Social Speed - Improving Flash Performance for Social Games (GDC 2011)

® Improving Flash Performance Amitt Mahajan, Zynga SOCIAL SPEED


Amitt Mahajan discusses techniques used by Zynga in FarmVille and CityVille to improve the loading and runtime performance of their games. (Originally presented at GDC 2011)

Transcript of Social Speed - Improving Flash Performance for Social Games (GDC 2011)

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Improving Flash Performance

Amitt Mahajan, Zynga


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My Background

• Worked on Gears of War & Unreal Engine 3 at Epic

• Co-founder / CTO, MyMiniLife• Flash Virtual World, Acquired by Zynga in 2009

• Director of Engineering, Zynga• Co-creator & Lead Developer, FarmVille/Treasure Isle• Built the first prototype of CityVille

• Created ZEngine and ExampleVille, Zynga’s common game engine and game framework

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High-Level Takeaways

Load time impacts new installs

Runtime performance impacts retention

Gather real data to know where to spend your time

Try to optimize as low-level as possible and build checks into your build process

Performance deteriorates over-time and needs to be continually re-examined

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• Extended load-time causes people to navigate away from your game

• We define load-time as the period the player has to wait for the app to become interactive

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Common Reasons for Loading Delays

• Downloading your game SWF

• Waiting for Facebook API to respond

• Round-trip for player data from game servers

• Asset size and number of assets

• Computation (depth-sorting, parsing XML, etc.)

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Measuring Load-Times

• FireBug can be used for asset load measurement

• The Flash Builder profiler can give insight into where load-time computation is occurring

• Link-exports can determine why your SWF is a certain size

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Using Link-Export

• Flash’s compiler provides a link-export option to export size breakdown of a SWF

mxmlc -link-report=C:\YourLinkReport.xml

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Using Link-Export

• We use a tool* to visualize the link-report and identify assets to remove from the SWF


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Reducing Waits on Social Networks

• Social network data retrievals significantly impact load-times

• Ideally, don’t require social network data at all to load the game

• A compromise is to pre-fetch social network data server-side and then embed it into Javascript

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Normal Facebook Data Flow

Your Canvas Callback

Initial Page Load

Render Flash HTML




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Optimized Facebook Data Flow

Your Canvas Callback

Initial Page LoadFetch all Facebook Data

Render Flash HTML & Data JSON


Retrieve User/Friend Data From JS JSON object


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Optimizing Initial Asset Load

• Set the bar high for what needs to be loaded at all

• Both asset size and number of assets matter

• Version assets and use correct HTTP headers to ensure that assets will be cached by the browser

Expires: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 03:06:45 GMTCache-Control: max-age=2592000

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Optimizing Asset Size

• Use low-res assets first and stream in high-res assets later

• Pack PNG assets into SWF files for additional compression

PNG: 20kb SWF (50%): 4.2kb SWF (30%): 2.5kb

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Asset Bundling

• Bundle similar assets together in a SWF to avoid a DNS look-up and HTTP connection round-trip for each asset

road.swfroad1.png road2.png

road3.png road4.png

road1 road2

road3 road4

Add assets to a SWF library and compile

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Multiple Asset Domains

• HTTP spec has a request limit per domain, can get around this by having DNS aliases

FlashClient ++loadCount%4

Load pig.png


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Pre-Computing Static Game Data

• XML & JSON can be expensive to parse and download

• Can pre-compile this data into Flash SWF files for download and processing savings

Raw Static Data (XML, JSON, Text,


Auto-generated .as file that embeds data

in a Dictionary

Compressed .SWF file

Generate AS3 Code

MXMLC LoadedData

Download &Load Class

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Runtime Performance

• Runtime performance is defined by perceived responsiveness of the application

• Sluggish performance hampers users enjoyment of the game

• Runtime performance issues also reduce interactivity

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How Performance Affects Virality

0-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25+


# Of Social Actions

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Common Causes of Slow Performance

• Poorly authored assets• Vector instead of Bitmap, Excessive Animation

• Unoptimized game loops• Iterating over all game objects, excessive object


• Flash VM CPU hogging• Expensive graphics filters, continually updating display list

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Measuring Runtime Performance

• FPS is a good starting metric to make visible on dev builds

• The Flash Builder profiler is solid and the normal profile/fix issues cycle works great for AS3

• It is harder to see where draw-time is going, redraw regions help

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Redraw Regions

• Redraw regions show you where your render time is going and can help identify problems

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Authoring Assets

• Vector assets render slower than bitmaps

• Bitmap assets have larger file sizes than vector

• A hybrid-approach can give the best of both worlds

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Farmville Pig

• This asset killed our frame-rate due to unnecessary vectors

*Vector images courtesy of Justin Church (

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Vector / Bitmap Hybrid

• All assets are downloaded by the Flash client as vector

• At load-time, generate rasterized bitmap sprite sheets at the lowest possible resolution that avoids scaling

• If necessary, re-generate bitmaps at higher resolutions

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Bitmap Sprite Sheets

• Alternative to vector-based animation• Uses fast pixel-based operations


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No-Draw Sprite Sheets

• First, we pre-split the Bitmap


Original Bitmap

One Bitmap Data Object per Frame

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No-Draw Sprite Sheets

Instance of an Animated Object

Bitmap Object .bitmapData

Shared BitmapData Objects

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Flash CPU Usage

• Flash can consumes CPU and slow down browser performance

• High CPU usage causes slow responses from social networks

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Optimizing the Game Loop

• Have a single ENTER_FRAME event that drives game updates

• Split the updating of objects across frames

• Controlling the game loop also lets you control simulation speeds by adjusting time delta

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Game Loop Flow


Game.updateWorld()Choose bucket in

round-robin fashion













Call .update(timeDelta) on each object in bucket

Bucket 0 Bucket 1 Bucket 2 Bucket 3

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Screen Freezing

• Swap Flash with Static Bitmap to reduce CPU

Freeze background processing & replace with


Un-freeze background processing & show Flash


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Optimization Best Practices

• Optimization for social games is on-going, even post-launch

• Build-in detection of bad assets and code into your build process

• Have your client report back performance metrics, and actually use the data to fix issues

• Continually monitor your load-time and initial download size; They tend to increase over time

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