white,

He is the Virgin Mary’s son,

He was born in a stable,

Smoke, smoke, smoke. (x2)

There up the mountain,

Smoke, smoke, smoke;

There up the mountain,

Smoke, smoke, smoke.

There are two little shepherds

Wrapped up, wrapped up

in their fur coats,

They eat eggs and Catalan


Smoke, smoke, smoke. (x2)

Who will tell the greater lie?

Smoke, smoke, smoke;

Who will tell the greater lie?

Smoke, smoke, smoke.

Now the head shepherd answers


The great dumb, the great


- I will make ten thousand steps

Altogether in a single jump.

Smoke, smoke, smoke. (x2)

May the Lord give us holy days,

Smoke, smoke, smoke;

May the Lord give us holy days,

Smoke, smoke, smoke.

May it be cold, may it be warm,

It will be the best, it will be the


We will remember Jesus

For Him to call us up to Glory,

Smoke, smoke, smoke. (x2)

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(“You Come Down from the Stars” )

is a traditional Christams carol. We don’t have many

traditional songs of Winter season. The most known is this

Xmas carol.

Children learn to sing it in grade school, at Christmas. Every

Italian can hum the tune and even knows the words. Often

accompanied by the zampogna (the Italian version of the bagpipe), it is, of course, Tu scendi dalle

stelle (‘You Come Down from the Stars'), Italy's most famous Christmas carol. The melody and

original hymns were written by a prominent Neapolitan priest Alphonsus Maria de Liguori who

founded the missionary Redemptory’s order. In 1732, while standing at the Convent of the

Consolation, he put together the Christmas song that starts with “ You come down from the stars”

entitled “Little song to Child Jesus”.The version with Italian lyrics actually came after the original

song written in Neapolitan language entitled “For Jesus’ birth” and that begins Quanno nascette Ninno

( When the child was born). There are several translations of the lyrics into English. Here it is a

modern translation of “For Jesus Birth”, better Known as “ Quanno nascette Ninno “There are many

versions of this song by famous Italian singers: Mina, Massimo Ranieri, Edoardo Bennato. You can

hear the Andrea Bocelli version of “Tu scendi dalle stelle” on you tube.


Tu scendi dalle stelle

O Re del Cielo

E vieni in una grotta

Al freddo al gelo.

E vieni in una grotta

Al freddo al gelo.O Bambino mio Divino

Io ti vedo qui a tremar,

O Dio Beato

Ah, quanto ti costò

L’avermi amato.

Ah, quanto ti costò

L’avermi amato.

A te che sei del mondo,

Il creatore

Mancano panni e fuoco,

O mio Signore.

Mancano panni e fuoco,

O mio Signore.

Caro eletto, Pargoletto,

Quanto questa povertà,

Piu m’innamora

Giacche ti fece amor

Povero ancora.

Giacche ti fece amor

Povero ancora.


You come down from the stars

Oh King of Heavens,

And you come in a cave

In the cold, in the frost.

And you come in a cave

In the cold, in the frost.

Oh my Divine Baby

I see you trembling here,

Oh Blessed God,

Ah, how much it cost you,

Your loving me.

Ah, how much it cost you,

Your loving me.

For you, who are of all the world

The creator,

No robes and fire,

Oh my Lord.

No robes and fire,

Oh my Lord.

Dear chosen one, little infant

This dire poverty,

Makes me love you more

Since Love made you

Poor now.

Since Love made you

Poor now.

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Our songs about winter are a bit sad, unlike

those of the rest of our Comenius friends,

since winter is cold and this bitter cold

saddens the souls.We chose a song

describing this bitterness. "Dışarda kar

yağıyor" is sung by Ünol Büyükgönenç. It

means "It's snowing outside". This song was released in 1979. It’s a bit old

but we think that it is the best song describing the atmosphere in winter.


