Social Media for Travel & Tourism: Maximise ROI

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How Social Media revolutionized the way we travel ? What are Social Media Best Practices? 4 top tips for maximizing your presence on the top Social Networks . What is Social Media ROI and how to calculate your return?

Transcript of Social Media for Travel & Tourism: Maximise ROI

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Welcome to today’s webinartoday s webinar

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About Adrian

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About Tatiana

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Who is TA Fastrack?

Established in 2002

Offices in Sydney Brisbane AucklandOffices in Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland

Australia’s leading travel and tourism DigitalAustralia s leading travel and tourism Digital Marketing agency

Official members marketing service to the members of AAOA and ARAMAmembers of AAOA and ARAMA

Over 150 years of combined experienceOver 150 years of combined experience

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Some of our clients....

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What you will learn today

How Social Media revolutionized the

way we travel

Social Media Best Practices

Best tips of maximizing your presence

on the top travel Social Networkson the top travel Social Networks

How to calculate your Social Media


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700/second700/second# of FACEBOOK 1 hour/secondstatus updates Of video uploaded



1000/minute# of NEW visitors on PINTEREST


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3x more time spent with i l di th ilsocial media than email

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The Social Media Revolution

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Social Media Impact on Travel

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How the Travel Industry Utilizes Social MediaSocial Media Impact on Travel

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Social Media Impact on Travel

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Social Media Impact on Travel

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How the Travel Industry Utilizes Social Media

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Social Media Impact on Travel

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#1 Rule for Business Success in Social Media

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Good Social Media Starts with a Good Strategy#1 Rule for Business Success in Social MediaGood Social Media Starts with a Good Strategy

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Best Practices MatterBest Practices Matter

Content is KingDO create strong content. If you don’t have anything important to say or information of value to deliver, you won’t achieve engagement with users.Don't make social media just a platform to promote your product. Let your customers promote the product and use social media to promote your customers.

Listen and EngageDo listen and engage with your audience everyday. They want you to talk

ith th b t t t thwith them but not at them.Don't avoid customer complaints or gripes. One or two unanswered negative comments can leave a huge impression on your prospective customers, not just the person who's posting that comment., j p p g

Build Social Relationships through CommunicationDO focus on social communication as equally as you focus on strong content. Facebook and Twitter are more communication engines than content engines.Don't assume that just because a consumer "likes your brand" that they're interacting with you. You have to continue to build that relationship and turn that "Like" into LoveLike into Love.

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Best Practices MatterThe Social Media Business Equation

Content strategy is a map formap for turning your 

i l disocial media into business success

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Social Channel Australia Users May 12 Change from April 12

1. Facebook 11,968,120 ↓ 20,000

2. You Tube 11,000,000  Steady

3. BlogSpot 4,030,000  Steady

4. LinkedIn 2,200,000  Steady

5 Twitter 1 800 000 Steady5. Twitter 1,800,000  Steady

6. 1,600,000  ↓ 200,000

7. Tumblr 1,200,000 Steady

8. Flickr 840,000  ↓ 80,000

9. Pinterest 560,000  ↑ 90,000

↑10. Instagram 423,000  ↑ 171,000

MySpace 420,000  ↓ 40,000

Google+ 331 336 EstimatedGoogle+ 331,336  Estimated

StumbleUpon 150,000  Steady

Reddit 140,000  Steady, y

Digg 77,000  Steady

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Facebook in Australia

No.1 Social Media site

11 million users

60-70% of Australianshave Passports11 million users

- 51.22% of population- 63 93% penetration of online population63.93% penetration of online population

Only 1 million users under 18yrs of ageAvg time spent on Facebook a day is 22Avg time spent on Facebook a day is 22 mins2 in 5 Australians online are now i t ti ith i i F b kinteracting with companies via Facebook9 in 10 (86%) of Australian’s look to their fellow Facebook users for opinions and 75% of Australiansinformation about products, services and brandsFacebook Ads becoming more

