Social Policies - n0ak95

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Transcript of Social Policies - n0ak95

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Maria Recio.

Social Legal and Health Issues


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Introduction :In this assignment I’m going to write about how ECCE settings work in Ireland with regulations and guidelines.

I think there are many children in Ireland and this is a really nice place (one of the best on my opinion) to grow up.

For a child to be happy there are several needs what need to be meet. Some of them are Emotional, medical or family needs. If a child is not living in an stable environment and he/she is growing up in a drugs, depression or drink environment everything is bad for the little person.

Children must be looked in an holistic way in the context of family. They need a sense of belonging and to be valued in the community for what they are and policies have been created to help in this situation.

Social Policies are created to help children to meet their needs. The Irish government created a framework to help to meet the needs of the children and their families (in theory) .

Now there are more services working with children, families and communities (in theory too) and a broad statement about all that have to do with children wellbeing have been created.

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Part one.

1.-Outline and understanding of Social Policy in relation to the wellbeing of children.

What is Social Policy: are doing within a governmental or political setting. They are the guidelines, legislation and activities in order to improve the welfare of people. In recent years the Irish government has been creating strategies and policies in order to asses and promote the well -being of all children living in there.

Ireland signed the Un Convention of the right of the Child in 1989. This is a statement of the rights of the children with an international agreed of actions and standard for every person under 18 . This Convention is about all the Civil, Political, Social and Economical and Cultural Rights as something essential for the correct development of the child. Including obligations to the governments .

The general principles of this are: Article 2 – non discrimination: Everyone in the world has the right of being

treated fair and out of prejudices Article 3 – best interests of the child always: To do at any times what is the

best for the child. Article 6 – the right to life, survival and development: not to be killed, to live

in a suitable environment and develop. Article 12 – respect for the views of the child : Allow the child to express


The rest of the rights are under this 4 main themes:

Survival Rights: recognise the child’s right to life, adeaquate nutrition, shelter and healthcare.

Developmental Rights: To allow the child to reach his/her full potential. (Education, play, cultural activities …)

Protection Rights: require that children must be protected from abuse and slavery.

Participation Rights: Knowing that the child needs to be listened and allow him/her point of view and ideas.

2.-Give details of the factors that you believe contribute to a child health and wellbeing.

Socio-economic factorsThe social and economic circumstances where a child is born and raise has a significant importance. If a child is living in poverty he/she can suffer poor health, low educational level and low aspirations. It is more difficult the access to health, etc.

Family/Parenting factors

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Children living in a troubled family are likely more prone to poor outcomes . Some examples are harsh and neglectful parents and to be abused in childhood.

Geography and neighbourhoodWhen “children are living in bad neighbourhoods there exist a substantial risk of Emotional and behavioural problems.

3.-List and explain research techniques that you could use to assist you in conducting this project.I am going to use my notes from class, The text book , the Early Childhood website and the Citizen Information Centre Website. I will also use primary and secondary research techniques , the meaning of these research is:

Primary: A primary research is a document that was created during an experience or period of time and offers a particular view about an event. Those can be Original Documents, interviews, autobiographies etc. An example of a primary research would be the Irish Constitution.

Secondary Research: This interprets the primary research and they may have pictures, quotes or graphics from the primary research on them. A good example is “Or Duty of care” or “Children First”. I will also use ethnographies which case studies based in observations of groups

4.-Devise a series of policy and procedures that could be put in place to enhance child health and wellbeing in the ECCE setting in accordance with legislation and national guidelines to include:

The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme gives a year of free early childhood education for children between three years and two months and less than four years and seven months in September of the year that is starting.

The government pays the fee to the schools and nurseries participating in the ECCE setting and these setting provide a free school year to those children. Normally the program only last a year but it can be two years for children with disabilities.

There are a set of rules in all creches orientated to give a quality service to all children in there, those are:

Healthy Eating: This is about children eating food that is good for them. ECCE settings have the opportunity to teach children to eat healthily. For example:Workers for the ECCE could sit down with the children during meal times with an healthy food and talk to them about how good is what they are eating. Nurturing them and illustrate with different food from the world. Always very well

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presented. Encourage children to try new foods respecting their appetite.In some ECCE’s junk food and frizzy drinks are not allowed.

Equal opportunities : This is about all we are equal and no one can be discriminated. . Recruitment of people that only comply with the actual legislation.The ECCE must be open to all families.Activities must be chosen taking in account the differences in cultures, abilities and gender.Being sure that any of the materials reflect diversity.

Health and safety ensuring adherence to legislation and national practice guidelines: This is about keep the health and safety with the maximum standard to everybody involved in the setting. Identify the routes of infectionBy the promotion of good hygiene measures in an ECCE settingAlways hand washing.Fire Drills.Promoting a healthy environment .Sterilise children’s materials and environment.Always following the Health and Safety guidelines.Regular training.Safety (of the premises, emergency procedures for accidents – someone trained infirst aid -- or for natural disasters)

Someone needs to be responsible for the Health and Safety in the ECCE setting. Policies needs to be up to date. Develop policies and procedures to promote a healthy and safe ECCE environment.

