:Solution of many problems - MyGov.in€¦ · (Cassia grandice for beautiful flowers besides...

1 :Solution of many problems Today more than half of the population of the world is malnourished and living under poverty. There is also shortage of timber for furniture, fuel and paper. A well planned plantation can solve not only these problems, but it can also solve the problems of unemployment, price rise and devaluation of currency. A well planned plantation can also solve many ecological problems. Some of the important ecological problems are problem of global warming , change in climate and rapid declination of many species of wild life (both flora and fauna), etc. In this article we shall discuss about the solution of these challenges. In order to solve these problems we can plant many kind of useful, precious and multipurpose trees and shrubs at large scale by the following ways:- Mango(Mangifera indica) as road side pantation Jambolana (Sygygium cumini), on the bank of a drain

Transcript of :Solution of many problems - MyGov.in€¦ · (Cassia grandice for beautiful flowers besides...


:Solution of many problems

Today more than half of the population of the world is

malnourished and living under poverty. There is also shortage

of timber for furniture, fuel and paper. A well planned

plantation can solve not only these problems, but it can also

solve the problems of unemployment, price rise and

devaluation of currency. A well planned plantation can also

solve many ecological problems. Some of the important

ecological problems are problem of global warming , change in

climate and rapid declination of many species of wild life

(both flora and fauna), etc. In this article we shall discuss

about the solution of these challenges. In order to solve these

problems we can plant many kind of useful, precious and

multipurpose trees and shrubs at large scale by the following


Mango(Mangifera indica) as road

side pantation

Jambolana (Sygygium cumini), on

the bank of a drain


1.By planting many kinds of fruit trees in individual’s gardens, so that the fruits

can be obtained throughout the year.

2.By planting fruit trees and shrubs in the fore-lands and back yards of the houses

of the individuals.

3.By planting lesser shadowy trees and shrubs which provide fruits, vegetables,

spices, oil , wax etc., or trees of economic importance, on the edge of the

agricultural farms, as the hedge/fence plantation.

4.And foremost, by the planting the trees of economic value which provide fruits,

vegetables, medicine etc, side by the roads, railways, canals, drains, and streams,

rivers, around the ponds, and in the forest. If we shall plant fruit bearing

miscellaneous trees, there will be a lot of food and natural habitat for the primary

consumers , consequently there will be increase in the number of the secondary

and tertiary consumers. We can also plant, fruit bearing useful and multipurpose

trees and bushes in the barren lands of public and private possession, and in the

lands around the government /private offices and settlements.

If we take all the measures, large scale plantation is possible.

Production of timber for the furniture and paper industry, and

measures to reduce green house gas carbon dioxide:- There is

very important role of the furniture in the developed civilization. We always feel

the need of furniture while taking rest, while sitting and while sleeping. The

forests are being cut rapidly to provide timber for the fuel, furniture and to supply

pulp and paper to the common man , however the timber is not sufficient to fulfill

the requirement. Slogans like “cut no forest”, “save trees” etc. has no meaning if

there is a high gap between the demand and supply .The forest will be cut down

until this gap is full filled, by the large scale plantation.

Cutting of green forest, deteriorates not only the ecosystem of the forest,

but it increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also. The green

trees produce timber in form of cellulose by the binding ,atmospheric carbon

dioxide. One kg of dry wood requires about 1.46 kg CO2 gas, releasing about 1 kg

O2 gas in the atmosphere . For example 1 quintal wood of Palmira palm or date

palm consist about 1.5 quintal CO2 bound in it.


Thus the timber producing trees work as carbon sink which bind enormous

amount of CO2 in it. To full fill the requirement of wood /timber for furniture and

fuel for the common man, large scale plantation can be done by the above said

manners. Here we shall discuss briefly about some selected but valuable plants.

Timber Providing Trees of Tropical and Subtropical region:.

Sal or sakhu (Shorea robusta- family Dipterocarpacea), Teak (Tectona grandice

family- Verbenacea), mahogani (Swetenia mahogany, S. humilis, S. macrophylla –

family - meleacea , it can tolerate water logging to some extent), Indian red wood

or rohan (Soymida fabrifugi, family –meleacea, it can tolerate water lagging to

some extent and it is drought tolerant also),

ebony (Diospyros ebenum –family ebonacea, it grows in well drainage soil),

kadam (Mitragyna parviflora, family rubeacea), saffron teak or haldu or karma

(Adina cardifolia, Haldina cardifolia, family –Rubeacea), Andman red wood or

Padauk (Pterocarpus indicus), Sisoo (Dalbergia sisoo) and black sisoo (Dalbergia

latifolia , family –Papilionacea), Silver oak (Gravielia robusta ,it can tolerate water

logging to some extent), Jatob (Hymenia carbaril-it can grow in water logging

places), Khambhari (Gamelna arborea – family Verbinacea), Ghiwala (Calicarpa

arborea – family Verbinacea), Jambo (Xylea xylocarpa, family Mimosacea), Black

Siris (Albizia odoratissima family Mimosacea), White Siris (Albizia procera) and

Common Siris (Albizia lebbeck-family mimosacea), Kadamba (Athocephalus

kadamba family- Rubeacea), Bishop wood or Bhillar (Biscofia javanica family-

Sal (Shorea robusta),on the sand sapphire Teak (Tectona grandis),on the edge of the



Euphorbiacea), Badrang (Zanthoxylum rhesta- family – Rutacea, fruits are used as

spice), red cedar or toon (Toona ciliata- family Meleacea),jatoba(Hymania

stigonocarpa, drought tolerant) , geiger tree(Cordia dodecandra ,) ghost fruit cassia

(Cassia grandice for beautiful flowers besides timber),etc. provide fine quality

timber for making furniture.

Sal provides fine class timber after 40 years of plantation. It can grow in

very rough condition, even on sandy and stony soil. It can be also grown as road

side plantation tree, where concreted roads and buildings are located. It requires

sub tropical to tropical climate. It can grow on lower hills of sub Himalayan tract

to the southern India at any soil , with well drainage facility. Actually it is a tree of

next generation which benefits after 40 to 50 years of plantation.

The teak provides also a fine quality timber of better durability and shock

resistance. It can provide timber in about 20-25 years after plantation. 50 to 100

trees per acre can be grown on the edge of the farms as hedge plantation with

regular trimming/pruning and branch cutting. A farmer can earn a gross income of

10-15 lack rupees (20-30 thousand US dollars), after 20-30 years of the plantation.

It is like the provident fund for the farmers like a serviceman earns, at the time of

the retirement from his service. It is a drought tolerant tree.

Mahogani also provides fine quality timber for making furniture. It can

grow in tropical to subtropical climate. It can tolerate water logging to some extent

. It grows erect. It is suitable for the plantation on the edge of the paddy fields. It is

also useful for the road side plantation.

Saffron teak (Adina cardifolia) on the sand


Teak, side by the canal


The saffron teak or haldu or Karma (Adina cordifolia, Haldina cordifolia)

also provides fine quality timber for furniture. Its timber is durable, smooth and

takes fine polish. The tree attains enormous size, which is suitable for railways

and road side plantation. It is also very much suitable for road side plantation in

urban area, as shade providing tree because, it grows rapidly on the sandy and

stony soil.

Silver oak provides black timber of high durability and strength. The timber

takes fine polish. The timber is utilized to make furniture and gun carriage. The

tree grows erect ,which caste lesser shadow. The timber can be obtained within 20-

25 years after plantation. It can tolerate water logging to some extent.

It requires temperate to sub tropical (Punjab, Haryana, U.P, Bihar, Nepal, hill

regions of southern and north eastern India) climate. It is suitable for the plantation

on the edge of the agricultural fields.

Jatob (Hymenia caurbaril) also provides useful timber for making furniture.

It is water loving tree. It can stand in water logging places. It is suitable for the

plantation on the edge of water logged paddy fields and around the fishery ponds.

About 50 trees per acre can be grown on the edge of paddy fields, with regular

trimming and branch cutting. It requires sub tropical to tropical climate.

Indian red wood or Rohan (Soymida fabrifugi) also provides fine quality red

timber for making furniture. It can also tolerate water logging to some extent. It is

also drought tolerant tree, which can grow on sandy high lands or sand sapphires.

It is useful for railways and road side plantation. It can be also grown on the edge

of agricultural farms with regular trimming and branch cutting.

It is need to carry out research on useful and multipurpose trees which can

be grown on the edge of the water logged paddy fields.

Grumicama or Brazilian cherry (Euginia brazilensis) also provides fine

quality timber for making furniture, besides its fine quality fruit. But its growth

rate is slow. It fruitens twice in a year. It provides sweet cherry like fruits

resembling in taste and appearance, violet or yellow in color. It requires

subtropical to tropical climate. It is better to prepare nursery of Brazilian cherry by


tissue culture method ,which will provide fruits from 4rth year after plantation.

Brazilian cherry can stand in water logged places, which is suitable for the

plantation on the edge of paddy fields ,but perhaps it will require time to time

irrigation in summer for double fruit cropping.

Ice-cream bean fruit (Inga edulis) also provides useful timber for furniture

besides fruits. Fruits are eaten fresh and are used in making ice-cream . It can also

stand in water logged places. It is suitable for plantation , side by the roads,

railways, canals and drains at water logged places.

There are many species of trees which provides not only the useful timber

for furniture but fruits also. Among these are, mamy sapote (Pouterea sapota, it

provides red timber which is useful for furniture , requires well drainage soil with

time to time irrigation, suitable for subtropical to tropical climate, large tree),

Peelu fruit (Salvadora oleoides, drought tolerant, suitable for sandy high lands or

on sand sapphires, and fruit providing road side tree plantation in urban areas),

African mango (Irvingia gabonensis), Bacauri fruit (Platonia insignis),mammy

apple(Mammea africana), Zulu pod berry fruit( Dialium schleteri),langsat fruit

(Lansium domesticus), santole fruit (Sandoricum katzap) ,olive (Olium europia),

persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki, D. verginiana , D. disclour), Japani raisin fruit

(Hovenia dulsis), Andean walnut (Jaglanse neotropica, suitable for temperate to

subtropical climate of Punjab, Hariana, U.P., Bihar etc.) ,white mulberry (Morus

alba) provide fine quality timber for furniture besides fruits.

Mamy sapote (Pouteria sapota) provides red colored timber more valuable

than that of teak. It also provides best quality larger fruits of larger flesh with

small seed in it. It requires tropical to subtropical climate with regular irrigation.

It requires garden ,with well drainage facility. It cannot tolerate long term drought.

It is large tree. It is also suitable for the plantation in courtyard near tap or hand



African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) also provides timber for furniture besides

fruits. It’s fruits are edible, besides edible seeds. The seeds are much precious like

almond ,which are fatty and proteineous. A single tree can produce only seeds of

worth 300US$(Rs 20,000) annually. It can tolerate water logging to some extent.

It’s timber is suitable for making furniture . It requires mango like soil and

climatic condition , of tropical and sub tropical climate .