Hava çelik bir ustura gibi

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Zemherinin en acımasız günleri

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Öyle masallardaki gibi incecikten

Ya da lapa lapa değil

Döne döne

Buram buram

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Hava ustura gibi soğuk

Minicik elleriyle

Üşümüş ayaklarını ovuşturan çocuk

Geceleyin araba vapurunda ürkek gözlerle

Biletçiyi kolluyor

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Morarmış ellerini

Isıtmaya yetmiyor nefesi

Kimi kimsesi

Gidecek bir yeri yok

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Sırtında paltosu yok

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Ayağında pabucu yok

Dışarda kar yağıyor

Hava soğuk çok soğuk çok

Gün yılın bir çocuk günü olabilir

Yıl dünya çocuk yılı olabilir

Onun bunlardan haberi yok

Üşümüş acıkmış

Sıcacık bir çörek gibi güneşi düşlüyor




Dışarda kar yağıyor


The most cruel days of the winter

it's snowing outside

The weather is like a knife

It's snowing outside

Raining lightly

As in the fairy tales

Not in big flakes

but turning and turning

in great whirls

It's snowing outside

The boy rubbing his cold feet with his little hands

Watching the ticket seller in the ferry with scary


It's snowing outside

his breath is not enough to warm his frozen hands

has noone and nowhere to go

It's snowing outside

Has no coat on

It's snowing outside

Has no shoes

It's snowing outside

It's cold very very cold

It may be a day of The Children's Day

It may be the year of The Children's year

He doesn't know



Craving for sun like it's a doughnot

Not loved

Not known


It's snowing outside

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”The grey-haired Santa Claus” is one of the best known

Romanian carols, sung both by the young and the grown-ups,

especially on Christmas Eve- December 24. Christmas is the

only word in the Romanian language that designates Christ’


In the Romanian tradition the legends related to the birth of Jesus Christ invite us to the pastoral

landscape of a Romanian village, where Santa Claus or Father Frost lived, and who had big houses

and big animal shelters. Unexpectedly, an unknown woman appeared, who, feeling that the time for

giving birth arrived, asked for his help. He did not know that that woman was Virgin Mary, and he did

not let her come into the house, and sent her to give birth in the stable. Father Frost’s wife helped her

give birth to the child, without her husband’s knowledge and when he learned what she did, he cut her

hands from the elbow. When Father Frost learned that Jesus Christ was born in his stable, he repented

and asked for God’s forgiveness, becoming the first Christian, the grey-haired saint, the husband of the

woman who was Virgin Mary’s midwife. It is said that he was so sorry that the second day he shared

his fortune with the poor, that’s where the century-old tradition comes from: the tradition of Santa

Claus to come and bring presents to every household.

The verses of the carol express the joy of Santa’s coming on this much awaited night. He comes full of

presents for kids ( in the first stanza), he reminds us of the perpetuation of this custom along the

centuries, from our grand-grand-grandparents ( the second stanza) and about everybody’s wish that he

stays with us forever. (the third stanza)


Moș Crăciun cu plete dalbe,

A sosit de prin nămeți

Și aduce daruri multe

La fetițe și băieți.

Moș Crăciun, Moș Crăciun.

Din bătrâni se povestește,

Că-n toți anii negreșit

Moș Crăciun pribeag sosește

Niciodată n-a lipsit.

Moș Crăciun, Moș Crăciun.

Moș Crăciun cu plete dalbe,

Încotro vrei să apuci?

Ți-aș cânta florile dalbe,

De la noi să nu te duci.

Moș Crăciun, Moș Crăciun.


The grey-haired old Santa

Coming through the snowdrifts

He brings lots of presents

To all girls and boys and kids.

We have been told by our grandpas

That Santa Claus is always coming

From far, far away lands

And he never missed coming.

Grey-haired old santa!

Where do you want to go?

We wish you had eternal life

And you should never leave us.

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– the author of the words and music scores is unknown. Some other

songs were based on this carol,

e.g. patriotic carols.

The Protestant version of this carol is called Dziś w

Betlejemie I and its lyrics can be found in the latest edition of

Pilgrim’s Songbook.

The carol which has a very similar melody and lyrics also

exists in the Ukrainian and Byelorussian traditions. They are

entitled „Небо і земля нині торжествують” (Nebo i zemlia nyni torżestwujut).



