Some alternative fuel types compare to the gas and gasoline

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Page 1: Some alternative fuel types compare to the gas and gasoline

IHI E&C International Corporation


Page 2: Some alternative fuel types compare to the gas and gasoline

Some Alternative Fuel Types compare to the gas

and gasolineAs you can see that now in the present time gas and gasoline usage are very high, So we have to also see some of the alternative fuel type for the future compare to the gas and gasoline. Here are some of the currently available alternative fuels, and what's still to come. Here are a number of the presently available different fuels like:Natural Gas Fuels

The biggest alternative fuel is natural gas. This petroleum-based gas burns additional cleanly than gasoline, however, still suffers from the renewability issues of all petroleum products. It's also an actual gas, not like the liquid propane, and also fight from storage problems. Propane is the alternative, and could be a liquid when we stored, however still suffers from renewability issues.

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Another alternative is Electricity. It's mainly focus of heavy research, as a result of it's not tied to any explicit fuel supply and produces zero emissions of the vehicle. This shifts the burden of utilizing cleaner, it's really tough-to-handle fuels, far from the any average user and into the hands of organizations with the resources to soundly handle the alternative fuels. The biggest drawback with Electricity is, again, storage. Current batteries typically need giant banks to produce enough power for affordable speeds and distances. For this reason, electricity continues to be a lot of typically found in "hybrid" vehicles that use petroleum fuel products to get extra electricity when required.

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Alcohol Fuels

Probably the most widespread alternative fuel is ethanol. Ethanol is simply plain old grain alcohol, made up of corn or soybeans. There are not many vehicles at that time, which will run on pure ethanol. Maximum time, what's offered are ethanol blends, that is simply ethanol integrated with some percentages of gas and gasoline. At now, the best share offered is 15 % gas and gasoline and 85 % ethanol.

Methanol gasoline is additionally used, however, isn't as common as ethanol. Methanol gasoline is also known as wood alcohol, and it would be made from wood fermentation or from coal, however is typically created a lot of cheaply from.

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Hydrogen Fuel

Hydrogen is the most promising alternative fuel supply presently under development. It's very clean, manufacturing solely water vapor as an emission. All that's required to provide gas could be a supply of electricity to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. The biggest disadvantage is that hydrogen is just liquid at very low temperatures, and intensely explosive once mixed with air in gasified type. These characteristics build hydrogen tough to safely store and transport.

These are solely a sampling of the various sorts of alternative fuels available or under development. With gas and gasoline costs skyrocketing, pressure to develop other fuel appropriate mass consumption is at an uncomparable high. There are also some different possible various fuels are being developed and studied on a daily basis.

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Page 10: Some alternative fuel types compare to the gas and gasoline

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