Sonar report 14_digital

2nd Semester Exam Project - Report Copenhagen

Transcript of Sonar report 14_digital

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2nd Semester Exam Project - Report


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“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.”

Leonardo Da Vinci



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Pedro GALRIÇA Daniel PETKOV Alexander Larssen Liviu Amarandi

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

In this report you will find our approach to introducing Denmark to a new music festival - Sonar. You will find out how

we analyzed the competitors and the Danish market, and how we afterwards applied that knowledge in the form of

promotional tools.

By defining our main problem area, we came up with our problem formulation to answer - “What would be the best

possible way to target the right audience for the Sónar festival, with online campaign as well with offline?”. In order to

get an answer to our problem formulation as well with a solution we used different research and strategy tools to get

our answer.

For the research we did surveys, a lot of reading about the danish culture and the danish market. Moreover, In order

to conclude with the best strategy we used tools like STP, SWOT, TOWS and competitive strategy planning.

After the campaign has been planned, implementing the drawn conclusions into strategies is the main concern. The

different promotional tools following afterwards will serve to establish the campaign further into the Danish market

and to keep our users excited about the upcoming event.


Benjamin Franklin

“Either wrote something worth reading or do something worth



“Only by binding together as a single force will we remain strong and unconquerable.”

Chris Bradford

Pedro GALRIÇA Daniel PETKOV Alexander Larssen Liviu Amarandi

Design CampaignCampaign OfflineSTPPorter´s 5 ForcesPEST(EL)EDM Fans & PersonaTone of VoiceCommunication Tools BoardGraphics

HTML+CSSPHPIntroductionProblem Area & P. FormulationExecutive SummaryDanish Market ResearchER Diagram

HTML+CSSPHPDesign OnlineDesign ProcessDesign BriefER Diagram

Analysis of EDMSwot and TowsCompetitive StrategyPromotion ToolsSocila MediaPromotional VideoProofread

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Sónar is a unique music festival that originally started in

Barcelona in 1994.

Over the years, Sónar turned into one of the most well-

known music festivals in Europe. And since 2002, Sónar

has organized more than 50 events worldwide.

What makes this music festival truly unique is the link

between creativity and technology. Sónar is committed

to being a global event and become a meeting place for

creative people that share a passion for music.

Sónar is an avant-gardist music festival that is meant to

revolutionize music by constantly experimenting with the

newest trends within electronic dance music.

Since the beginning, Sónar established a set of

values that would make the festival unique, both in

terms of format and content. Every year, Sónar is

organizing festivals around the world; Toronto, Montreal,

Chicago, Stockholm and Tokyo being just a few of the


Next year, Sónar is considering expanding to

Copenhagen, which is likely to turn into a success, given

the fact Danes are a music festival nation. Throughout

the entire year, there is a significant amount of music

festivals in Denmark. Danes love being outdoors and

enjoying live music together with their friends, no matter

if we are talking jazz, electronica or heavy metal.


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Problem Area

The Sónar Festival is well known throughout Europe as

well as the brand name and origin of the festival can be

used as a base chief marketing. However, competition

with the most famous festivals is huge and many people

of Copenhagen are willing to choose other festivals

with which we already created a cultural and historical


On the other hand, Danish people are open to new

experiences and people who already visited it in different

countries might recommend it to their friends. Moreover,

people with similar music tastes from other Scandinavian

countries are bound to be interested as well, which will

increase popularity for upcoming events each year.

Another challenge Sónar will have to face, besides the

competition, consists in demographic behaviors and

climatic conditions that generally occur in Denmark.

Problem Formulation What would be the best possible way to target

the right audience for the Sonar festival, with

online campaign as well with offline? In order to

answer this question, we will have to cover four

main areas:

- Identify the right target audience;

- Understand their behavior in relation

to music festivals;

- Develop an efficient online campaign

for entering into the danish market;

- Identify offline channels and

communication channels.

“The formulation of a research problem is the first

and most important step of the research process. It is like the identification of a destination before undertaking a journey.”

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Sonar is an event that gathers New Media art with Advanced Music in order to deliver the attendants, new trends and

experience that they don’t get in other places.

It’s a mix between Creativity, Technology, Innovation and Business.


Sonar intends to combine the best music and artists with new multimedia technologies promoting the sharing of

experiences during day and night over three days. Also it’s a great place to do business and keep up with the trends

and what the future may hold.



Sónar has firmly established its reputation as one of the largest and most prospective festivals of its kind, without

compromise on innovation or experimentation.


If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.”


Sónar has firmly established its reputation as one of the

largest and most prospective festivals of its kind, without

compromise on innovation or experimentation.


Sónar has a unique format and content that creates

a reference for international festivals with balanced

cultural offering, combining a playful nature, avant-

garde and experimentation with advanced dance music

and media’s newest trends.


