Somayaga 2014 - English

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Somayaga 2014Participate, Support, ProsperSomayaga 2014. The spiritual event of 2014Kozhikode, 13 to 19th February 2014

Transcript of Somayaga 2014 - English

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Participate, Support, Prosper

Somayaga 2014

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Somayaga 2014 The spiritual event of 2014


13th to 19th February 2014

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 3

WHAT IS YAGA? ................................................................................................................................................ 3

NOW, WHAT IS SOMAYAGA? ......................................................................................................................... 3

WHY WE CONDUCT SOMAYAGAM? ............................................................................................................. 4

SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS ...................................................................................................................................... 5

HOW AND WHEN DID YAGA START?............................................................................................................ 5

THE MAIN PROCEDURES OF SOMAYAGA .................................................................................................. 6

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO?................................................................................................................................ 7

HOW TO PARTICIPATE .................................................................................................................................... 7

HOW TO SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................... 8

HOW TO SPREAD THE WORD ........................................................................................................................ 8

BUY KALASA ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

GIVE ANNADANA .............................................................................................................................................. 9

DONATE ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

VISIT SOMAYAGA 2014 .................................................................................................................................. 10

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Introduction Before getting into step by step instructions on how to benefit from Somayaga, let us take a look at a concise introduction to Somayaga. Some of you already know about Somayaga, and know about the personal, family and community benefits of participating in Somayaga. If you have downloaded this eBook to find out how to participate and benefit from Somayaga 2014, just scroll down to the section “How to Participate”

What is Yaga? Before we talk about Somayaga, let’s talk about Yaga in general. In short yaga is a ritual of offerings. Yaga is the science given through Vedas for the purification of the soul and the atmosphere through the agency of fire. This is one of the most ancient body of knowledge known to humankind. This science is also presented now as HOMA therapy. In Hinduism, yajña or yagam, is a ritual of offerings accompanied by chanting of Vedic mantras derived from the practices of Vedic times. Yajna is an ancient ritual of offering and sublimating the havana sámagri (herbal preparations) in the fire. The meaning of the word yajna is derived from the Sanskrit verb yaj, which has a three-fold meaning of worship of deities (devapujana), unity (saògatikaraña) and charity (dána). An essential element is the ritual fire – the divine Agni – into which oblations are poured, as everything that is offered into the fire is believed to reach God.

Now, what is Somayaga?

Somayaga is a highly spiritual and effective ritual performed as prescribed in the Vedas. This lasts for six days. SOMA juice is used as the main oblation – hence the name SomaYaga. Remember that Soma is known as the king of medicinal herbs.

An intelligent person who is willing to follow strict disciplines would take about twelve years to learn this technique with proper Mantra chanting. This special Yajnya provides an

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extra powerful boost of Healing Energy for the persons who participate and also to the whole world.

Indra is the main deity of the Somayaga. Somayaga is conducted to please Lord Indra. Indra is generally thought of as the lord of rain only. However, Indra is also the lord of the mind, an endless force. Indra is the lord of fertility. Yes, and also the lord of rain bearing clouds. He is the divine principle which imparts the virility in the medicines. Hence, for obtaining happiness or bliss, it is essential that we please Indra and gain the blessings of the divine force of the Yaga. Somyaga imparts vitality to all medicines, it is considered as a process which bestows good for the whole world. Many believe that Somayaga is conducted for propitiating the rain gods.

Nowhere has it been mentioned that Somayaga has been prescribed for inviting the rains. There are other Yagas meant for making rains happen in the form of ParjjanyaYagnam, VrishtiYagnam etc. However, amongst the fruits of Somayaga is one called Suvrishti. That is necessary amounts of rain pouring at the right time when they are required. Our acharyas believe that Somayaga has the power to stop excess as well as deficient rains.

This special Yaga provides an extra powerful boost of Healing Energy for the whole world. The atmosphere becomes medicinal, nutritious and disease-free. Somayagas yield a qualitative and quantitative improvement in the psyche.

There are seven types of Somayagas:

AGNISHTOMA – for the atmosphere


JYOTI RUKTHA – for food

SHODASHI – for health

ATIRATRA – for longevity of life

APTORYAM – for well-being and prosperity of the whole society

VAJAPAYEE – for peace of mind

Why we conduct Somayagam? In spiritual terms, it is the strength of the soul which is primarily aimed at during the conduct of the Somayaga. Somayaga is very adept at stopping the adverse effects which can happen in our lives. It is said that Kings conducted Somayaga in order to not have famines at their doorstep. In the TaittiriyaSamhita, there is a vedic mantra itself which says that a Somayaga can keep famine at bay. Depression is a disease which has caught hold of the modern world. Ancient manuscripts mention that Somayaga can prevent depression. As a result of the conduct of Somayaga, good progeny and good intelligent mind are corollaries. It is also the answer for gross sins. In this way, countless fruits are mentioned as an outcome of Somayaga.

