Soldmotorings5 20140703

3 JULIE AWARDS:EXCELLING IN GROWTH AND SALES RE/MAX H’berg wins Premier Club status The 26-strong team making up RE/MAX Helderberg Sales As- sociates, reached the top fourth spot out of 60 single offices with- in RE/MAX Southern Africa. At the RE/MAX Premier Club Awards ceremony at the Mount Nelson recently, broker/ owner, Lee Siebert, was awarded Premier Club Status for her office’s growth in 2014 and for exceptional sales. In June 2014, RE/MAX agents in Southern Africa posted their high- est sales and registrations month in the history of the company. In reaction to the region’s most re- cent success, CEO Adrian Goslett offered these words of encourage- ment to the RE/MAX offices in the Southern Africa region: “A mas- sive congratulations to each and every one of you (support staff in- cluded) on this outstanding achievement! RE/MAX is about so much more than being the number one company at taking listings and selling homes. RE/MAX is about positively impacting and improv- ing the lives of real estate people.” Lee Siebert added: “RE/MAX agents do ‘the core and more’ when it comes to real estate services. Our results speak for themselves and our message is clear – for the best results come to the best in the business worldwide!” The RE/MAX group operates in over 90 countries globally, truly exposing your property to the world. RE/MAX Sales Associates lead the industry in professional desig- nations, experience and produc- tion. The RE/MAX Helderberg team based at Waterstone Village has grown to 26 Sales Associates and five support staff, led by broker/owner, Lee Siebert.



Transcript of Soldmotorings5 20140703

  • 3 JULIE


    RE/MAXHbergwinsPremierClub status

    The 26-strong team making up

    RE/MAX Helderberg Sales As-

    sociates, reached the top fourth

    spot out of 60 single officeswith-

    in RE/MAX Southern Africa.

    At the RE/MAX Premier Club

    Awards ceremony at the Mount

    Nelson recently, broker/ owner,

    Lee Siebert, was awarded Premier

    Club Status for her offices growth

    in 2014 and for exceptional sales.

    In June 2014, RE/MAX agents in

    Southern Africa posted their high-

    est sales and registrations month

    in the history of the company. In

    reaction to the regions most re-

    cent success, CEO Adrian Goslett

    offered these words of encourage-

    ment to the RE/MAX offices in the

    Southern Africa region: A mas-

    sive congratulations to each and

    every one of you (support staff in-

    cluded) on this outstanding

    achievement! RE/MAX is about so

    muchmore than being the number

    one company at taking listings and

    selling homes. RE/MAX is about

    positively impacting and improv-

    ing the lives of real estate people.

    Lee Siebert added: RE/MAX

    agents do the core andmorewhen

    it comes to real estate services.

    Our results speak for themselves

    and our message is clear for the

    best results come to the best in the

    business worldwide!

    The RE/MAX group operates in

    over 90 countries globally, truly

    exposing your property to the


    RE/MAX Sales Associates lead

    the industry in professional desig-

    nations, experience and produc-


    The RE/MAX Helderberg team based at Waterstone Village has grown to 26 Sales Associates and five support staff, led by broker/owner, Lee Siebert.

  • 2Districtmail

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    3 Julie, 2014




    Fun forkidsat


    Attention all kids! Next time Mom and

    Dad plan a trip to LanzeracWine Estate

    in Stellenbosch be sure to tag along.

    Not only do the adults get to have fun,

    but now kids can too with the introduction

    of the Kids Choc and Grapetiser pairing.

    Tuck into the three chocolate fingers on

    offer which are white almond and apricot,

    pink rose Geranium and Liquorice and

    Fennel whilst washing it downwith a spar-

    kling red Grapetiser.

    Enjoy this fun holiday activity at a cost

    of R35 per child, which will also be availa-

    ble to all visiting youngsters under the age

    of 18 years throughout the year, and book-

    ings are advisable to avoid disappoint-


    And if youre still hungry afterwards be

    sure to pop into the deli next door for a de-

    lectable sandwich or platter.

    For more information contact Lanzerac

    Wine Estate on 021 886 5641 or wine-

    [email protected].

  • 9Districtmail

    3 Julie, 2014




    Buyers, howmuch


    This is a question buyers ask all the

    time. And its a big one to answer, for

    it usually means the difference be-

    tween securing the property youwant,

    and losing it.

