Social media Knowledge Management & Business - BCS & IT Size is not a proxy ... Innovation &...

Social media Knowledge Management & Business Andrew Woolfson 9 march 2011

Transcript of Social media Knowledge Management & Business - BCS & IT Size is not a proxy ... Innovation &...

Social media Knowledge Management & Business

Andrew Woolfson9 march 2011

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP

Context to this session

My background: “what goes around…..”

Outside in & Inside out

Public & Private

Knowledge & IT

Size is not a proxy for quality

BDO UK to BDO Int to RPC

Lotus / IBM to Microsoft to Alternatives

Social media & KM

Innovation & enterprise to KTP

KTP between RPC & University of Westminster

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP

To develop an innovative social media framework and solutions serving the knowledge management, commercial, people and organisational requirements of RPC and deliver benefits to its clients......

•Competitive •Leverage who we are and what we do•Grow and cultivate practitioner knowledge whilst feeding into and from the body of academic research

KTP – Social Media & KM

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP


1. Dynamics

2. Individual to Collective

3. Effects upon core IT

4. Case study & Lessons

5. Roadmap – business example

6. Ambitions and predictions

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“An employee’s strong ties give “colleagues”. Weak ones open up options.

Technologies that help weak ties proliferate therefore also provide options.

Given how cheap they are, and how many options they bring, they seem like one of the best investments out there.”

Andrew McAfee builds upon the thoughts of Mark Granovetter “the strength of weak ties”1973 and still relevant today.


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Technology is seductive when what it offers meets our human vulnerabilities.

And as it turns out we are very vulnerable indeed. We are lonely but fearful of intimacy.

Our networked life allows us to hide from each other, even as we are tethered to each other. We’d rather text than talk.....

Sherry Turkle: Alone Together 2011

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Ties in the business

How small moves, smartly madecan set big things in motion

Hagel, Seely Brown, Davison “The Power of Pull”

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Beware “nothing is new......”

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New ways of the world ahead of us?“future is here, its just unevenly distributed”

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Ways into the business

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Tapping into business improvement ambitions

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Thoughtful about the dynamics of groups

– Strong and weak ties

– Not all about digital & virtual

Position the vision in front of “management”

– Anchor to improvement

Quantum leap in technology likely to continue at pace

– Relate to investment strategies

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Individual to collective

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Firm Prof


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Trust: relationship to social mediaworld of professional services

T = C + R + I*S

* David Maister & Charles Green




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Software which can emulate the relationships within the firm


Free of up-frontworkflow

Indifferent to formality

Data agnostic

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Social Stack


Group Collaboration

Blogs & Networks

Bookmarks & Tags

RSS feeds

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Examples – maturing market






Moveable type













“What ” to “Where ”Knowledge findability and its conception has

moved on.

And what about KM

Capture: tacit to explicit, hmmmm

Tacit and explicit: in the “collective”

Collect, Organise, Share, Find

Learning, Use & Creating insights

Decisions & Speed : “Agency”

Its not all about content

Participation , Flow

Lots of software solutions

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Example: Knowledge Flow via RSS

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One of my KM Mantras: “selfish to collective” or “me to we”

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Relationship with IT

• Melody

Solution(s) meet needs, with definite way of going about things: i.e. the technology applications

• Harmony

IT Director and Knowledge Director: concerted view

• Rhythm

Define impacts on IT architecture & infrastructure

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2.5 Smart investment for Kn M

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Person prominent

IT prominent

BigCore ITCore ITharder & longer to getreturns

LightSocial mediaSocial medianatural & shorter to get returns

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Platform Layers

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Summary of relationship to IT

• Technology choices

– aligned to business “use stories”

– kept light

– social infrastructure: “bag of APIs”

– technology applications “throw-away”

• IT strategy

– Yes, new challenge for IT without creating a dilemma for Infrastructure or Core Systems

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KM & Social media can help by playing into the various strategies...

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Trends to be aware of..

Dogs to cats

Given to Select

Assembly to non-linear

Own to team

Co-ordination to Collaboration

Security (assets) to privacy (us)

Privacy as a given to Privacy as something to manage

Media to multi-media

Fixed to cloud

Tethered to untethered (though beware the rise of the App)

URLs to Apps.....

70 year cycles to 1,2,3 year cycles

“Systems of record” to “Systems of engagement”

Channels to connections (or maybe that’s to come)

Permanent to transient

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Needs: management aspects

Leadership & Insight

“Out of system”; be bold

Make sense (affordable, simple, “personal+” difference)

Build for today & tomorrows

Don’t use previous tech with today’s money

Recognise faster cycles of change

Deploy quickly

Be prepared to throw away and or use modules

Proportional investment


It’s not training

It’s not ”change management”

It’s thriving on what we do and provide

It’s accepting the new & simple to realise the benefits

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP

So when we look at our enterprises and the way we want to support business improvement...

Ability to Offer (managing tensions between):

Flexibility and controlTacit and explicitQuestions and answersPersonal and collectiveExperience and delivery