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  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    Patterns in achieving social business success

    by leading and pioneering organizations

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success 3

    Change is the new constant. Organizations are being bueted simultaneously by a num-

    ber o macro-economic trends, such as compressed and highly volatile economic cycles,a shit o power in commercial relationships rom sellers to buyers and the continueddevelopment o an increasingly global, distributed workorce.

    Fortunately, there are new trends and capabilities in technology and business practicesthat can help organizations adapt to, even take advantage o, these macro-economicchanges. Cloud, mobile and social computing, when deployed together, can enable

    organizations to innovate and execute aster, better understand and serve their custom-ers, and build and empower a more-engaged workorce. This paper will ocus on how

    organizations can use social business practices and capabilities to transorm themselves,and create competitive advantage and substantial new value.

    A social business is an organization whose culture and systems encourage networks

    o people to create business value. Social businesses connect individuals, so they canrapidly share inormation, knowledge and ideas by having conversations and publish-

    ing inormal content. They analyze social content rom multiple channels and sources,in addition to structured data, to gain insights rom both external and internal stake-holders. When those things happen, innovation and business execution rates increase,

    better decisions are made, and customers and employees are more engaged and satis-ed. Social businesses enjoy lower operating costs, aster speed-to-market, improved

    customer and employee engagement, and increased protability.

    Many organizations dont get it. They do not ully appreciate the magnitude o the valuecreation potential o social business. One study estimates that as much as $1.3 trillion

    o potential value could be created by social business in just our industry sectors!3 In

    other words, social business is likely to spawn a level o business value creation similar tothat o the adoption o online commerce capabilities (ebusiness) a decade ago. However,

    the same study ound that, as o last year, just three percent o all organizations surveyedare deriving substantial benet rom social across all stakeholders.

    There are leaders across specic industries who do understand that social business repre-

    sents an enormous opportunity to transorm their organization and uel substantial valuecreation. Those companies are applying their own social capabilities not just Facebookand other public social networks to business processes that connect external and inter-

    nal stakeholders, including customers, partners and employees. They are transormingkey business processes by enabling the human interactions necessary to produce results

    when the eectiveness o automated process activities has been exhausted.

    Which socially-enabled business processes are producing meaningul value now? Bysocially transorming Customer Service, organizations have reduced their customer

    deection rate by as much as ve percent, increasing prots by up to 68 percent. Beingsocial has helped businesses cut as much as two-thirds o their new Product Develop-

    ment times. Human Resources unctions have reduced by two days New Hire On-Boarding time. Marketing departments have achieved a 100 percent increase in market

    exposure via social. And some organizations have jump-started their Sales processes,increasing sales manager revenue by 40 percent and improving sales eciency by up to50 percent, by better connecting sales people and customers.

    Exactly how are organizations transorming these processes and becoming socialbusinesses? What best practices have emerged? Those questions are addressed by theSocial Business Patterns on the ollowing pages.

    54%of companies expect to

    support their Customer

    Service processes with

    social capabilities within

    two years, up from 38%at present1

    60%will socially-enable their

    Sales processes in the

    next two years, up from

    46% now2

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    4 Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success

    Social Business PatternsOrganizations that are relatively experienced with social business perspectives andtechniques are seeing opportunities to improve specic business processes and their

    execution through the application o Social Business Patterns. These patterns aresimilar in concept to business process fows, in that each represents a repeatable,

    proven set o value-producing actions. Some organizations begin by applying just

    one pattern, but know they can realize compound benets by implementing mul-tiple patterns over time.

    Table 1 summarizes six Social Business Patterns that organizations can apply toquickly realize business results. More detail on each Social Business Pattern is

    described ollowing the table.

    Table 1: Social Business Patterns and how they produce value

    Social Business Patterns

    are similar in concept to

    business process ows,

    in that each represents arepeatable, proven set o

    value-producing actions.