Peelu fruit (Salvadora oleoides) is a fruit tree of desert, which provides not

only, fine quality timber for furniture, but fine quality fruit also. It is drought

tolerant and can be grown in any soil with well drainage facility. It is suitable for

the sandy and stony soil of high lands (Dhus Khet). It requires tropical to

subtropical climate. It is suitable for the plantation in almost all over India. 50-100

trees can be grown, at the edge of the agricultural farms per acre, with regular

trimming, which will provide about 40-80 quintal peelu fruits, per acre annually.

Persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki and D. verginiana) also provide useful

timber for the furniture. Its fruits are also of fine quality. Partially ripe fruits of D.

kaki can be used in preparing vegetable and chips , whether ripe fruits are very

sweet and mellow, having high content of carbohydrates. D. kaki and D.

verginiana both require, warm temperate to sub tropical climate. These can be

grown in the hills of Kashmir, Himanchal Pradesh, Uttranchal, Nepal to north

eastern region of india and plains of Punjab, Hariana, U.P., Bihar and temperate

and subtropical region of southern India. Persimmons are suitable for the

plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms. These are also suitable for the

Mamy sapote and olive provide both fruits and timber for furniture


plantation along the raw canals. Only those varieties of D. verginiana, which do

not require frost for the ripening of the fruits, can be cultivated in plains of

northern India. D. discolour provides very hard and strong timber like iron. It

requires tropical to subtropical climate. It’s fruits are edible. It can be grown on

the edge of the agricultural fields of well drainage facility. It’s timber is much

precious than that of teak.

Japanese raisin fruit also provides fine quality timber for furniture besides

dry and resinous fruits. It requires warm temperate to subtropical climate. It can be

grown in lower hills of subhimalayan tract to sub tropical plains of Punjab,Hariana

U.P., Bihar etc. It is suitable for the plantation at the edge of farms with well

drainage facility. 50 to 100 trees can be grown per acre, at the edge of the farms,

with regular pruning and branch cutting.

Olive (Olivum europia) also provides useful timber for making furniture and

handicrafts , but it can bear fruits up to 2000 years. It is a small tree. It’s fruit is a

source of famous olive oil. It’s ripe fruit can be used as salad and it can be utilized

in making vegetables as substitute of tomato. It requires temperate to subtropical


It is need to perform research on various useful plants of different regions of

the world without having any kind of prejudice and presumption, that a plant will

not grow/fruiten in our climatic condition. In this way, we shall be able to grow

different kinds of useful fruits like persimmons, Japanese resin, olive, plums

(Prunus bokharensis), some varieties of sweet cherry (Prunus cerasus), coupling

cherry (Prunus cerotina), wampi fruit (Clausena lansium with scented flowers),

Chinese bay berry (Myrica rubra), blue berry (Vaccinium myrtilus, Vaccinium

corymbosom), Andean walnut (Jaglans neotropica), etc ,in the subtropical plains of

northern India.

Andean walnut (Jaglans neotropica) also provides very fine quality timber

for making furniture besides edible nuts. It can be grown in temperate

Himalayas to subtropical plains of Punjab, U.P., Haryana and Bihar including

south Indian hill regions. It makes dense shadow, so it is suitable for road side

plantation on sandy and stony soil with well drainage facility.


Sandal along with Sisoo:-

Sandal provides aromatic oil after 40-50 years of plantation. Sandal trees

show parasitism over roots of the sisoo trees. It is better to plant species of

sandal (red sandal – Pterocarpus santalinus, white sandal- Santalum album etc.)

with sisoo (Dalbergia sisoo – common sisoo and Dalbergia latifolia– black sisoo)

in alternating order. About 25 trees of sandal and 25 trees of sisoo per acre can be

grown on the edge of the agricultural farms with regular branch cutting and

trimming. To strengthen the absorptive power of the sandal’s root, it may be

beneficial to treat them with micoriza culture. To earn more profit by the sisoo

tree, a farmer can grow vegetable vines on the tree, like sponge guard (Luffa

cylidrica), lablab (Dolicos lablab),sparrow guard(Cyclanthera pedata), Sword bean

(Dolicos gladeatus) and many other species in Dolicos genus and perhaps grapes

,passion fruit , kewe fruit, vanilla etc, if proper irrigation facility is available.

Sandal can be grown in all over India in Subtropical and tropical climate. There are

so many trees, which provide timber for making pulp and paper. Arzun

(Terminalia arzuna, it can grow in water logged places), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus

globulus and E. citriodora etc.), semal (Ceiba bombax, Pantendra cieba), Pongam

tree (Pongamia glabra – family papilonacea, it can grow in water logged places,

biodiesel is obtained from the seed) etc. are useful plants which can be grown as

road side tree, which provide wood for pulp and paper.

White sandal in U.P. Flowering and fruitening too.


Timber Providing Trees Of Temperate Climate:-

There are many species of tree which provide useful timber for furniture.

Among these are Walnut (Jaglans regia), Butter nut (Jaglans cinaria), Andean

walnut (Jaglans neotropica, which can grow in both temperate and subtropical

region of U.P., Bihar, Punjab, Hariyana etc.), Deodar (Cedrus deodara, suitable for

high altitude, from 2000 m to 4000 m, elevation), labnan cedar (Cedrus libani),

pencil cedar (Juniperus verginiana), silver oak (Gravilia robusta, suitable for both

temperate region of high altitude to subtropical region of plains), altantic white

cedar (Chamaecyparis thiodes, provides fine quality timber, it can grow in water

logged places), white willow (Salix alba, timber is used to make cricket bat, it can

grow in water logged places), pine oak (Quercus palustris, can grow in water

logged places), white mulberry (Morus alba, better timber for furniture besides

fruits), and pines (Pinus roxburghii, Pinus merkusii, Pinus wallichiana) provide

timber for furniture and construction work.

These trees can be planted in vacant places of hill regions, side by the

rivers, roads, canals, on the mountains and in the forest along with other fruit

trees. That will enhance not only biological diversity but it will provide useful

timber too.

Fruit Trees and shrubs of Temperate region:-

There are many hundreds species of fruit trees of temperate region. Some of the

important fruit trees are, apple (Pyros pumila can grow up to high altitude), pear

(Pyros communis), sweet cherry (Prunus avium – can grow on high elevations),

Carambola (Avorrhoa carambola) Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) Cherry plum (Prunus domesticus)


many varieties of cherry (Prunus cerasus and Prunus cerasefera, some varieties

have sweet test, while some have sweet sour test), chock cherry (Prunus

verginia,fruits are used in making jam, jelly etc), many varieties of plums (Prunus

domestica), Alubukhara (Prunus bokharensis), armenica plum or khubani (Prunus

america, small tree, useful for plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms),

many varieties of peach (Prunus persica var. nactrina, var. platycarpa, var.

nucipersica etc, all are shrubs, useful for plantation on the edge of agricultural

farms in those temperate region, where sun light is slant), medlar fruit (Mespilus

germanica ,shrub), quinces fruit (Pseudocydonia sinensis, shrub), gulf gold plum

(Prunus salisiana ,large shrub or small tree), Japani Plum (Prunus mum, with

beautiful flowers, large shrub or small tree), Canadian service berry (Amelanchier

canadensis , large shrub or small tree) , running service berry(Amelanchier

stolonifera ,shrub), snowy mepilus (Amelanchier ovalis ,large shrub or small tree)

,Siberian crab apple (Pyrus baccata, small tree, fruit is used as vegetable), Russian

haw thorn (Crataegus ambigua), mauli (Pyrus vistita), blue berry (Vaccinium

myrtyllus, shrub, useful for plantation on the edge of the farms, suitable for the

temperate and subtropical climates), high bush blue berry (Vaccinium

corymbosome, shrub can grow in water logged places, suitable for the temperate

and subtropical climates), see buck thorn( Hippophae rhamnoides ),wolf berry (Lysium

barbarum, it’s fruits are high content of vitamin A and used medicinally in liver

and kidney diseases, It is a shrub, it’s tender leaves are used as vegetable, It can

grow in any climate ), etc.

If USA accept the idea of plantation of fruits and shrubs on the edge of

agricultural farms (per acre only 50 small trees, or 100 shrubs yielding only one

tone per acre , over merely in 10 million square kilometer of USA), the whole

world can enjoy the American fruits (minimum 1kg per day per head for the 7

billion population of the world) , more over it will provide a lot of employment

to the downtrodden people of the America ,especially to the nigro population.

There are many kinds of nuts which are grown in the temperate region. Some of

the important nuts are, walnuts (Jaglans regia, J. cinaria, J.neotropica etc. ,timber is

useful for furniture), almond (Prunus amygdalus), ginko or chilgoja (Pinus

gerardiana), bunya nut (Araucaria bidwillii), korean shell nut (Pinus

koreansis),pecans nut( Carya illinoinensis) , macadamia nut (Macadamia

integrifolia and other species, timber is useful for furniture ,suitable for lower hills


of sub himalayan tract to the hills of southern India, requires warm temperate to

subtropical climate), beech nut (Fagus sylvatica, suitable for lower hills of sub

himalayan tract to the hills of southern India, requires warm temperate to

subtropical climate), pistachio (Pistacia vera, suitable for all climates, the

temperate , subtropical and tropical, temperature hardiness -10 to +48oC, suitable

for sandy high lands with well drainage facility, drought tolerant), European chest

nut (Castanea sativa, family Fagacea, tall tree , suitable for plantation in lower

hills, including Dunstan chestnut ,the timber is useful for furniture), Mocker nut

hickory (Carya tomentosa ,timber is useful for furniture) ,), Shell bark hickory (Carya laciniosa, timber

is useful for furniture) ,Hazel nut( Corylus avellana, C. colurna , the nut contains 60% edible oil, per acre

plantation can provide 15 to 20 quintal nuts of worth Rs. 200000 to 300000.The tree can ensure the

supply of edible oil in hill regions/ temperate regions of India.) etc.

More over, there are many fruit bearing useful shrubs and bushes, which can

be planted with a purposeful planning in the forest and on the mountains to inhance

the biological diversity and to provide fruits and food to the man and many kinds

of primary consumer in the ecosystem. These useful shrubs and herbs are

strawberry (Fragaria indica and other species), raspberry( Rubus idaes- rashbhari)

,europian black berry (Rubus fruiticosus, hindi – vilayati anchu), himalayan

raspberry (Rubus ellipticus, hindi- lal anchu), maritius rasp berry (Rubus

roseofolius – yeshul), hisalu (Rubus lanatus), ceylon rasp berry (Rubus lasiocarpus,

kala anchu), black cherry (Rubus maluccanus hindi- katsole) etc.

These shrubs and herbs require temperate to subtropical climate. It is

need to carry out experiments on growth and fruitening of these plants in

subtropical plains of Punjab, Haryana, U.P., Nepal, Bihar and hills of eastern and

southern India, without having any kind of prejudice, that these will not grow in

warm part of the plains. If we shall succeed, these shrubs can be planted on canals,

along the rural roads and side by the railway tracks etc. Some of these shrubs can

be planted on the edge of the farms while some species can be cultivated in the

whole farm.