Personal Care Routines: One of the principles of Aistear is children wellbeing. This is about looking of the external aspect, brushing hair, clean clothes, wash oneself etc. Personal care routinesBy the encourage of washing hands.Explaining them how to brush their teeth Promoting independence to go to the bathroom.

Routines: This is about something repetitive that people do day after day. This is structure by the timetable.

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Routines give the child security. To teach according the Pedagogical methods -- children initiate, approach and learning explore, play…Child to child Interaction The interaction with the child has to be done in a respectful manner. No discipline, better conflict resolution.Attention to special needs.Assessment of the children and communicate it to parents. Organization of the class and planning.

Outdoor and indoor play. Etc. This is about playing, developing and learning in the early childhood. There must be a policy to regulate all the play. Play develops children confidence. Children learn through communication, play and movement and playing outdoors provide this better than indoors.The attitude of the personal working in the ECCE setting should be enthusiastic about going outdoors. There is necessary an outdoor play policy (about the weather and proper clothes)Time spend outdoors: Should be at least 1 hours when the weather permits it.Having a clear idea about what outdoor play means.Staff should be committed.Bring parents with them.Having the necessary outdoor resources (for gardening activities, buckets etc. )

Part Two.

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1.- History of Childcare.

ECCE settings didn’t exists previously in Ireland (apart from some exceptions) until theMiddle 80’s because most of the Irish women were living at home and looking after the children. By the “marriage bar” women had to be at home after to became mothers. This ban was over in 1957 for primary teachers and in 1973 for women working in the public service.Children used to be looking after at home, child minder or by voluntary organizations. The childcare services has been privately owned and they were not regulated till 1997.When the Child Care Regulations 2006 came into effect, there was no rules or conditions about the qualifications of people working there, the only one was the workers needed to have their own children.For workers salaries were low and the conditions very poor. It was very difficult to work in the public sector and this work was bad seen.

In 1969, a pre-school was open in Rutland Street, Dublin between the Department of Education and the Van Leer Foundation (It provides support to children living in a harsh conditions) . This school was like a “trial and error” for other pre-schools in the country and 40 pre-schools opened.In 1992 after the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child people started to be aware of the needs of the children and after this, in 2000 the National Children Strategy was published. This was a ten years strategy to help to improve children’s lives in Ireland. Giving respect to them and where all children had to enjoy their childhood.Another goal of the National Children Strategy is to give them quality support and services to help them to reach their full potential through quality childcare services, giving the necessary measures and guidelines. .

2.- Various childhood care and education services available.

Full day careThis is a service of more than 3.5 hours per day and children in there are from 3 months to 6 years. Children have lunch and sleep in there..

Sessional servicesThese services are a 3.5 hours per day (such as a morning or an afternoon) for children from 2 to 6 years. These groups may be: Montessori groups focus on the Maria’s Montessori method. .Parent and toddler groups: This is a group of parents and children all together and they

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play.  Naíonraí : Play School and children there learn Irish.

Playschools: Children play with other children of the same age.  Early Start Programme: This is a one year intervention for disadvantaged areas and it is for children between 3 to 4 years.  ChildmindersChildminders looking after the children at home. Children are under 6 years of age. Conditions are arranged between parents and childminder. . There is a childminder tax relief for people who look after more than 3 children at home.

Au pair

An au pair is a person from another country that can come here to learn English or live a different experience. There is not any specific regulation about it. , Family pay a pocket money every week.

Drop-in centresA drop-in centre offers a service for short periods during the day in public places (Shopping centre, for example)

School-age childcareHere the services may include clubs or after school activities, summer programs.

Development of the ECCE sector in Ireland.In Ireland the ECCE settings used to respond to the needs of the parents instead of the children. ECCE settings include Play groups, day nurseries, creches, child minders, pre-schools etc and they looking after children 3 pre-school age children.This services are for children under 6 years of age that are not attending to a primary school. ECCE does have a positive impact but it has to be with the best quality with a highly skilled training and in a good conditions of work. ECCE in Ireland are expensive and always is a problem its affordability to some families.

Overall aims of the ECCE sector: To achieve the maximum high providing good experiences in learning to the children from

birth to six years.

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To follow the guidelines according to Aistear and Siolta. To enhance communication with parents, workers and careers in a supportive manner will

help to reach a positive outcome for the children. Professionals should get involved in the best quality work practices in order to give good

education to children in the ECCE settings and their families.

Details of the various professionals involved in the ECCE settings. Qualifications, Characteristics.

