Solar energy storage at an atomically defined organic ...

Solar energy storage at an atomically defined organic-oxide hybrid interface Downloaded from:, 2021-10-23 16:43 UTC Citation for the original published paper (version of record): Schuschke, C., Hohner, C., Jevric, M. et al (2019) Solar energy storage at an atomically defined organic-oxide hybrid interface Nature Communications, 10(1) N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. offers the possibility of retrieving research publications produced at Chalmers University of Technology. It covers all kind of research output: articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports etc. since 2004. is administrated and maintained by Chalmers Library (article starts on next page)

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Solar energy storage at an atomically defined organic-oxidehybrid interface

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Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Schuschke, C., Hohner, C., Jevric, M. et al (2019)Solar energy storage at an atomically defined organic-oxide hybrid interfaceNature Communications, 10(1)

N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. offers the possibility of retrieving research publications produced at Chalmers University of Technology.It covers all kind of research output: articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports etc. since is administrated and maintained by Chalmers Library

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Solar energy storage at an atomically definedorganic-oxide hybrid interfaceChristian Schuschke 1, Chantal Hohner 1, Martyn Jevric2, Anne Ugleholdt Petersen2, Zhihang Wang2,

Matthias Schwarz1, Miroslav Kettner1, Fabian Waidhas1, Lukas Fromm3, Christopher J. Sumby4,

Andreas Görling3,5, Olaf Brummel1, Kasper Moth-Poulsen 2 & Jörg Libuda 1,5

Molecular photoswitches provide an extremely simple solution for solar energy conversion

and storage. To convert stored energy to electricity, however, the photoswitch has to be

coupled to a semiconducting electrode. In this work, we report on the assembly of an

operational solar-energy-storing organic-oxide hybrid interface, which consists of a tailor-

made molecular photoswitch and an atomically-defined semiconducting oxide film. The

synthesized norbornadiene derivative 2-cyano-3-(4-carboxyphenyl)norbornadiene (CNBD)

was anchored to a well-ordered Co3O4(111) surface by physical vapor deposition in ultrahigh

vacuum. Using a photochemical infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy experiment, we

demonstrate that the anchored CNBD monolayer remains operational, i.e., can be photo-

converted to its energy-rich counterpart 2-cyano-3-(4-carboxyphenyl)quadricyclane (CQC).

We show that the activation barrier for energy release remains unaffected by the anchoring

reaction and the anchored photoswitch can be charged and discharged with high reversibility.

Our atomically-defined solar-energy-storing model interface enables detailed studies of

energy conversion processes at organic/oxide hybrid interfaces. OPEN

1 Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie II, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Egerlandstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. 2 Department ofChemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden. 3 Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Egerlandstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. 4Department of Chemistry and the Centre for Advanced Nanomaterials,The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia. 5 Erlangen Catalysis Resource Center, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Egerlandstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.L. (email: [email protected])

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The development of new technologies for solar-energyconversion and storage is among the grand challenges inour transition to a renewable energy system1,2. Besides the

conventional technologies, alternative chemical methods canprovide particularly simple solutions for long-term solar-energystorage. Among these methods is energy storage in molecularphotoswitches3–5, such as the valence couple norbornadiene(NBD)/quadricyclane (QC)6–15. In this storage couple, theenergy-lean NBD photoisomerizes via an intermolecularcycloaddition to yield the energy-rich QC. This extremely simpleone-photon-one-molecule reaction allows storing up to 89 kJ/mol(0.97 MJ/kg) of chemical energy, an energy density that is com-parable with state-of-the-art batteries.

The NBD–QC system has been proposed to hold greatpotential for solar-energy harvesting and storage; however, it alsocomes with a number of challenges. Recently, several of thesechallenges, which were encountered in earlier research, couldbe successfully addressed and the system attracted renewedattention12,13.

One issue is related to the fact that pristine NBD absorbs lightat wavelengths below 300 nm only. Therefore, photosensitizersare required to red-shift the absorption8,16. These photo-sensitizers, however, cause stability issues, not only during pho-toconversion but also during the catalytically triggered energyrelease. Typically, this problem is tackled by using substitutedNBDs that absorb light at much larger wavelength17,18. Suchmodifications, however, come at the price of increasing themolecular weight and, thereby, decreasing the energy density.Some authors of this work recently suggested a variety of com-pounds that combine beneficial absorption properties and lowmolecular weight18. Alternatively, the energy density can beincreased by attaching more than one NBD unit to a singlechromophore19. A second issue is related to the fact that red-shifting the absorption maximum of NBD often destabilizes thecorresponding QC isomer. However, this challenge could also beaddressed by molecular design20,21. Recently, macroscopic heatrelease from a molecular solar thermal (MOST) storage devicewas demonstrated with a reversibility of more than 99.8% perstorage cycle13. The energy release was triggered catalyticallyusing a carbon-supported cobalt phthalocyanine catalyst.

