Social psychology journal 5

Date : 21th April 2014 (Monday) Time : 9.50pm Concept : Persuasion Today after dinner, I went to a shopping mall near to my house to survey about camera because I planned to get one for myself. I stopped by this camera shop and I was attracted to one of the camera model displayed. The sales man saw me coming and he reacted very quickly by handling me a brochure of the camera first. I guess he already spotted me eyeing on the camera before this. He started off by asking me what kind of camera I was looking for and what functions I’d be more concerned of. So I told him a few models that I was interested in, he then continued by stating out all the info about the few models I have listed. First he mentioned about the picture quality that each camera can produce, whether they are user friendly or not, and the extra functions that each camera can do. Then he recommended me to get a more basic one as I’m still a beginner in photography. He went on by stating out the price, how reasonable it was and how much discount he could give me. From this part, he was commanding central route persuasion as he was attending to and evaluating the message given by stating out all the useful and informative stuffs about the camera he recommended.



Transcript of Social psychology journal 5

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Date : 21th April 2014 (Monday)

Time : 9.50pm

Concept : Persuasion

Today after dinner, I went to a shopping mall near to my house to survey

about camera because I planned to get one for myself. I stopped by this camera

shop and I was attracted to one of the camera model displayed. The sales man

saw me coming and he reacted very quickly by handling me a brochure of the

camera first. I guess he already spotted me eyeing on the camera before this.

He started off by asking me what kind of camera I was looking for and

what functions I’d be more concerned of. So I told him a few models that I was

interested in, he then continued by stating out all the info about the few models I

have listed. First he mentioned about the picture quality that each camera can

produce, whether they are user friendly or not, and the extra functions that each

camera can do. Then he recommended me to get a more basic one as I’m still a

beginner in photography. He went on by stating out the price, how reasonable it

was and how much discount he could give me. From this part, he was

commanding central route persuasion as he was attending to and evaluating the

message given by stating out all the useful and informative stuffs about the

camera he recommended.

He also guaranteed me that I will be very satisfied with my buy if I get the

one he recommended. He sounded really confident with his continuous eye

contacts with me and also how he presented the camera full with enthusiasm. He

also kept stressing on the best price he can give as he told me I can’t find any

other cheaper one in other shops. By implying peripheral route as how he

persuaded me with the way he presented and spoke, it really convinced me to

feel that the camera was really a good buy that I shouldn’t missed.

With these two routes of persuasion he used on his customer, me, in the

end I decided to listen to his advices and bought the one he strongly

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recommended as I was very much influenced and attracted by what he told me

from the way he spoke and responded to my questions.