Flood tolerant and water loving fruit bearing trees and

shrubs of subtropical and tropical region:-


There are many fruit bearing trees ,which can tolerate water logging for longer

period. These trees are – carambola (Averrhoa carambola, hindi- kamrakh, ripe

fruits are sweet and juicy, unripe fruits are sour, some varieties have sweet sour

ripe fruit, propagation must be confined by the grafting method to ensure the

quality, it bears fruits throughout the year, single tree can bear fruits up to 100 to

250 kg annually), jaboticaba (Myrcearia cauliflliora, bears fruits throughout the

year), Camu-camu (Myrcearia dubia both water loving and drought tolerant tree),

false jaboticaba ( Myrcearea vextor, both water loving and drought tolerant, lesser

shadowy small tree, suitable for the plantation on the edge of the farms of small

cultivation) and rum berry ( Myrcearea floribunda, water loving and drought


panama berry fruit (Mantingia calaburra, water loving and drought tolerant )

,grumicama or brazilian cherry (Euginia barzilensis, bears fruit twice in a year,

requires regular irrigation for double cropping, there are two varieties having violet

and yellow colored fruits, timber is useful for furniture), Rio grand cherry (Euginea

involucrata), amberella or golden apple or hog plum (Mangifera dulsis, ripe fruits

are sweet and eaten fresh while unripe fruits are sour, which are used for making

sauces and pickles), peanut butter fruit (Bunchosia argentia, B. armenica), Indian

goose berry (Philanthus acidus, hindi- harfaruari, fruits are slightly sour which are

used in making jams, jelly, pickle and sauces), Jamun or Java plum (Sygygium

jabolana ),black sapote ( Diospyros nigra,it can stand in water logged places, very

productive tree, it can bear 60 to 450 kg fruits annually during October to march. It

can tolerate drought of 5-6 months in summer, dwarf varieties are suitable for the

plantation on the edge of water logged paddy fields. Plant prepared from seedling

Jaboticaba(Myrcearia cauliflliora) Carambola (Avorrhoa carambola) Carambola (Avorrhoa carambola)


bears fruit from 3rd

year after plantation), ice cream bean fruit (Inga edulis, timber

is useful for indoor furniture), canistel fruit (Pouteria campachiana , it can tolerate

water logging and it is drought tolerant also), avocado (Persia americana, fruits are

useful for making salad and vegetable), wax apple or jamrul (Sygygium

samarengens, it can tolerate water logging ),water apple(Sygygium aqueum), wild

star fruit (Baccaurea angulata, Baccaurea parviflora ramifloura, Baccauria

ramiflora), stinker bean or twisted pod bean ( Parkia speciosa large tree , its

tender pods and green seeds are used as vegetable , per tree yield 50 -100 kg

beans.It can tolerate water logging, ) etc.

All these fruit bearing trees are suitable for the plantation, along the roads,

railways, canals, side by the drains and streams, on the water logged barren lands

and around the ponds and water reservoirs. These trees can be also planted on the

edge of the water logged paddy fields, where no other fruit tree grows. 50 to 100

trees per acre can be grown on the edge of the farms with proper and regular

branch cutting and trimming. If you have only waterlogged wet land ,and want to

grow fruit garden , no mention , you can grow these fruit trees.

There are many shrubs, which can tolerate water logging and are suitable for

the plantation on the edge of the farms of small cultivation.

Among these shrubs are, high bush blue berry (Vaccinium corymbosom,

suitable for the warm temperate to subtropical climate of the plains), Miracle fruit

(Synsepalum dulcificum, its fruit seem sour first and later becomes sweeter when

eaten), Carolina all spice (Calicanthus floridus, dry flowers are used as spice),

lilipily (Sygygium paniculatum, Sygygium cascade, fruits are eaten fresh, used to

make jams and jelly ,Sygygium cascade bears beautiful flowers) etc. These can

tolerate water logging.

Some mangrove vegetation like sea grape (Colcoloba uvifera ,small tree

,ripe fruits are eaten fresh while tender flower buds and fruits are used as

vegetable), hala fruit (Pandanus tectorius ) and tree lettuce (P. grandice alba, leaves

are used as vegetable, small tree), can tolerate both saline and fresh water logging.

These are also drought tolerant trees.

It is need to carry out research on various mangrove vegetation which can

survive in fresh water like coconut etc.


For example if salt wort (Salsola komorovii and many other species , a

herb, used for making salad and vegetable ), survives in fresh water, it can be

grown on the bank of the drains, and raw canals in whole sub tropical and tropical


Drought tolerant fruit trees and shrubs of sub tropical and

tropical climate:-

There are many fruits of subtropical and tropical climate which can tolerate

drought for the longer period . These fruit trees are peelu fruit (Salvadora oleoides,

its timber is suitable for the furniture ) ,miswak fruit (Salvadora persica ) ,

mangoba fruit (Hancornia speciosa ), , nance fruit (B. crossifolia ), pequi fruit

(Caryocar brasilensis) ,baru fruit (Dipterix alata , fruit pulp is sweet and edible,

while seeds are proteineous and fatty and precious like almond , single tree can

bear 150 kg fruits besides 7-8 kg almond.), guinep fruit (Melicoccus bijugatus,

litchi like fruit), carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua , ripe fruit pods are dried, floured and

used in making chocolates ,candy and ice-cream etc, timber is suitable for making

furniture ) ,ximehia fruit (Ximehia armenica ,small tree or large shrub ), monkey

orange (Strychnos spinosa ,small tree or large shrub,suitable for the plantation on

the edge of the agricultural farm on sandy high lands and in the dry regions of the

country,100 trees planted on the edge of agricultural farms of one acre ,can

produce about 5000 kg fruits of worth $2000-3000 or Rs. 1 lacs to 2 lacs annually

), kei apple (Dovyalis caffera , Shrub ),titari (Rhus punjabensis , Rhus mesurensis

,etc., small tree), karil (Capparis decidua, family capparidacea, small tree without

leaves, raw fruits are used as vegetable, best quality pickle is prepared by unripe

fruits, while ripe fruits are eaten fresh which are protein rich fruit, drought

tolerant, suitable for the plantation on sandy high lands and on the edge of the

farms), ghitoran (Capparis zylenica, thorny shrub, can be used as hedge plant, even

for the small cultivation, raw fruits are use for making vegetable), African locust

bean (Parkia biglibosa , its protein rich green seeds are utilized as vegetable , while

dry seeds are used as cereals , annual yield is 20 -30 kg seeds per tree,and 10-12

quintal per acre. It is a necessary plant for the food security of the country), collies

wattle ( Acacia collie , dry seeds are used as cereals , annual yield is 15 -20 kg

seeds per tree, and 10-12 quintal per acre. It is a necessary plant for the food

security of the country,) ,prickly peared cactus (Opuntia ficus indica ,Opuntia


ellisiana ,Opuntia englemanni, provide fruits and vegetables ,shrubs ) , dragon

fruit (Hylocereus undatus,vine cacti), yellow pitaya (Selenicereus megalanthus,

vine cacti), peruvian apple cactus (Cereus peruvianus for sweet and tasty fruits

,shrubs) , pera do campo(Eugiana klozschiana ,shrub, fruits are slightly sour and

are used in making jam, jelly etc) ,etc can grow even in semi arid zone of thar

desert, besides sandy high lands of whole subtropics and in other semi arid zones

of the country. Besides these ,there are many fruit trees which are drought tolerant

,which can grow on sandy high lands of whole subtropics and in semi arid zones

or dry region of the country . These fruit trees and shrub are date palm (Phoenix

ductilefera) , sapodilla ( Achras japota, cheeku a large tree ), marula fruit

(Sclerocarya birrea) ,bael or wood apple (Aegle mormelus,medium sized tree) ,

pistachio (Pistacia vera, medium sized tree) ,fig (Ficus carica ,small tree), Indian

jujube (Ziziphus zuzube,small tree), cherrymoya (Rollinia deleciosa ,small tree or

large shrub) , natal plum ( Carissa macrocarpa , C.grandiflora ,C. spinarum, large

shrub), coco plum (Chrysobalanus icaco , shrub) ,barbedose cherry (Malpighia

emerginata , M. glabra ,shrub), loquat (Eriyobotria japonica ,small tree, bears fruit

during October to march, suitable for warm temperate to subtropical climate),

panama berry (Mantingia calaburra ), white sapote (Casimiroa edulis) , java plum

(Sygygium jambolana,jamun), sea grape ( Colcolaba

uvifera) ,

D Sapodila(Achras japota) Wood apple (Aegal marmelus)


surrynam cherry ( Euginia uniflora ), persimmon (Diospyros kaki, D.

verginiana, suitable for warm temperate to subtropical climate ), canistel fruit

(Pouteria campachiana , it can tolerate water logging and it is drought tolerant also)

hog plum (Spindias mombin ), purple hog plum(Spindias perpurea) , etc are

drought tolerant fruit plant of the tropical and subtropical climate.

Trees and shrubs Of Subtropical And Tropical Region Which

Provide Vegetables :- There are many kinds of trees which provide

vegetables. Some of these valuable trees are –avocado (Persia americana, fruits are

used for making salad and vegetables, it can tolerate water logging), Engkala fruit

(Litsea sebifera ,fruits are used for making salad and vegetables like avocado),

Karil (Capparis decidua, family capparidacea, small tree without leaves, raw fruits

are used as vegetable, best

quality pickle is prepared by unripe fruits, while ripe fruits are eaten fresh which

are protein rich fruit, drought tolerant suitable for the plantation on sandy high

lands and on the edge of the farms), ghitoran (Capparis zylenica, thorny shrub, can

be used as hedge plant, even for the small cultivation, raw fruits are use for

making vegetable), durian fruit(Durio zibethinus, family- Bombacacy, different

from jack fruit family, but the fruits are very similar to that of jackfruits. Unripe

fruits are used as vegetable, while ripe fruits are of excellent test and flavor.)

,Jackfruit (Artocarpus hetrophilus, a tree, unripe fruits are used as vegetable ,while

ripe fruits are eaten fresh), bread fruit (Artocarpus altilis, unripe fruits are used for

making vegetable while matured partially ripe fruits, can be sliced like bread and

Avocado(Persia Americana) ,a


Persimmon (Diospyros kaki )


consumed after baking), persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki, a tree suitable for the

warm temperate of sub Himalayan tract to subtropical plains of Punjab, Hariyana,

Nepal, U.P., Bihar to the hills of eastern and southern India, partially ripe fruits

are used for making vegetables and chips in place of tomato, ripe fruits are eaten

fresh. The ripe fruits can be dried ,stored and consumed, timber is useful for the

furniture), velvet apple or mabolo fruit (Diospyros discolor ,high productivity ,

seed less cultivars are preferred , wood is hard like iron and are suitable for

furniture , raw fruits are used as vegetable ), Olive (Olivum europia, small tree

which caste lesser shadow, ripe fruits are used as salad and for extracting famous

olive oil. The ripe fruits can be used to mix into vegetable in place of tomato. It

requires temperate to subtropical climate, its timber is also used for making

furniture. It is need to examine the growth and fruit yield of olive in subtropical

region of Punjab, Hariyana, Nepal, U.P., Bihar to the hill region of north eastern

and southern India). The stinker bean or twisted pod bean ( Parkia speciosa large

tree , its tender pods and green seeds are used as vegetable , per tree yield 50 -100

kg beans.It can tolerate water logging, ) ,provides bean and peas like vegetable on

the tree. Tree lettuce (P. grandis alba, it can tolerate both saline and fresh water

logging ) and Mexican tree spinach or chaya (Cnidoschulus chayamansa and

Cnidoschulus aconitifolius, shrubs or small tree, it can be pruned at any height,

suitable for the plantation on the edge of agricultural farms as hedge), provide

leafy vegetable throughout the year.

