Some of Best Steps To Building A Job Search Plan

Some of Best Steps To Building A Job Search Plan


ob searching is time consuming and like any other project – you need a plan. Organizing and optimizing your efforts can slash your job search in half.

Transcript of Some of Best Steps To Building A Job Search Plan

Some of Best Steps To Building

A Job Search Plan

First, Get All The Materials You

Need Ready Before you even target any contacts, you

have to have certain materials and tools

ready to work with.

The elevator pitch and phone script

essentially offer a brief summary of who

you are and what value you have that

distinguishes you.

Determine How Much Time You

Will Spend Towards You Job Search If you are unemployed, you should spend

30-40 hours per week on your job


If you are employed, 10-20 hours per


These numbers are just general


Allocate Your Time For Specific

Tasks If you have 30 hours to work with during

the week, allocate how much time to put

towards each task in your job search.

Just keep in mind that to get your resume

in front of employers, there are only three

ways: Job Boards, Recruiters, and Direct

Contact through Networking.

Have Goals And Keep A Log Of

Your Work Setting goals will help direct your job

search efforts.

Keep track of where you’ve applied, when

you applied, the status of your submission,

next steps, and so on.

This way when you are contacted you will

have all the information you need.