    Social Business Pattern Value Producers

    Finding Expertise

    (See Page 5 for details)

    quickly locate the right people, or published content

    containing, the expertise needed to solve a problem

    connect the best possible resources to effectively

    respond to customer needs

    document and share reusable solutions to common issues

    create highly-engaged and productive employees

    Gaining External

    Customer Insights

    (Page 6)

    quickly learn customers opinions and preferences

    related to existing and potential products and services

    identify and connect with key customer inuencers to

    aid marketing efforts

    Increasing Knowledge


    (Page 7)

    more efciently and effectively capture, share and

    access knowledge

    increase innovation through wider reach of ideas

    reduce excessive, unproductive time spent searching

    and exchanging information

    Improving Recruitingand On-Boarding

    (Page 8)

    collaboratively nd and connect the r ight candidateto the right position

    streamline assessment and hiring processes

    better connect, engage and retain new hires

    contextually recommend expertise to increase new

    hires productivity

    Managing Mergers

    and Acquisitions

    (Page 9)

    increase overall success rate of merger and acquisition


    raise ef fectiveness of vision setting and communication

    before, during and after merger or acquisition

    accelerate creation of one company community and


    Enabling and Improving

    Workplace Saety

    (Page 10)

    speed communication of new or changed safety regula-

    tions, policies and procedures

    minimize or eliminate project execution delays arising

    from actual or potential safety issues

    improve innovation in safety procedures by increasing

    dialog between safety experts and workers

    Ive had more than 30conversations with IBMcustomers who have notonly implemented andbenefited from socialbusiness IT implementa-tion, but have quanti-fied the resultsthe ROIis real.4

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success 5

    Finding ExpertiseIt is dicult or most people to locate the best expertise needed to quickly resolveproblems or best address a business opportunity, whether that expertise resides

    inside another person or within published content. Employee engagement, eec-tiveness, and productivity suer as a result. Externally, this lack o readily-available

    expertise leads to ailures in closing sales opportunities, as well as lower satisaction

    among existing customers requiring service and support. This Social Business Pat-tern shows how relevant expertise can be captured, discovered and shared in supporto both internally- and externally-acing business processes.

    Business challenges

    Common challenges aced by organizations that could benet rom applying this

    Social Business Pattern include:











    Recommended Actions

    This Social Business Pattern eatures these distinguishing actions:




    partnersinthecontextoftheirwork Providesocialtoolsthatenableinternalandexternalstakeholderstocommuni-






    Observed Benefts

    Organizations that have applied the practices that constitute this Social BusinessPattern have observed the ollowing business benets:



    IBM Experience

    By any measure, the cumulative expertise o IBM employees is staggering. To bettertap into that wisdom, IBM has developed analytics, expert recommendation and otherexpertise location capabilities or internal use. Employee proles, blogs, emails (by

    permission), as well as content repositories and other inormation sources, are auto-matically crawled and manually searched to nd expertise.

    Lowes built internal commu-

    nities to share best prac-

    tices and see deeper into

    their human capital across

    stores. Clarissa Felts, Lowes

    VP o Collaboration, pre-sented at Connect 2013 and

    mentioned how using IBM

    Connections has improved

    their recruitment process

    within headquarters in fnd-

    ing proven talent that knows

    the store environment rom

    frst-hand experience.

    Asian Paints sales stamembers ound it difcult

    to share best practices and

    innovative ways o sup-

    porting dealers, and they

    had no way to post issues

    o concern to the entire

    sales team. IBM Connec-

    tions sotware is heav-

    ily used [now] in the sales

    department, which fnds it

    an excellent tool or solv-

    ing challenges by sharing

    innovations, expertise and

    best practices.

    adding social featuresand mobile access toCRM applications in-creased the productivityof sales people by 26.4percent5

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    6 Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success

    Gaining External Customer InsightsA recent survey ound that 96% o respondents indicated there was no meaning-ul integration between what the company was doing externally (e.g. social media

    outreach, customer and supplier communities) and internally with their social col-laboration platorms.8 Social businesses can take advantage o market opportunities

    because they use listening and analytics technologies to uncover insights, gleaned

    rom multiple channels and sources, about their customers. They then eed thoseinsights into internal social systems and processes, enabling employees to collabora-tively respond to customers with appropriate solutions. This Social Business Patternreveals how organizations can better serve their customers, speed new revenue gains

    and cut cost out o the product and service development process.

    Business challenges

    Common challenges aced by organizations that could benet rom applying thisSocial Business Pattern include:





    Recommended Actions

    This Social Business Pattern eatures these distinguishing actions:








    Observed BeneftsOrganizations that have applied the practices that constitute this Social BusinessPattern have observed the ollowing business benets:





    IBM Experience

    IBM has supplied its expertise and analysis capabilities to some o the premiere

    sporting events in the world, including the US Open tennis and Masters goltournaments. IBM works with event sponsors to help them quickly harness insightsto improve their understanding o the events operations. Event sponsors can also

    learn, in real-time, rom customer interaction with the events website.