Dzisiaj w Betlejem, dzisiaj w Betlejem

Wesoła nowina

Że Panna czysta, że Panna czysta

Porodziła Syna


Chrystus się rodzi

Nas oswobodzi

Anieli grają

Króle witają

Pasterze śpiewają

Bydlęta klękają

Cuda, cuda ogłaszają

Maryja Panna, Maryja Panna

Dzieciątko piastuje

I Józef święty i Józef święty

On ją pielęgnuje


Choć w stajence, choć w stajence

Panna Syna rodzi

Przecież on wkrótce, przecież on wkrótce

ludzi oswobodzi


I trzej królowie, i trzej królowie

od wschodu przybyli

I dary Panu, i dary Panu

kosztowne złożyli


Pójdźmy też i my, pójdźmy też i my

przywitać Jezusa

Króla nad królami, Króla nad królami

uwielbić Chrystusa



Today in Bethlehem, today in Bethlehem

(there is) merry news

That the pure Maiden, that the pure Maiden

Has borne a son


Christ is born

He's going to deliver us

The angels are playing (music)

The kings are bidding welcome

The shepherds are singing

The cattle are kneeling

Wonders, wonders do they announce

Mary the Maiden, Mary the Maiden

Is nursing the child

And Saint Joseph and Saint Joseph

He's taking care of Her


Although in a little barn, although in a little barn

The Maiden is bearing Her son

After all He'll soon, after all He'll soon

deliver the people


And the Three Kings, and the Three Kings

arrived from the east

and they gathered precious

gifts for the Lord, gifts for the Lord


Let's go, too, let's go, too

and bid welcome to Jesus

King of Kings, King of Kings

to adore Jesus


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"KISKARÁCSONY, NAGYKARÁCSONY" (Little Christmas, Great Christmas)

This is a well-known children’s song about the days of Christmas.

In Hungary Christmas is the greatest celebration for the families.

We have the usual Christmas traditions: decoration of the Christmas

tree (on 24 December), baking special sweets, and giving presents.

In the afternoon, the family members meet, talking to each other. The

children are very excited.

The bell signals the little angel's arrival, then the family members sing together and give the gifts to

each other.

The family celebrates together with the more distant relatives on this day.

There are festive foods in abundance at the time of Christmas, for

example: fish soup, fish in crumbs, stuffed cabbage, turkey, and

gingerbread, plaited bun, and beigli: poppy seed and walnut roll.

At midnight on December 24th lots of families go to a mass, where

they remember the birth of little Jesus. Children are told that the

present are brought by Baby Jesus.

On December 25th the families visit the relatives they didn't meet

the previous day.

The Christmas tree was once with a candle, but nowadays electric light bulbs are used.

In the song the expressions Little Christmas and Great Christmas referred to two days in the

Christmas season. Great Christmas meant the first day of Christmas, December 25th, while Little

Christmas meant the first day of the New Year, January 1st, but we don’t use these expressions

nowadays. The term Little Christmas appears in other languages, too, but might mean a different day

in other parts of Europe.

In the different verses of the song we can find the traditional symbols of Christmas: Christmas cake,

the pine tree with candles, presents for children, the baked piglet and sausages and of course, the chilly

weather of winter. At the end of the song the true meaning of the Christmas season appears: PEACE

on Earth.


Kisült-e már a kalácsom?

Ha kisült már, ide véle,

Hadd egyem meg melegében.

LITTLE CHRISTMAS, GREAT CHRISTMAS, Has my Cristmas cake been baked yet?

If it is ready, give it to me,

Let me eat hot.

Kis fenyőfa, nagy fenyőfa,

Kisült-e már a malacka?

Ha kisült már, ide véle,

Hadd egyem meg melegében.

Little pine, Great pine,

Has the piggy baked yet?

If it is ready, give it to me,

Let me eat it hot.

Jaj, de szép a karácsonyfa

Ragyog rajta a sok gyertya.

Itt egy szép gömb, ott egy labda.

Jaj de szép a karácsonyfa!

Oh, how beautiful the Christmas tree is,

A lot of candles are shining on it,

Here’s a nice globe, there is ball.

