Soils - Geoecology

Geo – the world Ecology – the study of organisms and their environment

Transcript of Soils - Geoecology

Geo – the world

Ecology – the study of organisms and their environment

Geoecology – Option 7This unit will examine the inter-relationships, at a global scale, between soils, climates, plants and animals. It will examine the factors controlling the spatial variations in the resultant biomes

of the earth

Soils - Outcomes On completing this module you will be able to

Describe the composition of soil

Explain how soil is formed

Describe a typical soil profile

Name & describe the charactaristics of soil

Name and explain processes that affect soil

Describe the factors that affect the formation of soil

The Composition of “average” soil

The percentages vary from area to area – a desert soil will contain less water than an Irish Brown Earth soil.

The formation of soil

A Soil Profile

Soil Characteristics Soils have many different varying factors


Texture (particle size)

Structure (indicated by shape of Peds, i.e. lumps of soil)

Humus content.

PH level of the soil

Water content/retention

Ped Shapes

Soil Texture – Clay, Silt or Sand

Soil Textures by %

Hummus and humus

Processes affecting soil characteristics

Factors affecting soil formation

Soils - Outcomes You have completed Chapter 1 – you should be able to:

Describe the composition of soil

Explain how soil is formed

Describe a typical soil profile

Name & describe the characteristics of soil

Name and explain processes that affect soil

Describe the factors that affect the formation of soil

Soil Types (Chapter 2) Learning Objectives:

Describe in detail BROWN EARTH soils of Ireland

Describe in detail LATOSOLS of Brazil

Ireland’s Soils

How can I remember all this???

No need to remember every colour – just focus on the yellow and dark red areas – these are the Brown Earth Soils

Factors influencing the formation of Brown Earth Soils

Brown Earth Soils Where are they found?____________________________

What type of vegetation is found in BES areas? _______________________________

Why is this vegetation type important? ________________________________________

What type of climate exists where BES soils are found? _______________________________

Why is this important? ___________________________________________

Characteristics of Brown Earth Soils

Which is the Brown Earth Soil?

Tropical Latosols Where are they


What type of vegetation is found in Latosol areas? _______________________________

What type of climate exists where Latosol soils are found? _______________________________

Why is this important? ___________________________________________

Factors influencing the formation of Latosols

Characteristics of Laterites

What’s missing?

Processes in the formation of Latosols

First Process is ________________Second Process is _______________

Latosols are found in: _________________

What is this?

Soil Types (Chapter 2) Learning Objectives:

Describe in detail BROWN EARTH soils of Ireland

Describe in detail LATOSOLS of Brazil

Soil Erosion and Conservation Learning Objectives:

Name and explain the causes of soil erosion

Name and explain how human activities can cause soil erosion

Name and explain the main methods of soil conservation

Causes of Soil Erosion

Natural Causes

Human Causes

Climate Change

Human Causes of Soil Erosion

Solutions to Soil Erosion

2014 Paper