The main characteristics for everybody working in an ECCE setting are:

An ability to step back and observe . Self awareness/self knowledge. Humility. Passion. Patience. Tolerance. Flexibility. An open, questioning mind. A desire to always be teaching and learning . - to be responsive, non reactive. An understanding of children in an holistic view .An ability/desire to live simply because is a very low paid work.

Childcare Assistant

It is the first step to get involved in children career. The person will work with the Leader to ensure all is working well in the room. .

What are the minimum qualifications for a Childcare Assistant?

Most of employers require a a FETAC level 5 or a proof that the person is taking part in a similar childcare qualification.Childcare Leader

This is the next step from Childcare assistant. It can be named Childcare Supervisor, Senior Childcare Assistant or Senior Nursery Nurse. The person is in charge of the room. The person has to ensure the room is running well. The Childcare Leader use to work very close to the manager.

What are the minimum qualifications for a Childcare Leader?

,At least, a Level 5 qualification in childcare. Due to the new ECCE program many employers will rather people holding a FETAC Level 6 or 7 because they can get more money from government during the preschool year. 1 - 2 years working experience working in a childcare setting.

Montessori Teacher

The Montessori Teacher is in charge of the Montessori room and will work with a Montessori Assistant teaching the children in the room with the Montessori system.

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What are the minimum qualifications for a Montessori Teacher?

A Montessori Teacher will need to have a Montessori qualification from a recognised Montessori college.

Montessori Assistant

The Montessori Assistant will help to carry out the programme. This is similar to the Childcare Assistant work but following a program.

What are the minimum qualifications for a Montessori Assistant

The minimum qualifications are similar to those for a Childcare Assistant. completion of a Montessori module is recommended.

Special Needs Assistant

A Special Needs Assistant (SNA) works within childcare by providing non-teaching support to children with special needs. They are there to work with a specific child.

What are the minimum qualifications for a Special Needs Assistant

In general, the minimum qualification recommended for a Special Needs Assistant is a Level 5 Certificate in SNA.


The person is responsible for the overall childcare working with the finances, staff, parents and HSE.

What are the minimum qualifications for a Manager?

There are no regulations regarding the minimum qualifications required for a Manager of a childcare facility. at least 2 - 3 years experience in a responsible management position and courses about , financial, human resources, marketing and management courses

Relevant legislation relating to the ECCE sector.:

There are two acts. The Childcare Act 1991 part VII and the Childcare (Pre-School Services) number 2. (a child under six years of age who is not going to school and provides the same Educational Programme than in a National School) and Pre-School Service that is any playgroup, nursery or similar service which look after for pre-school children.Providers for Pre-School must notified to the HSE that they are going to operate a service and it have the duty to safeguard the wellbeing of children. From the 1st of September 2011 The preschool Inspection service elaborated the ‘Regulation 5 National Assessment Guide for inspecting all childcare services. Through this guide the inspections are done in an explicit and consistent way and the HSE Evaluations support for childcare are provided.It helps practitioners to understand all about children and ECCE settings with an explanatory guide from the 2006 Pre School regulations which it is available in the National Childcare Strategy.

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This assessment is divided in 4 sections.“Section 1: Examines the extent to which the personal care provided meets the basic needs of the infants and children;Section 2: Examines the extent to which relationships around children are supported;Section 3: Examines the extent to which the physical and material environment supports the development of children;Section 4: Examines the extent to which the programme of activities and its implementation support children’s development” Accessed 25th of January 2015.The Inspection should take account of all children, specially children with special needs and cultural diversity.Preeschool EducationEquality act. Children First.

Overview of the regulations to include management and Staffing notification and inspection


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The manager must ensure that enough competent and qualified adults are with children all the times.

The ECCE person in charge must have a person who needs to be able to deputise as required.

Always that the service is carrying on the Manager or the deputised should be in the facilities.

The manager must have all vetting from Staff, Volunteers and everybody who has access to the children within the premises.

References of all staff are necessaries from a reputable sources. All people with access to children in the premise must have a Garda vetting from An

Garda Síochána and if the person is from another country the manager must be sure that these persons have a police vetting from another country.

Those vetting must be carried before to anyone start to work in the ECCE Setting.

Record keeping premises and facilities.The following records are needed in a ECCE facilities :

Children attendance records. Maximum number of children allowed. The facilities available at the centre. Opening hours and fees. Type of care and Education provides by the ECCE setting. Staff roasters. Details of the Staff: Name, qualification, position and experience. Medicines taken by the child. A register of children attending. Records of fire procedures in order to comply with the Health and Safety Authority


General rights of Children:

Survival Rights: recognise the child’s right to life, adequate nutrition, shelter Developmental Rights: To allow the child to reach his/her full potential. (Education,

play, cultural activities …)

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Love and Affection. Protection Rights: require that children must be protected from abuse and slavery. Participation Rights: Knowing that the child needs to be listened and allow him/her

point of view and ideas.

Right to a quality service in relation to ECCE.

