Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

Three key ideas - A revolutionary party cannot be built in the short to medium term in Britain because of the way the world has changed Britain - A new red, green and feminist party can raise political consciousness and help revolutionaries to change to fit the post-Cold War world - Trotskyist organisations like the FI and the LTT may become extinct in Britain if they cannot become part of future radical generations 29 August 1998 mTtniiifift Socialist Outlook & Workers' Action

Transcript of Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

Page 1: Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

Three key ideas- A revolutionary party cannot be built in the

short to medium term in Britain because of the

way the world has changed Britain- A new red, green and feminist party can raise

political consciousness and help revolutionariesto change to fit the post-Cold War world

- Trotskyist organisations like the FI and the LTT

may become extinct in Britain if they cannotbecome part of future radical generations

29 August 1998m T t n i i i fi f t

Soc ia l i s t Ou t look & Workers ' Ac t ion

Page 2: Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

Three key reservations

Socialist Democracy is not a democratic-centralist organisation

T Other people may have views different from mine

Socialist Democracy's approach may not bebest for other countr ies

T But Britian is similar to some other countries

I am a supporter of the United Secretariat,but I'm not speaking on behalf of them

29 August 1998 Soc ia l i s t Out look & Workers ' Ac t ion

Page 3: Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

'Building the Revolutionary Partyin today's conditions': Impossible

- A revolutionary party cannot be built todayT there are no substantial eurrents of radical

campaigners and activists open to revolutionarymilitancy in the way there were 1968-1988

- Britain has changed under neo-liberalism:T union struggles are less important - more people are

drawn towards ideological and social questions▼ Revolutionaries are either part of the current

generations of radicals, or in semi-sectariani s o l a t i o n .

29 August 1998 Soc ia l i s t Out look & Workers ' Ac t ion

Page 4: Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

21st centuiy party - RSVP- A new red, green and feminist party give

people who are not organised politically anopen, pluralistic and welcoming home which is

- Revolutionaries must leam how they should

change to fit the needs of current radicalisations- Is there a political organisation today which

attracts the best of the new generation?V If we don't help build ans attractive and modem

party, we will add one absent generation to another

29 August 1998 Soc ia l i s t Out look & Workers ' Ac t ion

Page 5: Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building

Not regroupment 'Recompose and realign

- Any new political movement will be built

slowly and from the bottom up ~ don't think1920s CPs , think US Labor Party

- There will be slow realignment around a pole ~A major shock will not bring the unionstogether to form a new party

- Trotskyist organisations may become extinct ifthey regroup amongst themselves rather thanevolve to flourish in new conditions

29 August 1998 Soc ia l i s t Out look & Workers ' Ac t ion

Page 6: Socialist Democracy Group (Britain) on regroupment and party-building




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