Sónar is a meeting point for the ones who are interested

in this type of events. It is a place where people can

share their work, believes, business, and enjoy the

best that happens in this world related to culture, art,

innovation and music.

Electronic Dance Music (EDM), for the past 20 years

EDM has achieved an enormous leap regarding

popularity, producers, events and track production.

Each year the number of events increase with the

demand of more EDM-only festivals and events.

This relatively new style in music has had more

than 190% increase in popularity in the last 2

years alone, responsible for which are festivals that

have been created for the EDM scene exclusively.

Popular examples are Miami’s Ultra Music Festival,

Tomorrowland from Belgium, Barcelona’s Sonar.

Location and DJ line-up are important, however other

factors like promoter of the event and peers attendance

are also a crucial part of the selection of a location and

event, a study on the behavior of EDM fans suggests.

Comparing EDM fans with other music genres,

electronic music fans are more likely to attend an

event if their peers are also going to be present by

73% compared to 43% to other music fans and EDM

fans are willing to bring a 2-3 more friends in general.

Furthermore, 38% of EDM fans consider the promoter of

an event an important factor in choosing an event over

their competitor’s one, opposed by 10% of other music

fans who deem the promoter less important than the

performer. These statistics, specially applied to a mass

performers event, imply that trust is a tipping point when

choosing a festival to attend.

Moreover that same study provides us with the

information that ⅓ of the EDM fans have started visiting

events before they got into the music itself, which is an

obvious proof that experiencing an event with a group

of friends is the most important factor to fully enjoy the

time spent.

Another point that has to be taken into consideration

is the factor of social media. The average event guests

are people ranging from late teens to early 20’s, they are

extremely active on social media and 73% of EDM fans

view friends attending an EDM event on social media

and makes them want to attend more vs. 36% of “other

music” fans. Adding to the importance of social media,

EDM fans share more on social media before (67%),

during (41%) and after (63%) an event as opposed to

“other music” fans (37%, 21%, 51% respectively).

Suspense is a major factor. DJs have caught on to

the fact that teasers work. Nothing lights up the fans

reaction like a few seconds of that eagerly awaited

track, a picture of the producer doing something

ordinary that the fans can relate to or answering a tweet

or question asked online.

All this proves is that electronic music fans tend to skew

younger and are thus much more active on social media,

> EDM Market Worldwide


Zig Ziglar

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Danish market

Denmark is a music festival nation. With up to 160

festivals arranged last year (2013), the market is getting

tougher, as more festivals start up. The festivals that

could feel most of the competition the last years were

the traditional festivals, such as Roskilde and Skive

festivals. The new festivals are niche specific, which

makes it harder for the traditional festivals because of

their more specific target audience.

Danish weather

Denmark is almost entirely surrounded by seas and the

wind that is coming from west makes Denmark’s weather

and climate mild. The variation of the temperature is not

very big, between day and night. What can make the

fluctuations of the temperature is the quick change of

the wind direction and wind gusts which make Danish

weather hard to predict. During a year Copenhagen has

an average of 170 rainy days. The rainiest periods are

between September and November. In Denmark January

and February are considered the coldest months of the


Danish taste in music

In the survey we conducted 24 people participated; out

of them 75% were male and 25% female. In that survey

we asked them to pick their favourite genre of music,

with multiple choice of answers and it showed us – 25%

like dance, 8.33% like trance, 25% like Dubstep and

37.50% House. Those genres can be all described as

electronic music, which is 23 choices out of 38 and that

makes electronic music most popular.

Since our survey had only 24 participants we found

more statistics, to get even more accurate results. In

the first research with 8026 people, where 7% of them

were from Northern Europe – 44% picked Dance as their

favourite music.

The second research we found was even more accurate

and trustworthy. This research was made for Danish

Ministry of Culture, by Epinion and Pluss Leadership.

Within 5120 people, 35% between 15-19 year old and

45% between 20-29 year old, listen more to electronic


Which makes the electronic music most popular

among young people 15-29 year old. To get the better

understanding of the position of the consumers and

music, you can see in figure 1 that Electronic music

belongs to more modern people.

> EDM Danish Market Market rapport 2013 (The Festival Awards) Danskernes Kultur Vaner 2012 (Bogen)

Table 1 - How often do you listen music?

Music consumption in Denmark

A research made by Epinion and Pluss

Leadership for the Danish Ministry of Culture,

shows that there has been an increase in the

population’s cultural consumption from 2004

to 2012 – both among adults and children in

the majority of the cultural fields. The most

significant increase in adult consumption and

activity is seen in music, sport, voluntary work

and Internet use. Kids consumption of music is

also increased, even more than adults. The 15-

39 year old are by far the largest consumers,

from the 79% adults who listen to music daily.

The statistics from Table 1, conducted in 2012

by by Epinion and Pluss Leadership, shows

how often Danes listen to music. There were

5120 people who participated in that survey. It

shows a strong connection between the music

consumption and age – the younger they are,

the more music they listen to.