    The first, and themost important factor

    to consider is what you can afford. There

    is simply no point in offering more than

    you can afford as the long-term conse-

    quences outweigh any immediate benefit

    of purchasing a property.

    When considering what you can afford,

    it is best to obtain qualified assistance

    from amortgage broker. They will look at

    your income and expenditure, and guide

    you on affordability. When you calculate

    this, also allow for increases in the prime-

    lending rate. It is best to factor in an inter-

    est rate increase of 2%. This is a comforta-

    blebuffer thatshouldprotectyoufromany

    nasty surprises.

    You then need to ensure you have suffi-

    cient cash available for your costs. These

    include transfer costs, attorneys fees,

    bond registration costs, removal fees, and

    whateveryouneed togetyournewproper-

    ty ready for occupation.

    So what exactly do you offer on the list

    price, assuming you have confirmed your

    ability toafford it?Somebuyersmistaken-

    ly believe that they canwork on a flat per-

    centage, such as 10 or 20%below list price.

    This approachmakes the assumption that

    every seller has slapped on 20% above

    market valuation. Its the wrong assump-


    Many sellers list at, or only slightly

    abovemarket value. If they have been cor-

    rectly advised by a professional estate

    agent they will know that correctly pric-

    ing their propertywill result inmaximum


    interest thenbuyers

    make their best of-


    Its not unusual

    for a property to sell

    for full list price, or

    even slightly more.

    At Harcourts Plati-

    num we sell almost

    1 in 5 of our listings at the full list price.

    So, what is the best way to determine

    what to pay then? Research. Buyers need

    to make an informed decision based on

    what they believemarket value to be. The

    only way to do this is to know whats on

    the market, and what has recently sold.

    Most buyers can tell within a few min-

    utes of viewingapropertywhat its actual-

    ly worth. So, once you have determined

    this, youneed to know if youare in compe-

    tition with anyone else. Ask your agent if

    any offers have been submitted on the

    property. Ifyouarecompetingagainstoth-

    er buyers youwill need to act swiftly. And

    youwill need tomake your best offer. You

    simply may not get another opportunity

    to offer at all.

    If there isno current competition for the

    property you can take the chance of start-

    ing slightly lower. But dont be cheeky.

    This isnt a market you can insult a seller

    in.Makea fairofferandseewhat the seller

    does. Ifyoureceiveacounter-offeryouwill

    knowwhat thebottomline is,andthenyou

    need to act to secure the sale. Remember

    that in a growing market what seems ex-


    months. So act quickly, but alwayswithin

    your financial limitations. Email your re-

    al estate question to Steve Caradoc-Davies. Prin-

    cipal of Harcourts Platinum, andDirector

    of Harcourts South Africa

    Talking property

    with Steve Cara-


    CapeDutch farm on themarket

    Oneof themostpicturesqueCapeDutch farms

    neighbouring the highly-rated Vergelegen

    Wine Estate in Somerset West has come onto

    the market, priced at R50 million plus VAT.

    The 14 ha estate is on land that was por-

    tioned off when Vergelegen was sold in 1994.

    It includes a beautiful thatched Cape Dutch

    ManorHouseofalmost1 750 m, fourguestcot-

    tages and a large stable all designed in the

    style of the surrounding wine estates. The su-

    perior finishes

    include high

    wooden doors,

    double sash win-

    dows with shut-

    ters and Yellow-

    wood floors and

    vaulted Par-

    navon-wood ceil-

    ings with brass

    chandeliers in

    the front recep-

    tion rooms.

    With the Hel-

    derberg Moun-

    tains as a back-

    drop and flanked

    by the Lourens

    River, few properties can compare with the

    scenic setting, stunning buildings and Oak-

    treed gardens on offer, says Seeff agent, Jane


    While an ideal residential estate, it is also

    a rare opportunity for an investor looking for

    a trophyCapewine estate. The buildings offer

    easy conversion to aboutiquehotelwith a res-


    dens are ideal for picnics, especially towards

    the river where there is also a lovely Lily


    A long, Oak tree-lined driveway leads to the

    manorhousethatis frontedbythetranquillity

    of a pond and the river. The typical H-design

    includes a double-storey wing on either side

    of a double-volume central area.