Oh, how beautiful the Christmas tree is.

traditional Christmas candies as


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Haris Alexiou appeared in the Greek musical scene in the early '70s. Her charismatic voice, combined

with a unique way of performing and a strong scenic presence, very soon led her to the top. Today she

is still at the top, always working hard, always seeking new ways of expression and always giving

prestige and value to the contemporary light and popular Greek music. From Greece to Australia,

from Russia to Africa, from America to Japan, Haris Alexiou travels around and shows the world the

feeling of the Greek song. She firmly believes that the Greek song, through its poets and composers,

made her love and better understand the history and the culture of her country.

The song “Winter” speaks about the session of winter which is lonely and depressing and the refrain

of the song is like a νανουρισμα, a lullaby.

Χειμώνας - 1998

Καλωσορίζω ακόμα ένα


κίτρινα φύλλα πέφτουνε στη γη

Γύρω μου πρόσωπα γυμνά και


ρίχνουν τα φύλλα τους κι αυτά

στο χώμα

Κάτι συμβαίνει σαν να φύγαν


κορμιά ερείπια μόνα τους


δεν είναι μάνα τους αυτή η


ν’ ανοίξει μια αγκαλιά να

μπούνε όλοι

Νάνι νάνι νάνι νάνι να

κοιμηθείτε όλοι φρόνιμα

νάνι νάνι νάνι νάνι να

φυλαχτείτε από τ’ ανθρώπινα

Δεν είναι μόνο τα σπουργίτια

φως μου

τ’ αδέσποτα παιδιά των


είναι το κρύο στην καρδιά του


είναι ο χειμώνας που φωλιάζει

εντός μου

Νάνι νάνι νάνι νάνι να

κοιμηθείτε όλοι φρόνιμα

νάνι νάνι νάνι νάνι να

φυλαχτείτε από τ’ ανθρώπινα

Νάνι νάνι νάνι νάνι να

κοιμηθείτε όλοι φρόνιμα

νάνι νάνι –νάνι νάνι να

φυλαχτείτε από τ’ ανθρώπινα


Kalosorizw akoma enan


kitrina fila peftun sti gi

guro mu prosopa ginma ke


rixnun ta fila tus ki afta sto


kati simveni san na figan oli

kormia eripia monio tus gurnun

den ine mana tus afti I poli

na aniksi mia agalia na mpune


nani nani nani nani na

kimithite oli fronima

nani nani nani nani na

filaxtite apo ta anthropina

den ine mono ta spurgitia fos


t adespota pedia ton fanarion

ine to krio stin kardia tu kosmu

ine o ximonas pu foliazi entos


nani nani nani nani na

kimithite oli fronima

nani nani nani nani na

filaxtite apo ta anthropina

nani nani nani nani na

kimithite oli fronima

nani nani nani nani na

filaxtite apo ta anthropina


I welcome one more winter

yellow leaves fall to earth

Around me faces naked and

alone, also

shed their leaves on the ground

Something happens like

somebody has gone

Ruied bodies wander alone

this city is not their mother

to open a hug how to put them


Nani nani nani nani

all sleep well behaved

nani nani nani nani to

Beware of the human

My light, there aren’t only the


and the stray street children,

it is the cold in the heart of the


it is winter nesting in me

Nani nani nani nani

all sleep well behaved

nani nani nani nani to

Beware of the human

Nani nani nani nani

all sleep well behaved

nani nani nani nani to

Beware of the human

*nani nani is a word

meaning ’sleep’ used in

nursery songs when mother try

to put the babies to sleep

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“El ball de la civada” (“The dance of barley”) is both a song

and a traditional Catalan dance related to the work in the

fields and tells us about rural Catalonia in the past. Originally

it was danced only by men and it explains - with different

movements - the work of peasants and the whole process

from the sowing of the crops and the harvest, which takes place in spring from May to June, until we

bake the bread and we eat it.

It was a widespread dance in the past, so nowadays we can find different versions of this song

throughout Catalonia. It has become one of our most popular songs and dances. It's so traditional and

it belongs to our beloved folklore and traditions, so it brings us all such good memories from our



El ball de la civada, jo us el cantaré.