The core needs of children are identified as follows:Child Centred, Family Orientated, Equitable, Inclusive, Integrated. Action Oriented.Some examples are:

Children need an environment that give them experiences to support their ideas and decisions.

Children must be treated with warm, responsiveness and love by the staff helping them to learn .

Children must get recognition of their values and their cultural background. Children need an acknowledgement of their needs, core values, ideas and thoughts. Children needs to be challenged in learning experiences in a positive way. Children need to explore , experiment and develop their problem solving skills. Children have the right to make choices and need to be actively involved with their

experiences and actions. Experiences and materials should be a part of their every day life. All the materials must reflect inclusiveness and diversity.

Minimum Standards:The minimum standards in an ECCE settings are the following:

It came into force by the update in the implementation of school regulations in 2006 under the part 7 of the Childcare Act.

This is about the child physical environment (health, wellbeing….) and to provide to children quality experiences and acknowledge of their rights.

It also regulated the number of children per class, number of staff for a certain amount of children. How many toilets etc. and to meet the needs of all children in there.

Dignity and Respect All children uniqueness must be valued and all children must be treated with respect.

Independence Children needs to have as much control as possible and being protected against risks.

Rights To ensure all rights are protected, safeguarded and promoted.

Equality and Diversity All values, backgrounds and cultures must be respected.

Choice Children, young people, parents and carers are offered the opportunity to select

independently from different options.

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Privacy Everyone, even children have the right to be alone and no one should intrude in their


Fulfilment Children and young people have the right to live as best as they can and with a

purposeful life reaching their maximum potential.Confidentiality

Parents and carers have the obligation to keep information of the child and to acknowledge this information is managed appropriately by everyone. In order to respect the child in confidential matters.

Role of Adults :The effectiveness in children is determined by the adults involved in their learning process . Adults play an important role because they know the child development, observe if something is not right with the child. They use observation outcomes looking for the individual in a way to met the needs and enhance the abilities. Supporting and enhancing children learning.They also know how to interact with the child in a way that builds trust, confidence, self esteem and independency.

Curriculum and Environment provided :

The curriculum:

Children need participation and involvement in activities and play give them the opportunity to experiencing, exploring, touching and knowledge. Childcare workers can provide a range of reading/writing/numeracy / life skills materials in all areas of the learning environment, for example magazines, newspapers, books, pens, crayons, paint, chalk, blocks, objects that can be matched, compared, touched etc.Play is the best medium to learn. A good curriculum is based in children develop and knowledge.Promotes the learning of all in a group and every individual.All the learning areas are integrated in an equal amount and are equally important.It is important always to identify the resources and gaps in order to improve the learning of the children.The Learning Environment:Our environment affects us and how we feel, how we interact with other people, how we learn, etc. For children a god environment where they can feel sure and safe is essential to develop and to learn.When creating a good learning environment to children the following questions should be considered:

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Are the materials available in all areas of the environment? Do the materials promote a range of learning opportunities? Are there resources available to children? Do the materials reflect a diversity and different culture? Do the materials respect the identities of the children? Are there all the experiences for children in a daily basis? Are all materials labelled ? It is safe for the children? It is accessible to all? It is large enough to allow for movement and different activities? Does it contain an large assortment of easily accessible materials to help in

the learning stages of the child? Do it promotes independency and right of choice for children?

Part 3

Thorough explanation of Social Policy chosen.

For an accurate service the family support practice by the Social Policies must start being focused in the assessment of the needs. Social workers can visit the family in question and find out about what they really need and how government can help to meet their needs. In Ireland there are several family policies to help families and children. From the “Shoe Allowance” till the “Child allowance” that is a money paying monthly (135 euros) to all families with children under 16 years of age.

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Family support (Income Maintenance) Department of Social Protection.Family Income Supplement (FIS) is a weekly payment for people who is working in low paid and have children, this helps to buy things that are necessary at home. Self employed can not get this payment.To get this payment the person needs to have at least one child living with the person. Children needs to be under 18 years of age or between 18 to 22 in full time education.

Health:Public health policy (Department of Health and Children)

This is about not to pay the doctor and medical services for people with disavantages. Through the Public Health Institute a public policy has been designed to make an equality in Health Services for everybody. That policy is not yet finished. A person may be entitled to a full Medical Card, GP Medical Card or for a support for an illness. Also there is a policy for people with some chronical diseases and they can get financial support for medicines or a determined range of food (Coeliac for example)


This is about give a decent place to live to people who can’t afford to pay a house. It depends on the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Local authorities can provide houses for people who don’t have money enough to pay a home. This is allocated according to the needs of the family. Rents use to be very low and it depends on the incomes of the tenant.

There is also a Housing Associations and co-operatives and this organizations provides houses to the people that need them.

Education. (Department of Education and Skills)

Irish Educational System is composed by: Pre-school education and childcare: from birth to 6 years. The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme provides for a year of free care for children of pre-school. In 3 hours per day, 5 days a week over a 38-week per year.