    The right wing includes a large, 18-seater

    formal dining room, also with a fireplace and

    a Maple-wood kitchen with a laundry/utility

    roomandastoreroom.Abovethis isaglass-en-

    closed wine cellar along with a theatre room

    and additional storeroom. The left wing in-

    cludes the large main bedroom suite with a

    dressing room and his and her bathrooms.

    There are also a further five bedroom suites

    that open to bal-

    conies and stun-

    ning views. Also

    on the upper lev-

    el of this wing is

    a spacious study

    and secluded li-

    brary. To the side

    of the house is a

    tennis court.

    A little dis-

    tance away, are

    the four guest

    cottages; two


    units and two


    units, all opening

    tostunningviews.The largestablecanaccom-

    modate six horses and includes a tack room.

    There is also a shed as well as garaging for

    ten vehicles. The estate is fully secured. The

    property further includes an 8ha plum or-

    chard, currently leased out at around R22,000

    per annum, says Steven.

    Surrounded by themajestic Hottentots Hol-


    set West is regarded as one of the most scenic

    villages in the country.

    Aside from producing award winning

    wines, theseareamajordraw-card forvisitors

    from across the globe and this property is an

    ideal investmentopportunity forabuyer look-

    ing to capitalise on this, concludes the agent.

    The manor house of the Cape Dutch farm in Somerset


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    3 Julie, 2014




    Capital gains elude home


    The ramifications and implications of South

    AfricasCapitalGainsTaxare thesedays fair-

    ly well understood by the business communi-

    ty and those with substantial assets, but the

    average home owner, says Bill Rawson,

    Chairman of the Rawson Property Group,

    quite often has never really investigated or

    got to grips with the act and has in his mind

    anumberof erroneousconceptionsregarding


    An important initial point to grasp, says

    Rawson, is that the gain only becomes taxa-

    ble once the asset is disposed of or following

    the death of the asset owner.

    TheCapitalGainsTax is not a tax, as some

    seem to think, which comes into force every

    two or three years following a revaluation of

    the property or asset.

    Then, too, says Rawson, a distinction must

    be drawn between revenue and capital. Rent

    from a property or interest on savings are



    tal gain transaction.

    If the asset was acquiredwith the intention

    of making a profit, its proceeds would, obvi-

    ously, be revenue, but if it was bought to pro-

    vide accommodation or as a financial invest-

    ment (e.g. JSE shares) it would count as capi-

    tal. These distinctions seem fairly clear, says

    Rawson, but SARS have occasionally taken

    different stances here, leaving some of their

    clients confused. In general the onus lies on

    the tax payer to prove that certain sums are

    capital not revenue.

    Compiling this proof, adds Rawson, is al-

    ways a worthwhile exercise because capital

    gains are generally taxed at a lower rate than

    revenue and here the tax payers declared

    intention in purchasing an asset is impor-

    tant. In general, says Rawson, SARS have

    proved extremely reasonable and approacha-

    ble, but it is certainly worth establishing the

    difference between revenue and capital gain

    early on, to keep tax to the minimum level.

  • 14


    3 Julie, 2014




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    Paarl Post

    3 Julie, 2014




    Montagupropertyon the

    rise, offersgoodvalue

    Surrounded by the towering Langeberg


    and Kingna Rivers in the western corner

    of Kannaland, the scenic village of Mon-

    tagu is famous for its orchards, vineyards

    and Muscadel, local herbs, rock forma-

    tions and healing hot mineral springs. It

    is also home to a stunning mix of country

    and historic homes (from Cape Dutch to

    Georgian, Neo-Gothic and Victorian) that

    is increasinglycatching theeyeof country

    and historic home buyers, says Seeff

    agent, Patruzchka Mller.

    With just over two hours drive from Cape

    Town, the village has become a popular geta-

    way for Capetonians and visitors from the in-

    land provinces while foreigners too are in-

    creasingly discovering the allure of the vil-

    lage, says theagent.Topclassaccommodation

    establishments, restaurants and activities

    suchastheannual WackyWineWeekend (5-8

    June) all contribute to drawing thousands of

    visitors each year.