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Scientific Aspects Apart from the spiritual aspects of Somayaga, it has many scientific ones:

1. The effect "collective consciousness” – the chanting of mantras, the extraction of soma juice, the oblations and the presence of people gathered. Sufficient strength makes the random sequence of the world, predictable on that day.

2. Positive change for the better. Attitudinal surveys indicated a positive change for the better. It showed that people attended Yāgas for spiritual reasons and that their lives are affected by spiritual activities like Yāgas.

3. Environmental effects. Analysis of the homa ash showed no bacteria or bacterial activity even when there were counts of air-borne bacteria at various distances.

4. Yaga has positive effects on agriculture and human health. The yagna seems to have accelerated the process of seed germination and also the microbial presence in air, water and soil in and around the region of the fire ritual.

How and when did Yaga start? Scholars hold that Yajnas have a history of over 5000 years in India. The earliest mention of Soma and Soma Yāgas are to be found in the Rig Veda – which is the oldest of the Vedas. Thus there is no doubt that Soma Yajnyas are as old as Indian Vedic history. Yajnyas have formed an important part of Vedic worship since the very beginning of Vedic religion and culture. Amongst the various Yāgas, the Soma Yāgas are one of the oldest and most important groups of Yāgas. The life of a knowledgeable practitioner of the Vedas becomes Yagna in itself. The soul of such a person becomes the master of the Yagna. The concentration becomes the wife of the master or the Yaajamanapatni. Her body becomes the firewood. Their bosom becomes the altar. The hairs become synonymous with the sacred darbha. The Vedas become the tuft of hair on the head. The heart becomes the stake on which the sacrificial animal is bound. The desires become the sacred offering of clarified butter. The penance becomes the fire. Word becomes the hota, i.e the chanting of Rigvedic hymns. The vital force becomes the Udgaata or the celestial songs of the Samaveda. The eyes represent the Adhwaryu or the Yajurveda while the mind becomes the Brahman. The shrotras become the priest. The whole life becomes a deeksha. Whatever such a person eats is what remains after sacrificial offerings. He/She drinks the Somapana. Where he / she stays becomes a karma called Upasad. His / her travels and mobility become the sacred fire. The face becomes effulgent. Whatever they speak

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become the offering. Knowledge becomes the homa. The act of putting firewood into the sacred fire becomes the food for the morning as well as evening. The mornings, midday and evenings become the Savanam. Days, months, quarters, years etc. become arhanayagas. Death becomes Avabrith snanam. In this way, Agnihotra becomes a process which transcends the cycle of life and death.

The main procedures of Somayaga Rakshoghnishti :The yagna performed for the safety of the Yagna.

SomayagaSankalpam :The fruits of the Somayaga are accrued to the world on the

foundation of the intensity of the imagination of the Master.

Rithweekaranam :The process of acceptance of the Rithwiks by the Master.

MadhuparkaSevanam :By the partaking of the honey, the master and the rithwiks are

not affected by uncleanliness.

SaptahotraKooshmandahomam :The Yagna conducted for removal of sins.

Deekshaniyeshti :The master is made the embodiment of time. By the conduct of

Somayaga, the master is in fact given a rebirth. For this, through the Deekshaniyeshti,

the process of being in a womb is recreated.

Deekshaarambham :By the recitation of mantras, the Adhwaryu gives Deeksha.

Saneeharam :Here, the Yajamanan has taken a deeksha to conduct a Somayaga. A

person goes about asking for alms in order to provide for the finances required for

conducting the Yagna. This is a procedure where the Yajamanan entrusts a person with

the job of asking the alms. This person would go to all with a big plate. People are free

to give whatever they wish.

Prayaneeyeshthih:Homas to five deities namely Pathyaswasthi, Agni, Soman, Savitha,


Somakrayam :Receiving the Somalata after offering 10 substances

1.Cow2. Gold 3.Calf 4. Cow and Calf 5. Goat 6. Castrated bull 7. Stud bull 8. Buck

9. Silver 10. Clothes

Aatithyeshthi:A ritual in which Somaraja is welcomed in a chariot consisting of two

vehicles of four foot each length – Vishnu deity

Tanoonaptram :This is a ritual in which the Rithwiks take a sacred vow by touching the

clarified butter that they shall remain united and steadfast in their efforts with a spirit of

friendship for the success of the Somayaga.

PravargyamUpasath :This is a process in which cow’s as well as goat’s milk is

transferred into clarified butter placed in a mud vessel called as Mahaveeram. A huge

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ball of fire can be seen to be made during this ritual. The pravargyam is said to be the

head of the Yagna deity according to the ShroutaGranthas. The upasath happens to be

the rest of the body of the Yagna deity from the neck down.

SubrahmanyaAahvanam :(The advent of Subrahmanya). Indra is Subrahmanya. Indra

is invited with Samaveda.

Vedeekaranam:Preparation of the dais for Somayaga.

Sadonirmmanam:Audience formation, sitting arrangement for the Rithwiks

AgnishomeeyaYagaarambham :The start of the Yagna with fire and offering to the

gods representing the fiery world. One of the results of this procedure is the abundance

of food.

