Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic,...

Social-Emotional Education and Services

Transcript of Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic,...

Page 1: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,

Social-Emotional Education and Services

Page 2: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,



Page 3: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,



Page 4: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


Data Compiled by Center for Disease Control:

Page 5: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


• Social Media, School Stress, Helicoptering, general social unrest… Yes, yes, yes and yes, but not in and of themselves.

• "If you wanted to create an environment to churn out really angsty people, we've done it," says Janis Whitlock, director of the Cornell Research Program on Self-Injury and Recovery. Sure, parental micromanaging can be a factor, as can school stress, but Whitlock doesn't think those things are the main drivers of this epidemic. "It's that they're in a cauldron of stimulus they can't get away from, or don't want to get away from, or don't know how to get away from," she says.

Page 6: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


- 5SchoolPsychologists- 1Behaviorist(SharedwithSMS)

MiddleSchool:- 2SchoolPsychologists- 2.5YouthOutreachWorkers(LCSWs)- 4HouseCounselors

HighSchool:- 2.2GeneralSchoolPsychologists- 1SpecialProgramSchoolPsychologist- 2YouthOutreachWorkers(LCSWs)- 9Deans(GuidanceCounselors)

Page 7: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,

Social- EmotionalResourcesandStructuresforAllStudents




Page 8: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


• Coordinationofcommonlessonsthroughpsychologists

• SummerCASELcompetenciesanalysiswithrecommendations(SecondStep)

• Themesofkindness,fairness,empathy,sustainability,andsocialjusticewoventhroughoutthecurriculum(ExplicitandImplicit)K-12

• InnerResilience

• Additionalsupportshavebeendevelopedandadoptedbyindividualschoolsbasedontheneedsofthecommunities(availablethroughwebsite)

Page 9: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


• 6thGradeTransition

• CORE/Advisory

• PositivePsychologyandPERMAandweavingSELthroughoutthecurriculum

• Healthinallgradeswithpsychologistandyouthoutreachpush-in

• DatabaseProject:WellnessBestPractices

Page 10: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


• ChallengeSuccessSurveyandHighSchoolWellnessCommittee

• BlueprintforStudentWellness(Mindfulness)

• FreshmanSeminarandCIVED(optin)

• Sophomore,Junior,andSeniorSeminar

• Student-TeacherConnections

• WellnessCenter

Page 11: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,

Interventionvs.UniversalProgrammingMostStudents:- Needalittleinterventionsomeofthetime

SomeStudents:- NeedalittleinterventionmostofthetimeORintenseinterventionforashort


FewerStudents:- Needconsistentinterventionoverthecourseoftheiracademiccareers

Page 12: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


CapacityBuilding:- DirectProfessionalDevelopmentandSTI- Parentinggroupsandpresentations- Psychologists/Behaviorist/YouthOutreach


DirectConsultation:- Withteachers,parentsandoutsideproviders- Psychologists/Behaviorist/YouthOutreach


Page 13: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,

DirectIntervention“Counseling” - Onenamemany,approaches

GroupCounseling:- ExecutiveFunctioning- SocialSkills- MentalHealth- Anxiety,Depressionetc.- Temporaryormandated- PsychologistsandYouthOutreach


Page 14: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,


IndividualCounseling:- TemporaryorMandated- Acuteissues- Socialissues- Managementofmentalhealthissues- EducationalCounselingvs.Private

Counseling- Psychologists,YouthOutreachWorkers


Page 15: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,

DirectInterventionSpecialPrograms:ScarsdaleSupportProgram(SSP):- Allowsforintensiveinthemoment

support- Flexibilitywithschedulingand

workload- Fullycoordinatedacademicand

social/emotionalsupport- ParentsupportandtrainingTherapeuticSupportProgram(TIP):- Temporarytransitionalprogram- Intensiveshorttermacademicand

emotionalsupport- Scaffoldedre-entryintoclasses

Page 16: Social-Emotional Education and Services...NY State Benchmarks The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality,

DirectionsfortheFuture- “Tier2”typeservicesfor“atrisk”

students- ExploringprogramexpansionofSSPto

theMiddleSchool- Continueddiscussionaroundcohesion


- Workingwithcommunityandparentstoeducateandadvocate