A particularly fascinating idea is to control the NBD/QC sto-rage system electrochemically22. Recently, we have shown that theback conversion can indeed be triggered electrochemically with areversibility of 95%, even in the presence of an external photo-sensitizer23. The electrochemical approach does not only provideadditional control but also holds the potential of converting partof the stored energy directly to electricity22. In principle, this mayenable the construction of an energy-storing solar cell; however,the NBD unit would have to be coupled to a semiconductingelectrode, for instance by attaching it via suitable anchor groups(similar as in a dye-sensitized solar cell).

While anchored NBD films could be prepared recently24, afunctioning energy-storing hybrid interface, consisting of a pho-toswitchable NBD monolayer bound to an oxide surface, has notbeen reported to date. In this work, we demonstrate photo-chemical switching in an anchored NBD monolayer bound to anatomically defined oxide surface.

We used a synthesized NBD derivative that features fourfunctionalities (see Fig. 1): (i) an NBD energy-storage unit,(ii) push–pull ligands that red-shift the absorption into the near-visible region, (iii) a spectroscopic marker that allows monitoringthe conversion by in-situ IR spectroscopy, and (iv) a carboxylicacid linker group for attachment to the oxide. The NBD deriva-tive is anchored to an atomically defined Co3O4(111) film with aknown surface structure25,26. Both the assembly of the hybridinterface and the photochemical energy storage experiments were

performed under ultraclean conditions in ultrahigh vacuum(UHV).

Our work demonstrates that it is possible to build an opera-tional solar-energy-storing hybrid interface that consists of asingle-anchored NBD monolayer on a well-defined semi-conducting oxide surface. The interface is stable and photo-switchable with high reversibility. Our hybrid interface representsa type of model system, in which both the anchored film andthe oxide surface are well defined at the atomic level. We believethat the type of model system described herein will enable studiesof energy storage and release processes at such interfaces at a highlevel of detail.

ResultsPreparation and properties of the model interface. The pho-toswitchable NBD monolayer was prepared from the NBD deri-vative 2-cyano-3-(4-carboxyphenyl)norbornadiene (CNBD)shown in Fig. 1a (see the Methods section for synthesis andSupplementary Methods for properties). The molecule comprisesfour essential functionalities: (i) the NBD storage unit, (ii) thedonor–acceptor substituent pair which red-shifts the lightabsorption region, (iii) the CN group which is used as a markerfor IR spectroscopy (see below), and (iv) the carboxylate groupwhich acts as an anchor for oxide surfaces. Upon irradiation,CNBD converts to its energy-rich counterpart 2-cyano-3-(4-car-boxyphenyl)quadricyclane (CQC) storing 0.363 MJ/kg in form ofchemical energy (see Supplementary Methods). CNBD shows anabsorption onset at 378 nm and absorption maximum at 319 nm,while CQC absorbs at much shorter wavelengths (see Supple-mentary Methods). Therefore, irradiation with ultraviolet (UV)light leads to nearly quantitative conversion of CNBD to CQC.

CNBD films were deposited by physical vapor deposition(PVD) in UHV onto an ordered Co3O4(111) film (see Fig. 1b).The Co3O4(111) films (thickness 8 nm) were grown on an Ir(100)single crystal using the procedure introduced by Heinz, Hammeret al.27. The surface of the Co3O4(111) film has been characterizedin detail by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and low-energy electron diffraction I–V analysis (LEED-IV). It isterminated by a layer of Co2+ ions in the tetrahedral positionsof the Co3O4 spinel structure (see Fig. 1a). Note that bulk Co3O4

is a semiconducting oxide with a bandgap of 1.6 eV28, while STMstudies suggest that the bandgap is larger for the thin films used inthis work26. In order to verify that CNBD can be evaporatedwithout decomposition, we deposited a multilayer film ontoCo3O4(111) and compared the infrared reflection absorptionspectrum to the spectrum recorded in transmission (see Fig. 1c).Identical bands are found in both spectra, indicating that thedeposition of a pure CNBD layer is possible without anydecomposition products detected (note that the splitting of thecarboxyl stretching band at 1700 cm−1 in IRAS indicates dimerformation on the frozen multilayer).