    IBM has even run its own digital events, called Jams, during which insights aregained rom online discussions involving its employees, business partners, customers

    and other stakeholders. IBM also plans and conducts Jams on behal o customersseeking to learn more about their employees and external constituents.13

    [Ricoh] resolved these

    problems by reengineering

    the work process so that

    sta can publish docu-

    ments in rough orm using

    the SmartCloud EngageConnections capabilities

    that also allow global sales

    companies to collaborate

    on revisions. This change

    was partly motivated by a

    desire or a more proactive

    method o assimilating mar-

    ket and customer inorma-

    tion available to the global

    sales companies to more

    eectively provide products

    tailored to local needs.

    The solution was a sel-

    service portal called Lieline,

    [which] delivers services to

    all o Reliances key stake-

    holder groups, rom custom-

    ers and prospects to the

    companys employees and

    agents. The portal provides

    customers with a one-stop

    experience through which

    they can research and

    purchase insurance plans,

    manage their portolios and

    pay their premiums. Storing

    all customer and transac-

    tion inormation within a con-

    solidated data warehouse

    enables [Reliance] to see the

    big picture as to which prod-

    uct oerings are successul

    and which are not.

    Many corporate tech-nology companies havesocial media or analyt-ics products But IBMhas the early lead inmarrying the two14

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success 7

    Increasing Knowledge SharingPioneering social businesses are shiting their ocus rom discrete knowledge trans-actions to on-going knowledge relationships. These companies are creating value

    by sharing knowledge across internal barriers created by organizational structureand systems, and traditional borders between themselves and their partners and

    customers. They are also integrating gamication elements to reward individuals

    who openly share their knowledge. This Social Business Pattern demonstrates howto use social practices and capabilities to locate, share and use collective knowledgeor competitive advantage in todays ast-paced environment.

    Business challenges

    Common challenges aced by organizations that could benet rom applying this

    Social Business Pattern include:







    Recommended Actions

    This Social Business Pattern eatures these distinguishing actions:







    Observed Benefts

    Organizations that have applied the practices that constitute this Social BusinessPattern have observed the ollowing business benets:





    IBM Experience

    The research and proessional services organizations within IBM are excellentexamples o knowledge-driven businesses. IBM Research employees possess deep

    knowledge in specic areas o investigation; they include Nobel Laureates andwinners o other prestigious awards. Many o the researchers at the IBM Center

    or Social Business have been at the oreront o exploring how knowledge is sharedwithin organizations and what can be done to improve those methods and tools.They actively participate in IBM client engagements across all industries.18

    Blue IQ is a program that helps IBMers adopt social business practices, includingsharing knowledge. Since 2007, Blue IQ Ambassadors have volunteered their time

    and expertise to help their peers collaborate more successully. Ambassadors helptheir colleagues understand why knowledge sharing and other social practices are

    important to their work, as well as to the collective business results o IBM.

    Knowledge has becomethe key economic resourceand the dominantand

    perhaps even the onlysource of competitiveadvantage.15

    Russells Convenience

    needed an easy way to

    connect and share knowl-

    edge among its 25 stores

    and with its licensees,

    vendors and partners toquickly identiy and resolve

    operational issues. The

    company adopted the

    IBM SmartCloud Engage

    services to enable sta

    members to communicate

    more seamlessly and trans-

    parently across stores and

    with external stakeholders.

    TD Bank Group needed

    to improve internal com-

    munications and collabora-

    tion, standardize business

    processes and capitalize

    on its employees collective

    knowledge and experience.

    The company deployed IBM

    Connections social busi-

    ness sotware to provide...

    better business processes

    through knowledge and

    expertise uncovered by the

    network and more confdent

    decisions that are vetted

    by experts and reect past


  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    8 Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success

    Improving Recruiting and On-BoardingIt is increasingly important or organizations to identiy, hire and retain the bestavailable talent, in order to gain and maintain competitive advantage. Businessesmust also increase the eectiveness o their on-boarding activities to quickly get newhires acclimated and productive. This Social Business Pattern shows how to meetthose objectives by harnessing communities and social networks that connect externalcandidates with HR sta and hiring managers, as well as new hires with direct super-

    visors, team members and other sources o expertise.

    Business challenges

    Common challenges aced by organizations that could benet rom applying this

    Social Business Pattern include:





    Recommended Actions

    This Social Business Pattern eatures these distinguishing actions:






    Observed Benefts

    Organizations that have applied the practices that constitute this Social BusinessPattern have observed the ollowing business benets:






    IBM ExperienceWith a global headcount over 430,000, IBM has large-scale experience in recruiting,hiring and on-boarding new employees. Its Human Capital Management (HCM) pro-cesses are requently optimized and have become socially-enabled in recent years.