    The demand for property here has im-

    provedmarkedly over the last yearwith sales

    up by over 50%. In 2012 for example, only

    about 144 property transactions to the value

    of just over R55 million were recorded com-

    pared to 222, worth almost R73 million, last

    year.Aside fromresidentialbuyers, thegrow-

    ing influx of visitors has boosted the demand

    forweekend and country homes. The demand

    for tourism products such as hospitality es-

    tablishments, art andboutique stores andres-

    taurants have also boosted the demand for

    propertyandhasofcourse increasedbusiness

    in thevillage, saysMller.A furtherboosthas


    value and laid-back lifestyle as well as from

    an influx of new residents looking to swop ur-

    ban with country living, she adds.

    The village is a real gem for buyers and the

    propertyvalueonoffer is excellent, especially

    when compared to other towns across the

    CapeWinelands, she says. InMontagu for ex-

    ample, vacant plots sell for as little asR230 000

    toR375 000 forabout 500-700sqm.Small cottag-

    es start from as low as R500 000 to R950 000

    while larger homes sell for upwards of R1,2

    million. Historic properties are especially

    popular, not only for weekend homes or per-

    manentresidences,but forconversiontotour-

    ismproducts or business premises. These sell

    for upwards of just over R1,2 million for a

    small, two-bedroomed cottage to just under

    R3,5 million for a rare circa 1895 Victorian

    landmark homestead, beautifully restored,

    that is on the market for the first time.

    The property is located in the heart of the

    village and has served as the home of many

    well to do residents over the years. It already

    has the market abuzz and the agent antici-

    pates huge interest. The double-storey home

    is spacious at around 900sqm. While the inte-

    riors have been modernised, the character

    has been retained and the original finishes

    such as rareOregonPinewindows, floors and

    open rafter Imbuia ceilings have been com-

    pletely restored, says Mller. Additional fin-

    ishes include lovely chandeliers and an im-

    ported vintage Pearl stove to keep the living

    areaswarm duringwinter. A typical veranda

    stretches along the front and there are three

    dormer windows with Victorian trimmed ga-

    bles set into the roof at the front end of the


    The home includes six bedroom suites. The

    living areas include a grand lounge, dining

    room, Oregon-wood country kitchen and an


    that open to a terrace around the swimming

    pool. There is alsoapool roomthat canbe con-

    verted to a gymnasium. The old attic (with an

    external staircase)hasbeenrevampedand in-

    cludes twoof thebedroomsuites, lounge/fam-

    ily room, studyandadditional roomsuited for

    conversion to a library. The old stables have

    been converted to a spacious two-bedroomed

    apartment. The property further includes a

    double garage, laundry and store room.

    While an ideal find for residential or second

    home buyers, Mller says that the property

    offers wonderful conversion and develop-

    ment potential. Since it is so spacious and in-


    ily convert it to a guest house and restaurant

    and still live on the premises.

    An historic Victorian House in Montagu.

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  • Nommerpas LexusRXnou tekoop



    sportnuts in 1997 gebaan toe di

    reeks destyds sy internasionale

    buiging gemaak en sedertdien

    een van die wreld se suksesvol-

    ste kruismotors geword het.


    us-verkope in die VSA en oortref

    sy mees regstreekse Europese

    mededingers twee teen een. Die

    reeks geniet ook die onderskei-

    ding dat dit die voertuig met die

    hoogste klantetevredenheidsin-

    deks tot nog toe in die JD Power-

    gehaltepeiling is.

    Danksy die filosofie dat alles in-

    gesluit is, is n ruim skoot stan-

    daard-toerusting n absolute feit

    wanneer n mens na n Lexus op

    soek is,maar die RX350 Special Edi-

    tion laat nie n enkele steen onaan-

    geraak nie.

    Volgens Justin Ryan, hoofbe-

    stuurder van Lexus Suid-Afrika, is

    die RX350 Limited Edition n motor


    toerusting bied wat die meeste ko-

    pers van hierdie motor wil h.

    Daarbenewensmaak die jongste

    stileringsveranderings veral die


    miese nuwe 19-duim-allooisierwie-

    le n duidelike stelling wat die RX

    sportiewer laat lyk.

    Klein dog netjiese verfynings is

    aan die binnekant aan die beslag

    aangebring, veral die afstand-ge-

    monteerde kontroleerder wat nou

    meer soos n rekenaarmuis werk.

