Social Bookmarking Success Guide

Social Bookmarking Success Guide


This guide will help you use the major Social Bookmarking sites. Equipped with instructions, tips, ideas and graphics find everything you need to know about Social Bookmarking Marketing.

Transcript of Social Bookmarking Success Guide

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Social BookmarkingSuccess Guide

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Social Bookmarking Sites Can:

Introduce new sites

Drive traffic to your site

Help you obtain backlinks

Help you establish authority

Expose your content

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Helping Our Bots: Social Bookmarking Sites Help Search Engines By:

Exposure- When you first start a blog or create a webpage, your content will most likely have little exposure. For this reason, Social Bookmarking sites will help you get your content out into the world and perhaps even drive traffic to your site.

Votes- The greater amount of votes (Diggs, StumbleUpons, Reddits, etc.) a page has, the more useful it usually is. This page may also rank higher in the Google algorithm.

Authority –The better the quality of the content, the more relevant it will be to search engines. Quality may also be established by the number of bookmarks from varied users and Social Bookmarking sites.

Meta Tags- While meta tags may not help you much with the bots, it does, indeed, help you get more click through rate from users by categorizing your content.

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And The Winners Are: Top Social Bookmarking Sites You Must Use





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StumbleUpon How Tos

How exactly does StumbleUpon work?

StumbleUpon has several cool features that are often overlooked by the naked eye. Most of these features are easy to use but may sometimes confuse a user. That is why with this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to navigate the site easily and in a timely manner.

You may use it as a reference template or you may just want to train your crew with it. Whatever you do, The only requirements now, is for you to give me your full attention.

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Tool Bar

This is what the toolbar looks like

This is what the toolbar looks like

If you like a page

If you don’t like a page

If you want to post something on Facebook

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Tool Bar

If you want to share a message. You may also post it on:

• Facebook• Twitter• LinkedIn

If you want to comment on a post.

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Tool Bar

If you want to edit modes, interests and channels

If you want to view your profile

If you want to view your stats

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Profile This is what the toolbar looks like

This is what your profile page looks like.

This is what your profile page toolbar looks like.

Click “Add a new page” to submit your content

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Adding Feed

Should be a minimum of 3 tags. Tags should also be detailed

Your URL here

Comments are recommended. Be as descriptive as possible. This will help with content indexing and location.

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Under the “Discover” tab you may follow:

• Interests• Stumblers• Channels

Being active and connecting with other users is key.

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Digg How Tos

There should be no excuse for not having Digg as one of your major Social Bookmarking sites. Perhaps the most user-friendly and fastest of all Social Bookmarking sites, Digg allows you to share countless information with one click.

This site lets you discover, share and recommend top news content which you can also subscribe to be sent to your e-mail. Digg offers a no-follow system of bookmarking and may generate leads that rank directly in the main search engines. In need of a personal newspaper? Take advantage of Digg’s free features.

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Tool Bar and SettingsThis is what the toolbar looks like

To add your feed, click on “Submit a link”

Include your URL here

To change your settings click here

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Reddit How Tos

Reddit is another Social Bookmarking site worth considering. This site may help you bump traffic to your blog significantly. Main key points to remember when using Reddit is to always post varied content. Reddit hates promotional content. Also keep titles and photos catchy. For some reason, this site emphasized in these details.

As far as content, personal stories, humor, leisure and creative material make the top categories according to Reddit users. Avoid posting technical material. Instead, craft something wild and see it shine.

One more thing. Subreddits are categories in which you may include your content for more exposure. When assigning your content to a subreddit, remember to choose wisely. This includes selecting a category that has enough activity.

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Tool Bar

Log in or Sign Up

This is what the toolbar looks like

Check your “Reddits”, “Popular Reddits” and “New Reddits”

Check your “messages”, “preferences” and “logout”

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Submitting a Feed

You may add a linkOr you may add text

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Delicious How Tos

Delicious tends to be the standard by which other Social Bookmarking sites are compared to. Crafted with a minimalistic design, it has a very effective interface which users love.

Delicious is perhaps the best option for someone who’s starting to get acquainted with Social Bookmarking. With this site you can enjoy features such as: being able to save your favorite webpages and having easy access to come back again and again. It also lets you search for bookmarks using keywords or related tags.

Delicious is known to have a strong community of users. The site is user-friendly and lets you add friends easily.

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Tool BarYour main page would look somewhat like this:

To import bookmarks from your browser

To save your links use

To view your profile and change settings

To add a link

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Submit a Feed

Paste your URL here

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It’s All About Sharing! Social Bookmarking Tools

Social Bookmarking is a process worth establishing in your Marketing plan. Why? Think about the role of these sites. They are meant to expose interesting content often categorized by niche. They are also great at recommending trending content. If you think about it, not only might you establish a certain authority, but you can also search for content to blog about. It’s a win-win for you and for your fellow Social Bookmarking community. Get out there and share your mazing content!

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Social Bookmarking Sites for the Educational Community

BibSonomy- This site is designed for university students who want to research and share bibliographies.

Citeulike- This site helps students share and organize academic papers.

Connotea-This is a social bookmarking site for researchers.

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Social Bookmarking Sites for Self Promotion

Blipoo: This site allows self promotion! Yes. You heard right. Boost your blog traffic by creating an account.

Claimid- With this site you have the power to manage your identity by bookmarking other sites that contain content about you. You can build backlinks this way.

Freezilla- It’s known as the first Web 2.0 promotional and networking tool.

Sk*rt- For those of you in Reputation Management, this is a site that targets women.

Vuju- This site allows you to tag and promote your content.

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Social Bookmarking for the Marketing Community

Llogo-This site is used for displaying your favorite webpages in aesthetic ways.

Marktd- This site identifies articles and trends that are important to the Marketing community.

Mysitevote- This site lets you vote for different websites and lets you view how popular they are.

Philoi- This site is known as a link sharing haven.

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Social Bookmarking Sites You Must Not Overlook

Searchles- This site is loved by the giant Google and all the other search engines. Why? Because of it’s high term rankings and link popularity. Check it out!

Sitebar- This site is known to work in multiple browsers.

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Free Goodie! Social Bookmarking Publishing Template

Check out this article for a free Social Bookmarking Publishing Template!