In order to identify the vibrational bands, we performed densityfunctional theory (DFT) calculations of the CNBD dimer andanalyzed the corresponding modes (see Supplementary Methods).The experimental and theoretically calculated band positions andtheir assignments are given in Supplementary Table 1. For thiswork, the most important feature is the CN stretching bandνCNBD(CN) at 2204 cm−1 (DFT 2209 cm−1). After photoconver-sion to CQC, the band blue-shifts to 2225 cm−1 (νCQC(CN), DFT2239 cm−1). This shift can be clearly resolved by IR spectroscopy,and will be used in this work to follow the interconversionbetween the two isomers. The complete IR spectra of CQCrecorded in reflection and transmission modes and the spectrumcalculated by DFT are shown in Fig. 1d. The band positions andassignments are also given in Supplementary Table 1.


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CQC Co3O4(111) filmsurface structure

IRASmultilayer CNBDon Co3O4(111)

Transmission IRCNBD in KBr

IRASmultilayer CQCon Co3O4(111)

Transmission IRCQC in KBr

Co3O4(111) film

UHV chamber

High powerUV source

CNBD film


DFTCQC dimer

IR detector




UV radiationIR beam

FT-IR spectrometer

PVD source

Ir(100)single crystal




IR spectra of CNBD

IR spectra of CQC

3400 3000 2600 2200

Wavenumber [cm–1]

1800 1400 1000

3400 3000 2600 2200

Wavenumber [cm–1]

1800 1400 1000




ΔR/R = 2.5%

ΔR/R = 2.5%











1606ν(C = C)ph

1661ν(C = O)

1661ν(C = O)

1546ν(C = C)ph+ (C = C)ph

1326 + 1307 ν(CC)

+ δ(CH)ph+ δ(OH)

1343ν(C = C)ph + δ(OH)

1316ν(CC) + δ(CH)ph

+ δ(OH)

855 + 840 γ(CH)QC+ γ(CH)ph

1606 + 1557 ν(C = C)ph + δ(CH)ph

1449 δ(OH)

1447 δ(OH)

1179 δ(CH)ph

1172 δ(CH)ph

762 γ(CH)ph


719 γ(CH)NBD





3077 + 3073ν(CH)NBD

Fig. 1 The molecular photoswitch used in this study: a molecular structures of the energy-lean isomer CNBD and the energy-rich isomer CQC; b schematicrepresentation of the in-situ photochemical IRAS setup in UHV used in this work; c IR spectra of CNBD (from top to bottom): IR spectrum calculated byDFT, IR reflection absorption spectrum of CNBD multilayer deposited by PVD referenced to a background of a clean sample, IR transmission spectrum ofCNBD in KBr; d IR spectra of CQC (from top to bottom): IR spectrum calculated by DFT, IR reflection absorption spectrum of CQC multilayer deposited byPVD referenced to a background of a clean sample, IR transmission spectrum of CQC in KBr


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Growth of CNBD films on Co3O4(111). In the next step, weinvestigated the growth of CNBD films on Co3O4(111). In Fig. 2a,infrared reflection absorption spectra are displayed, which wererecorded during the deposition of a multilayer film at 110 K. At

the initial stage of deposition, the IR spectra are dominated by abroad band at 1400 cm−1, while the ν(C=O) band of the car-boxylic acid at 1700 cm−1 is the most intense feature at largerexposure. The band at 1400 cm−1 is attributed to the symmetric



CNBD multilayer on Co3O4(111)

CNBD multilayer on Co3O4(111)

TR-IRAS CNBD monolayer on Co3O4(111)




1609ν(C = CH)ph


1726 + 1695νν(C = O)


ν(C = O) ×4

1412 ν(C = C)ph + δ(CH)ph

1297 ν(CC ) + δ(CH)ph

+ δ(OH)





2849ν(CH2)sym 2204


ν(C = C)ph



3000 ν(CH)NBD




3400 3000 2600 2200

Wavenumber [cm–1]

1800 1400 1000

Wavenumber [cm–1]3400 3000 2600 2200 1800 1400 1000

Wavenumber [cm–1]

