Sociology Unit 1 Internal Assessment Sample

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Aims: 1. To make citizens of the Black River Community aware of the impact the St. John the Evangelist Anglican Parish Church has made and still continues to make on their lives through community outreach. 2. To make the members of the St. John the Evangelist Anglican Parish Church aware of the spiritual impact their church is having on the Black River citizens. 3. To meet the requirements of the Caribbean Advance Proficiency Examinations (C.A.P.E) Sociology Unit 1. Objectives: 1. To become proficient in data collection. 2. To become aware of the Anglican parish church contributions to the Black River Community. 3. To prepare a scientific study on the topic. 1



Transcript of Sociology Unit 1 Internal Assessment Sample

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1. To make citizens of the Black River Community aware of the impact the

St. John the Evangelist Anglican Parish Church has made and still

continues to make on their lives through community outreach.

2. To make the members of the St. John the Evangelist Anglican Parish

Church aware of the spiritual impact their church is having on the Black

River citizens.

3. To meet the requirements of the Caribbean Advance Proficiency

Examinations (C.A.P.E) Sociology Unit 1.


1. To become proficient in data collection.

2. To become aware of the Anglican parish church contributions to the Black

River Community.

3. To prepare a scientific study on the topic.


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1. How effective is the St. John the Evangelist Anglican Parish Church in

providing spiritual guidance to the town of Black River?

2. What impact does the church have on the social development of the youths?

3. How effective is the church in addressing challenges that the community

faces? (such as uneducated people, unemployment)


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According to Tischler religion may be defined as a ‘system of beliefs,

practices, and philosophical values shared by a group of people; it defines the sacred,

helps explain life, and offers salvations from the problems of human existence.’

The Sociology for Caribbean Students states that churches are religious

organizations that have become institutionalized. They are supported by society’s

norms and values and have become an active part of affairs of society. Their

engagement in society does not necessarily mean that they have compromised their

core values and beliefs. Functionalists examine the functional aspects of religion as it

relates to social life. One of the founding fathers, Emile Durkheim believed that

religion was functional to both individuals and society as a whole. Individuals

benefited from the rituals and beliefs that surrounded religious activities, which

provided a means of comfort and solace especially in times of need and hardship.

In the article “Jamaica Church Missionary Society to Celebrate 150 Years of

Service” published in The Daily Gleaner (2011, March 24th) an Ecumenical

Symposium session was held by local Christian communities joined by two Anglican

theologians. They addressed the churches role in correcting inequalities which

marginalize the majority of the population; evangelism and social transformation and

the nurturing of a coming family. Reverend Dr. Harold Daniel explained that the

symposium was being organized in response to the changing social reality which

demands holistic approach to ministry and mission that will engage both ordained and

law members of the Christian society in promoting spiritual emotional and personal

development in the respective communities.

Many churches are able to make visible changes within an individual, whom

they see falling. They are also able to access areas of a society that is not accessible


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by other organizations or institutions, bringing about a transformation. Pastor Dorrette

Blake, member of the Living Faith Sold Out Ministries, is an individual who is able to

access these areas and make a change. It is stated in the article “Quietly making a

difference” published in The Daily Gleaner (2010, January 10th), that Blake’s outreach

programmes take her to Hospitals, Prisons, the AIDS hospice and some of the most

volatile communities in St. James from Sunday to Sunday.

Emile Durkheim argued that religion provided the foundation for the

promotion and reinforcement of the main values and norms of the society. Pastor

Stenneth Davis of the New Testament Church of God in Grey Ground, Manchester

made a positive impact on that community which is often viewed as one of the

volatile areas in the parish. In the article “Church Makes Positive Impact in Grey

Ground” published in The Daily Gleaner (2012, April 14th) it is Davis stated, “My aim

is to change the approach of the church towards the community. I am on a mission of

activities that are geared towards responding the church towards the community so

that the church becomes a friend of the community, and visa versa”. Activities

disclosed by Davis, include a monthly prayer walk through the community which, he

said, is appreciated by Grey Ground and neighbouring communities. Davis’s missions

also include getting people to move back into the community and making investments

to foster economic growth. “We want the youngsters who go out and become

professionals through study to come back into the community and help to build it”.


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Quantitative methodology in the form of questionnaires was used in reaching

the objectives of the research, along with participating observation. The research will

take approximately four weeks to be completed. Twenty questionnaires comprising of

eighteen short, precise and clear questions were randomly issued to the Black River

community, with all being returned. The researcher received help with the

administering of the questionnaires.