Unfortunately, in India only two species of leafy vegetable amaranthus

(Amaranthus cruentus) in summer and spinach(Spinacia oleracea ),in winter is

common. But there are so many herbs which can provide leafy vegetables

throughout the year having different test and flavor. For example chicory

(Chichorium indivia), watercress (Nasturtium officenale), newzealand spinach

(Tetragonia tetragonoids), tree spinach ( Cheonopodium gigentum var. magenta),

lettuce (Letuca sativa), japani spinach( Bressica rapa ) ,corn salad ( Barbarea

verna) ,American land cress (Veleranella locusta) , rainbow card (Beta vulgaris

,leaf stalk is consumed as vegetable) , winter purslane (Montia perfoliata),

pakchoi(Bressica compestris var. pekinsis) ,leaf ginseng or water leaf (Talium

triangular) , baby spinach (Spinasia oleracea) and garland chrysanthemum

(Chrysanthemum coronarium) ,arugula(Eruca sativa) etc. are herbs, which can

provide leafy vegetables of different test and flavor .


Wolf berry (Lycium barberum, it is a shrub, fruits are eaten fresh, dry fruits

are stored and consumed. Tender leaves of the shrubs are used as leafy vegetable.

It can grow in any climate, temperate, subtropical and tropical climate. ), Sahjan

(Moringa olefera – tender leaves and pods are used as vegetable, a tree), Basana

(Sisbenia gradiflora is also a small tree. Tender leaves and young pods are used a

vegetable. The tree can be used as the support for the betel and vanilla vines. Raw

fruits of figs (Ficus carica, Ficus pometta, Ficus glomerata) and clammy cherry

(Cordia obliqua, Cordia dictoma – hindi- lasora) can be used as a vegetable.

Ficus carica (fig) is drought tolerant and it can also tolerate water logging to

some extent. It can grow in any climate, temperate, subtropical to tropical climate.

Planting 50 to 100 trees, or 100 to 200 shrubs, on the edges of agriculture

fields ,a farmer can produce about 20-60 quintal vegetable per acre annually.

Some shrubs like dwarf varieties of tree tomato (Solanum betacium

,shrubs), some species of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis, tender shoots are

consumed as vegetable and A. racemosus) provide best quality vegetables, which

can be grown on the edge of the agricultural fields.

Some species of prickly peared cactus (Opuntia ficus indica –Indian fig

cactus, thorny bush, Opuntia ellisiana, an spineless cactus, Opuntia englemanni,

which bears fruit without spines and glochides) provide not only tender paddles

for vegetable of rich in vitamins and minerals but fruits and beautiful flowers also.

Thorny species can be used as hedge plantation to protect the agricultural farms

from deer and cattles.

Fruit trees and shrubs of subtropical and tropical climate:-

In India, usually, there is no clear distinction between the subtropical and

tropical region from northern India to the south. Only some districts of Tamilnadu,

Kerla and Andaman come in to tropical region, rest of the country is either

subtropical or temperate. The mango, litchi, jambolana, guava, wood apple etc. are

grown throughout the country .Although there are more than 1000 species of fruits

for subtropical and tropical climate but unfortunately only few species are grown

as major fruit crop , most of them provide fruits in summer. We can grow more

than hundreds of best quality fruits in our gardens , and on the edge of the


agricultural farms and side by the roads, railways, canals and drains to get many

kind of fruits of different test and flavor, throughout the year. Some of the

important fruits are following:

(a)Perennial vines- Many varieties of grapes (Vitis vinifera, the green grapes, blue

grapes and California red grapes, all seed less varieties), passion fruit (Passiflora

edulis), kewe fruit (Acdinia deleciosa, fruit is eaten fresh or used as salad, requires

warm temperate to subtropical climate), and tree tomato (Solanum betacium, fruit

is used as vegetable) etc. require support to climb, or a rectangular frame work to

creep on it . So-shang fruits (Elaegnus latifolia , semiclimbing shrub or vine ,

suitable for warm temperate and sub tropical climate) is suitable for plantation

along the trees of canals ,railways and roadside plantation for dense packing.

(b)Shrubs and small fruit trees:- There are many fruit bearing shrubs and small

trees which are more suitable for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural

farms, even for the small cultivation because it caste smaller shadow. Some of the

valuable plants are –

Natal plums (Carissa spinarum, Carissa grandiflora, Carissa macrocarpa, family-

Apocynacea, large shrub or small tree, suitable for the hedge), Kamini (Murraya

exotica, family Rutacea, fruit bearing shrub with scented flowers), Kamquat

(Citrus japonica), sweet lemon (Citrus limettioides), sweet orange (Citrus sinensis

–musammi),orange (Citrus reticulata), large sweet orange (Citrus maxima,hindi-

chakotara), monkey orange (Strychnos spinosa ,small tree or large shrub,suitable

for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms on sandy high lands and in

Governers plum( Flacourtea


Loquat (Eriyobotria japonica)


the dry regions of the country), Ceylon goose berry (Dovyalis hebecarpa,Dovyalis

abyssinica), pomegranate (Punica granatum), pear melon (Solanum muricatum-

pepino , fruits are used as fruit salad, shrubs ,suitable for the plantation on the

edge of the agricultural farms) ,barbedose cherry (Malpighia emerginata,

Malpighea glabra, suitable for the hedge), Surinam cherry (Euginia uniflora,

suitable for the hedge on the edge of the farms),pitangatuba (Eugenia neonitida ),

loquat (Eriyobotria japonica, small tree) ,large custard apple or cherrymoya

(Rollinia deliciosa), custard apple (Anona squamosa), Ximehia fruit (Ximehia

armenica , drought tolerant), dwarf varieties of marian plum or plum mango

(Bouea burmanica), dwarf varieties of mango (Mangifera indica var. amrapali etc),

guava (Psidium gujava), straberry guava (Psidium littrale) , rose apple or

gulabjamun (Sugygim jambose) ,malaya apple (Sygygium malaccanes),wax apple

(Sygygium samarengesne, it can tolerate water logging to some extent), water

apple (Sugygium aqueum, it can tolerate water logging), mangosteen (Garcinia

mangostana, Garcinia dulcis, Garcinia intermedia – lemon drop mangosteen,

Garcinia cowa) , Indian zujube or ber (Ziziphus jujube) , governor’s plum

(Flacourtia jangomas ,Flocourtia indica, Flacourtia inermis,),figs (Ficus carica,

Ficus palmeta, Ficus glomerata), titari (Rhus sinesis, Rhus masurensis, Rhus

punjabensis-drought tolerant), bread fruit (Artocarpus altilis), and peelu fruit

(Salvadora oleodice-drought tolerant, timber is useful for furniture), wampi fruit

(Clausena lansium medium, sized tree with scented flowers, especially suitable for

subtropical climate), chines bay berry (Myrica rubra, suitable for the warm

temperate to subtropical climate), Chinese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta , hindi-

nashpati, suitable for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms in the

warm temperate to subtropical climate ,it can tolerate water logging to some

extent), velvet apple or mabolo fruit(Diospyros balncoi ,high productivity , seed

less cultivars are preferred , wood is hard like iron and are suitable for furniture ,

raw fruits are used as vegetable ), namaqua fruit (Diospyros ramulosa for sweet

fruits , larg shrub or small tree ,drought tolerant,) , monkey plum (Diospyros

lycoids, shrub ) ,African meddler fruit (Vangueria infausta, one of the best fruit of

Africa, which can be eaten fresh or can be dried and stored,) etc.


©Large fruit trees:- There are many species of fruit trees, which can be

cultivated in garden or it can be planted side by the roads , railways, canals and

drains, or in the forest and barren lands. Some of the important species are mango

(Mangifera indica and other species of the same genus Mangifera pantendra,M.

caesia, M. kamanga, Mangifera torquendo etc,), african mango (Irvingia

gabonensis , fruits are edible, besides edible seeds, the seeds are much precious

like almond which are fatty and proteineous, a single tree can produce only seeds

of worth 300US$ annually. It can tolerate water logging to some extent. It’s

timber is suitable for making furniture . It requires mango like soil and climatic

condition ,of tropical and sub tropical climate.) ,litchi ( Nephelium litchi

),longanfruit ( Nephelium longana ) rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum, a very

beautiful species of litchi) , malaya plum or jampolana ( Sygygium cumini ,jamun)

, lang sat fruit (Lansium domesticum,), jackfruit ( Artocarpus hetrophilus) ,wood

apple or bel ( Aegle mormelus), buchnan mango (Buchnania angustifolia ,hindi-

buchnan aam), golden apple or hog plum (Mangefera dulsis, it can grow in water

logged places) ,hog plum (Mangifera mombin) , purple hog plum (Mangifera

perpuria ) ,star fruit or carambola ( Avorrhoa carambala, it can grow in water

logged places),burmes grape fruit or lathua (Baccauria sepida and many species of

the same genus ,Baccaurea dulcis, ,Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea macrocarpa,

Baccaurea angulata, Baccaurea parviflora etc ,all these species can tolerate water

logging to some extent ,suitable for road side plantation), sapodilla (Achras

japota,hindi-chikoo) ,white sapote fruit (Casimiroa edulis), santole fruit

Malaya apple (Sygygium


Wax apple (Sygygium samarengens)


(Sandoricum kaetzap), safou fruit (Dacryodes edulis, excellent source of oil and

protein ,one acre garden can produce about 3 to 4 ton edible oil, timber is useful

for the furniture, large tree), mayan breadnut(Brosimum alicastrum, nuts are rich

source of starch ,protein ,vitamins and minerals, high productivity, large tree, a

single tree can bear nuts up to 400 to1000 kg , drought tolerant ,it can provide

food security for the huge population , the wood is useful for the furniture) ,

sherbet tree (Dialium schlechteri, for sweet blue colored fruit, the wood is useful

for the furniture), purple star apple (Chrysophyllum canito, requires well drainage

soil ), sweet star apple (Chrysophyllum auratum) ,abiu fruit (Pouteria caimito

,sapodilla like fruits, suitable for the warm and moist climate of tropics, timber is

suitable for furniture), mammy sapote fruit(Pouteria sapota, provides best quality

timber for furniture, requires well drainage soil with regular irrigation, large tree) ,

borojo fruit (Alibertia patinoi ,it requires warm and humid climate, but it can

tolerate brief frost also), araz fruit (Eugenea stipitata) ,sun drop fruit (Eugenea

victoriana),giant lau-lau fruit (Eugenia megacarpa) , Kapuyuku fruit( Theobroma

grandiflorum ,suitable for the regions of heavy rainfall) , persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki ,

and D. verginiana,requires warm temperate to subtropical climate, timber is useful

for furniture and Diospyros discolour- a fruit bearing tree provides best quality

hard and strong timber like iron, requires sub tropical to tropical climate). Some of

the large trees like persimmons, wild star fruit (Baccaurea angulata) ,sundrop fruit

(Eugenea victoriana) etc can be grown on the edge of the agricultural farms with

regular branch cutting and trimming.