VasatiVareegrahanam: Providing Somaraja with water.

Praatah, Madyadina and TriteeyaSavanam :It is a process in which the 12 shastras

and stotras are used. Rig is the weapon and samagana is the stotra.

AvabhritaSnaanam : The bathing process of the master, the wife and the rithviks.

Udayaneeyeshti :The start of the end of the Yagna.

VediUposhanam :The offering of the Yagnashala to fire.

The end of the Yagna with the complete offering of the Yagnashala to the fire and its

complete engulfing in flames.

Now that we have a better understanding of Yagam and its background, let’s talk about how Somayga can help you.

What you should do? To benefit from Somayaga, you can get involved in many ways. It’s simple.

1. Participate. 2. Support. 3. Prosper.

How to Participate It is for the first time since centuries that a Somayaga is being conducted in Kozhikode. Ever since Acharya MR Rajesh had embarked on the journey of disseminating Vedic

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knowledge to all, Kozhikode has become the hotbed and cradle of Vedic activities. It is a traditional belief that those who participate in this Yagna in even a mental or “visualising” way would be blessed with good fortune by the devtas. Opportunity is provided to the general public, philanthropists and all those interested in promoting universal peace through the Yaga. You are encouraged to participate and sponsor the programs. What to do:

1. Daily Chanting – during the Somayaga, renowned scholars in Vedas and Sastras chant the potent Maha Sukthas and divine Mantras of Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas and perform rites in utter devotion and concentration in accordance with the prescriptions of the Thantric system with an unselfish mind. So, you can participate by chanting these mantras yourself.

2. Spread the word. 3. Donate books to those coming to the Somayaga event in Kozhikode. 4. Provide Annadana. 5. Buy Kalasa for yourself. 6. Attend the Somayaga event in Kozhikode if you can.

How to Support

We must revive the Vedic traditions wherever we live in our respective circle of relatives, friends, and acquaintances. We must encourage such initiatives taken by anyone even if we do not know that person. We must teach as much as we know to others and motivate them to learn more and more. We must attend as many Yajnyas or Yāgas and make it a success. We must understand the benefits and spread the word.

Support Somayaga by donating and by buying products through the Somayaga website The biggest support would be by participating online, spreading the word about Somayaga, and by directly visiting Somayaga 2014 at Kozhikode, Kerala.

How to Spread the Word Somayaga was being conducted to spread the message of peace, harmony and for being one with nature.

1. Share the information with friends and relatives.

2. Send messages (emails etc.).

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3. Share the Somayaga details in social media like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Buy Kalasa Participate in Somayaga 2014 by buying Kalasa in your name (please also provide Birth star). The Kalasa would be done on your behalf along with the Somayaga. You can visit to buy Kalasa.

Kalasha, or “Kalasha pot", is a pot with a large base and small mouth, large enough to hold a coconut. Holding the kalasham and uttering divine mantras, a pradakshina is done around the Yagashala and the offering is finally made to the Yaga Deva. The ancient seers affirm that this offering dispels the sufferings due to poverty, increases the potential to work, enhances brain power, alleviates the fear of ill-health and prosperity.

Give Annadana You can provide Annadana to the devotees attending the Yaga. There are 100’s of thousands of people attending the Somayaga 2014. We need support from you to give them Free food. This is a great deed, which in itself is rewarding. You can visit to buy Annadana. Annadanam Samam Danam Trilokeshu Na Vidhathe These are the verses from the Vedas, meaning Annadanam is supreme and incomparable to any charity. Food is the basic requirement for all humans. Thus according to Vedas, one who does annadanam to devotees attains heaven (Punya Loka) in this Universe (Brahmanda) itself. Gaja turaga Sahasram Gokulam koti danam Kanaka Rajatha patram Methini sagarantham

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Upaya kula vishuttam Koti kanya pradanam Nahi nahi bahu danam Annadanam samanam There is no greater merit in this world than feeding the hungry. Donating 1000 elephants, donating 10 million cows, donating any number of vessels of silver and gold, donating the entire land till sea, helping in the marriage of 10 million women – all this is never ever equal to Annadanam, the feeding of the hungry and needy. Even the Gods appreciate the deed of regular annadanam. Annadanam improves strength and sharpness of brain, and divinity to both the donor and receiver. Numerous devotees have offered generously for Annadhanam scheme. If you are interested you are welcome to contribute.

Donate Your support could be by Donating to the event. This would help the effective and efficient functioning of Somayaga 2014. You donation also helps online campaigns to spread the word. Visit to Donate and support Somayaga 2014.

Visit Somayaga 2014 Visiting the Yagasala is great a blessing. Contributing for the yagam and annadanam are considered sacred and brings abundant blessing for the individual. The organisers are expecting people from all over the world including not just devotees and believers but also scientists, scholars and critics to witness the rituals daily. People of all religious belief can participate in the Somayaga. Participate in Somayaga and pass on the spiritual benefits to your family members.

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Radh Yatra is conducted as part of Soamayaga 2014

Kasyapa Veda Research Foundation Office in Kozhikode