The researcher will present the data by using forms of data presentation such

as charts. Questionnaires were disturbed on the first Sunday of January and collected

on the second Sunday. The researcher then analyzed and compared the varying

answers given by each individual. This was done in relation to the research questions

and the literature review. All necessary conclusions were made based on the findings

of the research.


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This research paper is based upon the citizens of the Black River Community

and the impact of the St. John the Evangelist Anglican Parish Church on them.

The sample consists of twenty individuals with 55% being females and 45%

being males between the age range of 14 and 80 years. The citizens possess a variety

of statuses such as bank managers, teachers, students and unemployed people. Of the

citizens, twenty persons were randomly selected and given questionnaires to


The method of simple random sampling was applied in the method of research

to give members of the Black River Community an equal opportunity in answering

the questions.


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The researcher used both primary and secondary sources to gather information

for the research. The primary sources included questionnaires and participating

observation. The questionnaires consisted of eighteen short and precise close-ended

questions. They were randomly distributed to the citizens of the Black River

Community. When they were disturbed, individuals were told to return them on the

second Sunday of church, making it possible for easy collection to be made.

Secondary sources used to gather information included books and newspaper



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A total of 20 questionnaires were distributed randomly to citizens of the Black

River community. Adequate and complete responses were collected. Of these

respondents, 35% were between the ages of 14 – 20, 15% between 20 – 27 and 50%

27 years and older.

Of the twenty respondents a significant 85% said yes the church caters to their

spiritual needs and 15% said no.


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Response shows 55% of the respondents think the church cater to their spiritual needs

by providing spiritual counselling, 20% said by having frequent mass, 10% said

facilitate daily confessions while 15% said the church doesn’t cater.

A significant 80% agreed that the church assist the elderly in their community while

20% said it doesn’t.






Figure 2. Pie chart showing how the respondents think the Church cater to their spiritual needs

Providing spiritualcounselling

Having frequent mass

Facilitate dailyconfessions

Church doesn't cater

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30% of respondents said the Church assist the elderly in the community with health,

25% circled the church assist with food and giving spiritual guidance while 20% said

the church doesn’t assist.


significant 80% agreed that the Church does have an impact on the youths in their

community while 20% disagreed.


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35% of the respondents said the church has impacted on the youths by helping them

to obtain an education, 30% said providing them with spiritual guidance, 15% said

trying to develop their self-esteem while 20% said it has not impacted on the youths.

55% of the respondents take food from the Soup Kitchen while 45% does not.


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Response shows that 32% respondents receive a healthy meal as a benefit from

taking food from the Soup Kitchen, 3% saves money, 20% does not benefit while

45% does not take food from the soup kitchen.


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The data collected showed clearly that the St. John Evangelist Parish Anglican

Church, found in Black River, St. Elizabeth has an impacted positively on the


A church is seen as a building for public worship by Christians. The St. John

Evangelist Parish Anglican Church was seen to make an impact on the community in

catering for their spiritual needs. 85% of the respondents agreed that the church

catered to their spiritual needs while 15% disagreed with this statement. Ways in

which the Church catered to their spiritual needs were observed from the responses

received from the research. Majority (55%) of the respondents said the church did this

by providing spiritual counselling, 20% said by having frequent mass, 10% said by

facilitating daily confessions while 15% said the church doesn’t cater to their spiritual


The church also assists the elderly in the community. This statement was

agreed by 80% of the respondents while 20% disagreed. 30% of the respondents say

the church assists with health, 25% said it assists with food and giving spiritual

guidance while others (20%) said the church doesn’t assist the elderly.

Another area where the research brought out that the church has impacted on

the community of Black River is associated with the Soup Kitchen that the church

has. This canteen provides meals on Tuesdays and Thursday for the members of the

community who cannot afford a healthy meal every day. 55% of respondents said

they take food from the Soup Kitchen. Respondents (32%) benefit from the canteen

by receiving a healthy meal. A minority (3%) said they saved money while others

(20%) said they do not benefit..


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In addition to the impacts mentioned already of the St. John Evangelist

Anglican Parish Church upon the community of Black River there is the impact that it

has on the youths in the community. 80% of the respondents agreed that the church

has made an impact on the youths while 20% disagreed. 35% of the respondents said

the church made an impact on the youths by assisting with education, 30% said it

provided them with spiritual guidance, 15% said by trying to develop their self-

esteem; others (20%) said the church does not have an impact on the youths.