75% of Australians socialise with friends and family through Facebook

Facebook Ads becoming more effective than Google Ads

(Data accurate as at 05 March 2012)

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Maximising Your Business on Facebook

#1: Use custom b li itab applications

Add personality to your pagey p g

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Maximising Your Business on Facebook

#2: Offer value

Give Facebook users what they want

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Maximising Your Business on Facebook

#3: Be available

Check and respondp

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Maximising Your Business on Facebook

#4: Be flexible

Share it as it happenspp

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Twitter In AustraliaTwitter in Australia

There are approximately 1.8 million Twitter accounts in Australia

Twitter is the 5th most popular social network

Only 16% of AU users areOnly 16% of AU users are under the age of 24. Largest segment (32%) is 45 5445-54

25% follow brands, i i ticompanies or organisations

via Twitter

Avg time spent on Twitter per day is 10 mins

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Maximising Your Business on Twitter

#1: Createticonversation 


Talk about thingsTalk about things that interest your


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Maximising Your Business on Twitter

#2: Interact#2: Interact

Don’t be lame

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Maximising Your Business on Twitter

#3: Organiseyour communityyour community with Twitter 


Twitter gives you a t i hgreat overview on how

to use Twitter Lists



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Maximising Your Business on Twitter

#4: GraduallyE d YExpand Your Community

B ildBuild your relationships one at

a timea time.

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YouTube in Australia

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YouTube in Australia

There are 11 million YouTube accounts in Australia

YouTube is the 2nd most popular social network in Australia

Most traffic occurs at 6-8pm weekdays and 8-11pm weekendsweekends

12hrs of video are watched devery second

48% of Australian companies & brands have a YouTube channel

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Maximising Your Business on YouTube

#1: Customize your Channel

Give ‘em some eye candyGive em some eye candy

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Maximising Your Business on YouTube

#2: Manage Commentsg

Keep it cleanp

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Maximising Your Business on YouTube

#3: Engageg g

T lk t thTalk to them

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Maximising Your Business on YouTube

#4: Cross‐promotep

Integrated Marketing mattersIntegrated Marketing matters

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SocialSocial ROI

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Equation for ROI?

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How Should I Estimate My Return?How Should I estimate my Return?y

Apply a 3‐step process:• Define your social media goal.Define your social media goal.• Based on the goal, define your social media return.Fi ll d fi h ill ti h d d ll t th• Finally, define how you will tie hard dollars to the social media return.

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Social Media ROI on Sales

STEP 1 Goal: increase sales.

STEP 2 Return: value of sales that can be attributed toSTEP 2 Return: value of sales that can be attributed to the social media campaign. ‐ Follow user path from the online check‐out to where the user enteredFollow user path from the online check out to where the user entered the stream‐ Provide our users with social media campaign–only coupon codesCompare actual sales with forecasted sales‐ Compare actual sales with forecasted sales 

STEP 3 Tie hard dollars to the social media return: amount of sales dollars.

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Social Media ROI on Sales

Social media ROI = (return – investment) / investment %.

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How Should I Estimate My Return?Social Media Marketing Special Offery

Subscribe to Fastrack Social Maintenance Program* and receive FREE channel customisation** valued at $1000customisation** valued at $1000 

INCLUSIONS:A t t• Account set up

• Channel set up and initial content population^• Monthly Content Strategy• Interaction with your fans/ followers^^

$350 per channel / per month• Interaction with your fans/ followers^^

• Content sharing^^^• Cross-promotion on your digital channels• Monthly overview traffic report

per channel / per month

*Basic package, min 3 months commitment** b k b b h l b k d

• Monthly overview traffic report

**E.g. Facebook custom tab, You Tube channel background^ Includes images, folders, tabs, playlists, lists – up to 3hrs p/month^^ Includes response to comments, questions, complaint management ‐ up to 5hrs p/month^^^ Includes status updates, photo & video uploads, polls, questions ‐ up to 5hrs p/month

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Contact TA Fastrack

Tel: 07 3040 3588!/tafastrack

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Question timeQuestion time