Social entrepreneurship: Changing the World

Social Entrepreneurship: Changing the world Arun Ramanujapuram [email protected] October 2010


The presentation covers

Transcript of Social entrepreneurship: Changing the World

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Social Entrepreneurship: Changing the world

Arun [email protected]

October 2010

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Its all about social change…A social entrepreneur is someone who

uses entrepreneurial principles to bring about social change

Mohammed YunusGrameen Bank, Bangladesh

MicrofinanceAlleviating poverty

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Social enterprises drive changePrimary goal is “social impact”

Livelihood or employment Better health Quality education Access to essential goods – water,

power, medicines, ……essentially, create positive change at

the “bottom of the pyramid”

Profits are a means to “sustain” Novel business models Novel service delivery models High efficiency

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Constraints are many…Undeveloped markets

Inadequate infrastructure

Lack of knowledge & skills

Restricted access to finances

Little or no regulations

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…but, opportunities existMeet basic needs of the poor

Food, quality water, power, sanitation and health-careIncrease productivity

Stronger access to information, products & servicesIncrease incomes

Poor as producers with stronger market accessIncrease knowledge and skills

More awareness, high-quality education, vocational training

Large numbers – nearly 3B poor people to serve!

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Some examples(scalable ones and new innovations)

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SKS - Microfinance Microfinance to poor (incomes < Rs.

20,000/year) Started in 1997 73,00,000 customers, 2266 branches, Rs.

16670 crores (USD 3.9B) disbursed Mechanism

Small loans Rs. 2000-12,000 to poor women - joint-group liability model

Repayment rate > 99% Technology

Smart-card based MF platform Web-based business intelligence portal Integrated & encrypted MPLS communication

network and a mission-critical data-center Social benefits

Alleviate poverty, improve livelihood

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SELCO – Solar lighting 100,000+ solar lighting systems in 15

years Karnataka & Gujarat 46% of households in India with no

electricity Technology

Photo-voltaic (PV) solar systems for lighting

Flexibility in usage How user’s pay

4-light home system: Rs. 18,000/- Cheaper than kerosene or dry-cell batteries

Initial capital via micro-finance, increased incomes repays loan

Social benefits Increase in incomes (longer work hours,

savings on kerosene!) Improved health (no kerosene smoke

inhalation!) Children can study well (no excuses!)

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Safari’s M-Pesa – Mobile money M-Pesa – mobile money

Person to person transfer, individuals to business, cash withdrawals, loans

12.6M customers, ~20,000 outlets Started 2007

Benefits Banking to the millions Savings now possible

“Eko” in India along with SBI





AddressableMobile market


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Kiva - Microloans

~800,000 users; ~5000,000 lenders; $165M in loans; 98.9% repayment rate

Business model Interest returned to lenders, part interest retained by Kiva

Technology Web service for anyone to lend money Easily track your loans, see impact – all online (web or mobile)

Benefits Alleviate poverty, improve livelihood

In India: RangDe is similar

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Samaanguru– Mobile supply-chain management Strengthen rural supply-chains via

mobile-phones Inventory management, Ordering Stock-level Optimization

Started 2009 – pilots underway Technology

Mobile-phone based data capture Cloud-based data processing Algorithms for inventory optimization

Business model SaaS, transaction-based pricing

Benefits Ensure availability of essential goods in

rural areas

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Key Challenges and Lessons

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Key Challenges

How to get adoption?How to monetize?How to scale?How to organize efficiently?How to raise capital?

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Social Enterprises are all-round innovation labs!Innovation and experimentation in every

possible aspect of business creation:

Customer developmentBusiness modelsService DeliveryTechnology (and usability)Organization modelsFunding models

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We need to build the runway first…

Market creation(expect undue delays!)

Towards monetization(expect false starts!)

Sustainable(expect turbulence!)

3-5 years +1-3 years +3-6 years

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Sustenance is key – varied models!Market research (early customer development)

Self-sustenance by entrepreneur(s)Grant-based funding – esp. given its research for social good

Customer developmentAngel and early-stage VC funding

MonetizationVCs – different ones at different levels of monetization

Sustainable BusinessCustomer revenues

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Customer development takes time Customers are of many types:

Private-sector organizations – e.g. a hospital with rural clinics Public-sector organizations - e.g. aid agencies NGOs – Who already have a field presence Government Village consumers – esp. for a consumer-based products

Typically, a multi-partner model works best Trusted and relevant partners are critical

Sales funnel should be crafted carefully Use case diversity, and probability of project success are important

Strategically seeking customers/partners, pro-actively anticipating needs

and adapting fast are critical!

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Business models have to be novelCustomers cannot pay much, or are not used to!

Product pricing evolves over time Learn and evolve fast – customer is also experimenting! Cultural factors important – economics will not always

work! Understand value-proposition and willingness to pay –

jointly with customer!

Extreme cost management is crucial Management personal and organizational costs

determines runway (initially) and margins (later)

Ensure BoP-friendly models and a deeply conscious ways of

running a business!

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Technology is essential to scale Scale can be achieved only with new technologies!

Technology has to be disruptive & created anew High usability (in resource-constrained environs) Low cost Easy ramp-up

Significant innovations are happening Water purification, solar lighting, smokeless stoves,

low-cost bamboo housing, … Information & transaction services via the “Mobile-


Low-cost technology has to be invented along with a

deep understanding of usability

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Measurements are criticalMetrics are hard to define and measure

E.g. Can we correlate number of school meals to improved literacy?

Data matters, but is hard to come by! Not easy to collect and manage data – mostly on

paper! Computers and mobile-cloud will make it easier

Need careful and trustworthy measurements Done by credible individuals or organizations

Efficient frameworks for collecting and visualizing metrics have to be designed


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Scaling impact is really hardPilot evaluations are easy, scaling is really hard!

Takes time, risks are high!

Needs: Low-cost technology that can scale Marketing to remote areas Scalable customer support Long-term capital

This is where most enterprises struggle! Few examples of

scalable models exist today.

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Funding models are evolvingNew types of “social” investors

Organized foundations E.g. Deshpande, Bill Gates, …

Angels Social venture capitalists

Social impact vs ROI Expect social outcomes Expect return on investments – perhaps, with lower margins

“Patient capital”?

Outcomes and timeliness of outcomes are unpredictable! Need a breed of investors who can wait!

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Social enterprise timelinesStart 5 years 13 years 15 years

SKS 8000customers


SELCO 500customers



5000 meals/day


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Entrepreneur’s challenges are immenseGetting fundingAttracting talentUnderstanding remote villager’s needsConvincing customersCreating usable technologyGetting customer to pay!Living frugallyManaging costs efficiently!Coping with family pressure…

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Most importantly…

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It is a journey of personal changeBuild deep compassion

Towards the underprivilegedDevelop strong passion

Towards a social goalPersevere, persevere, & persevere

Against all odds, over long periodsSimplify life, achieve sustenance

Voluntary simplicity – as found in villages today

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Let’s create a good future…

Be the change you wish to see…

Thank [email protected]://

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Reading ListMy Experiments with Truth, Mahatma Gandhi.Banker to the Poor, Mohammed Yunus. Innovator’s Solution, Clayton Christensen.Conscious Business, Fred Kofman.Voluntary Simplicity, Duane Elgin.Stanford Innovation Review

[]The Social Enterprise – Harvard Business School

[]Engineering Social Systems

[]Top 25 Social Entrepreneurship Websites