3400 3000 2600 2200 1800 1400 1000

ΔR/R = 0.25%

ΔR/R = 0.25%

CNBD monolayer


IR beam

Co3O4(111)350 K

0 ML1 ML

1 monolayer800 – 2000 cm–1


750–3050 cm–1

6 ML0







400 T [







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80








Deposition time [min]

IR beam



Co3O4(111)110 K






0 ML

1 ML 0










0 10 20 30 40 50Deposition time [min]




Fig. 2 Preparation and stability of CNBD films on an ordered Co3O4(111) surface: a in-situ IRAS during PVD of a CNBD multilayer on Co3O4(111) at sampletemperature 110 K (orange squares: total intensity, green circles: intensity of ν(C=O) band of CNBD); b temperature-programmed IRAS after depositionof a CNBD multilayer showing the stability regions of the multilayer and monolayer; c preparation of an anchored monolayer by PVD of CNBD ontoCo3O4(111) at a sample temperature of 350 K, i.e. above the multilayer desorption temperature (orange squares: the total intensity, green circles: intensityof ν(OCO)s band of anchored CNBD). All spectra were referenced to the clean sample


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stretching mode νs(OCO) of a surface-bound carboxylate24,29,30.It indicates that CNBD anchors to the surface by deprotonationand formation of a chelating surface carboxylate that is attachedto the surface Co2+ ions. After completion of the anchoredmonolayer, a multilayer of non-anchored CNBD starts to grow,as indicated by the appearance of the ν(C=O) band of theCNBD (see inset in Fig. 2a).

The thermal behavior of the CNBD multilayer film was probedby temperature-programmed (TP) IRAS, as shown in Fig. 2b.Here, IR spectra were recorded continuously, while the film washeated at a constant rate of 2 K.min−1. We observe a suddendecrease of all bands of the free CNBD at 280 K, which weattribute to desorption of the multilayer. The characteristicνs(OCO) band of the surface-bound carboxylate is visible up to570 K, indicating that the anchored CNBD monolayer resides onthe surface up to this temperature. At higher temperature, severalweaker bands are observed, which we attribute to decompositionproducts of CNBD formed at higher temperature. The behavior isconsistent with other carboxylate films, studied previously on thesame surface24,31.

As the anchored CNBD monolayer is stable between 280 K and570 K, it should be possible to prepare a pure anchoredmonolayer film by PVD at surface temperatures in this range.The corresponding experiment is shown in Fig. 2c, where CNBDwas deposited at a sample temperature of 350 K. All bands show asaturation behavior, with the νs(OCO) band of the surfacecarboxylate being the dominating feature. We conclude that ananchored monolayer is formed. No indication is observed for theadsorption of CNBD molecules that are not anchored to thesurface.

Photochemical conversion of CNBD. In the next step, weinvestigated the photoconversion of CNBD films using a photo-chemical UHV IRAS setup that was recently developed by someof the authors (see Fig. 1b). The experimental procedure is illu-strated in Fig. 3a. The film was exposed to exponentiallyincreasing doses of UV light (irradiation times: 0.01 s, 0.04 s,0.16 s,…, 655.36 s), with each step followed by the acquisition ofan IR spectrum. We used a UV source with a wavelength of365 nm with an estimated power density of 920−2 at thesample surface32. The development in the spectral region of the ν(CN) band is shown in Fig. 3b for a thick multilayer film(140 monolayer equivalents, ML), a thin multilayer film (6ML),and a single-anchored monolayer (1 ML). In all cases, we observethe disappearance of the νCNBD(CN) band at 2204 cm−1 and theappearance of the νCQC(CN) band at 2225 cm−1 upon irradiation,clearly showing that conversion of CNBD to CQC is possible,both in the multilayer and in the monolayer regimes.

Next, the photochemical conversion was analyzed quantita-tively. We show three quantities that were calculated from theabove spectra: the fraction of CNBD remaining as a function ofirradiation time (Fig. 3c), the external quantum yield, i.e., thenumber of converted CNBD molecules per incident photon(Fig. 3d), and the photoconversion probability per molecule(Fig. 3e; See Supplementary Discussion for details).

The data show that the photoconversion reaction in the CNBDfilms strongly depends on two experimental parameters, thefilm thickness and the fraction of converted CNBD. Thephotoconversion is the fastest for thick CNBD films and forlow conversion levels.