Primary and post-primary education: It is mandatory in Ireland . Is the foundation school. There are grants for disability students, visiting teacher services, resources for non English

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speaking pupils in post primary and primary schools. Financial help going to school that cover all the cost that going to school conforms.

There is also Psychological Services for schools and Special Educational Arrangements for travellers. Adapted programs for Early School Leavers and a special arrangement to bring information and communications technology in Education.

State examinations

These are the Leaving Certificate exams when the person finish the secondary school some people can get an exemption and disabilities may get some support according to their condition.

Third-level education : This is done in the college. There are a Tax relief for third-level fees, Student Grant Scheme. Grants and funds available for mature students, Social welfare payments and Postgraduate student grants.

Vocational education and training:

Post Leaving Certificate coursesPost Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses offer a mixture of practical work, academic work and work experience . This courses are about a profession that the person likes, it can be Children, wood, beauty etc.

Youth reachYouthreach : is for people who left school without formal diploma to access to Further Education .Youth Reach provide with formal academic titulation.

Further Education and Training (FET) allowancesThis is about education for people who want to educate themselves. If you get a place on a Further Education and Training an allowance may be paid.

Foundation course for people with vision impairments.This offers rehabilitation, education and courses for blind people.

MomentumMomentum provides access to education, courses and work experience to long term unemployed people.

Returning to Education :Adult Education and Back to Education InitiativeProvides opportunities for adult learners and early school-leavers who want to upgrade their skills.

Adult literacyThe adult literacy service provided by the training boards help to the people who has any difficulty reading or writing.

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Evening classesThere are a vast range of organisations offering evening and night classes. Some of them are free of charge. Those courses are mainly about hobbies and are not free of charge.

Community EducationThese are courses in the community education is adult education based in the Community.

Vocational Training Opportunities SchemeThe VTOS offers training and courses for jobseekers and other Social payments to help them to find a better job through academicals formation.

Back to Education AllowanceThe Back to Education Allowance Scheme is a weekly money from the government helps people with different circumstances to attend to second or third level courses.

Universal Allowance: Everybody has to pay for having money. This is the Ireland most hated tax. Introduced in December 2010 . The Universal Social Charge obliges to everyone to make small contributions for the services, and it is separate from the income tax when the income increases.

Choice of Social Policy and why.Housing , because for me the most important for a child is to be raise in a decent place and be grounded. I also choose the family income allowance . Both together are one of the most important thing for children to grow up in a stable environment.

National Initiatives/International Initiatives.:

National Child minding This is about looking after children at home or at their place. It is administered locally by the City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs).  The person who wants to become childminder will contact to the local Authority for get the Quality Awareness Lecture Programme. After that the person will get 630 Euro to be spent in children toys or equipment or create the childminder service

Parent & Toddler Group Initiative:

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This is a group of parents and toddler that use to meet together once per week, they play, sing and dance . The government provides grants and also parents use to pay a minimal fee (1 euro per session)

School-Age Childcare InitiativeThis is about This was published in 2005 and gives the guidelines for the support the childcare needs of parents in the school premises.

International1. Ireland ratified the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in August 2013 .2. The Third Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force on December 2014 .3. The Department of children seeks to ensure all the commitments are met.4. Ireland is participating in all related to Children Rights.5. Ireland has an important role in the develop of young and children EU policies. This was done during the Presidency of Ireland in the EU.6. Promotion and cooperation in the area of child and family services with the completion of a programme and guidelines and identifying new areas of cooperation.7. Childcare model from New Zealand that involve family in the ECCE Setting. 8.- France: The city of Children. 9.- Greece: Week of the Children.

Part 4

Effects of each area of Social Policy on the health and wellbeing of children.

Family support (Income Maintenance) Department of Social Protection: This is a income support mechanism to help families with children. The principal support is the child benefit. If a family is experiencing financial troubles can affect to the child life and its progress as a “whole” child. Children experiencing poverty tend to be bad in school, suffer more mental illnesses and are likely to be criminals or homeless.

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Public health policy (Department of Health and Children):

When young children are sick is difficult to access to the doctor by the cost of it. There is a Health screening programs that help children in an efficient and effective ways and this service is connected with others in the state. The book Healthy Ireland (Department of Health, 2013) is about health as a social, personal and economic good life. The health of children is very important. The government is improving the types of support offered to women during pregnancy . Because children doesn’t have access to GP care the provision of vaccinations and screening is increasing.


It is essential for the wellbeing of children to have a house and to be raised in a nice atmosphere. If the child is always changing places can affect to the child in many ways (physical, mental etc.) and if every year the child is changing schools it would be very destabilizing for him/her. It depends on the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Local authorities can provide houses for people who don’t have money enough to pay a home. This is allocated according to the needs of the family. Rents use to be very low and it depends on the incomes of the tenant.

There is also a Housing Associations and co-operatives and this organizations provides houses to the people that need them.

