Social Media Campaign Final

DAY 2 Introduction – DAY 1 TOGETHER: A Journey for Survival Social Media Campaign Length: 10 Days Purpose: Gain a larger following through posts that relate to the book as well as provide inspiration in life. CAPTION T – TRUST As vividly clear in “Together,” trust was an important part of the Schonwetter’s lives as they had to make decisions on who they trusted, sometimes with their own lives. In life, trust is important, and allowing others to trust us can only make our lives better. Trust can get you through the toughest situations, even if hardships are in the way. CAPTION As stated by Henry Ford, “coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” TOGETHER, a word that we use so commonly, is very important to the English language and society as whole. Join us over the next 8 days as we break down the word TOGETHER letter by letter, relating it to the book and the importance of the word in life. Plus, take a look at never-before-seen photos of the Schonwetter family! Posts to be shared on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter First Draft – 7/15/2016 Mitch Rissmiller

Transcript of Social Media Campaign Final


DAY 2 Introduction – DAY 1 TOGETHER: A Journey for Survival

Social Media Campaign

Length: 10 Days

Purpose: Gain a larger following through posts that relate to the book

as well as provide inspiration in life.


T – TRUST As vividly clear in “Together,” trust was an important part of the Schonwetter’s lives as they had to make decisions on who they trusted, sometimes with their own lives. In life, trust is important, and allowing others to trust us can only make our lives better. Trust can get you through the toughest situations, even if hardships are in the way.


As stated by Henry Ford, “coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” TOGETHER, a word that we use so commonly, is very important to the English language and society as whole. Join us over the next 8 days as we break down the word TOGETHER letter by letter, relating it to the book and the importance of the word in life. Plus, take a look at never-before-seen photos of the Schonwetter family!

Posts to be shared on Instagram, Facebook &


First Draft – 7/15/2016

Mitch Rissmiller






O – OVERCOME Sala Schonwetter overcame obstacles using her inner strength and indomitable will, which ultimately kept her children alive. Although the obstacles that Sala overcame are some that we hopefully will never face, it is important to have the same courage in all of our lives to overcome obstacles from small to big.

G – GRATITUDE Many individuals assisted along the Schonwetter’s journey, and to this day Manek is thankful to all of the people that helped save his life. We are thankful for his story that he has been able to share with us, as many survivors struggle with telling about their daunting past experiences. Our family’s recent visit to Poland gave us an insightful and emotional look at how much the area meant to my father and how much him coming to visit meant to the locals of the area. Good or bad, it is important to embrace where you came from and share stories with others to enlighten their lives.

E – EDUCATE Similar to yesterday’s post, not only is it important to express gratitude to those that have helped you along your life journey, but educate others on experiences that you’ve had in hopes of bettering the lives of others. By writing this book, I hoped to share my father’s story to educate and inspire other to never lose hope, embrace and accept being TOGETHER with all others.






E – EMPOWER As mentioned previously, I wrote this book to share my father’s story with the world and empower others to share their stories and understand a different perspective of individuals who survived the Holocaust. Empower people that come into your life – challenge them to do better, accomplish their aspirations, and lead a positive life. Sometimes even a smile can encourage someone to achieve greatness.

H – HOPE Even when Sala hit the lowest of lows, she never lost hope that her life could get better and her and her children would make it out TOGETHER. Hope is an integral part of living a positive life, and something that keeps us motivated and happy. Live your life with hope that even the smallest situations will work out, as you can achieve greatness with just a little hope.

T – TODAY Today is an important part of any journey. As Sala determined what her next move would be to save her children, she tried to make sure that each day was filled with more than just despair. Although our pasts are major parts of who we are, it is important to take every new day as a fresh start and one where we can embrace our past to make our future better. By learning from the past, and incorporating the lessons we learn, we have the capability and power to positively contribute to the world and make it a better place.


DAY 9 Conclusion - DAY 10



R – REALITY For the last letter of TOGETHER, it is important to realize that the situations depicted in the book were the Schonwetter’s reality. The reality that they faced was hiding to save their lives, as death was on their doorstep almost daily. In many of our realities, we are lucky to not face anything close to the conflicts that the Schonwetter’s faced, but it is important to remember that this was their reality. As a family, we have tried to share this reality, and show how proud of our heritage we are. When faced with reality, we persevere and accomplish great things, TOGETHER.

Over the last 8 days, our meaningful title, TOGETHER, has been broken down word by word. Trust, Overcome, Gratitude, Educate, Today, Hope, Empower, Reality are all important words as well, and ones that we should keep in mind. Look at my dad, a survivor of the Holocaust, who continues to stay positive and greatly impact the lives of others. After surviving, he came to America where he made a successful life for himself and created our family, which we are all so grateful for. Remember his smile, it shows that even after experiencing the worst, he can still smile. Smiling is infectious – as one person smiles, another smiles back, and so on - you could say it keeps us TOGETHER.

Important: Hashtags can be added to the posts after they are approved and finalized.