Social Sub Factors: Communication Roles & Responsibilities Co-operation.

Social Sub Factors: Communication Roles & Responsibilit ies Co-operation

Transcript of Social Sub Factors: Communication Roles & Responsibilities Co-operation.

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  • Social Sub Factors: Communication Roles & Responsibilities Co-operation
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  • Communication is the ability to convey information to team mates/coach through the exchange of verbal speech, signals or action during practice and performance Communication
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  • It is the art of sharing meaningful information to finalise roles, discuss tactics, call set plays or refine technique. For example, in volleyball, a setter will communicate throughout a match through a combination of hand signals and verbal cues to call plays with the attacking unit and direct the passage of play to bend and break the opposition structure.
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  • Importance of communication
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  • Communication can be used to give: Tactical Advice Encouragement Feedback Information on shots played Information on the direction of play Opposition positions What might communication be used for?
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  • When applying the 3 touch attack strategy a setter will regularly communicate with the hitting unit verbally and through hand signals to indicate the direction and pace of sets to confuse opposition and give them less time to set up. Players will frequently shout to team mates in service reception when they play the 1st touch to free up other players and prevent a collision or double hit. For less able performers it is a main source of feedback which informs them to increase their skill repertoire and tactical awareness. Communication is used to decide a teams starting structure and strategy based on the opposition strengths and weaknesses. Through constant reflection and interaction it has a positive impact on the ethos and dynamics of the team and is a more positive working environment. Positive impact of good communication in volleyball
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  • Task Choose an activity, must write about a time when communication had a positive effect on you or your teams performance.
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  • A lack of communication in volleyball can be very costly as players must talk to each other to initiate attacks and any delays will limit the attacking options available and allow the opposition more time to set up a stronger defence. As soon as there is little or no communication players start scrambling for passes and there is confusion of roles and responsibilities on the court. Decisions are rash and players can begin to feel isolated and frustrated resulting in friction within the team. Our coach our teacher was not good at expressing themselves in terms of getting information across to the team. Therefore, players were unsure of what was expected of them and they didnt know how to improve their performance, Subsequently, there was a lot of confusion during the game, which resulted in silly errors and space to the opposition. Negative impact of poor communication in volleyball
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  • Task Choose an activity, must write about a time when communication had a negative effect on you or your teams performance.