Social Media and Your Communication Strategy

Digital Communication in Government Series Social media and your communication strategy Presented by Mitchells Friday, 27 June, 2014


DPC and Mitchell & Partners presented the eighth Digital Communication in Government Seminar on 27 June 2014. Joined by communication practitioners from across the Victorian Government, Marcus Betschel and Trent Light from Mitchell & Partners shared their experiences about how to best use social media as part of a broader communication strategy.

Transcript of Social Media and Your Communication Strategy

  • 1. Digital Communication in Government Series Social media and your communication strategy Presented by Mitchells Friday, 27 June, 2014

2. About us 3. Introduction-Aboutus Marcus Betschel Head of Social Media Specialist in Social Media strategy and channel integration A 15 year Marcomms expert across a broad range of sectors including NFP and Government Focus on leveraging Paid, Owned and Earned Media 4. Introduction-Aboutus Trent Light Content and Activations Strategist Seven plus years experience in behavioural change and social marketing Expert in developing integrated strategies that target hard to reach audiences Extensive Government social marketing experience 5. IntroductionOurrole 6. IntroductionOurrole Getting people to talk about your campaign Social media Public relations Key influencers Events and activations Content marketing 7. Joiningthedots 8. Setting the context 9. Doingsmallthingsdifferently 10. Thepast 11. Thepast 1 2 3 12. Thepresent 13. Thepresent 1 2 5 34 14. Thepresent 15. What are the opportunities? 16. Socialmediaandgovernment Influence behaviour Get important information out to the community - fast Be involved in community conversation Measure public sentiment - community listening Increase campaign/brand awareness Extend campaign reach through paid advertising Make the most out of partnerships by providing relevant content Thought leadership Content seeding 17. Communicate in more environments 18. Increased integration 19. Increase key message cut through 20. Get involved in the discussion 21. Communicate with eavesdroppers 22. Build campaign momentum 23. Maximise audience targeting 24. NBA has experience success from sending Snapchats from training sessions the informal smartphone captured content was engaging because it gave fans the feeling of being there Estimated 1.1million Australian users & growing constantly Opportunity to capture youth market 25. Risk vs. Reward 26. Whatdowehavetolose? What are the risks? You cant control the responses you receive online It can be difficult to have cut-through in a busy environment You may receive negative comments (but dont forget the good ones) What are the potential rewards? It is one of the most targeted ways to communicate with your target audience You are delivering information to them in an environment that regularly engage with It is a cost-effective approach (keeps the bosses happy!) Always remember If you are strategic and prepared in your approach your risk is much lower Youll never know if you dont try 27. Getting started 28. BePrepared Develop a strategy Conduct a social media audit Get the right team involved Develop a social media policy Workshop potential social media crisis scenarios Get your IT procedures and processes updated Know the law, procedures, policies and regulations Ensure you have adequate resources to engage your audience 29. During campaign 30. Berelevant Be clear on the campaign voice - who is speaking? Consider who will resonate with the campaign target audience Also consider the anti-campaign voice will there be criticism and where is it likely to come from? Accept that once you have started campaign you cant control everything that occurs Know your advocates and influencers and ask them what they think of your plans Check hashtags and why something is trending before you publish 31. Post campaign 32. Whatdoessuccesslooklike? Engagement rate is the best metric for benchmarking performance. Because social media involves a great deal of human interaction in its entire complexity, aggregating results to just one digit i.e. number of likes would be grossly inaccurate Fan growth, posts from you, your fans interactions your users wall posts, and the speed of your response determine your social success. This is measurable and can be match back to core business objectives. 33. Whatdoessuccesslooklike? 34. Uh oh . 35. Beresponsive Reality is that it happens decide what is worth reacting to and really damaging the reputation of your campaign/organisation Be prepared to change tack really quickly. How do you respond? Empower the people who need to decide on the spot Dont argue just correct misinformation What if your campaign is criticized or receives negative feedback? 36. Beadaptable Be clear on the numbers. Transparency and facts help you report up the line Look for the opportunity to change how things are done or perceived Accept that it can be a case of trial and error What if you are not getting the results you had hoped for? 37. Case studies 38. Whatsworkedwell 39. Whathasntworkedwell Lets create a viral video! 40. The future 41. Thank you