    Lexus se aandag aan detail strek

    selfs tot die verlenging van die ope-

    ningshoek van die middelkonsole-

    kissie se deksel om dit makliker te

    maak om iets uit te haal dt is nou

    wat ek weelde noem, s Ryan.

    Buiten die eienskappe van die

    reeds goed-toegeruste EX-weerga-


    die volgende bykomende toerus-


    Aanpasbare kopligstelsel (AFS)

    tengunstevanbeter sig snags, ver-

    al opkronkelpaaie.Didraaikoplig-

    te tesame met die hostraal-xenon-

    ligte (HID) draai die linker-koplig

    tot 15 grade en die regter-lig tot 10

    grade wanneer die motor om n

    draai ry, en help om n groter deel

    van die pad te belig. Kopligwassers

    is deel van die standaard-toerus-


    Elektronies-verstelbare stuur-

    kolom met geheuewerking.


    Deurspiels nou met geheue-

    werking. Selfs die EX-model het ou-


    matiese verdowwing as deel van die


    Sykant-monitor miniatuur-ka-

    mera wat in die deurspiel aan die

    passasierskant ingebou is, stuur vi-

    deobeeldenadievoertuig semiddel-

    konsole-skerm. Iets wat geniaal is,


    neer die spiels weggevou word om

    deur n nou gaping te wikkel. Die

    kantspiel-monitor word deur n

    skakelaar aan die stuurwiel geakti-


    Bamboesbeslag vir die kajuit.

    Stroke sy-gladde bamboes-houtaf-

    werking versier die stuurwiel (n

    kombinasie van hout en leer), die

    binnekante van die deure en die in-

    strumentepaneel en bekerhouer se

    afwerking, en is die volmaakte fo-

    kuspunt vir die bottersagte pik-

    swart leer oor al die opgestopte op-

    pervlakke, wat die middelkonsole-

    boks insluit. Neem asseblief kennis

    dat die voorste sitplekke nie net in-

    geboude verwarmers het nie, maar

    ook ingeboude lugverkoeling sowel

    as geheuewerking vir die verskil-

    lendeverstellingsaanal tweekante.

    Weerkaatsende vertoonskerm

    di stelsel skyn eenvoudige naviga-

    sieaanwysings, klankstelsel-inlig-


    voorruitglas sodat die bestuurder

    makliker op die pad kan fokus en

    minder hoef af te kyk. En anders as

    in die geval van ander stelsels sluit

    dit ook n afstand-aftelling en rig-

    tingpyl in wat die bestuurder deur

    draaie lei.


    15 luidsprekers die kern van die

    stelsel se super-verrigting is nie

    minder nie as 15 luidsprekers, wat

    elk doelgerig vir die spesifieke

    akoestiese eienskappe van, en lig-

    ging in, die binneruimontwikkel is.

    Die klankstelsel bied volmaakte

    7.1-kanaal-klank reg rondomvir jou

    gunsteling-CD, -DVD of musiek

    deur jou selfoon of MP3-speler.

    Deurslaggewende unieke ver-


    Twee enjinkeuses (3.5 V6 en Hi-

    bried-elektries) en driemodelreeks

    RX 350 EX, RX 350 Special Edition

    en RX 450 SE.

    Hersiene stilering wat onlangs

    verfris is vir sterkervoorkant-stile-

    ring met die bekende Lexus-uur-

    glassierrooster en L-Finessse-ont-

    werpkenmerke,met nhersienebin-

    neruim en n groter keuse in kleure

    enbeslagafwerking, nnuwe instru-

    mentepaneel en die tweede genera-

    sievanLexus seafstand-gemonteer-

    de raakvlakstelsel.

    Nuwe 19-allooisierwiele vir die

    RX 350 EX.


