Soldier powerpoint

Why? By Luis March 1,2013 OAHS Frosh Core

Transcript of Soldier powerpoint

  • 1. Why?By LuisMarch 1,2013 OAHSFrosh Core

2. Navy seals motto The only easy day was yesterday-NavySeals Motto 3. Background info.There are 5 militarybranches that peoplecould join.Army,Navy,Marines,Coast Guard, and Air Force. 4. My thesis statement Even though soldiers risk their lives,soldiers join the military because theywant peace or they want to keep peoplesafe from terrorist. 5. For peace. One reason soldiers join the military isbecause they just want peace. 6. Peace, detail 1 The people who jointhe military becausethey are trying to gainpeace for theircountry really try tosurvive and winbecause they have anincentive. 7. Peace, detail 2 Even though its ironicto join the military toget peace it works ifwe win because therewill be no more warsand therefore therewill be peace 8. Why did you join themilitary? You wantYou areOther Reasonpeace.escaping23%19%home. 0% You want to protect your family andData obtained from self generated survey. Click country fromhere to take 58% 9. Getting rid of terrorist The reason soldiers join the military isbecause they want to protect our countryfrom terrorist attacks and it keeps thepeople safe from terrorist attacks as well. 10. Terrorist, detail 1 Actually soldiers who join the armybecause of terrorist it is because they areprobably racist against them or had atraumatic event because of terrorist. 11. Terrorist, detail 2 Other people would just join because theysee that our country needs help fending offthese terrorist. 12. What do you think of themilitary branches? 3 Most people thought2.5 that the Army is theNavy 2best military branch.1.5ArmyThe second best wasCoastalthe marines. 1Guard0.5 Marines 0Air Force Data obtained from self generated survey. Click here to take survey now. NFDN 13. Conclusion There many more reasons why soldierswould join the army some would do it forthe fun of it or because they are seekingrespect from their families, friends or theircommunity. 14. quote 15. Where it came from Work Cited Army News Service. "Why Soldiers Fight ." 3 September 2003. 30 January 2013. Britannica Editors. " Volunteers in Blue and Gray: Why They Fought." 20July 2011. 30 January 2013. Mariscal, Jorge. "The Making of an American Soldier: Why Young PeopleJoin the Military." 25 June 2007. 30 1 2013. 16. Brought to you by Luis