Some Vision

1. The world as we know it going to "come to an end" (i.e., change/evolve/grow in a manner greater than imaginable). Within 5 to 10 years. I am prepared as I can be with my skills alone. I must be more prepared. If I am not to be a slave in this future world, I must become a sovereign. And I will NOT have it that I am their kind of king. Therefore I must work doubly-hard to be the type of sovereign the Future I desire to build requires. A sovereign who empowers all of humanity and requires none for himself. I have noth ing to los e. I have no att achmen ts I can not let go o f easily. What a task it is to be great! Every truly great man knows the full pain of crucifixion. What is requir ed is sacrifi cing the mi nor e go to the g reater whole. We are all int erconn ected. We are all part of the All. Sacrifi ce is what I have b een runn ing from my entire lif e. I have not be come oka y with embraci ng that kind o f pain. Growi ng up is simpl y the evapor ation of that fear an d me learnin g to embrac e my sacrifi ce. I no longe r run from th e sacrifice . I have lived a full life. I have had many wonderful adventures. My memories are full of good, great and unusual experiences and people. I don’t need to return there and I don’t need to try to make up for anything lost; because I missed nothing. Any further continuation of my life without further progress or great achievement will result merely in more of the same. I can either stall the inevitable even longer, or I can embrace – fully and quickly – the sacrifice into greatness. 2. I am not certain to which, of the innumerable threads the future holds, the ends will take. It could be martial law, governments could persist or collapse. There could be war or simply a total breakdown. I am certain we are spiraling toward a cataclysm where every moment lacks even the guise of certainty. What will be necessary is both people (available) and supplies / technology for a new world with liberty assured. The plan and specifics will solidify with time. I know it will require  building essentials, technology (things that are essential to the creation of new technology), defense weapons, repositories of knowledge, creation and information, and people who have skills, intelligence and a spiritual / artistic foundation. And, of course, gold. The organization, acquisition, placement and level of each will depend on what I do now. (more vision in appendix) 3.  Now I must both acquire resources (money) and develop the systems of the future while defending against outside forces and the current czars. Defense will mostly be a matter of state of mind. If I think as a soverign, I will be one. The moment I stop, I will fall. Chess and the art of strategy are necessary. As soon as I become an established sovereign, my defenses will have to never let up: my state of mind and patient wisdom must be like breathing.

Transcript of Some Vision

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