El ball de la civada, jo us el cantaré.

El pare quan la sembrava, feia així, feia així;

se'n dava un truc al pit i se'n girava així.

Treballem, treballem, que la civada, que la civada,

treballem, treballem, que la civada guanyarem

... El pare quan la llaurava, feia així, feia així...

... El pare quan la segava, feia així, feia així...

... El pare quan la molia, feia així, feia així...

... El pare quan la menjava, feia així, feia així...

(All the stanzas are the same as the first one just

changing the underlined verb each time, as the

action that is being carried out by the peasant is

different from one stanza to another.)


The dance of barley I will sing to you.

The dance of barley I will sing to you.

When dad sowed it, he did like this, he did like


he hit himself on his chest and he turned round like


Let’s work, let’s work, and the barley, and the


let’s work, let’s work, and the barley will be our


…When dad ploughed it, he did like this, he did

like this…

…When dad mowed it, he did like this, he did

like this…

…When dad grinded it, he did like this, he did

like this…

…When dad ate it, he did like this, he did like


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The song is about the girls’ daily life: school, friends, love.


Respiriamo l'aria... è la primavera

E' la primavera, è la primavera...

Sabato mattina ancora a scuola

l' ora è ormai finita e la mia mente va

una settimana intera e oggi lo vedrò

Dio come mi manca, giuro non lo lascerò.

Un'uscita con l'amica Isa D.

lettere nascoste di segreti

e gli appuntamenti alle quattro sotto al bar

con il motorino fino al centro giù in città.

Oh, respiriamo l'aria

e viviamo aspettando primavera, nanana

siamo come i fiori prima

di vedere il sole a primavera, nanana

ci sentiamo prigioniere della nostra età

con i cuori in catene di felicità,

sì, respiriamo nuovi amori

aspettando che sia primavera

Mano nella mano a camminare

occhi nei tuoi occhi amore amore

cuori grandi sopra i muri disegnati

con i nostri nomi scritti e innamorati

Mari di promesse fatte insieme

vedrai, ti aspetterò finché vorrai

un arrivederci dove e quando non si sa

stesso posto stessa ora al centro giù in città.

Oh, respiriamo l'aria

e viviamo aspettando primavera, nanana

siamo come i fiori prima

di vedere il sole a primavera, nanana

respiriamo l'aria

e viviamo aspettando primavera, nanana

siamo come i fiori prima

di vedere il sole a primavera, nanana, no no

ci sentiamo prigioniere della nostra età

con i cuori in catene di felicità,

sì, respiriamo nuovi amori

aspettando che sia primavera

respiriamo l'aria

e viviamo aspettando primavera, nanana

siamo come i fiori prima

di vedere il sole a primavera, nanana

Tu dimmi che mi vuoi ancora, dimmi che mi vuoi

Tu dimmi non mi lascerai, io non ti lascerò

Tu dimmi che mi vuoi ancora, dimmi che mi vuoi

Tu dimmi non mi lascerai, io non ti lascerò

Tu dimmi che mi vuoi ancora, dimmi che mi vuoi

Tu dimmi non mi lascerai, io non ti lascerò


We breathe the air ... it's spring

It’s spring, it’s spring...

Saturday morning still in school

class is over and my mind goes

a whole week and today I am going to see him

God how I miss her , I swear I will not let him go.

A walk with my friend Isa D.

letters with hidden secrets

and appointments at four o'clock at the bar

with the motorbike down to the center in the city.

Oh, the air we breathe

Living and waiting for spring, nanana

We are like flowers before

Seeing the sun in spring, nanana

we feel trapped in our age

with hearts in chains of happiness ,

yes, breathing new loves

living and waiting for spring

Hand in hand walking

My eyes in your eyes love love

big hearts drawn on the walls

with our names written in love and

oceans of promises made together

you'll see , I'll wait as long as you want

a goodbye when and where you do not know

the same place at the same time down in the city center.