Education. (Department of Education and Skills)

Education is more than maths and books. For a country it is one of the most necessary investments to reduce inequality and poverty. Education gives to the children critical skills and tools to help in life. Education makes people to work better and helps to improve health. Education helps to promote and encourage transparency and good governance. The result of investing in Education is very deep, this result in raising incomes, promoting equality improving health and reducing poverty. The Benefits of Education are those above mentioned and much more.

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How National Initiatives/International Initiatives contribute to the health and wellbeing of children.

Play and cultural activities are essential for the develop of a child providing skills that can help them later in life.In Ireland I think one of the most important areas of concern about the children are Health and Wellbeing. Participation in activities, specially physical activity has very good effects on the future health and wellbeing of the Irish children. At school most of the children are involved in exercise but the frequency decreases and this happen most in girls.

The support of the child’s development in all dimensions with an holistic approach are very important to its social development and peers relationships. and wellbeing of children and reduce the incidence of anti-social behaviour through lack of opportunities for affordable activities and entertainment

Health and wellbeing has a strong effect on the future health and even more with those affected by disadvantage, abuse of substances and social exclusion.

This is reflected in Article 31 of the United Nations convention. Internationally there is the Kinder Parliaments in Germany and Austria and the Municipaux des Enfants in France.

Legislation relating to the family:In Ireland church has their own rules about marriage and divorce but it is still subject to civil law also now after the entry or Ireland on the EU International conventions are dealing with marriage and family conflicts across all countries.Marriage: Under the family Law act 1995 the rules for getting married comprehend both parties must be over 18 years old and give an anticipation of 3 months where the marriage is going to take place. This also involves :Each part must feel free to marry.They need to know what marriage means, rights and obligations.Male an Female (no gay marriage yet)They can’t be brother and sister.After the marriage always come the divorce (statistics) so when the marriage doesn’t work out a couple can choose to end it. This can be done through :Nullity : this is doing by the church and it is very difficult to get.Separation: This is by a court order of by agreement between the couple this means that a husband and a wife are not going to live together any more. They are not free to marry. The grounds for to get a separation are:

Adultery Bad behaviour Desertion Not sex for at least 1 year.

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Divorce: This says that the marriage is completely broke down and the couple can to re-marry to other people. In Ireland 4 conditions (all of them) must be recognised in order to obtain it.They have been living apart for at least 4 years.No way back by reconciliation.Both spouses and children know what they are doing.To live in Ireland when the process began or at least a year before of the began of the process.Children: When there are children in between terms such as custody, access and guardianship emerges. Sometimes there are an agreement between the parents and when there is not agreement all are going to court . In all cases the welfare and wellbeing of the children is mandatory.The family support agency was set up in 2003 to help families about a break down. There exist many groups helping in marriage counselling and legal aid has increased in the last 10 years.

Unmarried Parents:Even if the parents are not married the child has the same right than everyone. These rights are written in the Guardianship of Infants act 1964 and the Status of Children Act 1987 .Unmarried parents has the same legal rights over their children than marriage parents even with the payments.Paternity through presumption and blood test may be carried out without any trouble.The children act 1997 has the emendations and all the law about guardianship, custody, access and maintenance.

Policies and procedures in relation to Equality

Definition of Equality: Equality is not always about treating everyone the same – it is about

treating people in such a way that the outcome for each person can be the same. This means

putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes.

In the world all children and adults have the right to be treated equally. However, in Ireland

many families are experiencing inequality and exclusion. Equality in the early years or in a

childcare setting is related to:

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Gender : Regardless if the child is a man or a woman.

Ethnicity: Are the unified features as a culture, religion and language. (Black, white, Asian, Africans etc. ) in a Play School and early years minority should be encouraged and to be valued

Disability: The Disability Act, 2005 provides for assessment of children and sets out the criteria for entitlement to services under that Act. A child with a disability may be assessed under this or the EPSEN Act. There is a program called the Childcare Inclusion Programme and this program help to develop the code of good practice for the inclusion of disability children in the community and childcare settings. This program is based in Dublin and support childcare service to take a right approach to ensure the participation and full inclusion of disabled children providing specific training and support. The programme will be sustained and mainstreamed through a Training the Trainers Programme which will be an ongoing resource within the region.

Age : This is applied to people over 16

Religion/belief: Everyone has the right of its own beliefs

Sexual orientation: Gay, lesbians, transgender, bi/sexual. Etc.

Socio-economic status: All children have the same rights regarding where they come from or social status.

Policies and procedures in relation to Child Protection. A liaison person appointed is a policy that childcare facilities must have in place. In

Jane’s case the liaison person was informed by one of the childcare workers. When recruiting staff the code of good practice must be follow. It is mandatory to check

all the references, the identity of the person by a passport or ID , Garda vetting, etc. Applicants will not only be judged by their CV. There are proper procedures to carry an interview. In Jane’s case all the procedures were followed by the worker. Roles must be very well defined and sign a declaration about they don’t have any impediment to work with children.

