Social Networks Guideline Through The Power of Music - Universal Music Group & Brands

Copyright © 2013 Universal Music Ltd. 1


Ever wondered how music can impact on your social marketing strategy? Find out more in our “Social Networks Guideline Through The Power of Music” - Want to really understand how social networks and music accompany each other in marketing plans? - How it all fits in on a wider marketing strategy scope? - Proven success of a music accompanied strategy included within…

Transcript of Social Networks Guideline Through The Power of Music - Universal Music Group & Brands

  • 1. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd. 1
  • 2. 2 Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 3. 1 1. Most Popular online activity worldwide 2. All Age Groups use social networking today not only young people 3. For digital natives, it is a normal mean of socialization 4. Mobile Devices are fueling the social addiction 5. Micro-blogging* has emerged as a disruptive new force in social networking 3 Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd. *Micro-blogging: Twitter like services
  • 4. 4 Create engagement between the brand and new audiences Meet Acquisitions Objectives Enhance or change brand image Increase website traffic Increase customer loyalty Increase brand awareness Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 5. 5 Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 6. 6 Adding all of the companys pages to each Favourite Pages section helps recirculate its fans and create an association between one product or brand and the umbrella company. Promote the fan pages on Universal Music local websites, local platforms & associated brand websites. Pages that are updated multiple times a day have more fans and likes than pages updated on a daily basis. Text updates alone dont inspire fans long term and wont make a page look compelling. The pages that do include rich content types have an average of 19 times more fans than the pages that dont. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 7. 7 Dont post too many brand messages. Dont lock your Facebook page! 97% of the pages allow fans to post text-based messages on the wall, and 57% of them let fans post photos or videos too. The ability to discuss content is at the heart of social applications. It can be about the brand or broad questions that can easily be answered by a majority of the fans. Ex: Chiclets sent a kit with gifts to make influencers talk about the contest on the social media This allows a sub community to establish itself among the fans, fostering deep engagement that keeps the most loyal fans returning to the page. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 8. 8 Announce exclusivities in advance Follow an event minute by minute The Hashtag #: is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It relates your post to the topic mentioned The @: the "@" sign followed by a username is used for mentioning or answering to other users Retweet: you can share the post of another user by using Retweet and other users can do the same Try to be retweeted as much as possible Drive people toward your YouTube channel, Facebook pages, contests, exclusive contents via your twitter account It can be about the brand or broad questions that can easily be answered by a majority of the fans. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 9. Emmas exclusive message for Hyundai 9 Psys YouTube channel design The viewer skips from a video to another very fast: you have to retain their attention with original content. Have weekly updates to make the viewer come back on your page You can add a message at the end of the video like Come back next week to see the new clip of Make a very differentiated YouTube channel Ex: Skype session with David Bisbal posted on Facebook resulted in lots of fans comment Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 10. Remain vigilant about everything that is written on your brand or activity Subscribe to a Google Alert on specific key words Use Radian6, a Marketing Cloud that monitors whatever mentions your brand or activity React promptly A lot of people think they are not heard and conversations can escalate quickly Show the customer that their problem is taken into account. Dont cancel bad comments Put yourself in the customers shoes The customers dont care about what causes their problems Apologize when you are wrong Propose solutions instead of finding excuses Dont fuel the troll*: some people are just posting bad comments to harm a brands name and every interaction fuel their behavior. Ignore them If their comments are perfectly groundless, prove them wrong with actual facts Be discreet A public forum is not the most appropriate place to solve a complex issue Propose to the dissatisfied customer to continue the discussion on a more appropriate support (phone, email, online support forum) * Troll = person who participate in a debate on a forum in order to fuel a controversy or more generally to disturb the balance of a community 10 Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 11. 11 Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 12. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd. Source: and 12
  • 13. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd. Source: 13 The most-viewed video in the online services history, with a global following and nearly 1.6 billion views (May 2013) Gentleman received more than 20 million hits in the first 24 hours after its release in April 2013, easily beating the previous record of 8 million views for Justin Biebers Boyfriend in the first 24 hours
  • 14. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd. Source: *13/05/13 14 In 2012 alone, Gangnam Style, Call Me Maybe, Somebody That I Used To Know, Sexy and I Know It and We Are Young generated more than a billion views in parody videos. Mitt Rommney Style parody: +47 million views* Kim Jong Style parody: +32 million views* Somebody that I used to know WOTE parody : +15 million views* Some Study That I Used to Know: +6.1 million views* Sexy and Im Homeless: +17.8 million views* Santa and I Know It: +14.4 million views*
  • 15. Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd. Source: *13/05/13 15 Music in marketing isnt just a passive background: whether its attention grabbing or supporting your message it still communicates. Music speaks to our emotions, brings people together and starts conversations. Music provides not just a personal relationship, but a long-term loyal behaviour as well by offering emotions, experiences, exclusivity and engagement. Music is able to differentiate the brand itself from the competitors.
  • 16. Facebook contest through Chiclets Facebook s page: Participate to a contest to win a Fan Pack with 2 tickets for Justin Bieber show in NYC and a Meet & Greet Contest Concept: Tell your friends why you should attend the JB show and ask them to like your answer In order to like, one must like Chiclets Facebook page first Justin Bieber: huge pool of fans among the 13-17 (Chiclets target) Chiclets: very popular brand among the youngsters Chiclets Facebook Page: a lot of content & interactions with the customers Kit with Chiclets products was sent to 80 public influencers between 13-17 years old with a large base of followers on social networks to create buzz 16 Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.
  • 17. 17 [email protected] Copyright 2013 Universal Music Ltd.