    204 kW @ 6 200 r/min en 346 Nm @

    4700r/min (0-100km/hinagt sekon-

    desmet n gemiddelde verbruik van

    10,6F/100 km)


    220 kW algehele verrigting vir die

    3.5F-V6-petrolenjin met twee elek-

    triese hoverrigtingmotors (0-100

    km/h in 7,8 sekondes/gemiddelde

    verbruik van 6,3F/100 km)

    Pryse en waarborg

    RX 350 EX R684 200

    RX 350 Special Edition R724 000

    RX 450h SE R869 000

    Alle Lexus RX-modelle word ge-

    dek deur n waarborg van vier

    jaar/100 000kmendiensplan (Lexus

    Distance Plan Plus vir die RX 350-

    modelle en Lexus Distance Plan

    Complete vir die RX 450h). Besoek, bel 08611 Lexus of

    sluit aan by Lexus op Facebook by

    hAfrica vir nog inligting of om n

    toetsrit te bespreek.

    Lexus se RX350 is nou beskikbaar in n nuwe spesiale beperkte uitgawe. n Rits opknappings is nou aan die

    verbruiker beskikbaar. FOTO: QUICKPIC

  • 18


    3 Julie, 2014




    Fords FigoConcept showsnewvision


    Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa

    (FMCSA) are giving motorists a glimpse of

    its vision for a new global B-segment com-

    pact in the form of the Ford Figo Concept.

    The car will be shown at the inaugural Go

    Further event in Johannesburg on 17 July


    Highlighting premium design along with

    smart styling and safety, the concept vehicle

    gives an indication of the design language to

    be used in a future version of the popular Figo.

    It has also been confirmed that a production


    African and Sub-Saharan African (SSA) mar-

    kets, although details and specifications have

    yet tobeconfirmed.Fordaims to setnewstand-

    ards forqualityandcraftsmanship in theB-seg-

    ment, aimed at exceeding the expectations of

    consumers in emerging markets.

    BuildingonFordscompact-carofferings, the

    FigoConcept illustrates howFord plans to face

    growing global demand for compact vehicles.

    Despite its rapid growth, the compact car seg-


    ingly savvy buyers look forways tomake their

    money go further.

    With the goal of bringing unprecedented lev-

    els of refinement to the compact car segment,

    designers created theFordFigoConcept, using

    design elements usually found in more expen-

    sive vehicles.

    Smart features like electrically adjustable

    power-foldmirrors are practical, helping to re-

    move the stress of driving through a busy and

    congested environment.

    Themirrors also have a flexible architecture

    that prevents them from being broken off if

    bumpedbyanother car ormotor-cycle. Ford al-

    so designed the Ford Figo Concept to feature

    unprecedented levels of safety for its class, fur-

    ther enhancing peace of mind for its drivers.

    Ontheinside, thespaciouscabinisfilledwith

    innovative stowage spaces. The Figo Concept

    also offers inventive features that bring the

    promiseoftomorrowstechnologiesto compact



    cept introduces a newway to store, mount and

    charge mobile phones, MP3 players and satel-

    litenavigation systems, seamlessly integrating

    them with the in-car entertainment system.

    With the goal of bringing unprecedented lev-

    els of refinement to the compact-car segment,

    designers created the Ford Figo Concept us-

    ing design elements usually limited to more

    expensive vehicles PHOTO: QUICKPIC

  • 19


    3 Julie, 2014




  • 20


    3 Julie, 2014




    Dont use your mobile phone whilst driv-


    Making or receiving a call, even using a

    hands free phone, can distract your at-

    tention from driving and could lead to an


    Belt up in the back:

    In a collision, an unbelted rear passenger

    can kill or seriously injure the driver or a

    front seat passenger.

    Dont drink and drive:

    Any alcohol, even a small amount, can im-

    pair your driving, so be a safe driver dont

    drink and drive.

    Slow down:

    At 60 km/h you are twice as likely to injure

    or kill a pedestrian than at 50 km/h.


    Children often act impulsively, so take extra

    care outside schools, near buses and ice

    cream vans.

    Take a break:

    Tiredness is thought to be a major factor

    in more than 10% of road accidents.

    Plan to stop for at least a 15 minute break

    every two hours on a long journey.

    Walk safely:

    When crossing a road always use a pedes-

    trian crossing if there is one nearby. Help

    others to see you by wearing fluorescent

    or reflective clothing in poor light condi-



    Observe and anticipate other road users

    actions and use your mirrors regularly.

    Use car seats:

    Child and baby seats should be fitted pro-

    perly and checked every trip.

    Keep your distance:

    Always keep a two-second gap between

    you and the car in front.

    Save a life

    with these tips