Social networking

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Transcript of Social networking

Social Networking 6

Teenage Social Networking

Tiffiny McQuire

ForKimberly Boyd


Limestone College


The purpose of this paper is to discuss social networking. Were also going to discuss how we can put a handle on social networking.

A social networking can be used in many different ways. The most common way that people use social networking is finding friends and forming relationships. Businesses use social networking by putting products out there for the customers to use. They tell them to put there their comments on their social networking site so that the public can see the results. On these social networking sites the user has to build profiles and personal networks to connect with other users. Research shows that in the past five years, the number of users have sky rocketed (what research? Cite). Fifty-Five percent of Americas youth ranging from the ages of 12-17 are registered on these sights sites. Today, there are many social network sites but the famous sights that are being used are Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. MySpace is the most dominant social networking amongst teens. The next one in line is Following MySpace is Facebook, which Facebook was once a closed system It was created for the school and college communities to network with one another. Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Twitter is a social network mainly used by adults who have not been introduced to other sites. Jeremiah Owyang, who is an industry analyst studying social media says, Adults are just catching up to what teens have been doing for years. These days all of these Social Networking sites have grown out of control. Social networks have also been used to examine how organizations interact with each other, characterizing the many informal connections that link executives together, as well as associations and connections between individual employees at different organizations. For example, power within organizations often comes more from the degree to which an individual within a network is at the center of many relationships than actual job title. Confusing! Restate this. Social networks also play a key role in hiring, in business success, and in job performance. There are no assumptions that groups are the building blocks of society. Rather than treating individuals (persons, organizations, states) as discrete units of analysis, it focuses on how the structure of ties affects individuals and their relationships. Social Networking can be Ppositive and N negative. The sites can be used to display talents such as artistic, musician etc. Some businesses do their recruiting by things they see on the internet. So its a good system to put your interests out there and get a positive or negative feedbacks from your peers or other people that are interested in the individuals talents. The negative part of social networking is, people publish too much information about themselves and attract the wrong kind of audience such as?. Facebook is one more of the controlled social networking site because you can use measures to determine who views your page. MySpace is a social network thats open to the public. Anyone could be exposed to harassment such as bullying and sexualwhat?. I worry about teens having accounts on MySpace because theyre in greater danger of becoming targets of pedophiles. The enemy always creates these profiles that turns out to be a lie. Restate this Another negative is the risk of identity theft. It occurs amongst teens and adults because they share too much information about their name, date of birth and location. U said this earlier, either change it so its not repeating or move it up where you have already mentioned itSocial Networking sites are sometimes used for the wrong reasons. These social networking sites are sometimes set up for people to get attacked. For examples, trying to find a date on dating sites is using it for the wrong reason not if its a dating site like Eharmony which is set up to find dates. Thats their purpose. Predators use those types of websites to prey on the weak because people put too much of their business out there for the whole world to read. If using dating social networks is the last resort, I suggest that people post the bare minimum about themselves. People use it to air others dirty laundry and put pictures out there for the public to view. Some people think that its entertainment, however, I think its tacky and it should be a way to inactivate someones account when this happens.For the safety of teens, Pparents should monitor everything that their children are doing on these social networks. Parents should also investigate any sites that their children are using. The same rules that apply to online chat rooms should be used for social networking. People should know not to give out personal information to people you dont know. A last name and a town is enough information for a predator to locate you. You should never assume that people are who they say they are. Its so easy to create profiles under false pretenses. There are a lot of adults getting assaulted by these networks. They think they know a person well enough to go out and meet them when in return the situation turns out differently. Flow. Why didnt you say this earlier when you were talking about dating on the internet???In conclusion, social networking has its pros pros and cons cons. Its only what you make of it. If youre going to use these networks, you have to be careful how you use them and be aware of the information that is being put out there. These social networks can help you and at the same time be your worst enemy. Always be aware because no one wants to be seen the local or national news for being a victim. It has good info but too much of your personal feeling instead of fact and research. I can actually hear you saying some of the things you have typed because you type how you talk (INCORRECT and GHETTO). LOL, non-the-less, it also doesnt flow well. You jump between subjects. Why? Because you are typing your feelings. Start with 1) Name the sites and their main purpose, sorta like a brief history like you did for Facebook. 2) Discuss how they are being used one by one. Pros and cons etc 3) conclude by saying what can be done to put a handle on the issues like you said you would in your abstract. i.e. parents monitoring their children and not sharing so much information. Otherwise it was good but you can do better. C+ LOL


Lenhart, Amanda; Madden, Mary. Citing Websites. Social Networking- Retrieved 8 October 2010, from

Owyang, Jeremiah. Citing Websites. Twitter Retrieved 8 October 2010, from"