    IBM uses LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to support its external-acingrecruiting processes. Potential candidates can be made aware o country- and role-spe-cic positions or which IBM is hiring, as well as interact with IBM recruiters throughthese channels. IBM recruiters and hiring managers can learn about the candidate by

    conversing online with them and by visiting their social proles on the Web.

    During the IBM on-boarding process, new hires establish their internal social proleand connect with their supervisor and team members. New employees are also in-structed on ways to nd the inormation and expertise they will need to quickly becomea productive contributor at IBM, including the use o social capabilities.

    Working with Kenexa to

    use contextual targeting to

    fnd scientists in print and

    online, Regeneron ound

    400-600 scarce, highly

    skilled scientists per year,without sacrifcing on

    quality. In a ew short years,

    Regeneron has risen rom

    being unranked, to #2 in

    the 2011 edition o Science

    magazines Top Employers


    Executive search frm

    ZurickDavis uses a portolio

    o IBM technologies to

    support their work placing

    candidates with clients.

    Ater socially-enabling theirkey processes, ZurickDavis

    completes 30% more

    searches annually and flls

    positions in 25% less time.

    Their proftability has

    increased by 100%.

    [A new] applicant tracking

    system helped AMC Theatersfnd candidates who could

    thrive in its culture. As a result,

    theaters led by managers who

    most closely aligned with the

    ft strategy increased profts

    per customer by 1.2 percent,

    which translated into millions

    o extra dollars o net income.

    AMC increased candidate

    leads rom 250,000 in 2006

    to 1.4 million in a two-year

    period. AMCs ft strategy

    matched the right peopleto the right jobs, resulting in

    11 percent lower employee

    turnover rates.

    Think about it: much of what it really takes to get up thelearning curve doesnt come from some dusty old policyand procedure manual. It comes from what you learn fromthe people around you.24

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success 9

    Managing Mergers and AcquisitionsOne traditional way or organizations to create signicant value is through careullyconsidered mergers and acquisitions (M&A). However, ailure rates on M&A activi-

    ties are incredibly high, oten because the vision or, and culture o, the combinedentity is neither adequately considered, nor clearly communicated. This Social Busi-

    ness Pattern demonstrates how organizations can use social networking techniques

    and technologies to create and communicate a compelling, shared vision, improveM&A management activities and connect experts that will positively infuence boththe single culture and operations o the combined entity.

    Business challenges

    Common challenges aced by organizations that could benet rom applying this

    Social Business Pattern include:






    Recommended Actions

    This Social Business Pattern eatures these distinguishing actions:








    Observed Benefts

    Organizations that have applied the practices that constitute this Social BusinessPattern have observed the ollowing business benets:





    IBM Experience

    IBM has completed at least 120 acquisitions since 2001.27 Through those experiences,much has been learned about establishing a common vision, creating a single organiza-

    tional culture, managing integration activities and retaining engaged employees.

    IBM use o social capabilities has spanned the range o M&A processes. IBM

    employees work together, and with external partners, to assess and value potentialacquisition candidates. IBM teams build business cases together to justiy specicM&A action. Acquired employees participate in IBM on-boarding processes, which

    are inused with social practices and capabilities (see IBM Experience on Page 8).

    At TD Bank, ast growth

    through acquisitions

    compounded this chal-

    lenge; the bank now has

    more branches in the

    United States than inCanada. The banks

    solution was to deploy

    IBM Connections sotware

    to create an employee-

    driven social network. Key

    objectives were to help

    employees connect to

    others across the ar-ung

    enterprise; improve access

    to needed expertise and

    inormation that sta might

    not know about; and em-

    power sta to initiate com-

    munications, collaboration

    and social networking.