View Market Positioning Graphic - Appendix

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Distortion is a festival that is held at outdoor and indoor venues around Copenhagen every first saturday of June. I

has become increasingly popular since it’s creation at 1998, attracting attention with the concept of mixing all types

of music. 80.000-100.000 people visit daily during the 5 days of festival, attracting people who search for a night of

awesomeness before returning to their obligations.

Held annually since 1998, Distortion is, as his name suggests, a mash-up of all types of music genres, including

dance, rock, freestyle hip-hop, tech-house, polka, and street art. It takes place on the streets during the day, and

closing at 10 in the evening, and beginning the “Distortion Club”.

Voluntary contribution is highly encouraged, since the outdoor events are free of charge and anyone can attend them.

Moreover, street wristbands are the marking of people who redound to the support of the festival.

Distortion keeps expanding, with the latest new audition being the Harbour part, a temporary change from the city

center of Copenhagen, collaborating with some of the street hosts from the previous celebrations.


Created 2007, held indoor and outdoor, in diverse venues, Strøm celebrates all aspects and genres of electronic

dance music. Considered the premier EDM event in Scandinavia, and with a span of seven days, featuring 61 events

at 21 venues with 171 artists, the festival focuses on quality above quantity, with an various audience of young and

old, families, hardcore ravers, and one time visitors.

With the line-up of well known artists like Thomas Knak (Opiate), Linus Ellesøe (WOBBLE SQUAD), and other

Scandinavian DJs, Strøm is divided into three categories, workshop and master classes, concerts, raves and

events, and outdoors concerts in Enghaveparken. The festivals keeps presenting the newest and most extraordinary

electronic music artists of both local and international origin.

Supporting, strengthening and uniting the Danish music scene, Strøm intends to keep spreading awareness of EDM,

altogether with promoting Copenhagen locally and internationally as the home of the leading electronic music culture.



Taking place near the eponymous city, Roskilde Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Northern Europe.

Created by 2 students and then transferred to Roskilde Foundation, it has been run as a non-profit organization since

1972. The festivals start is occurs on the following Thursday, at the site that is known as the “Festival Site”. With a

length of 4 days The festival is fit to be appealing to the mainstream flow of youth from Scandinavia and the rest of


The opening of the festival’s campsite is on Sunday morning, the week before the beginning of the festival. The

festival’s camping areas include East, West, and a smaller camp on the South. 32.000 volunteers from cultural

and sports organizations annually contribute to the maintenance of the camping sites, including toilets, cell phone

charging spots and luggage storage areas.

Naked run

Every year since 1999, on the Saturday of the festival, Roskilde Festival

Radio organizes a naked run around the camp site. One male and one female

winner receives a ticket for the next year’s festival. In the past few years, the

naked run has become so popular that the Festival Radio has been forced to

arrange qualifier events for the male participants.

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2 Power of Consumers (Buyer power)

Music listeners (purchase music online and offline)

Individuals attending EDM events

Companies has retail providers

Music stores

Audio producers

Record companies


In the current state of EDM, the customers rely on social media interaction

and marketing is done directly, and more important, indirectly. Many people are

attending festivals or are listening to a genre because a friend introduced it to

them in the past. That, however, doesn’t diminish the music people can find,

listen, and buy online. Some prefer to have an original, “hard” copy of the work

of a producer and at the end, their top choice of purchase will be the work of a

producer or promoter they trust.

3 Threat of new Entrants

Highly specialized and typically select talents or well known artists

Online partners

Offlline partners

New entrants are in low risk due to the high competition and the financial power

inside the industry

For an unknown festival, the road to establish itself on the market will be long

and rough, however, new talents are easy to come by in the Scandinavian

region, which is empowered with the electronic music vibe. Furthermore, local

artists might receive the support of consumers faster than other well known

worldwide artists.

On the other hand, local promoters play a huge role in the loyalty that can

overcome the producers who already have a well established name.



Considers five factors, competitive “forces” that must be studied so that we

can develop an effective business strategy. Porter refers to such forces as the

microenvironment in contrast with the more general term macroenvironment. Use of

these forces in a company that affect its ability to serve its customers and make a profit.

The Porter’s 5 Forces model provides an analysis of the industry as being influenced by

five important forces.

To better understand the industry context of electronic music and how competitive is

the market,

we made a diagram which represents the potential entrants, suppliers, buyers and

substitutes of Sónar Festival.

1 Power of Suppliers


Distribution Channels (online&offline)


Artists and their managers

Local Companies

Being a festival originally from Barcelona, Spain, it will be counter-profitable to rely on

printed material (brochures, posters...), we need to hire danish companies to build the

infrastructure, take care of customers during the event, and clean after the event is over.