African mango (Irvingia

gabonansis) Plum mango (Bouea burmanica)


(d)Nuts- There are many trees of tropical and subtropical climate which

provide nuts , which are rich sources of protein , fats , vitamins and minerals.

Some important nuts are- cashewnut (Anacardium occidental ), African mango or

dika fruit ( Irvingia gabonansis family- irvingiacea , its ripe fruits are eaten fresh ,

it’s seeds resembling like mango seeds contain protein and fat , which are edible

and precious like almond ,it requires, same soil and climatic condition as that of

the mango ), pistachio (Pistachia vera , it can grow in any climate , temperate

,subtropical and tropical ,on any soil with well drainage facility, temperature

hardiness is – 10ºc to+48ºc, drought tolerant , it can produce 20 kg to 50 kg nuts

per tree annually ), cuddapan almond (Terminalia kattappa , hindi-desibadam)

,chirongi (Buchnania lanzan), cut nut (Barringtonia edulis, small tree ),andean

walnut (Jaglans neotropica ,requires temperate to subtropical climate, which can

be grown in the planes of northern india and hill region of north-eastern and

southern india ,including temperate himalyas. It’s timber is useful for the furniture.

It is suitable for the plantation ,side by the canals , roads and railways . It is a

larger tree ), baru fruit (Dipterix alata , fruit pulp is sweet and edible, while seeds

are proteineous and fatty and precious like almond , single tree can bear 150 kg

fruits besides 7-8 kg almond.),mayan breadnut(Brosimum alicastrum, nuts are rich

source of starch ,protein ,vitamins and minerals, high productivity, a single tree can

bear nuts up to 400 to1000 kg , drought tolerant ,it can provide food security for

the huge population timber is useful for the furniture) ,etc.

It is need to carry out research on beech nut (Fagus sylvatica ) and chest nut

(Castanea sativa ,rich source of carbohydrates) in subtropical plains of Panjab ,

U.P., Bihar ,Nepal ,Hariyana , hill region of north-eastern and southern India .

There are so many fruits of temperate or warm temperate region which can

be grown in sub tropical regions of the plains of northern India, for example-

plums (Prunus bokarensis), caupling cherry (Prunus cerotina ) ,japani raisin

(Hovenia dulsis, timber is useful for furniture) , persimmon (Diospyros kaki ),

chinese bay berry (Myrica rubra), naspati (Pyros pyrifolia variety culta), white

mulberry (Morus alba), fig (Ficus carica), pistachio, andean walnut, olive, wolf

berry shrub, blue berry shrub etc. It is need to carry out research on these various

plants in sub tropical part of the whole world like India, Nepal, Bhutan ,Pakistan,

Bangladesh and Shrilanka etc., and in whole world of subtropical climate. Nature


has given, thousands of valuable fruits, timber, and spices providing multipurpose

trees for every climate. Fortunately, India has all kinds of climatic conditions. Here

is desert climate of Thar -Rajsthan, temperate and alpine climate in the Himalayan

region, and temperate climate in the hills of southern India ,while tropical climate

is available in Andaman and Nicobar islands, Tamilnaldu and kerala states. It is

need to carry out research on, different species of valuable and multipurpose trees

which provide, fruits, vegetables, spices, medicines, perfumes and commercial

products like wax, resins gums, tannin etc.

(e)Pickle providing trees:-Unripe fruits of mango (Mangifera indica), Hog plum

or amda (Mangifera pinnata), ripe or unripe fruits of golden apple or hog plums

(Mangifera dulsis, Mangifera mombin, Mangifera purpuria-purple hog plum),

elephant apple or parmal or chalta (Dilenia indica),unripe or sour fruits of star fruit

(Avorrhoa carambola), chines bay berry (Myrica rubra) ,barbedose cherry

(Malpigia emerginata, and M. glabra), lime (Citrus medica), kamquat(Citrus

japonica) ,caranda (Carissa caranda) ,kamini (Murraya exotica), Indian goose berry

(Philanthus acidus),myrobalan (Embilica officenalis),bilimbi fruit (Averrhoa

bilimbi ) ,etc are used in making pickles. Best quality pickles are prepared by the

raw fruits of karil (Capparis decidua) and tender shoots of bomboo (Bomboosa


(f)Gum providing trees :- Clammy cherry or lasora (Cordia dictoma, Cordia

obliqua ) etc provide fine quality gum. Many species of acacia (Acacia senegal,

Acacia furnansiana, Acacia fragrance) provide best quality gum, which is used in

industry, medicine and making tooth pest etc.

(g)Trees and shrubs of medicinal value :-Zinko (Zinkobiloba, requires warm

temperate to subtropical climate, medicines of commercial worth is prepared by

the extract of the leaves.) , Myrobalan or amala (Embilica officinalis), harad

(Terminalia chebula, fruits are used in constipitation and stomach disorders,

purgative) ,baheda (Terminalia belerica) ,jamal ghota (Croton tigllium ,seeds and

seed oil is used as purgative ) , ephidra (Ephidra officenalis ,it requires temperate

to subtropical climate ,famous medicine ephedrine is extracted from the stem

which is used in cough. ) etc.

(h)Spices providing trees and shrubs:- There are many spices providing trees of

subtropical to tropical climate . It is need to carry out research on various spices in

different climatic condition . Some of the valuable spices are clove (Sygygium

aromaticum requires tropical to subtropical climate of well drainage soil

condition , small tree ,flowers twice in a year ,yields 20 to 35 kg dry cloves


annually, suitable for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural fields , 100 trees

per acre can be planted on the edge of the fields ), Indian cassia (Cinamamum

tamla –tejpatta and Cinamomum aromaticum ) ,cinamon (Cinamomum zylenicum

dalchini ) , Nutmeg (Myristica fragrance , Jaiphal and javitri ) ,all spice (Pimenta

dioica ,green berries are dried and used as spice ,small tree ,requires sub tropical

or tropical climate, suitable for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms

), Carolina all spice ( Calicanthus floridus ,shrub , requires warm temperate to

subtropical climate etc. Some of the small trees and shrubs like cloves, Indian

cassia , nutmeg ,allspice ( Pimenta dioica) and carolina all spice , can be planted on

the edge of agricultural farms , that will result in huge production of spices. This

will lead to cheaper spices . More over net profit of the farmers will increase

without extra investment . The plants on the edge of the field, will grow on the

water and fertilizer of the crop of the whole farm.

(i)Palms:- There are many important species in palm (arecacea ) family , which

grow in subtropical and tropical climate . These palms caste lesser shadow and are

useful for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms .Some of the

important palms are :-

Palmira palm (Borses flabelifer, palm juice is tapped from flower stalk ) ,toddy

palm ( Caryota urens , for palm juice ), coconut ( Coccus nucifera ) , oil palm and

red oil palm (Elais guinansis , provides edible oil and oil for the biodiesel and soap

industry ,very productive tree,it bears fruits from 6th

year from plantation up to 60

years ), acai palm(Euterpe oleracea , for nutritious fruits),snake fruit palm (Salacca

zalacca , fruits are tasty and sweet, the palm tree attains height up to 6 meter),

carnauba palm (Copernicia centifera, provides about 10 kg wax per tree annually

from the leaves), date palm (Phoenix ductilifera, provides dates about 10 kg to 45

kg per tree annually, bears fruit from 4th

year after plantation if the plant is

confined by the suckers, emerged from the roots of the mother plant, some

varieties can grown in temperate region of subhimalyan tract , up to 2000 meter

elevation), wild date (Phoenix sylvastrix) , pind palm (Beautea capatita , fruits are

edible , attains height up to 6 meter, suitable for warm temperate to sub tropical

climate), peach palm (Bactris gasipaes – fruits are used as grain, suitable for the

subtropical and tropical climate) etc.


50 to 100 palm trees can be grown on the edge of the agricultural farms. 100 trees

of date palm can produce average 20 to 30 quintal dates annually besides 20 to 30

quintal leaf stalk which can be used in production of pulp and paper. The palms are

best carbon sink ,which binds CO2 in it. Leaf stalk of these palms can be used in

making pulp and paper, more over the palms provide shelter for many birds.

Many species of palms can be planted, side by the village joining rural roads.

These palms can be planted, 10 to15 meter apart ,on both the sides of the rural

roads. Between the palm trees, we can grow many kinds of useful flowers like

Dates :production up to 45 kg Coconut ( Cocus nucifera) in U.P.

Palmira palm (Borses flabelifer)

on the edge of the farm

Date(Phoenix ductilefera),bears

fruits from 4th year after plantation


prickly peared cactus (Opuntia ellisiana, a spineless cactus, Opuntia ficus indica,

Opuntia englemanni , these cactus provide ,fruits ,vegetables and beautiful

flowers), yellow pitaya (Selenicereus megalanthus for sweet and tasty fruits),

peruvian apple cactus (Cereus peruvianus for sweet and tasty fruits), golden barrel

cactus (Achinocactus species), (Yucca baccata including banana yucca- Yucca

scidinger ,drought tolerant, raw fruits and roots are used as vegetable) , pear melon

(Solanum muricatum- pepino , fruit bearing shrubs) , drought tolerant varieties of

aloe (Aloe barbarae, Aloe barbedensis, Aloe polyphylla etc.), Tulip (Tulip species),

Merry gold (Tazetus erectus), Jeruslem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus , tuber is

used as vegetable) , corn poppy (Papaver rhoes) ,california poppy (Eschscholzia

california), narcissus (Narcissus tazetta-nargish), Maidona lily (Lilium cardidum),

Day jasmin (Cestrum diurnum), Night jasmin (Certrum nocturnum), Rubarb

(Rheum rhaponticum and Rheum rhabarum) ,dwarf species of tree tomato

(Solanum sessiflorum and Solanum muricatum) etc. This way the rural roads can

be developed in to a productive and beautiful roads.