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Functionalist Emile Durkheim believed that religion was functional to both

individuals and society as a whole. He noted that individuals benefited from the

rituals and beliefs that surrounded religious activities, which provided a means of

comfort and solace especially in times of need and hardship. From the observation

and the respondents (85%) agreed that the St. John Evangelist Anglican Parish

Church does provide these benefits to the community. The church provides them with

spiritual guidance and assisting the elderly by providing them in their times of need

with health and food.

In addition the church has provided the community with food for the needy

from their Soup Kitchen Canteen. From the research taken it can be seen where

individuals (35%) benefit from the Soup Kitchen by receiving a healthy meal while

others saved money.

Furthermore there are the impacts that the St. John Evangelist Anglican Parish

Church has on the youths within the Black River community. It was observed that the

Church has, and still is, making an impact on the youths by aiding with education.

The church does this by providing assistance with books, tuition and uniforms. This

supports Mr. Davis’ statement where he wants the youngsters who go out and become

professionals through study to come back into the community and help to build it.


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In concluding the St. John’s Evangelist Anglican Parish Church is and

continues to make a positive impact on the lives of the citizens of the Black River

Community. The Church has impacted on most of the citizens in the community, from

the early stages of childhood to senescence stage. It does this by providing spiritual

counselling and with the establishment of the Soup Kitchen Canteen. Also the Church

has established the Black River High School and the St. John Kindergarden which

aids with education and employment within the community.

While carrying out the research, a few obstacles were encountered; these

include word limit and documents with valid information becoming corrupted.


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Mustapha Nasser. Sociology for Caribbean Students. Jamaica: Ian Randle

Publishers, 2009.

The Daily Gleaner (2011, 2012)

The Daily Observer (2010)


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Letter to respondents

Dear Respondents,

This questionnaire is designed to obtain data on your views of ‘The Impact of the

St. Johns Anglican Church on the community of Black River’. The research is being

undertaken for partial fulfilment of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency

Examinations (C.A.P.E), so I will be grateful for your time and patience in answering

these questions. There are no right or wrong answers, all information is welcome.

Your response will be treated in the strictest confidence and the questionnaire is


- Omelia Tennant


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Questionnaire Sample

Topic: The impact of the St. Johns Anglican Church on the community of Black


Instructions: Please circle the answer of your choice

1. To what age group do you belong?

A) 14 – 20 B) 20 – 27 C) 27 and above

2. What is your gender?

A) Female B) Male

3. How often do you attend The St. Johns Anglican church?

A) Every Sunday B) Every other Sunday C) Once per month

4. Does the church cater to your spiritual needs?

A) Yes B) No

5. If yes, how does the church cater to your spiritual needs?

A) Provide spiritual counselling

B) Having frequent mass

C) Facilitate daily confessions

D) Church doesn’t cater

6. Does the church cater to any of your daily needs?

A) Yes B) No

7. If yes, how does the church cater to your daily needs?

A) Church assist with food

B) Assist with clothing

C) Assist with monetary funds

D) Does not assist

8. Does the church assist the elderly in your community?


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A) Yes B) No

9. How does the church assist the elderly in your community?

A) Giving spiritual guidance

B) Assisting with health

C) Assisting with food

D) Does not assist

10. Does the church have an impact on the youths in your community?

A) Yes B) No

11. If yes, how do you think the church has impacted on the youths?

A) By helping them to obtain an education

B) Providing them with spiritual guidance

C) By trying to develop their self-esteem

D) Does not have an impact

12. Does the church assist the youths with their education?

A) Yes B) No

13. If yes, how does the church assist youths with their education?

A) Providing assistance with tuition

B) Providing assistance with books

C) Providing assistance with uniforms

D) Church does not assist

14. What percentage of the church population consists of youths?

A) Under 40%

B) 40 – 70 %

C) 70 – 100%

15. Has the church made an impact spiritual on the youths in the community?


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A) Yes B) No

16. If yes, how has the church impacted on the youths spiritually?

A) By having confession box readily available

B) By hosting fun days for socialization and praying

C) By having mass frequently

D) Does not impact spiritually

17. Do you take food from the Soup Kitchen?

A) Yes B) No

18. If yes, what benefit do you get from the Soup Kitchen?

A) Save money

B) Receive a health meal

C) Does not benefit

D) I do not take food from the soup kitchen