The transportation costs are also too high to depend on companies other than local


View Porter´s 5 Forces Diagram - Appendix

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Survey Questionnaire: Evaluating the data

Our survey, was conducted on 24 people, have provided us with data about the

understanding of our target group. Of the data collected we understand that 3/4th

of the people surveyed are male, moreover, 92% of all the participating people

are from 21 to 30 years old, and more than half of them are in a relationship.

Taking music into consideration, the genre preference of people is divided

into 45% Pop, 42% Rock, 37% House, 29% Hip--Hop, Dance and Dubstep

presenting 25%, and Jazz, Metal and Trance, at the bottom of the table. The

most visited festivals are Distortion with 62% of the surveyed and Roskilde with

50 percent, which serves to prove us that they are our top competitors. The

remaining festivals have received less than 30% attendance of all the surveyed

and ,although, that is not a complete surprise, they are not as widely visited as

the already well known festivals.

When asked what do they enjoy the most about festivals, 45% describe hanging

out with friends as their top reason of attending, 37% point music, and 12%

say escaping from normal life. Regarding money spent on festivals, 1/4th of the

people have answered that they spent more than 3500 kr per year, and 21%

discard money as factor, and have chosen “As much as it takes to have fun”.

When questioned how they get their information about festivals, an unsurprising

number of 75 percent point friends as their main source for this kind of

information, Facebook following with 42%, TV with 17%, and Radio with 13



A single survey may focus on different types of topics such as preferences, opinions, behavior, or factual information, depending on its purpose

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5 Industry Rivalry (Competitive Rivalry)

Roskilde, Distortion

Free outdoor events provided

Volunteers are the main “working hand”

Well known competitors with high support of people

Different music genres

The rivalry of other events is hard to overcome, mainly because of the strong

bond of Danes with the well established festivals. Other aspects include the

variety of music genres they provide and the free non-profitable way the

current annual festivals operate, causing people to have a high opinion of the

festivals, and encourages fans to volunteer with the purpose of contributing to

the events, so the tradition of their occurrence can continue.

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4 Threat of Substitute

Festivals or other cultural events with free and low entrance

Small outdoor events occurring in CPH during the Sónar event

In low risk, the free streaming music and pirate sites

A problem is the free and widely visited Distortion festival, which is well known,

has free access during the day, and features a wide variety of genres. However,

the risk of substitute is low because of piracy and streaming music, which

leads people to visiting events for other reasons, like having fun or meeting

new people. Moreover, the opportunity of Sonar visiting your country is an

occurrence that only one generation in 20 years is likely to experience, which

will lead to a highly increased interest.

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Isan essential tool for analyzing the entry of any company in the market or in the reanalysis of existing placement,

and is based on the analysis of the external business factors that may influence, directly or indirectly. This is because

of an investigation in some depth, which is divided into the six categories: Political; Economical; Social factors ;

Technological; Environmental factors and Legal.

Such categories or factors can not be considered as static elements, but rather as dynamic forces in continuous

change, thus also deserve a follow contínuos.The goal is to provide a report on the various macro-environmental

factors that should be taken into account by the company .


The Ministry of Culture, as a regional music venue, is enabled to keep a high artistic profile, supporting festivals

like STRØM and DISTORTION in CPH as the electronics’ capital and club music scene. We could say that they´re

working as a quality regulator for this type of events.


There are four major music producers controlling the market (UMG 30%; SONY BMG 28%; WARNER 20% and EMI

9%). It´s a very competitive industry, but still out of the 20th top countries on the electronic world music.

However, along history, more Scandinavian artists appeared on the world circuit in Pop/Electro/Trance music style

and also as producers.

The investment is high because there are a lot of needs to be satisfied by the EDM fans.


The current population of your target audience is from the 18 years old to 30 years old, and they´re very connected to

these cultural events, also with artists and social media networks.

Young generations are proving that they want to take risks when having new experiences, specially when assisting

this events and trying to have careers as music artists.


Denmark is a country that makes use of technology to optimize their services and goods, lifestyle and business.

Being very connected to gadgets and electronic trends and specially, innovative, most of the population possess a

smartphone and is very attracted to social networks; payments and shopping online.

As we have suspected 3/4th of the surveyed have never heard of Sonar, while the rest

have heard or know what is it about, however, 38 percent are willing and interested to

attend the festival in the upcoming years, and 38 percent more have chosen maybe as

an option for the future. This proves that the Danish music fans are open minded and

willing to “try-out” an event they have never or just heard about.

This data is going to be taken into consideration when creating the campaign, since

it is a glimpse of the way the target audience perceives Sonar and music festivals in

general. Based on this research, we can appoint that our target audience is within the

range of 18 to 32 years old, with a special focus of 20 to 29

“For survey designers, the task involves making a

large set of decisions about thousands of individual

features of a survey in order to improve it.”

Refer to Questionaire - Appendix

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Other important part of our market research and

marketing audit, was the SWOT

Analysis - a technique used in the business context to

discover new opportunities

and to manage and eliminate threats. We looked into

internal and external

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the

business compared to

the competition. With this framework, we can start

defining a strategy to distinguish

Sónar from other competitors brands in the Danish


TOWS Matrix is a variant of the SWOT Analysis.