Oh, the air we breathe

living and waiting for spring, nanana

We like flowers before

to see the sun in the spring, nanana

breathe the air

living and waiting for spring, nanana

We like flowers before

to see the sun in the spring, nanana , no no

we feel trapped in our age

with hearts in chains of happiness ,

yes, breathe new loves

waiting for spring

we breathe the air

living and waiting for spring, nanana

We like flowers before

seing the sun in the spring, nanana

You tell me that you still want me, tell me that you want me

You tell me do not leave me, I will not let you

You tell me that you still want me, tell me that you want me

You tell me do not leave me, I will not let you

You tell me that you still want me, tell me that you want me

You tell me do not leave me, I will not let you

MARINA REI, born Restucci, is a talented musician and song writer. At

18 she started to dedicate herself to live music, performing in some of the

best known Roman clubs. She plays drums, guitar and percussion. In

1991, she began to record dance songs under the name of Jamie Dee. In

1997 she won the Un Disco per l’estate competition with the song



from the painting Primavera by


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The name of the Song is "Kuş Sesleri" meaning "Sounds of Birds"

The song is about the joy of spring and awakening of nature.It is a popular children’s song. The song

tells us how people are amazed by the chirping of the birds when spring comes. The bees are on the

flowers,the lambs hop on the meadows looking for fresh grass, the trees turn green and soil relishes.

It was composed by Hafiz Burhan.He was one of the best composers of Classical Turkish Music.Here

is the link of the original version sung by Hafiz Burhan:

The Hafiz Burhan version is a very old one.It would be very difficult for you to sing that way, so here

is the modern version sung by MODERN FOLK UCLUSU in 1970s.

The youtube link of that version:


Kuş sesleri ovalara yayılır

İnsan buna hayran olur bayılır

Bal yapanlar çiçeklere konarlar

Kuzucuklar taze çimen ararlar

Yeşillenmiş ağaçlarda yapraklar

Mis kokuyor amber gibi topraklar


Sounds of birds spread in plains

Man is amazed by this and loves it

Honey makers land on flowers

Lambs search for fresh meadows

Leaves are green on trees

Slendid scents are everywhere

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The Moldavian folklore is one of the

richest heritages of Romanian folklore, as

it is the purest. It has survived over

centuries in spite of all types of influences,

it is music full of poetry and profound


The great Romanian composer George Enescu once said: “…Moldavian folklore, not only is it

sublime, but it also makes you understand the Romanian spirit. It is much more than the well-written

music and this is done almost unconsciously. It is much more melodious than any tune, but without

paying too much attention to it. It is mild, ironic, sad, happy and profound.”

“The Sweet Rose of Moldavia” is a traditional song, one of the

most sung songs whose lyrics are known by almost everybody.

It is famous for its happy, rhythmic melody, the words being

homage to the beauty of the Moldavian maids, to true love and


The best interpreters of this well-known folk song were Nelu

Hutu and Angela Moldovan.

Nelu Hutu’s version of the song is humorous, as he considered

folk music to be life – giving water, and when it was drunk, it

would bring about happiness and good spirits.

Angela Moldovan’s interpretation always brought about the woman’s spirit and sensibility, charm and

exaltation of feelings.


Trandafir de la Moldova

Te-as iubi dar nu stiu vorba



Lunca-i lunca , iarba-i verde

Ce-am iubit nu se mai vede

Ce-a fost verde s-a uscat mai

Ce-am iubit s-a scuturat!

Trandafir Moldovenesc

Te-as iubi dar nu-ndraznesc



Trandafir de la Bacau

Vino sa te iubesc eu




Rose from Moldova,

I’d love you, but I don’t know the words

(meaning language)



The meadows are (still) meadows,

the grass is (still) green

What I loved cannot be seen,

What was green withered away in măi,

What I loved, lost their leaves (like in autumn)

Moldavian rose,

I’d love you but I’m scared to

(more like I don’t have the guts to),



Rose from Bacau (city),

Come so I can love you



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Skaldowie, a Cracow, Poland, rock group, was particularly

popular from the 1960s to the 1980s. With their musical

training and proximity to the folklore-rich area of Podhale,

many of their tracks were a fusion of rock, folk, and classical


Skaldowie formed in 1965 in Kraków (Cracow). Its founding members Andrzej and Jacek Zieliński's

maternal grandparents hailed from Zakopane in the High

Tatras, and both boys enjoyed spending time there and hiking

in the mountains. Many of their compositions included

references to folk music from the region.