In order to unravel the origin of these dependencies, weconsider the conversion in the thick multilayer in more detail.The reaction probability per molecule (see Fig. 3e) decreasesrapidly with increasing conversion. Close to full conversion, itfinally becomes very low and the uncertainty becomes large

because of the low concentration of residual CNBD. One effectthat contributes to this decrease is the different orientation ofthe CNBD molecules with respect to the electric field of theincident UV light. A quantitative analysis of this orientation effect(in which we assume random orientation in the multilayer)shows, however, that this effect only leads to a coveragedependence, which is much weaker than one observed experi-mentally (see Supplementary Discussion for details). Therefore,we suggest that the coverage dependence is mainly caused bysupport effects, i.e., by the underlying Co3O4(111) substrate.Support effects can reduce the conversion probability, forexample by quenching of excited CNBD through energy transportto the support or by generation of hot electrons and electron–holepairs, which trigger the backconversion of CQC to CNBD.Previously, we have observed a similar substrate effect incondensed films of non-functionalized NBD32.

Interestingly, the initial photoconversion probability alsodecreases with decreasing film thickness (see Fig. 3e). Experi-mentally, we observe a decrease by a factor of 40 ( ± 50%)between the 140ML and the 1ML films. This effect may becaused by the preferential molecular orientation in the mono-layer, intermolecular interactions which modify the absorptionspectrum, and screening of the electric field of the incident UVlight at the metallic Ir substrate. A quantitative analysis of thiselectric-field effect shows that variations of the conversion rate byup to a factor of 30 are possible throughout a sufficiently thickfilm (see Supplementary Discussion for details). Therefore, it islikely that the electric-field effect largely contributes to thevariation of the initial photoconversion probability, along withthe support effects mentioned above. The importance of the latteris illustrated by the strong decrease of the photoconversionprobability for the monolayer film, with increasing conversion(see Fig. 3e). Here, the conversion probability decreases by 2orders of magnitude between 0% and 60% conversion. Asmolecular orientation effects typically play a lesser role in theanchored monolayer (where the molecules commonly adopt asimilar orientation, in contrast to the randomly oriented multi-layer), we assume that the decrease in the transition probabilityis mainly caused by support effects (i.e., by quenching orbackconversion to CNBD).

Thermally activated backconversion. In the next step, weinvestigated the thermally activated backconversion of theanchored CQC monolayer. The experimental procedure is illu-strated in Fig. 4a, b. After preparation of the CNBD monolayer,the film was exposed to a UV pulse (60 s), after which the ther-mally activated backconversion was recorded by time-resolvedIRAS.

As the monolayer IR bands are extremely weak (ΔR/R ~0.01%),the photoconversion-decay cycles were repeated for 15 h and thecorresponding IR data were accumulated. Such isothermalphotoconversion-decay measurements were performed at tem-peratures between 350 and 370 K.

The experimental data are shown in Fig. 4c (right panel) inform of IR difference spectra (see the Methods section for details).The decrease of the negative νCQC(CN) band at 2225 cm−1 andthe increase of the positive νCNBD(CN) band at 2204 cm−1 as afunction of time clearly proves that anchored CQC is thermallyback-converted to CNBD. With increasing sample temperature,we observe that the rate of backconversion becomes faster (Fig. 4c,right panel). The data allow us to derive the activation energyfor thermally activated backconversion in the anchored CQCmonolayer (see Fig. 4c), yielding a value of 103 ± 10 kJ.mol−1. Inorder to investigate whether the anchoring reaction has an effecton the backconversion, we also measured the kinetics of the


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Photochemical conversion — in-situ IRAS experiment









1 10 100

PVDUV pulse IR spectrum

t1 t2 t3 t4ts






0 s

655 s

0 s

655 s

0 s

655 s

ΔR/R = 0.25%







2250 2200

Wavenumber [cm–1]

2250 2200

Wavenumber [cm–1]

2250 2200

Wavenumber [cm–1]