Therefore, by analyzing the external

and the internal environment, we identified strategies

matching strengths with opportunities (SO), strengths

with threats (ST), weaknesses with opportunities (WO)

and weaknesses with threats (WT). Each of these

quadrant represent a list of potential alternatives that we

will use to create and develop our campaign.

With TOWS Matrix we saw our project taking a direction

through problem solving and decision making.




The STP model is useful when creating marketing communications plans since it helps marketers to prioritise

propositions and then develop and deliver personalised and relevant messages to engage with different audiences.

The goal of micro-segmentation to analyze the diversity of needs of different groups of buyers within the product

market identified by the analysis of macro-segmentation. Thus it is possible to identify groups of buyers looking for

the same set of attributes, according to the following criteria: Demographics; Psycographics; Lifestyle; Geography;

Values&Beliefs; Behaviour; Life stage and Benefit.


Danish law is very much biased towards the rights, but Internet users and website operators receive a pretty raw


Under Danish law, ISP was made responsible for the copyright violations of their subscribers, which they can shut

down a customers Internet connection or close a website easily.

Individuals should be made responsible for whatever it happens on their internet connection, whether they were

carried out any infringements or not. It´s up to the individual to prove that he didn´t do it and that the responsibility of

infringement lies with a 3rd party.

ISP (Internet Secure Protocols) can block access to specific websites; shut down Internet connections and filter

certain Internet traffic.


The weather could be a conditioner for this type of event. Normally, EDM fans (at this time of year), prefers outdoor

experiences. Sun; heat; nature; freedom…are some of the feelings linked to frenzy; distraction; bliss .

Even on summer, there are some periods of rain and windy and max. temperatures will be no more than 25 degrees.

Refer to STP Graphics and diagrams - (pag.??)

Refer to TOWS Matrix - Appendix

Refer to SWOT Graphic - Appendix

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EDM Enthusiasts are More Mobile and Social. It’s no surprise that EDM

event attendees are more social than other music genre event attendees,

but the difference is quite staggering.

Social media is a big driver for EDM events: EDM attendees report

hearing about the events that they attend via social media and report

that seeing friends posting about attending an EDM event over social

networks mentioning that they will assist again.

Smartphones are integral for the EDM experience: Purchasing event

tickets on a smartphone its a lot commun amoung EDM fans when

deciding to attende an event.

EDM fans love to share: Interestingly, people who attend EDM events are

significantly more likely to share on social media, during and after. These

fans also take more photos and videos of the events than other music


EDM events are growing incredibly fast. The ticket sales quadruple for

EDM events in the last year, and sold EDM event tickets in 28 countries.

This kind of growth doesn’t come without some consequences; affraid

that becames too mainstream and too commercial.

+ Sónar Stockholm February 2014


> ESP: Meet the Sónar family. Other Scandinavian countries have, so should you.

> USP: Internationalize your electronic music through Sónar.


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The profile we have set for the target audience is an individual between 18 and 30 years

old, who is modern, conducts various activities or tasks on smartphones, and is quite

attached to this type of events to record and share their experiences on social networks.

These people are facing new technologies and new media, and likes to be accompanied

by their friends and attend the next year.


A Campaign striving to provide people with the best electronic music experience that they are able to receive, has

to have different promotional tools in the face of not only social media, but support from international companies,

support from other DJs, and most importantly support from the hardcore EDM fans, who make other festivals a

tradition and can make this one a legend.

Offline campaign:

The purpose of the offline campaign is not to fully brand Sónar or give away all the information right away, but to

rather increase the awareness of the presence of the festival, and serve as one of the sources of how people will get

to know about it being present on the Danish market, and thus redirect them to the social media or website where

they can access more information.

The information they contain will be updated several times through the campaign and the tools will provide teasers at

first while slowly revealing more information.

Posters, Billboards, Rotation displays:

A good way to increase conversance are posters and billboards positioned around key roads in Copenhagen and

rotating displays on training stations.

Articles in free newspaper:

Another method of spreading awareness is having articles every couple of weeks reminding people about the

upcoming event, and containing short peaks into the upcoming festival.

Cars with Sónar logo and short slogans:

Cars driving around Copenhagen, containing short messages like: “The worldwide famous EDM festival is finally

in Denmark!”, “Artists like Plastikman, Skrillex and many more await you, visit us on Só!” (after the website

launch), and play music for everyone to hear and notice, around central Copenhagen in the afternoon and evening


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Online campaign:

The purpose of the offline campaign is not to fully brand Sónar or give away all the

information right away, but to rather increase the awareness of the presence of the

festival, and serve as one of the sources of how people will get to know about it being

present on the Danish market, and thus redirect them to the social media or website

where they can access more information.

