Social action evaluation

Social Action Evaluation Nicole Tunningley

Transcript of Social action evaluation

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Social Action Evaluation

Nicole Tunningley

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Posters - Evaluation• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?

The original intended purpose of my posters were to inform and raise awareness and I feel that it does achieve that purpose design-wise• Do they communicate your message clearly?

I wanted my information/statistics to have certain impact as with my subject a lot of people were unaware that it was even an issue.

The first poster draft I made, I eventually decided to discard as I didn’t feel that it communicated what I wanted it to and didn’t really have an impactful message with the aesthetic I wanted.• Are they appropriate for your target audience?

Most of my poster products are appropriate for my target audience as they aren’t too mature for younger people to feel uncomfortable and they aren’t too youth-orientated so that the older side of my demographic feel isolated from the subject.

According to my feedback people do believe that the aesthetic of my work suits the subject under discussion.

Also, the statistics aren’t to grim for people, they just make them think about how much of a problem transphobia is.


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Comparison to professional products:

One clear difference between the professional product and my own, is that they have used genuine photographs of a trans women to give a visual representation of trans people.Another difference is that the poster has more text and even a statement from the subject.One reason I came up with the basic ‘toilet sign gender stereotypical’ aesthetic is so that it is easily recognizable. I feel that if I did as the other poster had and designed it around a photographed subject not only would it be unnecessarily difficult for my subject but I wouldn't get the same vibe On my survey, quite a few people responded saying that my posters seems basic. I do have this aesthetic purposefully to enhance how childish this poster in particular is, though I do admit after looking at the survey responses that they could have something more to them.

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Logo - Evaluation• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?

I think my finished pieces do fit the purpose I intended them to as they metaphorically resemble my aims for the campaign whilst also having a recognisable and professional appearance about it. • Do they communicate your message clearly?

My chose logo (far left) has all the components I wanted for my logo, such as the trans sign, the earth (to represent it as a global subject) and my paper chains(stood together to represent unity). This I do believe is represented and communicated throughout my work• Are they appropriate for your target audience?

The was a positive response in my survey in which a responder stated that they liked my logo in particular out of all my work, so I am presuming that people do in fact consider it both appropriate and suitable for my subject

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Comparison to professional products:

The producer of the professional poster and myself both decided to go for the approach in which we include the trans sign in our logos.One thing that separates my logo from theirs is the way they have represented unity, my logo shows what seems almost like ‘paper men’ stood around the sign. But the other logo has the hands in a impactful way resembling strength in the unity interlocking with the sign to make it more specific.When comparing my logo to another of a more professional standard, I have come up with thins I could improve on. For one, my paper chain people are not interlocking in any way, if they were for example holding hands it would increase the aspect of unity in my logo.

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Bookmark - Evaluation• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?

I wanted to create something that would be easily distributed and quite eye-catching and the aesthetic is very clearly related to my subject. (Blue – Male, Pink – Female and Yellow – Gender Neutral)• Do they communicate your message clearly?

Out of all my work I think this design is very informative on the subject which is what people unaware of the problems of it need.

Statistically, it teaches people uneducated on the subject the problems that can occur. Whilst also discussing the solutions for any of the problems that people involved may go through, either with themselves or people they know. There are sections on the product that tell you who to contact, to help them through it.• Are they appropriate for your target audience?

Informatively and aesthetically, yes, I would say that this particular piece of work is appropriate for my target audience.

I would say so as it isn’t visually inappropriate for the younger side of the spectrum whilst also not being too statistically dull for the older end.

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Leaflet - Evaluation• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?

Yes, I believe it does. As I wanted a more compact version of the information and aesthetic scene previously but printed as like a foldable, informative structure. I particularly like how (when it is folded up) it has the title of the subject on the front and helplines, important information on the back almost like it is a business card• Do they communicate your message clearly?

I believe that it does communicate my message quite clearly and in a better form than my bookmark does, it carries the same information and images but I think my leaflet is better as it leaflet has more purpose.• Are they appropriate for your target audience?

My leaflet is just as appropriate for my audience as my bookmark is informatively but practically it is more appropriate.

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Comparison to professional products:

The only piece of work I could find that even remotely relates to the aspect/content of both my bookmark and leaflet is an online leaflet pdf by in which they educate someone who knows nothing about trans problems on subjects such as gender Dysphoria, how it is not relatable to their sexual orientation etc. This leaflet is called ‘Gender Awareness’, it contains trans terminology, support links, contact information, how to support a trans person and trans discrimination from the media.Aside from all that, they have little images on their work which makes it seem quite dull, the images also are not original unlike mine and the overall layout seems slightly out of proportion in comparison.

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Merchandise - Evaluation

• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?

I wanted to make a piece of merchandise that not only had aesthetically purposes but practical ones to, the interchangeable sweatbands I do believe fit that purpose. However, I do not believe that my hat design does meet it’s initial purpose to be worn at campaign event to promote the cause. This is because aesthetically, I do not feel that it would be worn wilfully on another occasion. Maybe without the logo in the centre people would feel more inclined to wear it.• Do they communicate your message clearly?

Honestly, I don’t think that my merchandise communicate my message clearly, this is because I don’t think that people who don’t know anything about the subject won’t recognise it for what it is• Are they appropriate for your target audience?

I do think that my merchandise is appropriate for my target audience as hopefully they would be the ones wearing/using it for it’s informative (promoting) purposes.

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Comparison to professional products:

The professional piece of merchandise I found that I may compare to mine, is a very basic trans colour schemed version of the rubber bands typically used for promotional/charitable purposes.I like this idea because it is how a trans person identifies and this is them showing the public that they are trans in a proud fashion. My favored piece of merchandise (sweatbands) seems to me more practical for gender fluid people, who go between genders as it helps people use the correct pronouns. They do not help however if people do not wish to be gendered at all and prefer‘They’ pronouns, which could be Something that I could work to improveon.

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Target audience - product preference

Product preference amongst my target audience is quite varied, but through the results it is clear that my preferred product was my leaflet.A lot of people in my survey stated that they like my leaflet and posters because of how informative they were as they felt that is what is needed for such a subject.

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Evaluation - AestheticI created an aesthetic that is slightly childish for my subject as I felt that it suited it and I was relieved to see that 5 out of 6 of my respondents either agree or understand why I did.Overall, none of my target audience that responded to my questionnaire didn’t like the art style/layout I chose for my subject/products, which is essentially all I really needed to know.

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Evaluation - StatisticMy work was appreciated throughout and is seen with typically varied people’s opinions in the comments of some questions.Most people, which is to be expected from the younger side of the age range, already believed that transphobia and gender discrimination was wrong. So they simply stated this and then how my work has only cemented their opinion on the subject.Therefore to get a more varied opinion I would need to target the old side of the spectrum.

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Evaluation – Impact on the public

Though at a first glance it seems people do not think my work has much meaning it can be explained throughout the rest of the results.Essentially, all of my responders had ticked the box for being 19 or younger. So all I have is a youthful opinion on the matter rather than an older more traditional aspect on the situation which would give me a more varied possible stronger opinion.

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How it made my target audience feel

It was clear from the responses that occurred from these questions on the survey that people knew that transphobia and ender discrimination was bad. But they all had learnt something from the statistics and facts I used in places such as my posters and leaflet/bookmark.