CNBD conversion External quantum yieldConversion probability

per molecule

0 200 400Irradiation time [s] Film thickness



n C


D r






m y




e co



n p





×10 ×100

1 ML

1 ML

6 ML

6 ML

140 ML

140 ML0.01/0.04/0.16 s

0.64 s

2.56 s

10.24 s

40.96 s

163.84 s

655.36 s












1.0CNBD fraction remaining

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0



c d e

Fig. 3 Photochemical conversion of CNBD films on an ordered Co3O4(111) surface: a the experimental procedure used in the photochemical IRASexperiment; b spectral region of the CN stretching bands of CNBD and CQC during UV irradiation for a thick multilayer film (140ML), a thin multilayer film(6ML), and an anchored monolayer film (1 ML). All spectra were referenced to the clean sample; c the fraction of residual CNBD as a function of irradiationtime (green triangles: 1 ML, orange circles: 6ML, black squares: 140ML); d external quantum efficiency as a function of film thickness and irradiation time(circles: 0.01 s, squares: 0.04 s, triangles (top): 0.16 s, triangles (bottom): 0.64 s, diamonds: 2.56 s, triangles (left): 10.24 s, triangles (right): 40.96 s,hexagons: 163.84 s, stars: 655.36 s); e photoconversion probability per molecule as a function of conversion and film thickness (green triangles: 1 ML,orange circles: 6ML, black squares: 140ML s)


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backconversion for CQC in solution (toluene), both in theprotonated form (CQC, carboxylic acid) and in the deprotonatedform (CQC, carboxylate). The activation barriers (CQC proto-nated: 108 kJ.mol−1, CQC deprotonated: 105 kJ.mol−1, see Sup-plementary Methods for details) are very close to the value foundfor the anchored monolayer. We conclude that, within theaccuracy of our experiments, the anchoring reaction has no effecton the activation barrier for backconversion.

Stability of the photoswitchable monolayer. Finally, we testedthe stability of the anchored CNBD/CQC monolayer duringrepeated energy storage and release cycles. The experimentalprocedure is illustrated in Fig. 5a, b. The anchored CNBD













ΔR/R = 0.005% ΔR/R = 0.005%




2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 3.002.95


Wavenumber [cm–1]2200 0 1000 2000 3000

Time [s]4000 5000

m cycles (total time t3)

Thermally activated backconversion — in-situ IRAS experiment





CQC/CNBDprotonatedEA = 108 kJ/mol

Anchored CQC/CNBD monolayerEA = 103±10 kJ/mol

CQC/CNBDdeprotonatedEA = 105 kJ/mol


350 K

350 K

360 K

360 K

370 K

370 K









T [1/K] ×10–3





UV pulse (t1) n IR spectra (t2)


IR beam

High power UV source

UV radiation


IR detector






Activation energy for backconversion

Fig. 4 Thermally activated backconversion of a CNBD monolayer onCo3O4(111): a the experimental procedure and (b) experimental setupused in the in-situ IRAS experiment; c spectra and intensities of the CNstretching bands of CNBD and CQC during photochemical conversion andthermally activated backconversion, referenced to the anchored CNBDmonolayer (squares: 350 K, circles: 360 K, triangles: 370 K); d Arrheniusplot comparing the kinetic parameters for backconversion of the anchoredCNBD monolayer and free CNBD in solution (protonated and deprotonatedform) (anchored: connected by straight line, in solution: connected bydashed line)

aStability of photoswitchable monolayer — in-situ IRAS experiment

n blocks

Blocks of m cycles (t3) UV pulse (t1)







IR beam

High power UV source

UV radiation

IR detector




Block 1 Block 1

Block 5

30% loss per 240 cycles







00 [0] 1 [60] 2 [120] 3 [180] 4 [240]

Block [cycles]






1 2 3 4 5Time [min]

6 7 8 9



Thermally activated backconversion at 370 K

Long term stability at 370 K



n IR spectra (t2)




2250Wavenumber [cm–1]








ty νν


) CN





ax ν


) CN


ΔR/R =0.001%

Fig. 5 Stability of the CNBD monolayer on Co3O4(111) during (back-)conversion: a the experimental procedure of repeated photochemicalconversion and thermally activated backconversion and (b) experimentalsetup used in the in-situ IRAS experiment; c IR spectra in the CN stretchingfrequency region of CNBD and CQC during photochemical conversion andthermally activated backconversion and development as a function of time,referenced to the anchored CNBD monolayer (black squares: block 1, redcircles: block 5)


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monolayer was exposed to pulses of UV light (60 s), followed by adecay period during which the backconversion was monitored bytime-resolved IRAS (30 s per IR spectrum, 18 spectra). Thephotoconversion-decay sequence was repeated for a total dura-tion of 50 h (300 cycles, 6000 IR spectra). The data (averaged inblocks of 60 cycles to obtain better signal/noise ratio) are shownin Fig. 5c. Over the total duration of the experiment, we observeda decay of the band intensities of CQC and CNBD by ~30%.Assuming that the degradation follows an exponential behavior,this value corresponds to a loss of 0.15% per storage and releasecycle. Comparing the peak height of the νCNBD(CN) band inFig. 5c to the monolayer spectrum (see Fig. 2c), we estimate that~10% of the NBD monolayer is converted per UV pulse. Thiscorresponds to a loss of 1.5% per converted NBD molecule, i.e., toa reversibility of 98.5% per energy storage and release cycle in theanchored film.