The information they contain will be updated several times through the campaign and

the tools will provide teasers at first while slowly revealing more information.

Posters, Billboards, Rotation displays:

A good way to increase conversance are posters and billboards positioned around key

roads in Copenhagen and rotating displays on training stations.

Articles in free newspaper:

Another method of spreading awareness is having articles every couple of weeks

reminding people about the upcoming event, and containing short peaks into the

upcoming festival.

Cars with Sónar logo and short slogans:

Cars driving around Copenhagen, containing short messages like: “The worldwide

famous EDM festival is finally in Denmark!”, “Artists like Plastikman, Skrillex and many

more await you, visit us on Só!” (after the website launch), and play music for

everyone to hear and notice, around central Copenhagen in the afternoon and evening


With a highlight on Facebook interaction and promos on worldwide known websites for music, like Soundcloud and YouTube, Social Media is a vital part of every campaign in this digitally driven world. The purpose of all the media elements will be to keep fans entertained, encourage them to share and spread the word of Sónar to their friends, with small teasers of the upcoming DJs, “Guess the Dj!”, share your best friend’s favourite DJ song, and more.


Our biggest focus will be Facebook, as our research showed that a large amount of the people in our

target group use it daily and get their information about EDM events from it. The goal is to be as present as

possible, with different posts, for example: “Share your best friend’s favourite Dj song!”, which will contain

the message, share a song and tag your friend, and the 3 most liked shares will receive 2 tickets, for you and

your friend to attend!


Although, our survey suggested Twitter isn’t as widely used as Facebook is by Danes, we will use it as a way

to update fans about the dates our different campaign pieces will launch. We want it to be one of the places

where people go for information and the newest teasers, as well as another way to share this information

with their friends.


An amazing way to adjust and share your pictures, Instagram will be vital to “sharing” the experience of the

actual festival, as well as having a “Share your most epic EDM moment!” post, which will encourage people

to post their previous experiences, remember their own or see other people’s experience, and wish they can

re-live it.


Being one of the best ways to share, listen, and comment music tracks, Soundcloud provides us with the

opportunity of launching a “Guess the Dj!”, as a teaser of a producer that is going to perform on Sónar, and

encourage people to comment and try to guess who the producer is. This will apply only to new unreleased

tracks, ones that will not be recognized by programs like Shazam, or ones that would have been created for

the festival exclusively.


A similar purpose will serve YouTube, although, it will also be used as a way of showing people videos of

what they have missed from the previous day, and also keep a live stream of the Sónar ByDay, with an

overview of the current activities taking place at the festival grounds.

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This section will cover:

_Stakeholder Management – identification of project stakeholders, analysis of their

requirements, and planning for their needs

_Communication Planning - the communication and information needs of project

stakeholders. Who needs what information, when, in what format, by what

means and how to receive input and feedback and to create buy-in and ownership.

_Information Distribution - how information will be distributed to all stakeholders.


Event Objectives:1. Present unique festival on the EDM

world music circuit

2. Promote Advanced Music and New

Media Art

3. Consolidate the brand over the

Scandinavian region

4. Increase profit

Communication objectivesPromote Advanced Music and New Media Art over the Scandinavian region within

the success of Sónar in past editions in order to gather more followers and elevate

all the fans/attendees and artists of EDM music.

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Direct Marketing

“The use of email for these direct

marketing activities is far more efficient.”

[source: Bowdin, et al., 2011 p.249]

-Direct communication

-Registration of ticket purchase

-Personalized notifications

-Cost effective and measurable

Sales promotions

-Discounts and incentives

-promotional contest on Facebook to win

free entries

Social Media

-Facebook page (contest and buzz)

-Youtube Channel (viral activity and videos)

-Soundcloud (store and share)

-Spotify and LastFm (music to go)

Public Relations

-Press releases

-Celebrities–“Role Models”


-European Travel partners

Travel packages = Ticket purchase

-Partnership – PEST(EL)

Experimental marketing

“Triggers a multi-sensual brands

experience where the audience are

stimulated through the interaction of the

activities.” [Wohlfeil and Whelan., 2006]

-SWOT = USP = Experimental Marketing

-Cohesive with USP

-Promote in Barcelona; Munich; London;

Paris; Milano; Amsterdam; Lisbon;

Gothenburg; Oslo and Reykjavik. (EXAMPLES)


-Expensive marketing tool

-Billboards and Mupi´s (national and


-Spreading the message : “like a slogan”

-Cars and vans

-Travel Agency´s flyers and posters

-Advertisement on airplane companys (Air

Berlin; Norwegian; SAS; Niki...)

-Sónar Electronic Tent (2 months ;

everyweekend before event):

. Invited artist for autograph

sessions and small lectures about EDM

music, followed by music sessions with

new talents.

. Chats with partners and sponsors

to promote the event. (live stream)


27 \

High level of interest in attending to the event, spreading the word through social networks and use the official website website and App has basictools to launch the campaign and update information to all the followers of Sónar and EDM.

