socia studies

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    Made by:

    Group no.05

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    This project is a join effort andI would like to thank mygroup members for their

    ideas, time and support.

    I would like to thankmy s.stteacher for guiding me inpresentation. I would like to

    thank Yahoo and Google forproviding information.


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    Issues of Climate Summit

    Countries involve in summit

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    Formation: 2007

    Type: Global ClimateCollaboration

    Legal status: Foundation

    Headquarters: Copenhagen,Denmark

    Region served: Worldwide

    Chairman:Tim Flannery

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    The Copenhagen Climate Council is a

    global collaboration betweeninternational business and sciencefounded by the leading independent thinktank in Scandinavia. The councilors of the

    Copenhagen Climate Council havecome together to create global awarenessof the importance ofthe UN ClimateSummit(COP15) in Copenhagen,December, and approving on a new climatetreaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol from1997.

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    Issues of Climate Summit Since last decade, global warming and

    climate change has become an issue of greatconcern at the international platform. Thepolicy makers from all over the world have decided

    to unite and chalk out a plan to keep the badeffects of global warming within safetylimits. Recently lat year climate conference washeld up in Copenhagen from 6th to 18thDecember 2009 where the governments of

    different nations meet for the last time before theKyoto Protocol to prevent climate changes andglobal warming runs out at 2012.

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    Global Warming

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    The world is getting technically

    and scientificallyadvancedresulting in setting up of hugefactories and projects. It's obviousthat more factories means morepollution and more carbon

    emissions which highly makeworse global warming. Actuallythe fact is that we feel hardlyconcerned about the effect the global

    warming is having on our locality andat a large scale, on the world.

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    Standing today towards the door of2010,the entire world is lookingforward towards a successful andjoint agreement at the Copenhagenclimate conference. Subsequentlyseveral key issues have come upwhich needs to be resolved first by thegovernments of the world before wecan come to a successful conclusion.The United States have agreed toreduce carbon emissions by17% by2020 over 2005. Now they demandIndia to reduce its emissions by 20-25% within 2020.

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    India is a developing country

    which is growing presently at a rateof8%. But US is technically a fardeveloped nation than India andobviously they should be taking the

    upper hand in reducing theglobal

    warming across the world.Prime Minister Manmohan

    Singh recently stated that Indiahas the forceful to reduce carbon

    emission not only by20-25% butto a level of 37.

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    Recently a group ofUK scientists

    have warned that ifthe globalwarming is allowed to increase atthe present rate, the temperature ofthe world can increase by4 degreecentigrade within 2060whichis earlier than expected. A simplerule that needs to be followed isthat the biggest gainers shouldmake the biggest sacrifices.

    Otherwise the issue of globalwarming will result in a barrier tothe underdeveloped countries.

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    Countries involve in summit Argentina


    Australia India


    Mexico Brazil

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    Japan Russia

    Saudi Arabia

    South Africa


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    Keeping focus on the entire

    situation, we must join hands to

    fight global warming and make the

    world a better place to breadth andlive on.

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