When the applicant is accepted . He/she must take an induction course to know the organization and procedures of dealing with all issues. The trial period the length of the contract should be decided after see the grade of commitment with the organization and procedures. Details of this will be recorded and additional training will be in place in order to maintain good practice at work.

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Supervision and support of all workers with a monthly staff meeting and an annual appraisal.

Confidently and discretion is mandatory in all matters of children.

Easy access to the phone.

Watch children always

Respect the privacy of children. Don’t take pictures of them without consent of the parents.

Organization should encourage actions of no bullying and a policy have to be in place and up to date.

While physical contact is a nice way of reassuring this only could be done if both parts are agree.

Discipline shouldn’t be adopted like a punishment but has to be always done in a proper manner and accepted for everybody involved in the childcare settings (Parents ,workers and children)

Insurance policies must be always up to date.

Health and Safety at work is obligatory. 1st aid kits must be accessible to all adults and keep in a safe place for the sake of children. Toilets must be checked and cleaned. Assemble point must be signalized, fire trainings up, fire alarms and extinguishers checked up to date and all the matter concerned to the Health and Safety to the place.

Everybody working with children should know the signs, procedures of abuse, further complications, and how to deal with it.

Manager and workers must know all the children. It is a policy of playschools and creches to have a record of medical history, needs of the child, emergency numbers, vaccinations of the child. Etc.

When working with children staff never should forget they are very curious so they have to take the adequate precautions to keep them safe.

Consideration for Children with Special Needs or Disabilities Adhere to national legislation including Disability Act 2005, and Equal Status Acts 2000-2007

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Policies and procedures in relation to Healthy eating.

Workers must inform children about healthy choices. It is very important raising awareness about healthy eating. . Booklet and information about healthy foods on the Child care premises. Offering children the experience of taste new food. Make the children to be aware about healthy eating. Encouraging parents to make their children eating healthy food. Responding all eating needs of the child. Ensuring that all children have free access to drinking water .

Policies and procedures in relation to Curriculum

Playing provides children with knowledge , quality experiences and learning. The curriculum implementation must be based in the knowledge of children development and capacity to learn and help the child to reach its full potential offering several learning opportunities while children are being integrated in a positive way.

The curriculum must incorporates the best resources for the child and to identify gasp in provision.

Why is there a need for such policies.

Services and procedures are necessary in all services to guide people towards the well-being of children and everyone involved in the service. Policies and Procedures is a clear and concise guide about what must or should be done in a particular circumstance or issue.

Policies should be reviewed and ensure they meet all the needs of all involved in the service.

Procedures and Policies ensure:

Good practice is carried out. Helps to set out a good organization.

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They provide guidelines and consistency to everyone involved. Help to prevent misunderstood about a particular situation. They promote good relations among the staff. Better services are delivered.

Part 5

Benefits of chosen Social Policy to the Health and Wellbeing of the child.


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It is essential for the wellbeing of children to have a house and to be raised in a nice atmosphere. If the child is always changing places can affect to the child in many ways (physical, mental etc.) and if every year the child is changing schools it would be very destabilizing for him/her.

It depends on the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

Local authorities can provide houses for people who don’t have money enough to pay a home. This is allocated according to the needs of the family. Rents use to be very low and it depends on the incomes of the tenant.

There is also a Housing Associations and co-operatives and this organizations provides houses to the people that need them.

Benefits of chosen Social Policy to the Education of the Child.

Housing: A safe and stable home is very important for children development and health. Children living in a unstable environments are more likely to experience poor health, developmental delays and food insecurity.

Children in a stable family environment are likely to experience a positive outcome in their life. So, providing safe, stable and nurtured home may lessen the experience by giving them protective factors as a stable environment and a nurturing home


Improvements in chosen Social Policy.

Under the housing scheme authority acts where is necessary to accommodate a person. Under this housing sometimes houses are really old and people under this scheme must pay a charge every week or monthly.

Since prices in Ireland increased dramatically many people had affordability problems so not everyone has easy access to a house. Many times people who more need are living in hostels etc.

I think the issue of housing is very poorly distributed in Ireland. If I were minister of social affairs first thing I would do would be the investigation of all claims. I know people that its family has several homes and are living in one of the best areas in a social house just to save money .

In order to improve this, several articles could be put in the Constitution protecting people with real disadvantages . For example an extension of the articles 42 and 43 (Education and private property) A Bill of Rights should be created as an appendix to the Constitution .

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Effect of Personal bias on benefits of Social Policy

Access to an stable home is necessary to survival and one or the pillars or the human rights as

was said in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

of 1966. This convention was about housing along food and clothes in order to get an

adequate standard of life. I think the right to housing is not being well l protected in Irish law.