(j)Ornamental And Shade Providing Trees: There are so many ornamental and

beautiful species of trees , which can be planted along with fruit trees side by the

roads ,railways ,canals etc.. These tree provide not only timber for pulp and paper

industry ,but a green and colorful scenery also . Some of the important ornamental

trees are following:

Coral tree (Erithrina variegata ,for beautiful red flowers, its variety orientalis

provides edible pods for vegetable in delta region of Bengal) , java cassia (Cassia

javanica for pink flowers) ,Ghost fruit cassia (Cassia grandice , for pink flowers ,

wood is also useful for furniture), torch trees or Ixora (Ixora parviflora hindi

Rukmini, scented flowers timber is also useful for furniture) ,Geiger tree (Cordia

dodecandra for orange flowers , wood is also useful for furniture), Kanakchampa

(Pterospermum acerefolium ,family steroculacea, for yellow scented flowers),

golden champa (Mycolia champaca) ,wampe fruit (Clausena lansium for scented

white flowers besides fruits ) , red bottle brush (Callistemon laceolatus) ,Korean

dogwood tree (Cornus kausa , for beautiful flowers of pink, red and white colors,

suitable for warm temperate to sub tropical climate ),semal(Ceiba bombax family

bombacacea for red flowers) , kapok(Pantendra ceiba ,white semal, for white

flowers, provides fibrous floss for stuffing pillow ,cushion etc) ,amaltas (Cassia

fistula, for yellow flowers) , goldmohr (Delonix regia, family ceasalpiniacea)

kachnar or mountain eboney (Bauhinia veriegata, white flowers, the tender leaves,


flowers, buds are eaten as vegetable), malbar mountain ebony or Amli (Bauhinia

malabarica, tender seeds and leafy tips are used as vegetable), Lal kachnar

(Bauhina perpurea), kachnal (Bauhinia racemosa, flower buds and fruits are eaten

as vegetable), stinker bean (Parkia speciosa ,tender pods and green seeds are used

as vegetable) ,flame of forest (Beautea monosperma, for beautiful red flowers,

hindi-Dhak, palas, Tesu etc, Lac insect are tamed on the branch of the this tree),

lilipily (Sygygium cascade, for pink flowers, fruits are edible, small tree) , baobab

(A. grandidieri, bottle tree), etc.

We do not say that we should not plant manila tamrind (Mimosa dulcis –

Jangal jalebi) , pride of India (Melia azadirach – Bakain) , eucalypltus (Eucalyptus

globulus), gutel (Trewia nudiflora) ,elephant apple or kaith (Feronia limonia), etc

on the barren lands and side by the roads, railways, canals, drains and streams etc.

. But plantation of only few species of lesser importance is not proper. There are

more than thousands of species which provide fruits, nuts, vegetables, gum, resine,

medicine, beautiful flowers and timber for furniture etc. Therefore we should plant

many kinds of trees and shrubs in all over our country and in all over the world

too. That will reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide and will solve the problem of

global warming. It will provide enormous biological diversity , shelter for many

birds and animals, fruits ,nuts vegetables, gum , resins , timber for furniture and

pulp and paper. By the sustained and well planned plantation , the world will

become colorful , beautiful and prosperous.

Barbados cherry(M. emerginata) Surinam cherry(Eugenia uniflora)


Fruit trees and shrubs of especially subtropical region :-Although most of the tropical fruits can be grown in subtropical regions . But here

are some fruits ,which are especially suitable for the subtropical region . These

fruits are- mango (Mangefera indica ) , plum mango (Bouea burmenica ,dwarf

varieties are suitable for the plantation on the edge of the agricultural farms ),

african mango (Irvingia gabonansis ), buchnan mango (Buchnania angustifolia ),

santol fruit (Sandoricum kaetzap), many species of litchi (Nephelium litchi ,

Nephelium longana ,Nephelium mutabile, Nephelium lappacium –a beautiful

species of litchi ), jambolana (Sygygium jambolana ), wood apple (Aegal marmelus

), large custard apple (Rollinia deleciosa ), sun drop fruit (Euginia victoriana ),

lemon drop mangosteen ( Garcinia intermedia ), governer`s plum ( Flacourtia

jangomas , Flacourtia indica etc ), wampi fruit (Clausana lansium), Chinese date

plum or Indian zuzube (Zyziphus zuzube), barbedose cherry (Malpighia

emerginata , M. glabra ,shrub), carambola (Avorrhoa carambola ), surinam

cherry ( Euginia uniflora ) , guava ( Psidium guava ), fijoa (Fijoa sellowiana,

guava like small tree ), water apple (Sygygium aquem ) , giant lau-lau fruit

(Euginia megacarpa) ,avocado (Persia americana ) , wild star fruit (Baccaurea

angulata and many other species of the same genus B. macrocarpa, B. parviflora ,

B. dulcis, B. sepida etc,), species of hog plums ( Spindias mombin, S. dulcis , S.

catherea ,S. perpurea –purple hog plum) , natal plum (Carissa macrocarpa , C.

grandiflora , C. spinarum ), peelu friut (Salvedora oleodice ), purple star apple

(Crysophylum canito ), sapodilla (Achras japota), mamy sapote (Pouteria sapota

,large tree, requires time to time irrigation ,timber is suitable for furniture ), white

sapote ( Casimiroa edulis ),and many other species of fruits like peanut butter fruit

(Bunchosia argentea , B. armenica ), jaboticaba (Myrcearea cauliflora ,M. dubia

,M. vextor,M. floribunda etc ), panama berry (Mantingia calaburra ), Brazilian

cherry (Euginia brasilensis ), black sapote (Diospyros nigra) etc.. Some fruits of

warm temperate region also fruiten well in subtropical condition . These fruit

species are loquat (Eryobotria japonica ), fig (Ficus carica) , chines pear(Pyrus

pyrifolia var.culta –nashpati), persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki , D. verginiana

),princes persimmon(Diospyros rhombifolia,small tree ), coupling cherry (Prunus

cerotina ),alubukhara (Prunus bokarensis), chines bay berry(Myrica rubra),

pistachio (Pistacia vera ), Andean walnut (Jaglans neotropica), japanes raisine


(Hovenia dulsis ), pind palm or jelly palm (Beautea capatita ) etc are suitable for

the plantation in sub tropical climate.

Plantation in aquatic ecosystem :- There are many valuable and beautiful

aquatic plants which provide immense beauty to the aquatic ecosystem. Some

aquatic plants are lotus (Nilumbo nucifera-lal kamal ) ,yellow lotus (Nilambo lutea

–family nymphacea ), blue lotus (Nymphea stallata- nil kamal ) , white lotus

(Nymphea pubscens ), scented water lily (Nymphea ordorata, beautiful flowers in

many coulors , red, yellow ,orange and white,national flower of ShriLanka) ,

colorful water lily (Nymphea cultivar and Nymphea panama ,available in various

colours red , pink, yellow ,blue etc ) , gaint water lily( Victoria amazonica), goran

nut or makhana (Euryale ferox, seeds are roasted and eaten ) and trappa or chest

nut (Trapa natans--Hindi singhara seeds are eaten after boiling.) etc. .These above

described herbs , can be grown in the drains, ponds and water reservoirs etc to

beautify them .

Rendering animals with fruits gardening:-

Rendering animals requires space and there is, a lot of space in between the two

rows of the fruit trees ,in the garden. If we make shelters for rendering animals

like Partridge and Pheasants, chicken , gees(in shelter), Turkey, Emu, goats and

buffalos etc., the shade of the fruit trees will protect them from heat in summer.

The grass grown in the garden, where sun light reaches at the ground, will provide

extra feed to the live stock . It is better to the grow bamboo fence around the

garden to protect the fruit trees and live stock, and to avoid extra care of watching.

Colourful water lily (Nyphea cultivar)


There are so many varieties of bamboo which make a dense fence /hedge . It is

need to avail seeds and nursery of bamboos for the fence. This way, large scale

rendering will be possible along with fruit gardening. That will lead to surplus

production of meat ,wool ,leather and milk , that will provide infinite possibility of

employment in production, processing, transport and marketing . If we want to

become a developed country ,the government should have priority to invest money

in productive works like plantation , fishery and rendering live stock, by

providing loans for rendering live stock and developing infra structure like roads ,

canals etc. ; afterwards in nonproductive works like eradication of poverty ,feed

supplement against malnutrition and subsidy on food grains etc. If it is accepted,

production will increase manifold , more over it will provide a lot of employment.

The income of the common people will increase, then they will be able to pay

more taxes and afterward they won’t need government’s subsidy in future . In this

way the government will be able to invest money in non productive works.

Economic Importance of the Plantation:-

If we plant useful and valuable trees and shrubs on the edge of the

agricultural farms, we shall be able to plant trees at very large scale.

We can plant 100 to 150 shrubs and 50 to 100 lesser shadowy small trees on

the edge of the farms per acre. Medium sized trees like, jack fruits, chines bay

berry, wampi fruit, purple star apple, carambola, persimmons, japani raisine, and

large trees like jambolana, teak ,siris, silver oak etc can be planted with regular

branch cutting and pruning. The medium sized trees should be planted about 1

meter to 1.5 meter interior in the field from the edge and 3 to 4 m apart, such that

there should no harm to the neighboring farms, necessary pruning is required to

avoid harms to the neighbors.

The government should establish high-tech modern nurseries and tissue

culture centers in each district of the country to avail all kinds of plants which can

grow in that district.

If organized private sector companies jump in to the nursery industries, the

farmers/common people can get their desired plants for the plantation, but the

government should play a role of catalyst to attract and promote private sector

companies in to this field .


If organized private sector companies ,avail desired nurseries to the farmers

at the cheaper rate, the business is not unprofitable. If a farmer buys 100 saplings

of high quality date palms (Phoenix ductilifera , sapling is taken from the succors

emerged from the mother plant, which bears fruits from 4th

year ) , at the rate of

50 rupees (about 1 USD per plant,) he can produce minimum about 1000 – 2000

kg dates (about 10-20kg dates per tree), from the 6th

year of the plantation, at the

edge of the agricultural farms. It will provide about 60 thousands to 1 lack rupees

(1000-2000USD) earning annually, and that will be continued in next years. In the

country, where every year more than 500 thousand people die of hunger , more

than 200 million people take inadequate meal or take the meal only once in a day,

there is much importance of the high yielding date palms.

Similarly if a farmer grows 100 trees of guava per acre at the edge of his

agricultural farms, he would produce about 8000 kg to 10000 kg guava fruits at the

rate of 80 to 100 kg per tree. That will provide about 80 thousands to 1 lack rupees

about (1300-2000 USD) annually.

If a south Indian farmer grows 100 trees of cloves (Sygygium aromaticum)

small tree, lesser shadowy, yields 20 to 35 kg dry cloves annually ) ,on the edge of

his agricultural farms, it can produce about 2000 kg or, 20 quintal cloves resulting

4 lack rupees (about 8000 USD), annual income.

If a farmer grows 50-60 avocado trees (Persia American, fruits are used for

making vegetables and salad , average 40 -80 kg per tree annual production after

pruning and branch cutting, It can be grown in water logged paddy fields), at the

edge of his paddy fields, he can produce about 30-60 quintals avocado fruits

resulting 40 thousands to 1 lack rupees income (1000 -2000 USD) annually.