    Omron Europe was split into

    two divisions, with separate

    sales and marketing teams

    serving many o the same

    customers. Better com-

    munications and collabora-

    tion across divisions wouldhelp ensure that customers

    recognized the company

    as one Omron. We are

    much more than the sum

    o our parts, says Michael

    Min, Strategic Commu-

    nication and eMarketing


    companies spend morethan $2 trillion on acqui-sitions every year. Yetstudy after study puts thefailure rate of mergers andacquisitions somewherebetween 70 and 90%.25

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    10 Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success

    Enabling and Improving Workplace SafetyThe ocus today on saety in the workplace spans compliance and cost issues toproactive communication and collaborative innovation. That ocus is important. A

    study conducted by Caliornias Division o Occupational Saety and Health (Cal/OSHA) showed a 9.4 percent drop in injury claims and a 26 percent average savings

    on workers compensations costs in the our years ater a Cal/OSHA inspection.28

    This Social Business Pattern can help organizations transorm saety rom a sourceo liability to an asset by identiying and engaging relevant expertise, and by im-proving real-time situational awareness, communications and decision-making.

    Business challenges

    Common challenges aced by organizations that could benet rom applying this

    Social Business Pattern include:







    Recommended Actions

    This Social Business Pattern eatures these distinguishing actions:







    Observed Benefts

    Organizations that have applied the practices that constitute this Social BusinessPattern have observed the ollowing business benets:






    IBM Experience

    For decades, IBM has owned and operated a number o manuacturing plants, manyo which routinely house hazardous chemicals and use potentially-dangerous equip-

    ment to produce products. The company ormalized its commitment to workplace

    saety in 1967 and consistently demonstrates low workday case rates.30

    Developments in how IBM communicates workplace saety practices and procedures,

    as well as learnings rom assisting customers on saety issues, inorm this SocialBusiness Pattern.

    IBM paid close attention to customer eedback, eature requests and requirementswhile developing the latest iteration o its social enterprise suite. While the companyhas many point products in the social enterprise space, its new social business sot-

    ware suite brings all these products under a common platorm, making them easieror companies to implement.32

    We are always ocused

    on keeping the number o

    accidents as low as pos-

    sible, and we wanted to

    enlist the on-the-job exper-

    tise o our employees to fndthe best ways or maintain-

    ing a sae and productive

    work environment. says

    Adam Holbrook, Group

    European Environmental

    Health and Saety Manager

    at Doncasters Group Ltd.

    Keyera employees are widely

    separated by geography.Roughly one-fth o them

    work at headquarters. The

    rest are dispersed among 16

    gas plants. The organization

    deployed IBM Connections

    sotware to provide ready

    access to company inorma-

    tion and help employees

    share knowledge and inter-

    act with their peers in other

    operational areas. [Using

    Connections] helps Keyera

    ensure timely dissemination

    o critical saety policies and


    Organizational safetyculture is largely deter-mined by the effective-ness of safety communi-



  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    Social Business Patterns in achieving social business success 11

    IBM and Social BusinessIn early 2011, IBM publicly declared that it was becoming a social business, acceler-ating existing initiatives to better connect the organizations employees, customers,

    partners and suppliers. These eorts to transorm IBM culture, business processesand computing systems and, ultimately, its business outcomes have yielded

    global, rst-hand experiences with, and knowledge o, social business.

    Not only is IBM a social business itsel, but the company has also helped others ontheir journey to becoming social. More than 60 percent o Fortune 100 companies

    have licensed IBM solutions or social business.33 IBM consultants work daily withorganizations rom all industries and geographies to help them tap the transorma-

    tive power o social business. IBM Social Business Agenda workshops and SmarterWorkorce Integration Services are just two examples o the kinds o tightly interwoven

    cultural, process and technology guidance that IBM can provide to customers.

    This social business know-how has also inormed the design o related IBM sot-ware and cloud-based services, as well as their implementation and use, both within

    the company and in customer organizations. When IBM released IBM Connections,in 2007, it was one o the rst enterprise social sotware products in a nascent

    market. Since then, the IBM social platorm has grown and can now be used toembed social capabilities in any business process.

    IBM WebSphere Portal has proven itsel as an ideal container or role- and process-

    specic social activity. IBM Content Manager and IBM FileNet services marrytraditional enterprise content management practices with sharing o content in

    social channels. IBM unied messaging, analytics and web experience managementtechnologies have also been integrated into the IBM social platorm. With therecent acquisition o Kenexa and its award-winning Human Capital Management

    solutions, IBM is able to oer socially-enabled talent management capabilities.34

    Much o the IBM social platorm is accessible on mobile devices such as tablets and

    smartphones. In act, IBM social capabilities are available as native applications on a

    broader array o mobile operating systems than any o its competitors oer.

    IBM social business sotware and in-cloud services are requently recognized as indus-try leaders by the most infuential analyst rms. Those acknowledgements include:










    Through the combination o its deep social expertise, deployment and adoption

    services and market-leading social business capabilities, IBM is uniquely positionedto help organizations capture inormation, create insights and generate interactionsthat translate into real business value.

