Social Networking Guide Or the web is not a private place.

Social Networking Guide Or the web is not a private place

Transcript of Social Networking Guide Or the web is not a private place.

Social Networking Guide

Or the web is not a private place


1.Before you email or post take another look. Make sure it is suitable for your parents, your teachers or potential predators to see. Writing thing on the internet is publishing and therefore the laws related to publishing apply to what you have put on the internet.– If you say something nasty about someone else in

net speak this is flaming. – In addition you could be committing libel or

defamation – both of which you can be sued for.


2. Don’t forward hoax or chain emails. Be brave and stop them at you.

3. Use current anti-virus software. This will protect your own and all your contact’s data.

4. Don’t post or email in anger. You will regret it. You can’t get it back.

5. Reduce the size of picture files so they can be managed more easily.


6. Keep your security settings high on your social networking sites. E.g. FaceBook, MySpace, Club Penguin.

7. Spell check and punctuate your emails and posts.8. Be careful about irony – use :-) s to show your

intensions.9.Don’t write in capitals are this is considered

SHOUTING.10.Report abuse if you are upset or frightened. Use

the CEOP or Childnet sites.


11. Make up a fake ID on the web. This is virtual reality after all.

12. Don’t meet up with people you meet on the web, especially alone.

13. If you do use your real name- Don’t post your address

– Don’t post your school– Don’t post you age– Don’t post any phone numbers– If you must post images think about how you look

to others in that picture


14. Never post or send indecent or inappropriate images of yourself, or your mates, either by phone or on to the internet. You can never get them back!

15. Do not distribute indecent images of your school friends. You would be committing a criminal offence could end up on the Sex Offenders Register for Life.

Just being social

• Follow the safety tips. MySpace has tips and videos. Just click on the link at the bottom of the hompage.


• As soon as you set up an account set your privacy settings

Friends only!• Check all your

security setting and put them to friends only.

• Then you only have to worry about them and not the Friend of Friends or complete strangers who want to look at your page.

When to block?

• Block if you are frightened; a person is intimadating you; or asking you to do things you don’t want to do. Report these as well.

• Don’t block as a way of getting back at friends you have just fallen out with.


• Information you post or send on the internet is there for ever. You can’t take it back.

• Employers and organisations will regularly check Google for details of it’s employees and FaceBook automatically puts your name on Google.

• Protect your self and your friends.• Think before you post.

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