So you want to have a hack day?

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A short presentation given at BarCamp Non Profits London 2013 on February 21, 2013.

Transcript of So you want to have a hack day?

  • 1. So you want to have a hack day?#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013

2. present an itch to be scratched. problem solving agreat uniter of disparate skills and intros between strangers#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 3. it may be easier to bring good connectivity to a place of comfort, safety and habitability than vice versa#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 4. the hackers are your guests - make them welcome, introduce them to each other, careabout them.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 5. make it about learning - everyone there should be encouraged, enthused to learn.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 6. recognise excellence: have an expert assessment on hand to award, and give deep feedback#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 7. recognise effort and ebullience: have a peer assessed peoples choice award.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 8. make stories: blog, micro blog, podcast & doregular show & tells. make a shared narrative that attendees join.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 9. remove friction. Food, network, other basics onhand. Dont ask - just do.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 10. chase problems: if someone even looks like they have an issue chase it down and fix it.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 11. Catering is critical: its not just food, it is a social cycle for reflection and refreshment and collaboration.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 12. consider a pop-up hackspace - new tools can inspire new ideas.#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 13. With thanks toAnt Miller / @meeware andMichael Saunby / @msaunby for the content of this presentation#barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013 14. #barcamnfp LondonFebruary 21, 2013