Expand and consolidate the brand over the Scandinavian region in order to get more profit and recognition and future customers.

Please refer to the EDM Fans page. (pag.??)

Clear and objective message will ensure that the stakeholders would understand the objective and the purpose of having a event like Sónar giving them opportunities to experience and develop new trends in electronic music and media art.

View Communication Tools Board (pag.??)

Media elements are essential in order to catch the users attention, interest and awareness.

View Communication Tools Board (pag.29)





Deliver to all the attendees of the festival a unique experience in EDM and media art.

Boost the market of electronic music in the region of escandinavia: NEW TALENTS; ARTISTS; PRODUCERS; MANAGERS,SUPPLIERS AND ORGANIZATIONSView SWOT/TOWS Matrix Analysis (pag.??)



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Advertising -Billboards-Mupi




Direct Marketing

Sales Promotions

e-Marketing/Social Media

Public Relations



Direct mail

-Facebook Contest

-Word of mouth-Facebook

-Youtube Channel-Soundcloud (store/share files

on the cloud)-Spotify(playlists)

-Official Event Website-App

-Press release kit and celebrities

-Press conference

-Press release kit and celebrities

-Press conference

Previous attendees

Target audience Existing and New customers

Media national and International



Media national and International

1 TIme

Frequently 2 to 4 times a week

2 Times


1 Time

1 time(CPH and at least 4 different EU



1 month before ticket release

6 to 7 months before the event

1 time 7 months before the event+ 1time 1 month before

the event

During the tickets sales

2 months before the event

2 months before ticket release






Providing information for previous attendees

Regular updates with information and links

Relevant information(program and event summary)

Providing transportation for international attendees

Creating buzz

Awareness within attendee catchment zonez

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> Importance of evaluation, type of measurements and how we could do it.

Communication method Pre-test During and post

Advertisement Concept test Post analysis

Sales promotion How many people follow/re-tweet on daily base

How many tweets and responds and media


Social media Usability tests Friends;likes;views;respond

Public relations Journalist audits Media evaluation

Sponsors Assessment of the sponsorship companies

Hits clicked through

Experimental marketing Evaluation surveys and focus groups 6 to 7 months before the event

Direct marketing Concept test 6 to 7 months before the event



Project Description

Our goal is to create the Sonar website portal for the upcoming music festival in Copenhagen. As it’s happening each year, Sonar will need a new website for the festival. The team will need to create a campaign that involves offline and online content.

The campaign will be focused on the online platform using media factors as much as possible. The team is responsible with creating an informational website for the consumers.

This project is a great opportunity for each group member to apply everything that he has learned the whole semester.

Project Objectives

What we want to achieve?As a group, our goal is to create a new and accessible way for the consumers to find all the information possible about the upcoming music festival called Sonar. We want to bring the atmosphere of the festival directly to the public through the website such as information about the location of the festival, the artists line-up, ticket prices, news about the festival, contest information.Our aim is to create a brand for the festival and surpass the competitors.

Technical ConstrainsThe most important and fundamental technical constrain is to adapt the website to a flexible design for the mobile viewports, such as tablets and mobile phones, because the target audience will mostly find the information on their phones and tablets.On the website there is going to be a news section where we have planned to use PHP, and as an admin you will be able to post news.

Scope of workThere is no budget allocated for this project. It is just the amount of time and knowledge that can constrain us at the moment.We are going to evaluate the success or failure of our project at the final stage where we will receive feedback from the consumers, and the most important is the informational rate and how well is the festival attendant going to be informed about the festival and if our mission to bring him to the festival is a success.

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“The key for designers is how they use Helvetica. Being neutral is one of its most favorable characteristics. This allows the font to be versatile and give it a range that many fonts can

never.” achieve



Helvetica Bold

Helvetica Regular


Helvetica Thin



The decision for this color scheme was based on the national flag of Denmark, where we slightly changed the red to a more flat and modern one and adding the black to have more contrast pos-sibilities, and Since we are talking in electronic style, it gives the strenght to all the communication materials.


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Offline Design

As versatile and old as it is, Helvetica is the perfect typefont solution for the offline campaign.It will give a bold, catchy and elegance to our message and too all of the pieces of this campaign.

We also add as a 5_Element, the line shape. It can be found both offline and online.Posters, flyers, Billborads, TV will be a element in constant use.

Gives the sense of movement, path or direction; to follow.

Online Design

Use of OpenSans in all the online pieces of our campaign is easy for the user to read, simple and well structured.

Other reason is, this can font can be used from the GoogleFonts , ensuring that any user can visualize the website correctly..

OpenSans Regular



OpensSans Bold

A trademark is very important to a business or

organization because the general public identifies

the mark with the provider of good and/or

services. This means the general public equates

the mark with the reputation of the goods and/or

services. An enterprise’s trademark can frequently

be its most valuable asset.

