SociaI media governance: Supporters and detractors

Social Media Policies, Procedures and Governance Nikki Van Dusen, MA President, NikComm Inc. @nikkivandusen #iMedia2015 Breakout Sessions

Transcript of SociaI media governance: Supporters and detractors

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Social Media Policies, Proceduresand Governance

Nikki Van Dusen, MAPresident, NikComm Inc. @nikkivandusen

#iMedia2015 Breakout Sessions

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Issues. I have them. I solve them. (sometimes i’ve caused them)

University of Alberta

Government of Alberta


Now … on call issues management (NikComm)


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Supporters and Detractors Part 2

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Reduce risk caused:

The organization


Your audience

Risk Mitigation Governance Toolkit




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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Reduce risk caused:

The organization


Your audience

Risk Mitigation Governance Toolkit




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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Things will go wrong Think “when,” not “if.”

image via

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Issue vs. “Crisis”Definitions & Categories

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

MisinformationMistakeOrganizational Crisis

Types of Issues

Misinformation: Someone else is wrong Mistake: you’re wrong Organizational Crisis: impending or actual harm to people, property, public

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Pages someone else controlsPages you controlWhere they occur

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Reducing External Risk: Your “arsenal”

Plans, systems, tools, messages

Participation guidelines

Technological checks & balances


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

The general who wins the battle makes many [plans] ... before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few [plans] beforehand.

The Art of Social Media War


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015


Marketing or communication plan


Support & approval systems



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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Positive Interactions

A good reputation is not something you earn when you need it

You need to be implementing a proactive marketing/comms plan


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Monitoring & Response

Have systems & procedures in place

Interaction Assessment Flowchart

Response matrix


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Simple issues messaging & response matrix


Interaction Response PrioritySpecific

Response Consideration

Additional Assets Additional Approvals

Highly negative and untrue (possibly slanderous)

Immediate (but after quick strategic assessment)

Correct misinformation

Link to reference content that supports response

Record entry

Mgmt & Exec

Possible involvement of legal

Critical but wrong Quick

Gently correct misinformationCommenter should not feel embarrassed

Link to reference content that supports response


Question about services QuickResponse should address question simply and directly

Service provider contactLink to relevant information on our website

None (provide courtesy follow-up to service provider if consult wasn’t necessary)

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Your accounts & websites

Keep the response local unless:

someone else jumps channels


Use your own blog as a base


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

“Bring them back to your place”

Be able to publish your own side.

Break your own news.


Your primary audience is still reached.


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Dark sites & Pages

Pre-made sites or pages for crisis situations

Kept un-published until needed


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

The Art of Social Media War

For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.



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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

When the mistake is yours …

Be transparent

Apologize for errors

Explain deletions


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Be transparent

Disclose mistakes.

Indicate edits that change the meaning with:

“Update” & [UPDATED]




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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologize for errors

Friendly, self-deprecating tone

Actually apologize

Say what you’ll change


You have one chance to get it right. Make it count.

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologies Severity of error will dictate how you have to apologize.

Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! 'She died 3 days b4 he became president'. #nbcpolitics

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologies Severity of error will dictate how you have to apologize.

Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! 'She died 3 days b4 he became president'. #nbcpolitics

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologies Severity of error will dictate how you have to apologize.

Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! 'She died 3 days b4 he became president'. #nbcpolitics

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologies Severity of error will dictate how you have to apologize.

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologies Severity of error will dictate how you have to apologize.

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Apologies Severity of error will dictate how you have to apologize.

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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Explain deletions

Deleting is generally bad

If you must delete say why

Comment policy violation



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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Reducing risk from your audience

Manage expectations

Have rules for participating



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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Let technology help



spam filters




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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

The Art of Social Media War

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.



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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Identifying a troll



Prior behaviour

Actions of others


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Dealing with trolls

Try to be nice.


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

If trolling persists

Ignore the troll

Restate your position

Give the troll an offline out

Deliberately misinterpret*

Delete comments†

Ban the troll§


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@nikkivandusen #iMedia2015

Final questions?


I’z hiding from teh social media ...