One of the songs which can be treated as a folk composition

is Wiosna (trans. Spring). It is a very well-known, cheerful

song which can be often heard on different kind of parties e.g.

wedding receptions, birthday parties and many others. People

of all ages know it and like singing along.


Wiosna - cieplejszy wieje wiatr,

Wiosna - znów nam ubyło lat,

Wiosna, wiosna w koło, rozkwitły bzy.

Śpiewa skowronek nad nami,

Drzewa strzeliły pąkami,

Wszystko kwitnie w koło, i ja, i Ty.

Ktoś na niebie owce wypasa, hej

Popatrz zakwitł już Twój parasol, hej

Nawet w bramie pan Walenty stróż,

puszcza wiosną nowe pędy , już.

Portret dziadzia rankiem wyszedł z ram,

I na spacer poszedł sobie sam.

Nie przeszkadza tytuł, wiek i płeć,

By zieloną wiosnę w głowie mieć.

Wiosna - cieplejszy wieje wiatr,

Wiosna - znów nam ubyło lat,

Wiosna, wiosna w koło, rozkwitły bzy.

Śpiewa skowronek nad nami,

Drzewa strzeliły pąkami,

Wszystko kwitnie w koło, i ja, i Ty

Ktoś na niebie owce wypasa, hej

Popatrz zakwitł już Twój parasol, hej

Nawet w bramie pan Walenty stróż,

puszcza wiosną pierwsze pędy , już...

Portret dziadzia... rankiem wyszedł z ram,

I na spacer poszedł sobie sam.

Nie przeszkadza tytuł, wiek i płeć,

By zieloną wiosnę w głowie mieć.

Wiosna wiosna wiosna wiosna


Spring - a warmer wind blows,

Spring - again we disappeared years

Spring, spring in the wheel, lilacs bloomed.

Lark sings over us,

Tree shot out buds,

Everything blooms in a circle, and I, and you.

Someone sheep grazed in the sky, hey

Look at your umbrella has blossomed, hey

Even in Mr. Valentine guard gate,

wilderness first spring shoots already.

Portrait of Grandpa in the morning came out of the frame,

I went for a walk on your own.

I do not mind the title, age and sex,

By green spring in the head to have.

Spring - a warmer wind blows,

Spring - again we disappeared years

Spring, spring in the wheel, lilacs bloomed.

Lark sings over us,

Tree shot out buds,

Everything blooms in a circle, and I, and you

Someone sheep grazed in the sky, hey

Look at your umbrella has blossomed, hey

Even in Mr. Valentine guard gate,

wilderness first spring shoots, I ...

Portrait of Grandpa ... morning came out of the frame,

I went for a walk on your own.

I do not mind the title, age and sex,

By green spring in the head to have.

Spring Spring Spring Spring

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This is a well-known children’s song that has quite a few

versions. The name of the flower in Hungarian is ’Pentecost

rose’ referring to the time when it blooms which is in May,

around Pentecost. The beautiful and big flowers symbolise the

renewal of life. Girls used to put the petals of peonies into their bath

water and boys often took peonies into the window of the girl they

chose for themselves. The plant itself has many versions, as well. It is

not related to roses as the Hungarian name would suggest – the

beautiful red flowers are the reasons for the Hungarian name.

The song is about spring and love. The two flowers make the singer

think of the girl he loves and says that two lovers are the real

roses/peonies because they love each other. He loves the girl for her

cheeks, her eyes and her smile.


Két szál pünkösdrózsa

Kihajlott az útra

El akar hervadni

Nincs ki leszakítsa

Nem ám az a rózsa

Ki a kertben nyílik

Hanem az a rózsa

Ki egymást szereti

Nem szeretlek másért

Két piros orcádért

Szemed járásáért

Szád mosolygásáért


Two peonies,

Leaned out to the road,

They want to wither,

There's no one to rip them off,

No, it's not that rose,

That blooms in the garden,

But it's the rose,

Who loves each other,

I love you for nothing else but

For your two red cheeks,

For the dancing of your eyes,

For the smile of your mouth.