    IBM paid close attentionto customer feedback,feature requests andrequirements whiledeveloping the latestiteration of its socialenterprise suite. While thecompany has many pointproducts in the socialenterprise space, its newsocial business softwaresuite brings all theseproducts under a commonplatform, making themeasier for companies toimplement.32

  • 7/30/2019 Social Business - Patterns in achieving social business success by leading and pioneering organizations


    1. Cortada, James et al. The Business of Social Business: What works and how its done. IBMInstitute or Business Value, November, 2012

    2. ibid.3. Chui, Michael et al. The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social

    technologies. McKinsey Global Institute, July, 2012. The our industrial sectors areConsumer Packaged Goods, Consumer Financial Services, Proessional Services andAdvanced Manuacturing.

    4. Guptill, Bruce. Live rom Lotusphere: Customers and Accidental Social Business ROI.Saugatuck Technology Lens 360 Blog, January, 18, 2012

    5. Wettemann, Rebecca. Social, Mobile CRM Boost Sales Productivity. Nucleus Research, March, 2012

    6. Chui. op. cit.

    7. Cited by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty in her January 2013 kicko video

    8. Current State of Social Engagement inside the Large Enterprise. Dachis Group Social BusinessCouncil, August, 2012

    9. Reliance Life Insurance Corporation: Gaining market leadership with breakthrough self-service.IBM Corporation, 2010

    10. ibid.

    11. Ricoh generates new ideas with lateral communication on a global scale. IBM Corporation, 201212. Reliance, op. cit.

    13. For more inormation about IBM Jams, see

    14. OGrady, Stephen. Quoted in IBM Makes its Social Computing Strategy Smarter.NewYork Times Bits blog, January 16, 2012

    15. Drucker, Peter.Managing in a Time of Great Change. Truman Talley: New York, NY (1995), p. 271

    16. Chui. op. cit.

    17. ibid.

    18. For more inormation about the IBM Center or Social Business, see

    19. ZurickDavis increases sales by approximately 120 percent annually. IBM Corporation, 2012

    20. ibid.

    21. TD Bank Group gains cohesion with social business software. IBM Corporation, 2012

    22. Chui. op. cit.

    23. ibid.

    24. Judy, Charlie. Empower Employees or Success with Social Onboarding.HR Fishbowlblog, October 30, 2012

    25. Christensen, Clayton et al. The Big Idea: The New M&A Playbook.Harvard BusinessReview, March 2011

    26. Chui. op. cit.

    27. Eurobas et al. List o mergers and acquisitions by IBM. Wikipedia, 2012-2013

    28. Business Case for Safety and Health. United States Department o Labor, Occupational Saety& Health Administration.

    29. Connecting Employee Engagement and Key Metrics Impacts the Bottom Line for Caterpillar.Kenexa Corporation, 2012

    30. See

    31. Williams, Joshua. Improving Saety Communication Skills: Becoming an EmpathicCommunicator.

    32. Carvalho, Larry. Notes rom LotuSphere and thoughts on IBM. GigaOM Pro Blog, January18, 2012

    33. IBM to Acquire Kenexa to Bolster Social Business Initiatives. IBM Corporation, August 27, 2012.

    34. For a list o awards with which Kenexa has been honored, see

    35. IDC Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker, 2H 2012. IDC, April, 2013

    36. Gilbert, Market al. Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management. Gartner, October, 2012

    37. Koplowitz, Rob. The Forrester WaveTM: Enterprise Social Platforms, Q3 2011. ForresterResearch, August, 2011

    38. Keitt, TJ. The Forrester WaveTM: Cloud Strategies of Online Collaboration Software Vendors, Q32012. Forrester Research, August, 2012

    39. Rowan, Lisa.IDC MarketScape: Worldwide HR BPO 2012 Vendor Analysis. IDC, Document#237630, November, 2012

    Copyright IBM Corporation 2013

    IBM CorporationRoute 100Somers, NY 10589

    Produced in the United States o AmericaApril 2013

    IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks oInternational Business Machines Corp., registered inmany jurisdictions worldwide. Other product andservice names might be trademarks o IBM or othercompanies. A current list o IBM trademarks isavailable on the web at Copyright and trademarkinormation .

    This document is current as o the initial date opublication and may be changed by IBM at any time.Not all oerings are available in every country inwhich IBM operates.


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