In conclusion, we assembled a solar-energy-storing organic-oxide hybrid interface by anchoring a tailor-made photoswitch toan atomically defined oxide surface. The synthesized norborna-diene derivative 2-cyano-3-(4-carboxyphenyl)norbornadiene(CNBD) was linked to an atomically defined Co3O4(111) surfaceby PVD under UHV conditions. We monitored the photo-conversion of CNBD to the quadricyclane derivative CQC andthe thermally activated backconversion in situ using a photo-chemical surface IR spectroscopy experiment. We determined thequantum efficiencies and showed that photoconversion is possibleeven in a single-anchored CNBD monolayer on Co3O4(111). Theanchored CNBD monolayer can be charged and discharged withhigh reversibility (98.5% reversibility), and the activation barrierfor the thermally activated backconversion (103 ± 10 kJ.mol−1) isnot affected by the anchoring reaction. The results show that itis possible to assemble a monolayer of NBD photoswitches on asemiconducting oxide interface without affecting the functionalityof the photoswitch. The model interface presented in this workwill enable fundamental studies on well-defined hybrid interfacesfor solar-energy storage and conversion. An important next steptoward a functional energy storage device would be to trigger theenergy-release process electrochemically instead of thermally.

MethodsExperimental setup. See Supplementary Methods for details.

Preparation of the Co3O4(111) film. The ordered cobalt oxide thin films wereprepared on an Ir(100) single crystal (MaTeck, purity 99.999%) following an adaptedmethod based on the procedure described by Heinz and Hammer27. The crystal wascleaned by cycles of Ar+ ion bombardment (Linde 6.0). Annealing at 1370 K for3min led to formation of the Ir(100)−(5 × 1) reconstructed surface which waschecked by LEED. Successively, annealing in oxygen (5 × 10−8 mbar, Linde 5.0)

at 1270 K for 3min and cooling to 370 K in O2 yielded an Ir(100)−(2 × 1)Oreconstructed surface as confirmed by LEED. Cobalt (Alfa Aesar, purity 99.95%,2 mm diameter rod) was deposited for 20min at a sample temperature of 265 Kin O2 atmosphere (1 × 10−6 mbar) at a rate of 2 Å/min (Co metal equivalent) asdetermined by the QCM, yielding a Co3O4 film of ~8 nm thickness. An orderedCo3O4(111) film was formed in two annealing steps, at 520 K in oxygen atmospherefor 2 min and at 670 K in UHV for 10min, as confirmed by LEED25–27.

PVD of CNBD. CNBD was evaporated from a glass crucible loaded into a homebuilt Knudsen cell. Prior to the first experiment, the system was separated from themain chamber by a gate valve, pumped by a separate high vacuum line, and bakedfor 24 h. Before deposition, the evaporator was preheated to 370 K before the gatevalve was opened to start the deposition.

During deposition, IR spectra were acquired at a rate of 1 spectrum/min and aspectral resolution of 4 cm−1. The spectra were referenced to the background of theclean sample. For the temperature-programmed experiment, IR spectra wererecorded at a rate of 1 spectrum/min while heating the sample at a rate of 2 K/min.Damping of the signal with increasing temperature was compensated for, followinga procedure described by Xu et al.31, by normalization of the acquired spectra.

Photochemical conversion in UHV. All photochemical experiments in UHV wereperformed with a home-built high-intensity UV source in the vicinity of thesample. In brief, we used a high-power LED (Seoul Viosys, CUN6AF4A, 2.35W),which yields a photon flux density of 1.68 × 10−18 cm−2.s−1 at a wavelength of 365nm, corresponding to a power density of 910−2. Further information canbe found in the literature32. During all photoconversion experiments, the samplewas cooled to 110 K. The UV source was operated by an external power supply(TDK Lambda Z+ 200) triggered by the IR spectrometer (Bruker OPUS 7.2) ormanually. For each sample, nine illumination steps were applied, such that the totalillumination time was increasing exponentially (0.01 s, 0.04 s, 0.16 s, 0.64 s, 2.56 s,10.24 s, 40.96 s, 163.84 s, 655.36 s). After each illumination step, an IR spectrumwas recorded with an acquisition time of 10 min.