Animated version of the song:

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This song is called “Spring”. Both the music and lyrics were

composed by Thodoris Kotonias in 2004. For the first time the

song was performed by Glikeria and Dimitris Zervoudakhs.

It is a melancholic song that speaks about spring.


Κόκκινο τριαντάφυλλο

Είσαι μες στην καρδιά μου

Την νύχτα γίνεσαι πληγή

Που τρώει τα σωθικά μου

Έρχεσαι πάντα πιο νωρίς

Κανείς δε σε γνωρίζει

άλλον τον κάνεις ν’ αγαπά

Κι άλλον να μη γυρίζει

Και δε σου φτάνουν όλ’ αυτά

Φεύγεις και δε θυμάσαι

Ωραία είσαι άνοιξη

Γιατί δε μας λυπάσαι

Έρχεσαι λίγο κάθεσαι

Στον κήπο μας κι ανθίζεις

Το αίμα μας επότισε

Κι ανάσταση μυρίζεις

Κι όταν θα φύγεις τίποτα

Δε θα ’ναι όπως πρώτα

άσε για λίγο ανοιχτή

Του ουρανού την πόρτα

ANIXI (how to read and

prononce greek)

Kokino triantafilo

Eisai mes stin kardia mu

Ti nixta ginese pligi

Pu troi ta sothika mu

Erhese panta pio noris

Kanis den se gnorizi

Alon ton kanis nagapa

Ki alon na min girizei

Ke den su ftanun ola ayta

Fevgis kai den thimase

Orea ise anixi

Giati den mas lipase

Erhese ligo kathese

Ston kipo mas ke anthizis

To ema mas epotise

Ke anastasi mirizis

Ki otan fevgis tipota

De thane opos prota

Ase gia ligo anihti

Tu uranu tin porta


You are a red rose

In my heart

At night you become a wound

That eats up my insides

You always come even earlier

Nobody knows you

You make some people love

And others to never return

And all these are not enough

for you

You leave and don't remember

If you're so nice, Spring

Why don't you pity us?

You come for a litte, you sit

In our garden and bloom

You went in our blood

And you smell of resurrection

And when you leave, nothing

Will be like before

Leave the sky's door

Open for a little

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The music-book of the winter and spring songs.

The Catalan team singing a Polish song about Betlehem

The Polish team singing an Italian Christmas carol

The Greek team performing the Turkish winter song

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The Hungarian team singing the Romanian winter song

The Turkish team singing the Hungarian Christmas song The Turkish team performing

the Greek spring song

Rehearsal time: the Romanian team is The Romanian team singing the Catalan winter song

practicing the winter song from Spain

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Kiskarácsony, nagy karácsony,

Kisült-e már a kalácsom?

Ha kisült már, ide véle,

Hadd egyem meg melegében.

Jaj, de szép a karácsonyfa

Ragyog rajta a sok gyertya.

Itt egy szép gömb, ott egy labda.

Jaj de szép a karácsonyfa!

Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony,

Van-e kolbász a padláson?

Ha nincs a kolbász a padláson,

Nem ér semmit a karácsony.

Kezem, lábam, jaj, de fázik,

Talpam alatt jég szikrázik.

Ha szikrázik, hadd szikrázzon,

Azért van ma szép karácsony!

Béke szálljon minden házra,

Kis családra, nagy családra!

Karácsonyfa fenyőága,

Hintsél békét a világra!

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OOuurr hheeppttaaggoonn ffoorr tthhee ssoonngg


TThhee GGrreeeekk tteeaamm

TThhee HHuunnggaarriiaann tteeaamm ssiinnggiinngg tthhee

sspprriinngg ssoonngg

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Made by Orsolya Cseresnyés, Anna Márton

Éva Meszéna, Eleni Tomopulu, Melinda Szőcs

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