Social psychology

The picture shows that the students was being called up to answer teacher’s question in the classroom.As one of the students was responding to the questions,he thought that his answer was right due to his own faith.This is his first impression that tend to believe his own ability that he is able to answer the question correctly.This is where perseverance effect took place as the student tend to stick up to newly formed beliefs even when the evidence for those beliefs is proved to be wrong.This kind of effect may take place in any part of situation even when we are thinking of something.The student tend to stand still for his answer as he has his reason for that answer and he thinks that he has the chance to be the right one even though the teacher has proved that he is wrong. On the other hand,the other student tend to answer the another question being asked by the teacher.And he got it correct.In this situation,that student predict that he will got the question being answered correctly and itself has became true.This is where self-fulfilling prophecy takes place.Even tough the student wasn’t really sure that his answer is correct but he answered with his logical thinking and wish that it was correct.In the end,the prophecy has became true.

Transcript of Social psychology

Page 1: Social psychology

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The picture shows that the students was being called up to answer teacher’s question in the

classroom.As one of the students was responding to the questions,he thought that his answer was

right due to his own faith.This is his first impression that tend to believe his own ability that he is

able to answer the question correctly.This is where perseverance effect took place as the student

tend to stick up to newly formed beliefs even when the evidence for those beliefs is proved to be

wrong.This kind of effect may take place in any part of situation even when we are thinking of

something.The student tend to stand still for his answer as he has his reason for that answer and he

thinks that he has the chance to be the right one even though the teacher has proved that he is


! On the other hand,the other student tend to answer the another question being asked by the

teacher.And he got it correct.In this situation,that student predict that he will got the question being

answered correctly and itself has became true.This is where self-fulfilling prophecy takes

place.Even tough the student wasn’t really sure that his answer is correct but he answered with his

logical thinking and wish that it was correct.In the end,the prophecy has became true.