This crisis started when the property market and many people are still paying the


These are some of the agreements signed by the Irish Government according to an affordable

access to a house:

The Universal Declaration on Human Rights 1948 (UDHR) at Article 25.1;

The Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951 at Article 21;

The ILO Recommendation No. 115 on Workers Housing 1961;

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1965

at Article 5;

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966 (ICESCR) at

Article 11.1;

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (CRC) at Article 27;

The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and

Members of Their Families 1990 at Article 43.1;12

Many UN resolutions as well as the Istanbul Declaration and Habitat Agenda 1996.

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The ‘Right to a Home’ has widespread support in Ireland Several opinion polls confirm that

including a ‘Right to a Home’ in the constitution enjoys strong support from the Irish


Overall opinion of Social Policy (adequate or not)

I think the issue of housing is very poorly distributed in Ireland. If I were minister of social

affairs first thing I would do would be the investigation of all claims. I know people that its

family has several homes and are living in one of the best areas in a social house just to save

money .

When I was a volunteer in an organization, one day a man came asking for a house with three

bedrooms, literally said her children (boy and girl) could not sleep in the same room. The odd

thing is that they were babies and three-bedroom house was granted by Social Housing.

On the other hand, I know two families who are living in local authority houses and their

neighbours are horrible. Every day something happens, from beat their children to cover the

door with litter.

I think with the local authority houses there is no control, just as there are not many other

things dependent on the social system. A child needs a stable environment and not a

neighbourhood where drugs are sold.

And I say, it is obvious that the Garda know who each drug dealers . Why not put all dealers

to live together in the same place and leave honest families living elsewhere?

I think Ireland’s is very permissive planning arrangements that never contributed to improve

the situation, because it has not work in most parts of the country and many people are still

demanding a house.

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There are many delays associated with the local authority houses and those are very

expensive. I think a new legislation is necessary to ensure supply of houses for people who

really need it and there is also necessary a provision for people that have a real urgency to get

an accommodation.

Another thing is the allocation of these houses, most of the time they are in a really

conflictive neighbourhoods with drugs dealers etc.

Part 6

Reflects of findings in relation to social policy and what they learned from this project.

I have learnt that some people can apply for a local Authority house if they meet the conditions of legibility and the income limits are included in here.

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Incomes of everybody living in the house are taking into account after tax and PRSI has been deducted After that, the local authority will look the size of the house, the incomes, the condition of the house and any special circumstances such as: children at home, age, disability etc. The rent will be related to the incomes of the people at that place.

Improve work practices in the ECCE setting.

People working at the ECCE setting must develop a determinate plan of quality to help to improve their work around each component and standard named in the guidelines.

Those are:

Democracy and respect Partnership (make the workplace a wider community ) Reflective practice. They must improve creativity and research Documentation and planning in all areas.

Examine the areas that require further development.The recommendations was done by the P2000 Expert Working Group in childcare. This is about the improvement of the services through a range of grants for the creation and enhanced of childcare facilities.

To receive the financial support the Childcare setting must be focused only in the meet the needs of the children. The Working Group recommends that children services must give the best practice and be available all year round.

Give recommendations.

I think some of the childcare settings should be open on holidays (Midterm, summer time, etc.) There are many parents working and during these time .

Children should eat nutritive foods and childcare setting may help parents with that.

Childcare workers must help children to develop their full potential and teach them about Education, play and cultural activities.

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Childcare workers has the duty to protect children from any form of abuse or mistreated.

Childcare workers must need the needs of the children and give them the chance to express their ideas and point of views.

Play area should be clear and comply with all the regulations of the Health and Safety Authority.

Children must be encouraged to recycle.

Children needs to know how to play alone and in group.

All areas must be defined.

Workers must carry out a risk assessment.

Workers must follow all policies and procedures .

Findings , research and recommendations to assist others in a Multidisciplinary team.

Multidisciplinary team is composed by: Manager, Room Leader, Practitioner, Community Childcare worker and Doctor.

I need to know how identify signs of bad practice, neglect or any form of abuse. I also need to know how to find out when a child is not having enough food or is living in poor conditions for help to the Community Child worker to meet the needs of the child and the family.

I need to know about Social Policies and how to make them available to families or children in need. I also need to know about budgeting and family finance. Equality Act is very important.

I need to know all children in my charge in the ECCE setting. And how to give trust to them.

I have learnt about Social Policies related to children and families. So now I could assist to a Multidisciplinary team in equality policies, social benefits, healthy eating (how to explain children what it is healthy and what is not) .

I am also able to help to the MT about the various childhood care and education services available and regulations.

General Rights of Children and the right to a quality service in the ECCE complying with the standards .

I could go to the HSE and ask what benefits are available for the ECCE (Healthy Eating, Vaccinations, etc)

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I have also could help with Regulations for Outdoor and indoor play, personal care and how to develop the curriculum and make changes.

Recommendations for Change:

Recommendations to Assist others.