Thermally activated backconversion. Backconversion in the anchored CNBDfilm was recorded at three different temperatures, i.e., 350 K, 360 K, 370 K. At eachtemperature, the sample was irradiated for 1 min followed by a decay period(89 min, 29 min, 19 min) during which IR spectra were recorded (2 spectra/min).The irradiation/decay cycles were repeated for 15 h at each temperature (10, 30, 45cycles), and the data were accumulated over the cycles to improve the signal/noiseratio. Background spectra were taken before the measurement at each temperaturestep. The rate constants for backconversion were determined from exponential fitsof the maximum peak heights between ν(CN)CNBD and ν(CN)CQC.

Stability test. Stability of the anchored CNBD film was tested by applying 300cycles of illumination (1 min) and decay (9 min) at 370 K. IR spectra were recordedat a rate of 2 spectra/min (total acquisition time 50 h, 6000 spectra in total). Toimprove the signal/noise ratio, the IR spectra were averaged over blocks of60 spectra (5 blocks). The data were analyzed for the peak height of the ν(CN)CNBDband. The loss per cycle was estimated assuming an exponential decay.

Transmission IR data. Transmission IR spectra of CNBD and CQC were recorded inFTIR-grade KBr (≥ 99%, Sigma Aldrich) using a FTIR spectrometer (Bruker VERTEX80 v) at a spectral resolution of 2 cm−1 (acquisition time 1min). For the spectrum ofCQC, the CNBD sample was irradiated in an external cell by UV light (Seoul Viosys,CUN6AF4A, 365 nm, distance to sample 2 cm, illumination time 10min).














Fig. 6 Synthetic sequence for CNBD-CQC photoswitch couple. Conditions: (a) POCl3, DMF, 3 h; (b) I2, NH3(aq), CHCl3, 3 h; (c) NaOH(aq), THF, 4 h;(d) chlorobenzene, BHT, 120 °C, 20 h; (e) iPrMgCl.LiCl, THF, −41 °C, 1 h; CO2(g), −41 °C – RT, 16 h, followed by HCl(aq)


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Synthesis. The molecular photoswitch CNBD was synthesized in a multistepsequence starting from commercially available 4-iodoacetophenone. This includedan initial three-step transformation of the acetyl functionality to the correspondingpropiolonitrile. Direct conjugation of the nitrile to the acetylene activated 1 towarda Diels–Alder [4+ 2π] cycloaddition reaction with cyclopentadiene to affordINBD in excellent yield. Knöchel conditions were finally used to promote aniodine–magnesium exchange and trapping of the carbanion with carbon dioxidegenerated CNBD (see Fig. 6).

All intermediates and products were characterized by 1H NMR and 13C NMR.The final products CNBD and CQC were characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy,including quantum yields for the photochemical conversion. Thermodynamic andkinetic data regarding the backconversion from CNBD to CQC were determined bydifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and kinetic UV–vis studies. The structure ofCNBD was determined by single-crystal X-ray crystal structural analysis. All detailsof synthesis and characterization are given in the Supplementary Methods.

DFT calculations. See Supplementary Methods for details.

Data availabilityAll experimental data are available from the corresponding author upon request.

Received: 29 January 2019 Accepted: 1 May 2019

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AcknowledgementsThis project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Additionalsupport by the DFG was provided within the Research Unit FOR 1878 “funCOS –Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces”. K.M.P., M.J., A.U.P., andZ.W. would like to thank the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW), the Swedishfoundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and K.M.P. would like to thank the EuropeanResearch Council (ERC) for financial support. A.G. and L.F. would like to thank the FreeState of Bavaria for the support provided within the research network “Solar Technol-ogies go Hybrid” (SolTech).

Author contributionsC.S. performed the photochemical IRAS experiments and analyzed the data with the helpof C.H., M.S., F.W. and M.K. M.J. performed the synthesis of the new compounds CNBDand CQC and A.U.P., Z.W. and C.J.S. were involved in the characterization of CNBD andCQC. K.M.P. supervised the synthetic work and was involved in the analysis of the data.L.F. performed the DFT calculations and A.G. supervised the theoretical work. O.B. andJ.L. supervised the IR spectroscopy experiments and were involved in the analysis of thedata. C.S. and J.L. prepared the paper with the help of the other coauthors.

Additional informationSupplementary Information accompanies this paper at

Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.

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