If a farmer grows 60 to 100 trees of black sapote (Diospyros nigra ,dwarf varieties

are suitable for the plantation on the edge of agricultural farms ,it can grow in

water logged places , it can tolerate drought for 5-6 month period ) per acre ,on

the edge of his waterlogged paddy fields, he will produce about 50 to100 quintal

black sapote fruits annually, which will result in ,about 3-8 lack rupees earning at

the rate of 50-100 rupees per kg fruits.

Similarly, if a farmer grows 50 to 60 carambola trees per acre, on the edge of his

paddy fields, he will produce about 50 quintal star fruits annually, which will result

in about 3 lack rupees earning at the rate of 60 rupees per kg fruits.

But, if that farmer grows only grain crops (wheat and rice) in his whole farms, that

will yield only average 12 quintal wheat and about 20 quintal paddy per acre, in

case of fine crop. That will yield total 35,000 rupees (600 USD) total income and

only about 20,000 rupees net profit.

If a farmer invest his money in buying bonds like Kishan Vikas Patra he can

earn only double (10,000 rupees from 5,000 rupees, the investment cost of 100

saplings) in 7 years. No share providing company can provide such a huge return,

as the plants grown on the edge of the agricultural farms provide. It is unfortunate

that , being an agriculture oriented country, more than 75% population is

malnourished. More than half of the population is living under poverty, and more

than half of the population is suffering from unemployment.

Black sapote (Diospyros nigra) Wild star fruit (Baccaurea angulata)


Only three billion useful fruit trees planted, side by the roads, railways, canals,

drains, streams and on the barren lands, can produce minimum half kg fruits per

head per day, throughout the year after feeding birds ,monkeys, jackals ,squirrels


Six billion small trees and shrubs planted on the edge of the agricultural

farms can produce 1 kg fruits per head per day to the 1.2 billion population of the

country. Only three billion trees and shrubs like avocado ,Sisbania grandiflora,

jack fruit, bread fruit , persimmons and prickly peared cactus etc can provide

minimum ½ kg green vegetables per head per day to the 1.2 billion population.

If we grow only 50 trees per acre on the edge of agricultural fields, we shall

be able to grow 25 billion small trees and shrubs in merely 20 lack square

kilometer of the country , out of 32 lacks square kilometer total area. Only three

billion coconut tree, grown as road side trees, on the rural roads, can provide one

coconut daily to each person of 1.2 billion population. Similarly, only 3 billion

date palms, can produce 100-200 gram dates per day per head for the 1.2 billion

population. Three billion date palms can produce 60 million ton dates, similarly

four billion trees of peach palm (fruits can be used in place of wheat),can produce

30 million ton peach palm. Similarly only one billion oil palms can produce about

10 million ton edible oil. That is necessary for the food security of the huge

population of the country.

If we want to make our country in to a well developed country, we shall

grow useful plants and valuable trees, shrubs and even useful grasses, on the

every patch of the land, throughout the country. This mean, if we want to become

a well developed country, even shrubs and the grasses should be grown useful.

By the help of students, NCC cadets, P.A.C and army personals, and by the

help of the public work departments and social workers, we can plant useful and

multipurpose grasses, shrubs and trees on every patch of barren lands at large


If effective measures are being taken, the harmful plants like parthinium

(Parthinium histoporous), Bhang (Cannobis sativa) , argimone (Argimone

mexicana), grown on the roads, railway tracks and canals, can be replaced by

useful grasses and shrubs like geranium (Geranium spc.) , citrinella grass


(Cymbopogon nordus), lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) , vetever (Vetevaria

zaiziodice), marzoram (Marzorana hortensis), methi neem or curry leaf (Murrya

coeingi),Kamini (Murrya exotica-fruits are edible, ornamental shrubs possessing

white scented flowers), natal plum (Carrissa spinarum suitable for hedge , Carrissa

grandiflora, carrissa macrocarpa, shrub or small tree, suitable for the hedge, fruits

are edible, drought tolerant), lemonade berry (Rhus intergrifolia, drought tolerant

flower and fruit bearing shrub), fire bush (Hemelia patens, for beautiful flowers)

,blue berry (Vaccinium myrtyllus and Vccinium corymbosom, fruit bearing shrubs

, flood tolerant), species of cactus which possess beautiful flowers and provide

fruits, vegetables etc. like prickly peared cactus (Opuntia ficus indica, fruit bearing

thorny shrub, which can be used as hedge plant, the hedge is deer resistant ,useful

in combating with neelgai, drought tolerant, requires well drainage soil, tender

paddles are used as nutritious vegetable, Opuntia ellisianca-spineless cactus,

possesses white, red, yellow and orange colored flowers and useful like other

opuntia, Opuntia engelmanni , all are drought tolerant, can be grown in warm

temperate to tropical climate), brain cactus (Neowerdermannia vorworkie –stems

and tap roots are used as vegetable, drought tolerant), dragon fruit (Hylocereus

undatus ,vine cacti ), yellow pitaya (Selenicereus megalanthus ,vine cacti),

peruvian apple cactus (Cereus peruvianus for sweet and tasty fruits ,shrub) ,

,golden barrel cactus (Achinocactus species), fish hook barrel cactus ( like

Ferrocactus pylosus, Ferrocactus wisealizeni), drought tolerant varieties of aloe

(Aloe barbarae, Aloe barbedensis, Aloe polyphylla etc), pera do campo(Eugiana

klozschiana ,shrub, fruits are slightly sour and are used in making jam, jelly etc)

,yucca (Yucca baccata ,roots and fruits are used as vegetable ,drought tolerant)

,rubarb ( Rheum rhabarbarum ,Rheum rhaponticum-leaf and leaf stalk are used in

making vegetables and sweets, jams etc), giant swamp taro (Crytosperma species,

rhizome is used as vegetable, grows usually in water logged places), asparagus

(Asparagus offiicenalis-tender shoots are used as vegetable , A. racemosus, A.

adscendens etc), giant reed (Arundo donax, it can grow in water logged places) etc.

These grasses and shrubs can be grown on both the sides of railway tracks.


By planting trees and shrubs, according to the above described manners, we shall

be able to produce surplus fruits, vegetables, spices, oil and wax etc. That will

provide food security to the huge population of the country. Surplus and cheaper

production will lead to cheaper fruits, vegetables, spices and other agro products.

This will enhance the purchasing power of the common man. That will also lead to

rise in the value of currency in the international market. This will help in

combating with price rise of consumer products and trade deficit due to

devaluation of currency . Surplus consumption of fruits will result in to lesser

requirement of grains/cereals. Some of the fruits can be dried and consumed in

place of grains/cereals.

Fruit bearing Opuntia ficus indica Paddles of opuntia –a vegetable

Dought tolerant species of aloe Beautiful flowers of prickly peared



The trees and shrubs grown on the edge of the agricultural farms will

produce 30 to 60 quintal (3000kg-6000kg) fruits, that will provide about 10 to 20

quintals dry fruits.

The dry fruits of grapes (dry fruit – kismiss or raisin), sweet cherry (Prunus

avium), cherry plum (Prunus domesticus and Prunus bokarensis), armenica plum

(Prunus armenica), medlar fruit (Mespilus germanica) ,cauplin cherry (Prunus

cerotina), blue berry (Vaccinium myrtyllus ,Vaccinium corymbosom), wolf berry

(Lycium barberum), Japanese raisin (Hovenia dulsis) ,figs (Ficus carica, Ficus

palmeta, Ficus glomerata), jaboticaba (Myrcearia cauliflora and other species),

Jamaica cherry or panama berry (Mantingia calaburra), governors plum (Flacourtia

indica and other species), Wampi fruit (Clausena lansium), titary (Rhus

punjabensis and R. masurensis etc.), Barbados cherry(Malpighia emerginata ,M.

glabra ) ,natal plums (Carrissa spinarum C. grandiflora, C. macrocarpa), African

meddler fruit (Vangueria infausta) ,ximehia fruit (Ximehia armenica), peelu fruit

(Salvadora oleoides), miswak fruit (Salvadora persica) ,persimone fruit (Diospyros

kaki, Diospyros verginiana), pind palm fruit (Beautea capatita), dates (Phoenix

ductilefera) and all nuts can be used as food to combat with hunger, in place of


Don’t you think, If you have no bread, why don’t you eat kissmiss , raisins

and almonds.

Please come! Let us bring a new revolution.


Relation Between ,the Human Heath Vs fruits and green vegetables :-

Two third population of the developing countries is suffering from

malnutrition. Symptoms due to deficiency of vitamins are usually seen in these

countries especially in poor families. Some of the common diseases due to

deficiency of vitamins are berry-berry, hair fall, pellagra (black spot on the

palms and hands), cracking of lips, is caused by deficiency of vitamin B

complexes, Swelling and bleeding of tooth gums , tearing off the skin at the

nails, rough and dry hairs, is caused by deficiency of vitamin C ,

Xeropthalmia (Swelling and roughness of eye brows) , thickening of the skin ,

rough and dry hairs , fragileness of bones (Oesteoporosis) is caused by the

deficiency of vitamin A , dryness of skin and bending of bones (rickets) is

caused by deficiency of vitamin D.

Fresh fruits and green vegetables are the rich sources of vitamins

and minerals. Regular consumption of fresh fruits and green vegetables

protect us from deficiency of these vitamins and minerals. Usually it is

seen that some people have bad habit to take multi vitamin tablets and

capsules instead of taking fresh fruits and green vegetable to full fill the

requirements of vitamins . Regular intake of multi vitamins tablets affects

badly on the absorptive power of the intestine. It deteriorates the

absorptive power due to high concentration of vitamins. Vitamins and mineral

are often absorbed by the crushing and grinding of the food during the

digestion process . High concentrations of vitamins and minerals also

increases the decay rate of vitamins and minerals from the body .

Sometimes the person observe deficiency of vitamins just after he leave off

the multivitamin capsules. Taking vitamins in form of tablets and

capsules is also harmful in other ways .For example over intake of vitamin A,

in form of retinol capsules, causes Osteoporosis (fragileness of bones), but over

intake of vitamin A in form of beta carotene which is taken from fruits and

vegetable has no any harmful effect on the body .Beta carotene does not show any

harmful effect,

when accumulated in body tissues and cells . It can easily decay, when there is

high concentration in the body.


The minerals like Mg++


,K+ etc present in the fruits and green

vegetables ,maintain the turgidity of the cells and regulate many bio chemical

reactions. Therefore , regular intake of fruits and green vegetables maintain the

face and skin. Moreover, the pigments found in colorful fruits and nuts etc. work as

antioxidants, which neutralize the carcinogen free radicals and ultraviolet

radiations. Thus pigment found in colorful fruits, nuts and vegetables protect us

from the cancer.

Problem of fatness and obesity Vs fruits and green


Excess intake of fat and carbohydrate rich food results in fatness and

obesity. Now days a lot of changes have been made in the life style of the people.

We often use motorcycle even to go one kilometer instead of going on foot. We

use lift to reach at the few stories of the building, instead of going by stairs.