Picture Trademark



C= 75M= 68Y= 67K= 90

# 0 0 0 0 0 0

RGB= 000 000 000

C= 0M= 0Y= 0K= 0

# f f f f f f

RGB= 255 255 255

C= 03M= 82Y= 56K= 00

# e 8 5 5 6 0

RGB= 232 85 96

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The logo was developed based on Norse mythology. The head of a snake, or is Jörmundgander Jormungand; giant snake, daughter of the God Loki, son of the King of the Gods Odin. This divinity was used during the Viking shipbuilding, carved in wood and placed in the bow of the boat. The exoteric meaning comes from the idea of journey; voyage; unknow; discover (expression “víkingr” = go/on “viking” ).


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_Header with logo and main navigation _Intuitive buttons with simple transitions_Proximity & similarity

_UX helpers_Similarity

_Link for LiveStreaming of the festival

_Visual Elements to inform users about the alignment of the festival_Similarity&Proximity&Closure

_Footer section withlogo and press email contact

_Body section with the line-up for the event (main artists) - Prototype

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A) Facebook Profile page exampleB) Soundcloud Profile page exampleC) Campaign Offline over Europe (Lisbon,PT)




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d -


er w

ith A




t -


r 3 F


d se


ns -

















A B One A is associated to one or more B´s


primary key

Analysis of the User Test

39 \

Since we were forced to print this report

on Friday, 30 of May, we weren´t able to

perform the User Test on time to insert it in

the actual document.

We planned to use the Bert test for the

user testing.

This Entity Relationship model shows the structure of the database. With the ER diagram you can see the dependencies and requirements between them, like in our example: one USER can be associated with zero or more NEWS articles with different attributes.

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However challenging the task to brand Sónar on the Danish market

might seem, we have came a long way from researching to planning and

polishing the small details of our campaign.

After the conducted survey and the required information gathered from

internet about the EDM fans, our team have analyzed the results and

came with the plan to appoint a target audience of 18 to 32 years old

and to target people with social media and online activities. In this music

genre, existing because of the available modern technology, keeping

our users socially engaged with something new and exciting weekly, will

be a challenge we have to overcome in the forthcoming timespan of our


We have established solid proof that Danes are ready and excited to

accept a foreign festival, on the other hand, their taste of music is the

final aspect that may tilt the scales in choosing an event. The biggest

problem is the well established Roskilde festival and the free, very

popular Distortion. However, electronic music has deep roots in the

Scandinavian countries and the time period between our competitor’s

festivals and ours might be big enough, so the fans crave for more

music experiences.

By using the unique image of the festival, our aim is to provide people

with a chance to escape normal life routine and enjoy the music, that

binds people and lights up the night sky.

“What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertisement, not is form.”


David Ogilvy


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The first phase of the design process involved gathering information and analysis about the client and also about the competitors so the team could inquire about the purpose of the website.

After gathering information our team advanced to the next phase of planning the web strategy. For a better organization of the future website, with the client’s input the team has agreed to set up a sitemap consisting in a list with all the pages that will contain valuable content for the online campaign such as: information about the festival, ticket information, news page, sponsors page, contest page, line-up page with the artists, about Sonar page and a page where the consumers can watch the event live online.

The next step involved the team to create the wireframe of the website based on the sitemap. Several iterations of each page have been done until the team and the client were pleased with the design and then the final iteration of each page went into production for the actual visual design.

Studying Sonar logos used in the last festivals, we came to the solution that a color that is in high contrast with black is needed to be used in the new logo, a color which will be present in the overall look of the website. Each page has its own identity by using a specific background image with different dynamic scenes from past festivals to create a link with the history of the festival. The design has been developed with incremented iterations, each iteration having an extra section containing valuable content approved by the team.

The typography chosen for the online campaign is Open Sans fonts family (Regular, SemiBold, Bold). The team choose a font that is almost the standard for online websites this year and by using the font in different weights, the consumer will sense the fresh feeling of the festival.

This survey is for Danes or people who lived most of their life in Denmark. This survey is going to be used to get better understanding of the Danish festival culture. Please help us, there is only 10 questions :)

1) Gender?

2) How old are you?

3) Status?

3. Status?

4. Which of the following festivals have you attended in the last 3 years?

5. What is your favorite thing about festivals?

6. How much do you spend on average on festivals per year?

7. What is your favorite music?

8. How do you find out about festivals?

9. Have you ever heard about Sónar festival?

10. Would you be interested in attending the sonar festival next year?

(Sónar is presenting Electronica, Trance, House, Dub Step, Drum’n’Bass, Grime, Hip Hop etc. in ad-dition to an endless number of popular international musicians including Daft Punk, Massive Attack, Skrillex, Trentemøller, The Chemical brothers, Katy B and many more…)

For more information about our survey, go to with the following requirements: username :. alex2665 password :. hacker2665

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