Usually people don’t work physically as they were working in the past .Many of

our works are running by machines. Thus we do not loose calories in form of

physical works.

Although we have changed our life style but we haven`t change our diet

according to the need. Now a day’s people use to take fat and carbohydrate rich

food (mostly starch rich food , the bread, rice and potatos),but there is very much

shortage of protein (milk ,curd, cheese ,eggs, fishes , meat and pulses ) , fruits

,green vegetables and salad in our diet . A protein rich diet enhances our body

growth and formation of muscles. It protect us from Kwashiorkor and obesity.

Fresh fruits ,salad and green vegetables are low calorie diet . These satiate the

appetite, but provide lesser calories . Thus by consuming protein rich meal and

fresh fruits ,salad( beet root ,carrot ,radish, onion, tomato , kiwi fruit, guard like

chayote, cucumber etc. ) and green vegetables , we can protect ourselves from

obesity and fatness.

If a person eats and only eats fast foods ,pizza ,burger etc , throughout

whole day ,he must be suffer from fatness and obesity. Fatness and obesity is the

root of the problems of many diseases like high blood pressure ,diabetes , kidney


failure and heart diseases etc. Fatness and obesity is taking a dreadful situation in

developed counties too.

We can keep ourselves away from fatness and obesity by taking balance and

sustained protein rich diet (milk and milk products, pulses, soya bean , eggs, fishes,

meat and mushrooms etc) with surplus intake of fresh fruits, fruit juice, salad and

green vegetables.

When we take protein rich diet, the decay rate of calcium increases and

problem of ketosis (hyper secretion of ketone bodies in urine) also arises ,fruits and

green vegetables are rich sources of calcium, which compensate the calcium decay.

Fruits also contain sufficient carbohydrates, which protect us from Ketosis while

taking protein rich diet.

Agriculture of Protein Rich Algae in the Open Sea:- To fulfill the

requirement of rapidly increasing huge population, it is need to agriculture ,protein

(like laminaria, sargassum and chlorella etc) and starch storing algae in the open

sea. Many species of brown algae or kelp of family pheophycea are rich sources of

protein. Dry kelp contains about 20-30% protein of dry mass. Some species of kelp

in genus sargassum family, are free floating. Sargassum natans and Sargassum

fluitans are two free floating kelp. These kelps require subtropical to tropical

climate. These protein rich kelps can be utilized to feed at least to our live stock

like goats, cows etc, after drying. A cheaper protein rich feed can be prepared by

taking 70% kelp in powder form and 30% rice brawn, edible residue of rice and

flour mills, maize ,oil cakes etc.

Free floating Sargassum Protein rich -Sargassum natans


It may be proved ,a protein rich cheaper feed for the chickens, ducks, fishes,

emus, goose goats, ships , lamas, reindeers, cows etc.

If we produce kelp at large scale by the agriculture of algae in the open sea ,the

dry kelp will be available to the farmers at the rate of Rs 200 to Rs 300 rupees per

quintal (about 4-5USD per quintal) .Rendering animals on the basis of the kelps

will result in surplus production of milk and milk products, meat ,eggs , fishes ,

wool and leather .That will provide employment at large scale on every stage of

production, processing ,transport and marketing . Thus the country can become a

well developed country within ten years by the agriculture of the kelp in the open

sea. But we should always remember that , if the population growth remains

continued , there will be no land to even keep our foot on the land. Then we shall

have to think of agriculture in the sky. It is need to review our population policy, in

due course of time .It is better to make a strict population policy like compulsory

vasectomy after two children.

Agriculture of kelp is also beneficial in other ways. It will restore the cycle

of micronutrients which is flown into the sea ,every year with the rain water.

Dry kelp are rich sources of iodine, selenium , copper , magnesium, zinc ,

potassium, manganese and phosphorous . That will supply necessary micro

nutrient to the live stock .Dung and compost will contain high concentration of

these micronutrients , which will restore the fertility of the land. The government

should follow the policy of Japan in agriculture of algae, which are used as

vegetable and salad like laminaria, porphyra, ulva (sea lettuce ) and geladium (for

agar-agar ) etc , The government should also play her attention towards pearl

culture. Although Indian sea possesses hundreds of species of pearl providing

oysters, but artificial pearl culture is negligible in India . Pearl culture will provide

a lot of employment and a mean to earn foreign currency too.

We can also enhance the production of fresh water fishery by establishing

protein and starch rich weeds and algae in ponds and lakes etc. Weeds and algae

avail not only , the necessary oxygen for the healthy growth of the fishes, but it

also increase the biomass of the zoo planktons. These zoo planktons are the useful

feed for the carnivorous fishes like prawn (Palaemon idae ,Macro bronchium

rosenburgii etc ),mangur (Clarias betrachus),bam fish etc. Thus , it is better to

culture both herbivorous fishes ,with small carnivorous fishes at a time in the


ponds .The government can increase the production of the fresh water fisheries

many fold ,by leaving young fishes of Rohu (Labeo rohita), nain, ,bhakur,silver

fish , grass fish ,prawns,(Palaemon idae) ,mangur (Clarias batrachus), bam fish

etc in the public lakes, ponds , water reservoirs, in water logged paddy fields etc ,

every year by establishing modern hatcheries in each district of the country

,keeping the reservoirs , free from water hyacinth and Ipomia carnea . To supply

the necessary nitrogen in protein producing ponds and paddy fields , spores of

nitrogen fixating bacteria like azatobactor and algae like Anabaena cylindrica and

Tollyprothings tenuis etc ,can be spread in to these fields . It is need to provide

spores of nitrogen fixating bacteria and algae ,to the farmers at the cheaper rate .

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The end of the article xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Note:- Our team is working on adding nitrogen fixating gene of blue green

algae ,in to the major crops like rice, wheat, maize , and potato etc. It is very

difficult to recognize nitrogen fixating gene of blue green algae. Our team has a

plan to implant whole gene of blue green algae Anabaena cylindrica and

Tollyprothings tenuis etc in to major crops like rice, wheat, maize , and potato etc.

,assuming that the gene of the algae would not interfere in the basic functions of

the crop plant., but the crop plant would contain nitrogen fixating property. This

project is based on the fact that ,20% human gene has been implanted in to pigs in

order to resemble the pigs kidney ,so that the pigs kidney implanted in to the

humans, would not rejected by the human immuning system . In spite of that ,the

pigs having 20% human gene ,were surviving and were healthy. Similarly if we

implant the whole gene of prokariotic algae like Anabaena cylindrica and

Tollyprothings tenuis etc.; which is small in comparison of the gene of eukaryotic

crops like rice, wheat, maize and potato etc ,the gene of algae would not interfere

in the basic functions of the crop ,more over the crop will contain nitrogen

fixating property,and some more types of chlorophylls ,which will enhance the

growth rate of the crop and protein content in the grain , because it will supply

steady nitrogen supply ,throughout the whole crop and extra amino acids during

nitrogen fixation. If this project succeed, there will be no need to scatter urea in

the fields of major crops.




Roof and wall of transparent fiber glass

Level Indicator Brown algae Soil

Water of 3.5 % salinity

Pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima, Pinctada nigra ,Haloitis iris, Pteria sterna) Sand

A tank of 16m x10m x 6m dimension


To combat with shortage of protein,vitamins and iodine in our diet ,our team has a plan to grow

kelp or brown algae, in personal aquarium .Kelps are fast growing brown algae of family

Pheophyceae, which are rich in protein ,iodine, selenium ,calcium, zinc and vitamins.To grow

the kelp, we have to prepare a water proof tank of 16m x10m x6m dimension at open place,

where the sun light is sufficiently available. To protect the salinity ,we have to prepare an stable

waterproof transparent roof of fiber glass . A plastic layer can be utilized to prevent diffusion of

electrolytes from the tank. The tank should be prepared at such places, where flood water cannot

reach to damage the salinity of the tank. A tank of 16m x10 m x5m =800 cubic meter will

require about 28 ton common salt and few kg of micronutrients and nitrogen, phosphorus,

potassium (NPK) etc. There will be a level indicator in the upper portion of the tank. When water

level will decrease due to evaporation, the fresh water will be added to maintain the salinity. For

the regular supply of fresh water , one can take the advantage of water shed policy by making

another tank to store the rain water . Production cost of the tank will come about 4 -5 lakh

rupees (about 10,000 US$ ).

The edible laminaria species Laminaria digitata, Laminaria japonica ,Saccharina japonica,

Laminaria angustata, Laminaria longissima and Laminaria ochotensis etc would be grown in the

water dipped soil containers, made of concrete or wood. A tank of 4 decimal surface area can

produce about 4oo kg to 6oo kg leafy vegetable annually .If we culture saline water prawn

(Penaeus monodon),which will yield about 100 kg prawn annually . The prawn are omnivores

who can be fed on fishery/poultry feed,rice brawn, daily wastage of remaining food of the houses

and the algae grown in the tank.

More over we can culture minimum 500 pearl oysters like Pinctada maxima( for large

white pearl) ,Pinctada nigra (for the black pearl ) ,Haliotis iris (for blue pearl ) and Pteria sterna

(for various colored pearl ) etc . When mother of pearl (small stone particles) are kept between

the mantle and shell of the 3 year old oysters , it nucleates to yield pearl after 24 months. If we

put 5 to 6 mother of pearl in each oyster ,that would yield at least 2-3 perfect pearls.The oyster

are fed on small food particles,rice brawn ,spores of algae ,protozoa,bacteria etc,by siphoning

system and keep the tank clean. Production cost of the tank will come about 4 -5 lakh rupees

(about 10,000 US$ ).

Besides pearl ,the oyster also provide tasty and delicate meat ,which is a source of easily

digestible protein . The shell of colorful oysters like Haloitis iris is also precious ,which are used

as ornamental material for the house building purposes. 500 oyster can produce, at least 1000

perfect pearls, which will yield minimum 10 lakh rupees and up to 1 carore rupees (0.2 million

US$ to 2 million US $ ) biannually . We think that the pearl oyster would fertilize and reproduce

. The glichidium larvae produced by the zygote of the oyster will find a easy host like prawns


and other fishes of the tank. If this project succeed ,it will provide not only nutrition but also the

employment at large scale. There will be a large scale employment in production and selling of

the pearls ,prawns and protein rich leafy vegetables etc.

Courtsey: We are very much grateful to Shri Sanjay Gupta , Lakotia computer

center Padrauna and Rajan Chauhan ,who provided valuable cooperation in

the preparation of this article.

for any detail please contact preferably by the post on the given address.

Anil Kumar Chauhan

Vill:- Phulwaria (Morwan) Post:- Ramkola

Distt.:- Kushinagar (U.P.)INDIA mob.9621056791

We regret our inability to accept the article.

Hasan Jawaid Khan Editor, Science Reporter

From: Anil Kumar Chauhan [[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 2:39 PM

To: Hasan Jawaid Khan; Science Reporter Subject: Article for publication : Well Planned Plantation :Solution of many problems on New Year 2015

Hey ! Be aware of man, he is still

hungry; he has eaten up many species

completely, now we are also endemic.